----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE CONFIGURING A CD-ROM ON A SYSTEM WITH STACKER (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4514 (03-25-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND If you're using a CD-ROM, you may have to reconfigure it to use a new drive letter. Most CD-ROMs are assigned drive letters by the MSCDEX.EXE program through AUTOEXEC.BAT, after Stacker drive letters are assigned. If your drive letter has changed as a result of installing Stacker, you may need to reconfigure either your Stacker or CD-ROM drive letter. Which strategy you use will depend upon which version of DOS you are running. CONFIGURING THE CD-ROM FOR PRELOADING COMPRESSION If you are using a version of DOS that preloads compression (MS- DOS 6.x, Novell DOS 7, and most releases of PC-DOS 6.x), Stacker Setup will detect your CD-ROM. Setup will then configure Stacker so that its drive letter assignments will begin after the CD-ROM drive. If you add a CD-ROM drive later you may have Stacker start assigning drive letters at a point after the CD-ROM drive. For example, if your configuration, including the CD-ROM, uses letters C through E, you can tell Stacker to start assigning new drive letters with drive F. 1. From a DOS prompt, type: ED /I This will bring up your STACKER.INI file in a text editor. 2. Press to insert a new line. 3. Arrow up to the new line and type: /BD=drive where drive is after the last drive letter you wish to preserve. For example, if you want to maintain the identity of drives C through E, use /BD=F 5. Press CTRL+Z to save the STACKER.INI file. 6. Restart your computer. CONFIGURING THE CD-ROM FOR ALTERNATE VERSIONS OF DOS If you're not using a preloading version of DOS, you must reconfigure the CD-ROM to use the next drive letter after Stacker. For example, if your Stacker configuration uses letters C through F, you can reconfigure the CD-ROM as drive G. 1. Edit your CONFIG.SYS file by typing ED /C . The lines and sequence should be something like this: DEVICE=C:\DOS\SETVER.EXE DEVICE=C:\STACKER\STACKER.COM DEVICE=C:\STACKER\SSWAP.COM (this line may not appear) DEVICE= where is your CD-ROM device driver and switches. The CD-ROM driver line is already in your CONFIG.SYS file - just make sure that it loads after STACKER.COM (and SSWAP.COM if it appears) as shown. Save the file and exit the editor. 2. Type C:\STACKER\STACKER to identify the drive letters used at boot time. For example, if STACKER shows that you are using drives C through F, then G is the next available drive letter. 3. Edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file by typing ED /A . The MSCDEX line has this general format: MSCDEX /D:name /M:x /V /L:letter /E 4. Change letter to the next available drive letter. If G is the next drive letter, the line now looks like this: MSCDEX /D:name /M:x /V /L:G /E Save the file and restart your computer. 5. Verify that the CD-ROM is active by loading a CD and checking its contents. For example, if your CD-ROM is drive G, type DIR G: from DOS, or click on the G drive icon in Windows File Manager. 6. Re-setup any applications or programs that have to recognize the CD-ROM drive letter automatically. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics