----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE STACKER SETUP ON SMALL HARD DRIVES (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4011 (05-10-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND If you are setting up Stacker 4.0 on a small hard disk such as 20 MB, you may not have sufficient room to compress the disk. You will receive a message during Setup concerning how much free space you need on the hard disk in order to compress it. The Stacker files themselves take over 3MB of disk space. This document tells you how to Setup Stacker using the minimum space. SOLUTION 1. Make sufficient free space on the drive to Setup Stacker. If you do not have enough free space, you should receive a message during Setup about how much space you do need. Backup enough files or programs from the hard disk, then delete the files from the disk. You may use the DOS BACKUP command, or a third party utility to make your backup. See your DOS documentation for using the BACKUP command. 2. Run the Stacker Setup as you would normally. See the Stacker User's Guide for details. Allow Setup to compress the entire drive. 3. After Stacker is setup, open the file FILELIST.TXT (found in the STACKER directory) in any text editor. Note the files that are listed as optional. You may delete these files from your Stacker directory in order to minimize the Stacker installation and save space on your hard disk. Naturally the functionality of these files will not be available, but Stacker will perform its basic purpose of compressing your hard disk. 4. Restore any files you removed to make space on the drive. See the documentation for your Backup/Restore utility for details. If you used the DOS BACKUP command to backup the files from your disk, see the DOS documentation on the RESTORE command. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics