----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE FILE ALLOCATION TABLES NOT IDENTICAL USING CHECK.EXE (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4404 (03-01-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND You may receive a warning message that your File Allocation Tables (FATs) are not identical when you run CHECK. You will be asked which copy of the FAT to use to repair the error. This document will assist you in making that decision. SOLUTION - Review the option message. - Select the correct copy of the FAT to repair the error. Review the Option message. After you are warned that the two copies of the FAT are not identical, CHECK will advise you that it will run its integrity checks a second time, using the alternate copy of the FAT. Errors may be reported, but usually only on one of the two FATs. After that, you will be presented with this option screen: WARNING: The two FATs are not identical. Press '1' to exit so you can try using the first copy of the FAT. Press '2' to exit so you can try using the second copy of the FAT. Press '3' to copy the first FAT over the second FAT and let CHECK repair any errors Selection ('?' for help): IMPORTANT The copy of the FAT that CHECK is currently testing is always the "first copy" of the FAT. Select the correct copy of the FAT to repair the error. Your goal is to make your current (first) copy of the FAT the error-free version. Then you can use that copy to repair the error. After you receive the warning that the FATs are not identical, do the following: 1. Select option '1'. If you ran CHECK from DOS, you will be returned to the DOS prompt. If you started the integrity check from the Stacker Toolbox in Windows, you will be returned to Windows. If so, exit Windows and go to the DOS prompt 2. Type CHECK and press . 3. Notice whether the errors on the drive are reported when CHECK is running the first copy of the FAT or the second. If the errors are on the first copy, go to step 4. If they are on the second copy, skip to step 5. 4. Select option '2'. Wait until you are returned to the DOS prompt. 5. At the DOS prompt, type: CHECK /F 6. When presented with the options again, select option '3'. Let CHECK repair the drive. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics