----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE STACKER 4.0 & QEMM 7.0/DOSDATA.SYS (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4102 (02-22-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND QEMM version 7.0x includes a device driver called DOSDATA.SYS. If you have QEMM versions prior to 7.03, you may find that your computer "hangs" at that line during startup. SOLUTION - Modify your CONFIG.SYS to permit the startup process to proceed. - Upgrade to QEMM version 7.03. Modify your CONFIG.SYS to permit the startup process to proceed When starting your computer with QEMM installed, you may press the ALT key to boot without installing DOSDATA.SYS. This will allow you to modify your CONFIG.SYS file. 1. Restart your computer. After the machine "beeps", press and hold the ALT key. When you receive the on-screen message to press to unload DOSDATA, release the ALT key and press ESC. 2. At the DOS prompt type ED /C . 3. Add the following switches to the end of the DOSDATA device line: /B:2001 /IODATA-. the line should now look like this: DEVICE=C:\QEMM\DOSDATA.SYS /B:2001 /IODATA- 4. Save the file and restart your computer. Upgrade to QEMM version 7.03 Contact Quarterdeck to upgrade to version 7.03 of QEMM. You may then remove the switches from the DOSDATA.SYS line. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics