93 files found in Library "DOS & System Related"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
14DUTILS.ZIP No 119839 07-27-94
Deric's Utils ANOTHER UPDATE vers 1.4
CopyALL, MoveALL, SuperDel, and Encrypt.
Deric's utility programs gives you the power
to easily copy/move/delete entire directories
with all their files!
ABATVW2.ZIP Yes 182562 07-16-94
A Batch View v2.00: DOS batch file utility
set to create personal/custom GUI interfaces;
provides menus, message windows, scrolling
text messages, drawing functions, system
information, screen clearing, and more.
ACD233.ZIP Yes 52934 09-26-94 Another Change Directory, nice DOS util
ACTS10.ZIP Yes 46972 06-30-94
ACTS: Automated Computer Time Service. v1.0
Uses the Atomic clock at the NIST to set
your computer's clock. Your choice of zones..
AFLOCK.ZIP Yes 19779 09-05-94
AMF Word Lock Security: Lock Word tight from
prying eyes. Can only be opened with the
correct password or MASTER key. Reports all
tried break-ins in written formats. Great
security was never so easy. $6 ASP .
ALLMYFIL.ZIP Yes 12792 07-08-94 DOS util creates file listing of entire drive
AMISE270.ZIP Yes 314199 07-26-94
AMIsetup 2.70 - External Setup (new AMI BIOS
required). If you ever considered your
built-in setup as incomprehensible, boring,
inconvenient or incomplete, you have been
waiting for AMIsetup. AMIsetup can save your
configuration on disk and restore it. MORE
AOTSR.ZIP Yes 2890 07-09-94 Spinning O's TSR, freeware with ASM source
APLUS400.ZIP Yes 377067 08-29-94
ANSIPLUS 4.00: Great console driver for
SVGA/VGA/EGA under MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2
or DESQview, packed w/features: vivid
colors, full color control, screen
saver, scroll-back, copy/paste, scroll
freeze, smooth scrolling, ANSI support,
larger key buffer, typematic speedup,
key stacking, international support,
loads to UMBs, HMA or EMS, easy to use
utilities and config menu, free BBS
ARCTYPE.ZIP Yes 6782 09-08-94
ARCType 1.0 - FREEWARE returns error level
passed on the command line.
BABYDOS.ZIP Yes 150913 04-08-94
Baby-Step To DOS - is a step-by-step tutorial
on DOS, batch files, DOS macros, DOS commands
BATCSH10.ZIP Yes 28165 01-12-94
Bat2csh Version 1.0 is a filter program that
converts DOS batch files to UNIX C shell
(csh) scripts. Reads Std in to Std out.
BGTM20.ZIP Yes 22657 08-06-94
Big Time DOS Time - record events in
automatic time log. v2.0. Handy. FREEWARE
BGTM31.ZIP Yes 20735 08-27-94
Big DOS clock & timer with alarm
record events in automatic time log.
sort and export log to text file. Freeware
BOOTCPU2.ZIP Yes 22590 07-05-94 Boots cpu warm, cold, plus new features
BOOTR205.ZIP Yes 286472 10-19-94
BOOT'R v2.05 -DOS Configuration Manager
BOOT'R is a utility that allows the
management of multiple configurations on a
single machine. Modify CONFIG.SYS & AUTOEXEC
BURNSTAK.ZIP Yes 6851 01-04-94
Burn Stack 1.0. This Program Was Written to
Do a Burn-in on the Processor Stack Routines.
If You Are Having an Intermittent Problem
With Your Computer, Try Running This Program,
If it Fails, Your Processor is Bad.
CHIPINFO.ZIP Yes 16082 04-22-94
List containing various chip's CPU's and
CLRV252.ZIP Yes 62182 08-26-94
COLOR VIEW v2.52 - Replacement for DOS "dir"
command. Color codable. Fast. Good.
CLRV253.ZIP Yes 62235 09-04-94
COLOR VIEW Version 2.53 BUG FIX! Color View
is an excellent replacement for the dos "dir"
CMB113.ZIP Yes 48424 02-03-94
Combi-Disk - provides RAM disk and cache
capabilities. Also, a configurable amount of
the memory can be loaned to a program that
requests XMS. Not new but has value
CMOS16.ZIP Yes 15097 09-06-94
automatically restore damaged CMOS from
backup and check that CMOS has not been
tampered with. MASM OPTASM source included
CMPSEC20.ZIP Yes 52160 08-13-94
COMPSEC V 2.0 ] powerful password protection
program. Logs all activity. An alarm sounds
if the password is incorrect. More!
CONF727E.ZIP Yes 109230 09-21-94
PC-CONFIG V7.27 - Detects all the hardware
in your PC and displays it on the screen.
One of the best sysinfo-programs ever.
With CD-ROM benchmark routine!
CSUTIL10.ZIP Yes 149505 08-01-94
Cs Utility 1.0 - 23 small utilities to fine
tune your computer like Fast Search, Boot,
more Shareware registration : 20$
DASBOT30.ZIP Yes 62609 10-01-94
DASBOOT v.3.0 ASP - A menu program to allow
the user to select between several sets of
CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to help you
get the maximum amount of memory for using
memory hungry programs, and then an easy way
to restore your normal day-to-day config
DAT13C.ZIP Yes 12622 03-08-94
TifaWARE DAT v1.3c -- display current date
and/or time. Useful for logging program and
system usage. Includes source for TASM v3.0.
DATES409.ZIP Yes 58988 09-13-94
DATES.EXE: Warns you of upcoming birthdays,
anniversaries, holidays, etc so you can buy
cards or get out of town in time.
DATETST.ZIP Yes 3584 09-12-94
DATETEST.COM Returns DOS Errorlevel for
Weekday, Date, Month, or Year from command
line options. USAGE: DATETEST /[option].
DAYCNT37.ZIP Yes 48379 08-03-94
Day Count. Can be used in autoexec.bat. Gives
number of days till next holiday. Then plays
appropriate song. Can store birthdays, too.
DD407.ZIP Yes 51544 07-22-94
The BEST Replacement For DOS's 'DIR' Command!
Shows Files In 1, 2, 3, 4, Or 6 Columns, In
Left/Right Or Up/Down Order! - Sorted By
Name, Extension, Size, Or Date In Ascending
Or Descending Order! - Multiple Date/Time
Formats! - Support For OS/2 & DESQview! -
Configurable Colors For Each File Type! -
DDIR98.ZIP Yes 55734 09-04-94 DDIR 9.8 directory viewer, 9/4/94
DEEPTHTS.ZIP Yes 31155 10-06-94
DEEP THOUGHTS by Jack Handey every time you
boot-up your computer!
DMAV12.ZIP Yes 26522 07-28-94
Directory Maven v1.2 - Combines the best
features of Ledbetter and Norton Directory
programs. Superb DOS utility. Freeware.
DOS999.ZIP Yes 248386 05-17-94
Stacker 4.0 Complete set of Technotes for
DOS 6.0
DOSEMU.ZIP Yes 11002 07-24-94 HOWTO for DOSEMU for Linux. ASCII format
DOSPRMPT.ZIP Yes 99094 06-05-94 DOS Prompt Designer v1.0
DPROMP2.ZIP Yes 8848 09-29-94
DSE Prompt 1.00.01 Change your dos prompt
into a graphical color prompt.
DR07A.ZIP Yes 36341 08-20-94
DR 0.07a "DiRectory" - is an enhanced
directory utility with predefined and
customizable filter parameters to show only
the files you want (e.g. Only the "archive
files" or only the "executable files", etc.).
FREEware from Magical Systems Software.
DSX22C.ZIP Yes 264811 09-26-94 DOSNIX 2.2c A UNIX style toolkit for MSDOS
EDITPAT.ZIP Yes 46069 09-01-94
EditPath - The easy way to edit the DOS path.
Editor/batch file maker in one! Saves your
old path! Doesn't waste environ- ment space.
EX13FLOW.ZIP Yes 6294 09-21-94
DV Tech Note: detailed explanation &
troubleshooting procedures for Exception #6
(new to QEMM 7.5x), #12, and #13 error
messages and system lockups
EXC36.ZIP Yes 70735 09-15-94
DOS script program v. 3.6. More than a
keyboard buffer. Handy. Use w/batch files
EXCR10A.ZIP Yes 52514 07-10-94
EXCR.EXE v1.0a - Users of the EXC script
processor can now record scripts with EXCR,
the EXC Script Recorder. Run EXCR just as
you would EXC and your keystrokes and timing
are recorded in a modifiable script for
playback with EXC.
GO315.ZIP Yes 73553 08-26-94
GO! v3.15 - "The way CHDIR should have been
written." Searches for directories matching
command line argument on all logged drives &
automatically goes there. For example, to go
to a directory named H:\WIN\WORD\DOCS\QUOTES
instead of having to type two commands, an H:
then CD \WIN\WORD\DOCS\QUOTES, you only need
type GO QUOTES. "Desqview aware" and MORE !
SHAREWARE ($5-10 reg) Author: Steve Ryckman
GROWP21A.ZIP Yes 21940 06-27-94
Growp v2.1A: 1400-byte TSR that will add a
default " " or user-entered growth character
to the environment's PROMPT string each time
another copy of Command.Com is shelled and to
remove the growth character when the copy of
Command.Com is terminated;
INTER42A.ZIP Yes 362062 08-07-94 DOS interrupt list v4.2
INTER42B.ZIP Yes 362089 08-07-94 Dos interrupt list v4.2
INTER42C.ZIP Yes 239470 08-07-94 DOS interrupt list v4.2
INTER42D.ZIP Yes 347462 08-07-94 DOS Interrupt List v4.2
INTERVAL.ZIP Yes 60747 08-16-94
INTERVAL v. 1.97 is a program which
will run a DOS command or program once
during a user defined period of time. Logs.
JULIAN94.ZIP Yes 19137 12-31-94 Julian date display util for DOS & OS/2
KEYTOG12.ZIP Yes 44289 08-16-94
KEYTOGGLE 1.27 allows simultaneously setting
the state of SCROLL, CAPS, INSERT, and NUMBER
LOCK keys. Works well in batch files.
LBREBOOT.ZIP Yes 10647 08-09-94
REBOOTER! Freeware by LBS. Tired of multiple
boot configs? Facilitates management of your
LPATH.ZIP Yes 20291 04-15-94
LPath - is a replacement for the DOS Path
command for use in working with long path
statements. It can be used to create and edit
the path, remove path segments or save path
to disk.
MCWAIT22.ZIP Yes 19081 08-02-94 MC WAIT.EXE Batch File Time Delay Utility
MEG35.ZIP Yes 117649 08-30-94
MEG 3.5 Graphs System Info
Large Pie and 3-D bars colorfully show your
space and memory. Simple easy-to-read
space info %Free, free, used total in Mb.
Hard, Network, floppy and CD-ROM drives.
Your CPU is speed tested to .01 Mhz.
Dos and Windows versions. Time and date.
Memory graph. Screen savers. EZ install.
Advance with a mouse click or autoscan.
Requires VGA. Shareware. Jim Tolliver $20
MEMSZ240.ZIP Yes 240521 07-18-94
System Resources v2.40 (Rick Papo,
18 July 1994, Free). A simple utility
for monitoring system activity and
resources. Source included. W/ English,
French, Spanish, German and Catal�n docs
MM43S.ZIP Yes 11389 08-21-94
MemMap MM v4.3 MM is a program that
will display what programs are resident
in memory. This program can display both
lower memory and upper memory.
MTINI12B.ZIP Yes 29055 09-02-94
Maintini v1.20B: small DOS-based pgm which
lets you modify any kind of INI-files from
the DOS cmd line; create new section, add or
modify key & values; delete, comments,
uncomments keys and sections;
MUD30.ZIP Yes 37638 07-14-94
Mud v3.0: Mac/Unix DOS translator/reformatter
that will convert CR/LF to CR or CR to CR/LF;
is also a general search/replace util for
ASCII files that will accept a string up to
128 for the find/replace; 07/14/94
NUFTHV01.ZIP Yes 4688 09-12-94
Nuffthar.com v0.10 04/21/92 Returns a DOS
Errorlevel based on Disk Drive freespace
PBSYNTAX.ZIP Yes 5039 08-22-94
A small TSR that will highlight PB keywords
when you are in the IDE. Please feel free to
make any enhancements/changes and re-upload
with proper acknowledgements. Public Domain
PCNAG1_2.ZIP Yes 62321 04-28-94
PC-Nag - lets you save reminder
messages on your computer. Every
morning when you turn your computer on
you get reminded of things.
PCOPY93D.ZIP Yes 122426 08-05-94
PCOPY version 9.3D from Norm Patriquin
PCOPY is the ultimate COPY program - a
super advanced alternative to the DOS
COPY command. PCOPY will copy, move,
split files, copy files with a certain date,
and much more. A Shareware classic!
PMDE22.ZIP Yes 46566 09-01-94
PM Directory Enforcer ! V2.2 A 32-bit multi
threaded utility for comparing directories.
PWRBAT21.ZIP Yes 270291 05-12-94
A high-level command compiler which creates
standalone .EXE programs. Great tool for
replacing DOS batch files. All the functions
of a .BAT file plus 65 additional commands.
Q387_366.ZIP Yes 114378 09-05-94
Q387 V3.66 Math Accelerator and Emulator.
Q387 allows you to run all programs which
require a math coprocessor such as all
AutoCADs and AutoCAD LT for Windows to run
on 486SX's and 386 PC's. Runs for 20 mins
until registered at a cost of $25.
RCDEL262.ZIP Yes 24119 08-26-94
Directory DELete 2.62 One of the fastest and
most powerful - delete entire directory trees
RCDIR834.ZIP Yes 21987 08-28-94
Deluxe DIR 8.34 - Replaces command.com's
"DIR" command. More switches, faster and more
powerful than dir. Uses colors to show
file-type and uses Unix style extended
RDUP104.ZIP Yes 14723 06-13-94
RDUP, v1.04: DOS utility: delete duplicate
lines across multiple files. Freeware, (c)
1994 [94/06/13] by DDA - Reign Ware. RDUP
requires a SORT program (RPSRT102.zip is
recommended & free). W/ Pascal source.
SETDATEB.ZIP Yes 16499 09-18-94
SETDATE Version 1.B Batch file enhancer.
Parts of the date and time (selectable) are
put in environment variables. Deterimines if
within a period during a day. Finds future
and past dates if given number of days away.
SHTDWN16.ZIP Yes 16015 08-05-94
System shutdown program V1.6 Immediate, timed
or on specified time/date. Now also with
reboot option.
SK470S.ZIP Yes 321427 10-18-94
SpeedKit from HyperWare Version 4.70
Contains the shareware versions of the world
famous HyperDisk, HyperKey, and HyperScreen
Utilities. Two new utilities are included:
HyperRAM for CPU speedup and IDE Booster for
increased performance on IDE Hard Drives.
Also includes new windows control panel to
monitor cache setup & performance from within
Windows. Documentation and orderform
SNOOPR.ZIP Yes 162410 10-01-94
SNOOPER v3.30 - System info utility.
Shows CPU/NDP, CPU speed, DOS, BIOS, memory,
disks, video, CD-ROM, env, kbd, sound cards,
ports, IDE model, CMOS info, disk cache, MORE
detects 1100 MicroChannel cards. New version
Ideal for tech support, HW inventory, & you!
SPC61.ZIP Yes 29760 07-21-94
SPC v6.1: provides complete multidrive
analysis, RAM/Ext/EMS, keyboard, comm, video,
peripherals, DOS verify, Share, network type
if any, id's CPU/NCP, speed indices for
processor and NCP (Norton based) - result on
graph, with redirectional output; much more;
SPTEST15.ZIP Yes 7955 06-23-94
SPTest v1.5: small diagnostic to perform a
verification of your serial port(s), one at a
time; will set a DOS ERRORLEVEL upon exiting
so you can use this in a batch file for some
degree of automation.
SSR101.ZIP Yes 16700 08-09-94
SSR v1.01, DOS Simple System Report (memory,
drives, etc.). Freeware (c) 1994 [94/08/09]
by DDA - Reign Ware. W/ Pascal source.
SYSCHK40.ZIP Yes 102532 08-08-94
SYSCHK v2.40 ASP - System Information
Checker, Provides Complete Details On Items
Installed In Your System. Print Out A Report
TAD0131.ZIP Yes 53084 08-16-94
Time And Date (TAD) Version 1.31 allows
changing the time and date on files.
TAD supports wildcards. TAD also will
keep logs on files that it has changed.
TELLME.ZIP Yes 6150 06-10-94
Adds date and time testing to your Batch
files! Can test for day of month, day of
week, specific dates, anniversaries,
birthdays, appointments, etc.
TLB_A251.ZIP Yes 209218 09-28-94
A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with THE
Requires the companion standard package,
TLB_T251.ZIP Yes 38631 09-28-94
A small program to test compatibility with
successful, you may want to download
TLB-V251.ZIP and (perhaps) TLB-A251.ZIP.
TLB_V250.ZIP Yes 267740 08-30-94
Loads device drivers, TSRs, and more between
640k and 1 meg. Compatible w/DOS 6, Win 3.1,
& all prot. Mode software. Requires 8088 or
above and a supported shadow ram controller,
EMS, or R/W ram in the UMA. Registration fee:
TLB_V251.ZIP Yes 267858 09-28-94
Loads device drivers, TSRs, and more
between 640k and 1 meg. Compatible w/DOS
6, Win 3.1, & all prot. mode software.
Requires 8088 or above and a supported
shadow ram controller, EMS, or R/W ram
in the UMA. Registration fee: $29.95
TLB_W251.ZIP Yes 3997 09-28-94
What's new in version 2.51 of THE LAST BYTE
USTIME12.ZIP Yes 52187 03-20-94
US Time v1.2 Synchronize your computer's
time with the US Naval Observatory
UZPWR11.ZIP Yes 48192 07-15-94
SOFTWARE Version 1.10 Released 14 July, 1994.
A MS-Windows 3.x Battery Power Monitor for
power-managed laptop and desktop computers
which do not have this critical feature.
WORKIN_.ZIP Yes 41973 10-06-94
WORKING! Rotating slash/fancy pause prompt
controls. versions available to include ANSI
animation, color and more. No cost. TTW, Inc.
_RENAME_.ZIP Yes 44255 09-01-94
RENAME! 3 � Rename files & dirs easily!
by TTW - Replaces DOS Rename � -=-[ASAP]*
_WIPEDEL.ZIP Yes 48184 09-01-94
WIPEDELETE � The Easy way to permanently
remove files from your hard drive. Deletes
according to Department of Defense standard
520.22-M. by TTW FAST TOO! [ASAP]