LinguaPro/SPANISH v. 2.50 To install the Shareware version of LinguaPro to your hard disk: Note: It is assumed that your hard disk is C: and that your floppy disk is A: 1. Get a DOS prompt (C:\>). 2. Make a new disk subdirectory (the name LPRO is recommended). C:\>MD \LPRO (or MD C:\LPRO) 3. Change to this new subdirectory. C:\>CD \LPRO (or CD C:\LPRO) 4. Copy the LinguaPro compressed file from the floppy disk into this new subdirectory. C:\>COPY A:LPRSP250.EXE 5. Expand the files contained within this compressed file by typing: C:\>LPRSP250 6. After the files have expanded themselves you may delete the original EXE file to conserve disk space: C:\>ERASE LPRSP250.EXE 7. Activate LinguaPro/SPANISH by typing the command LP: C:\>LP 8. HELP is available by using Function Key F1 within LinguaPro -- this will take you to the User's Guide Browser which makes the entire User's Guide available to you on-line. If you wish to use the Browser to read the User's Guide then you can skip step #9. 9. The User's Guide is a file named UGUIDE.DOC. You may obtain a printed copy of this by typing: C:\>PRINT UGUIDE.DOC However, the User's Guide Browser (F1 key) should make it unnecessary for you to actually have to print out the User's Guide, which is currently 138 pages in length! You can get around much faster by using the browser. 10. General information is contained in Appendix I of the User's Guide, and registration information is contained in Appendix H of the User's Guide. You may have LinguaPro print these appendices out by pressing the F1 key at the initial File Loading Screen and then following the instructions on the screen. You may also have LinguaPro print out Appendix G, which contains complete information about Spanish pronunciation. 11. When you have activated LinguaPro you will be prompted for a file name. The Shareware version of LinguaPro/SPANISH v. 2.50 provides the following files that you may select at this point (or you can use the F1 key to see the choices on the screen): TVERB0 Verb Conjugation file LEVEL0 Vocabulary sampler file (over 700 words) UNIT1 Lesson 1 of the Foreign Service Institute course UNIT2 Lesson 2 of the Foreign Service Institute course UNIT3 Lesson 3 of the Foreign Service Institute course UNIT4 Lesson 4 of the Foreign Service Institute course VRBINDEX Special file designed to work in conjunction with the Verb Reference Facility (see the User's Guide). 12. Thank you for evaluating our product!