----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE THE STAC BULLETIN BOARD (BBS) (Applies to all versions of Stacker) STAC FAX 4512 (03-15-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Stac maintains an Electronic Bulletin Board Service (BBS) in addition to other electronic support services. Use your favorite communications program and modem to gain access to our technical notes and support files, or to leave your questions with our SYStem OPerator (SYSOP). Our 10 nodes are running on TBBS software, and are on-line 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. PHONE NUMBER (619) 431-5956 @ 1200,2400,9600,14.4K BPS. Practical Peripherals PM14400FXMT 14,400 DATA PARAMETERS (N)o parity, (8) data bits, (1) stop bit PROCEDURES - Your first time on the BBS. - Downloading/uploading files. - Supported transfer protocols. - Leaving a message for the SYSOP. - Connection difficulties. Your first time on the BBS. During your first visit to the Stac BBS, you'll be asked to enter some background information. One of the things you'll be asked for is a password. Use any word you like, but write it down and remember it; you'll be asked for it on subsequent calls. Downloading/Uploading files. 1. Navigate to the area that contains the file you need. a. If you need a file relating to the Windows/DOS product, select (F)ile from the main menu, and then (1) for Windows/DOS files. b. If you need a file relating to the Macintosh product, select (F)ile from the main menu, and then (2) for Macintosh files. c. If you need a file relating to the OS/2 product, select (F)ile from the main menu, and then (3) for OS/2 files. d. If you need to upload a file, select (F)ile from the main menu, and then (4) to upload the file. e. If you would like one of the Stacker graphic files, select (F)ile from the main menu, and then (5) for graphic files. 2. You will have an option to list the files available to download. 3. To download a file, you must issue the "D" command at the menu prompt, then give the filename when prompted. 4. You will then be prompted to provide your transfer protocol. See your communications documentation for details on which protocol you may use. The transfer protocols supported by the Stac BBS are provided below. 5. You will then be notified that the BBS is awaiting the Start signal to begin the transfer. With many communications software programs such as ProComm, you must then press the Page Down key to select the matching protocol on your end and begin the transfer. (Your communications program may use another key or keystroke combination.) Supported transfer protocols. T - Type file to your screen C - ASCII with DC2/DC4 capture A - ASCII only, no control codes X - Xmodem O - Xmodem - 1K Y - Ymodem (Batch) G - Ymodem-g (Batch) S - Sealink K - Kermit W - SuperKermit (sliding windows) Z - Zmodem-90 (Tm) Leaving a message for the Sysop. The BBS SYSOP is available to answer your questions. To leave a message, at the Main menu enter "T" for Technical Support issues, then select the product concerned. Just as above, (1) is for Windows & DOS, (2) is for Macintosh, and (3) is for OS/2. If you wish to leave a message about non-technical issues, select "E" mail at the Main menu prompt. This will put you into an Editor. After leaving your message, press the Esc key, then "S" to save. If you believe you are having a Stacker-related problem, be sure to upload your SYSINFO information. Call back 48 hours later to read the reply. Connection difficulties If you are having connection difficulties with the Stac BBS, check your modem documentation for the proper settings. Here are some other things to try: 1. Increase the time that your communication program waits to connect. Try setting it for a value between 45 and 60 seconds. 2. Lower the baud rate connect setting to 2400. Please refer to your communication software documentation for more information on these settings. The Stac BBS is set up for standard ANSI graphics. If you are getting random ASCII characters on the screen, select (C)hange User Settings from the main menu, and turn off ANSI and IBM graphics. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics