----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE 386MAX 7.0 AND STACKER 4.0 (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4103 (03-16-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND If you are using 386MAX or BlueMAX version 7 you may receive a message on startup that "VCPI services are not available". The issue is the interface between 386MAX and Stacker's use of DPMS. SOLUTION - Using DPMS. - Running Maximize with DPMS. - Using Stacker, 386MAX, and Windows. Using DPMS In order to use Stacker's DPMS, you must have EMS paging available from 386MAX. If you currently have EMS=0 active in 386MAX.PRO, DPMS will fail with the error message above. To correct this error, you must edit the 386MAX.PRO file in the 386MAX directory. Bring up the 386MAX.PRO file in any text editor and locate the line: EMS=0 Remove this line and in its place add: NOFRAME With the NOFRAME option active, 386MAX provides EMS paging services for DPMS.EXE, but does not set up a page frame for LIM 4.0 compliant programs. If you want an EMS page frame available, remove EMS=0 from 386MAX.PRO using any text editor. After removing EMS=0 run INSTALL/R from the 386MAX directory on your hard drive. During INSTALL /R, when you are asked if you would like to have EMS services, respond YES. Don't forget to re-run Maximize after changing your configuration. Running Maximize with DPMS The DPMS.EXE driver cannot be loaded into high memory. So that 386MAX does not attempt to load DPMS.EXE into high memory, edit the 386LOAD.CFG file in the 386MAX directory using any text editor. At the beginning of the list of driver names, add a line that reads as follows: G DPMS.EXE 00/00/00 Save the 386LOAD.CFG file. MAXIMIZE will not attempt to load any files with the G flag into high memory. Using Stacker, 386MAX, and Windows Qualitas does not recommend loading the Stacker driver into EMS memory if you intend to use Microsoft Windows and 386MAX. If you enabled EMS during Setup, disable it from the STACKER.INI file. 1. From the STACKER directory, type: ED /I . This will bring up the STACKER.INI file in an editor. 2. Locate the line: /EMS 3. Remove the line and save the file. 4. Restart your computer for the changes to take effect. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics