WANTED: P.I.N. AREA CONTACT PERSONS (ACP's) _________________________________________________________________ Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) realizes that it is not enough merely to publish and distribute information on the vitally important issues of the day. In fact, we strongly believe that information without action leads to frustration and that action without information is fanaticism. In order to avoid both destructive extremes, we need only combine timely, accurate, and well-presented information with effective action. Our need: "issue-aware", truly alarmed and dedicated friends of freedom and righteousness to serve as AREA CONTACT PERSONS ("town criers") willing to receive periodic (infrequent) and always very important P.I.N. BULLETINS from our Wisconsin headquarters by phone, FAX and/or memo. If you volunteer to serve, you will receive P.I.N. "BULLETINS" containing the brief summaries of what to pass on to your network, church or committee. We are happy to report that P.I.N. already has nearly 1,000 such motivated, knowledgeable "town criers" across the country, and your participation will merely provide more impact to an already highly successful program. To volunteer, either call us at (414) 821-1873, or write to: P.I.N. (Parent Information Network) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 [end]