----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE FILES REQUIRED ON THE UNCOMPRESSED DRIVE (Applies to Stacker version 4.0) STAC FAX 4507 (02-18-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Stacker requires that certain files be stored in two places, for startup and recovery purposes. The requirements are different for Stacker 4.0 under MS-DOS 6 than for versions that don't use preloading. Stacker Setup doesn't remove any files. After Setup, you can remove any files from the uncompressed drive that this version of Stacker doesn't need. Please note that this document addresses MS-DOS only. SOLUTION - Duplication Required by Stacker 4.0 preloading version. - Duplication Not Required After Upgrading From an Earlier Stacker. - Duplication Required for non-preloading versions. Duplication Required by Stacker 4.0, preloading version. If you are using MS-DOS 6.x, PC-DOS 6.x with file dates after 9- 30-93, or Novell DOS 7, Stacker will preload its compression drivers. The following files must be stored in the uncompressed startup drive. If you remove any of them, your system may not be able to start or they won't be available if you need technical support. MS-DOS 6 Files Stacker Files -------------- --------------- MSDOS.SYS (hidden) STACKER.COM IO.SYS (hidden) SYSINFO.EXE DBLSPACE.BIN (hidden) CONFIG.EXE COMMAND.COM ED.EXE ATTRIB.EXE STACVOL.XXX (hidden) CHKDSK.EXE STACKER.INI (hidden) STACSAVX.NNN (hidden) STACKER.LOG (read-only) CHECK.EXE STACKER2.BIN (hidden) Duplication Not Required After Upgrading From an Earlier Stacker Under Stacker 2.0 and Stacker 3.0 for Windows & DOS, all files referred to in the CONFIG.SYS file were stored on both the compressed and uncompressed startup drives. Stacker kept the files synchronized to make sure they were the same in both locations. This ensured that DOS could find the files it needed during startup. Upgrading to Stacker 4.0 and MS-DOS 6 preloading means that any drive letter switching is finished by the time DOS processes the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files. If you wish to conserve space on your uncompressed startup drive, you can delete those two files. You can also delete the files on the uncompressed drive that are referred to in the CONFIG.SYS file, such as device drivers. Don't remove them from the compressed startup drive (C). Also be sure to leave the files listed in the section above (Duplication Required by Stacker 4.0, preloading version) on the uncompressed startup drive Duplication Required by Stacker 4.0, non-preloading version. If you are using a version of DOS that does not support preloading, then Stacker must load as a device driver in your CONFIG.SYS file. Therefore your uncompressed startup drive will require all of the files listed in the first section (Duplication Required by Stacker 4.0, preloading version), plus a few more. You will need copies of your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, and Stacker's SSWAP.COM on the uncompressed drive. Also, you will need copies of all files referred to in your CONFIG.SYS that appear before the Stacker lines. Normally you will not have to place these files on the uncompressed drive manually. Stacker's synchronization feature will put the correct files on the uncompressed drive for you automatically. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics