----------------------------------------------------------------- STACKER NOTE STACKER NOTE TOO FRAGMENTED, NOT MOUNTED AFTER UPGRADE (Applies to Stacker 4.0) STAC FAX 4703 (03-09-1994) ----------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND Each Stacker drive is actually a STACVOL.xxx file that is stored on the uncompressed drive. The Stacker device driver requires this file be almost contiguous, containing little fragmentation. When you upgrade to Stacker 4.0, portions of the STACVOL file will grow, and hidden files on the drive may result in excessive fragmentation. The situation may result in the error message that the STACVOL file is too fragmented, and that it is not mounted. It may also cause your system to "hang" at the time that the Stacker device driver loads. SOLUTION - Restart your system. - Check your disk for errors. - Unhide the files on the uncompressed drive. - Defragment the drive. Restart your system Restart your system so that a DOS prompt is available. If your system is hanging at the Stacker device driver you may bypass loading the driver. When you reboot your system press the Ctrl- Alt-Shift key combination immediately after the machine "beeps". Continue holding the keys down until you get the message "Press Escape to cancel installation...". Release the keys and press then to continue. Your machine will start without loading Stacker. Check your disk for errors In this example we will assume that the C drive is the drive receiving the error message. 1. Run CHKDSK to check your disk for errors. CHKDSK should exist on the DOS directory of your C drive. Note that if you are using MS-DOS 6, CHKDSK is also on Setup disk # 1. From the location where CHKDSK is, type: CHKDSK C: 2. If you find errors, type: CHKDSK C: /F Allow CHKDSK to make needed repairs. Unhide the files on the uncompressed drive 1. Determine which files on your drive are hidden. From the root directory of your C drive type: DIR /AH . This will display the hidden files. If your version of DOS does not support this command, you may need another manufacturer's utility to view the files. 2. Unhide all the files and subdirectories you find except MSDOS.SYS and IO.SYS. You may use the DOS ATTRIB command, Stacker's SATTRIB command, or a third party utility to unhide the files. If you are using MS-DOS 6, note that its ATTRIB command is on Setup disk # 1. To use Stacker's SATTRIB command you would put stacker disk # 2 into the floppy drive, go to that drive and type: SATTRIB -S -H -R C:\(PATH)(FILENAME) For example: SATTRIB -S -H -R C:\STACKER2.BIN Do this for each hidden file or directory. 3. Do not restart your computer. Some files may be rehidden by the boot process. Defragment the drive 1. Use a utility to defragment your disk. Programs such as Norton Utilities' Speedisk or PC Tools' Compress or MS-DOS's DEFRAG are examples of these utilities. 2. Since your Stacker drive is not mounted, you will not have access to your utilities on that drive. Use the "emergency" disks provided by the utility to run the defragmenter from the floppy drive. Note that if you are using MS-DOS 6, the DEFRAG utility is on Setup disk #1. See the manufacturer's instructions for details on running the defragmenter. 3. Restart your computer. Your Stacker drive should mount normally. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1994 Stac Electronics