----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE CANNOT FIND DEVICE TO RUN WINDOWS ENHANCED MODE (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4203 (03-24-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND If the file DPMS.EXE is being loaded from an uncompressed swapped drive, or a Stacker drive which is not swapped, you will receive the error message "Cannot find a device file that may be needed to run Windows in 386 Enhanced mode". You may correct this situation by modifying your CONFIG.SYS file. SOLUTION - Determine where DPMS.EXE is being loaded from in CONFIG.SYS. - Determine a location to place DPMS.EXE that will not cause an error. - Modify CONFIG.SYS to properly load DPMS.EXE. Determine where DPMS.EXE is being loaded from in CONFIG.SYS 1. From the DOS prompt, type: ED /C . This will bring up your CONFIG.SYS file in an editor. 2. Note the line that is loading DPMS.EXE. It will look something like this: DEVICE=X:\STACKER\DPMS.EXE where x is a drive letter. Write down this drive letter. Determine a location to place DPMS.EXE that will not cause an error 1. From the DOS prompt, type: STACKER . This will display a Stacker drive map. 2. Locate the line displaying the drive that you noted above. For this example we will assume this is drive D. 3. For the error message to occur your drive map would look something like one of the two examples below. a. If DPMS.EXE is loaded from an uncompressed swapped drive: Drive C was drive C at boot time [ D:\STACVOL.DSK = nnnMB ] Drive D was drive D at boot time b. If DPMS.EXE is loaded from a Stacker drive which is not swapped: Drive C was drive C at boot time Drive D was drive D at boot time [ C:\STACVOL.000 = nnnMB ] 4. In either case, loading DPMS.EXE from drive C instead of drive D will solve the problem. Modify CONFIG.SYS to properly load DPMS.EXE You may also need to copy DPMS.EXE to the drive from which it will load. 1. Change to drive from which you will load DPMS.EXE. In this example, that would be drive C. 2. Locate the STACKER directory. If the Stacker directory does not exist, create it by going to the root directory and typing MD STACKER . Then change to the STACKER directory. 3. Copy the DPMS.EXE file from its source. In this example you would type: COPY D:\STACKER\DPMS.EXE 4. If you had to create the STACKER directory, also copy the Stacker editor. Type: COPY D:\STACKER\ED.EXE 5. Type ED /C . Again look for the DPMS line in CONFIG.SYS. 6. Change the line to load DPMS.EXE from the drive you have selected. In this example you would change the line to read: DEVICE=C:\STACKER\DPMS.EXE 7. Save the file and restart your system. You will now be able to start Windows in enhanced mode. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics