Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Education _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Luksik Video I-"Who Controls Our Children?" The first "classic" by Peg Luksik, head of the Pennsylvania Parents Commission (PPC). The "spring-loaded" dynamo from Johnstown, who took 46% of the Pennsylvania vote for governor, answers two questions: 1) "What exactly is Outcome Based Education(OBE)?" and 2) "Why are knowing Americans rising in opposition to it?" This video is a "must" for those who want to understand the issues and how to explain them. VHS $16.00 (postpaid) Document packet for video $10.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Luksik Video II-" Luksik Live-OBE: Chaos or Correction?" The famed parental control advocate describes the fallacies of OBE, the three types who advocate it, some of the educationists' past follies, and the vulnerability of those who promote OBE. Learn the negative results of OBE usage in districts across the country and the truth behind the much exaggerated OBE success stories. Given at Waukesha, Wisconsin on May 6, 1993. VHS $12.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Educating for the New World Order by Beverly Eakman The definitive, "must-read" volume on OBE and its educational lineage, the long list of failed programs from which its various components are drawn. The author introduces the reader to the radical theories upon which OBE is based. Most of all, the book is a fascinating narrative of the heroically persistent and increasingly effective efforts of a Pennsylvania housewife, Anita Hoge, to ferret out the sources of the so-called "assessment tests" and curriculum components which she detected in her school district. It reads like a Sherlock Holmes mystery in places but is a solid piece of work. Softbound, 292 pages, $22.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Education _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Education, Christianity, and the State by J. Gresham Machen. A powerful book, written by one of the few world-class scholars of the twentieth century. "His ideas, along with those of Gordon H. Clark in A Christian Philosophy of Education, furnish the indispensable theological and philosophical foundation for Christian education. If the Christian school and home-schooling movements are to succeed in educating Christian men who can challenge the world at every level, in every discipline, and win, it will only be because they have adopted the ideas expressed by Machen and Clark."- John W. Robbins (editor). Softbound, 179 pages, $10.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Inside American Education-The Decline, the Deception, the Dogmas by Thomas Sowell "Virtually everyone has heard how poorly American students perform, whether compared to foreign students or to American students of a generation ago. What everyone may not know are the specifics of how bad the situation has become, how and why the public has been deceived, or the dogmas and hidden agendas behind it all."-Thomas Sowell. This book will become a classic on what is really going on in American education, from sophisticated brainwashing techniques in "affective" education, to replacing parental authority and values. It is loaded with exhaustive research but is very readable and full of examples! Hardbound, 368 pages, $28.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 ________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Education _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Back to Basics Reform Or...Skinnerian International Curriculum. by Charlotte T. Iserbyt "This carefully documented book by a former school board member and official in the U.S. Department of Education will help you hold your elected officials' feet to the fire." It "deals with the social engineers' continuing efforts, paid for with international, federal, state, and tax-exempt foundation funding, to manipulate and control Americans from birth to death using the educational system as the primary vehicle for bringing about planned social, political, and economic change." This booklet has been popular because it is both comprehensive and concise. Booklet, 46 pages, $8.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** OBE Documentation Packet A "primer" or basic explanation of various aspects of the OBE controversy with research documentation to verify the points made. PACKET $10.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** OBE Booklet - "To Tell the Truth: Will the Real OBE Please Stand Up?" Contrasting statements and claims of OBE proponents or advocates on one side and concerned opponents on the other - an excellent resource. BOOKLET $12.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Education _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Outcome-Based Education: Skinnerian by William F. Jasper in The New American This outstanding article gives an excellent overview of OBE in all of its many facets. The section titles give you an idea of the extent of its coverage: Reform Deja Vu, Total Transformation, Defining OBE, Abject Failure, Children - not rats, Bloom's Taxonomy, Agents of Change, Which OBE Is It? Federal Interference, The Bush Revolution, UN Connection, and Orwellian Reality. Its 8 pages are packed with powerful quotes and other information. A good way to get the maximum amount of information in the least amount of time. Included in the "Introductory OBE Packet" ***************************************************************** WVCY Radio Interviews 05/21/93 - "The 'educationists' strategize in Denver regarding how to deal with opposition from awakening Christians." This interview also includes an assessment of where OBE advocates are vulnerable. 07/08/93 - What OBE is and where it is headed. 10/26/93 - Update on OBE & Goals 2000. 02/22/94 - HR6 and the battle over teacher certification. AUDIO tapes $6.00 each (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Education _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** PIN Position Papers OBE #1 - "Five Years of Chaos" #2 - "Longing" For the Old Model T #3 - "Doublespeak" #4 - "The Seven Golden Cities" Great single-sheet, double-sided handouts for relatives, friends, associates, and others. See ORDER FORM for pricing details. ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Parents' Rights _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Alert to Action: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. by Doug Phillips, Director of the Congressional Action Program, National Center for Home Education. A powerful information sheet that provides an excellent synopsis of key provisions of this treaty. "If ratified, this treaty could undermine the family by granting to children a list of radical 'rights' which would be primarily enforced against the parents." For example, the convention would give children the "right" to disregard parental authority, and the State (and ultimately the United Nations) would determine the child's "best interest". This is a great tool which you may reproduce for distribution to others who need this information. 1 page, 2-sided, 2 copies, $1.50 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Special Report, September 1993: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. by Doug Phillips, Director of the Congressional Action Program, National Center for Home Education. This packet contains a copy of the treaty, H. Con. Res. 15, S. Res. 70, as well as a thorough, in-depth analysis. Packet, 30 pages, $6.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Special United Nations Packet This packet is specially designed to give you a basic understanding of what the United Nations really is, where it is headed, and how it will affect you as parents. Included is the book "The Fearful Master", as well as key articles and pamphlets. PACKET $8.95 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Parents' Rights _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** WVCY Radio Interviews - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. 11/02/93 - Introduction, part I with guests Pastor Wayne Sedlak and Mr. John Selck. 11/03/93 - Introduction, part II (Sedlak/Selck). 03/16/94 - On the way to socialism and dictatorship (Sedlak/Selck) 03/30/94 - Additional research on the effects of the U.N. Convention (Ingrid Guzman). 04/14/94 - Momentum building toward passage of the U.N. Convention (Sedlak/Selck). AUDIO tapes $6.00 each (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Gobal Tyranny...Step by Step. The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order. by William F. Jasper. This book attacks the delusion that the world has become safer through the apparent demise of communism. Years of research have culminated in this carefully documented and compellingly urgent warning to America. With the UN, we are heading toward an omnipotent, global government, in which we would lose our God-given rights as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Softbound, 350 pages, $14.45 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** PIN Position Papers: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child #5 - "Because Every Child is Our Child" #6 - "The Tidal Wave" Great single-sheet, double-sided handouts for relatives, friends, associates, and others. See ORDER FORM for pricing details. ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Parents' Rights _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Whose Children? The Agenda of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. by Ingrid J. Guzman This excellent paper starts with the beginnings of children's rights. It then exposes the move toward giving children the legal right, guarded and enforced by the state, to reject their parents' authority and direction in nearly every area. It covers the main points of the Convention, enforcement, and the practical, devastating effect on you and your children. Research paper, 11 pages, $4.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** "The Tidal Wave": The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (video). This 58 minute "shocker" features an intense interview between Mr. Vic Eliason, vice president and general manager of VCY America network and two P.I.N. spokesmen, the Reverend Wayne Sedlak and John Selck. Ranging all of the way from the poisonous "potting soil" of the so-called child rights movement, to the background and track records of the United Nations and its agencies such as UNESCO, this video is "loaded" with potent narrative and explosive quotes, some in the category of almost unbelievable but true. It not only describes the dangers of this pending U.N. treaty, which would put U.N. edicts into your home, church and school but also describes why and how it can and should be defeated, a "must see" presentation for all parents and lovers of freedom. VHS, $19.95 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Health Care "Reform" _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Proof Packet. A packet containing brief, powerful articles proving not only that the Clintons' crisis is a "created" one but also that the "plan" would first ration and then destroy private medicine and quality care. The materials from the Heartland and Cato Institutes, two public policy "think tanks", will convince any open-minded inquirer. The two groups agree upon a powerful plan (Medical Savings Accounts or IRA's) to control costs and reward savings. Packet $3.50 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** TNA Health Care Packet Includes eight brief but convincing articles from The New American magazine including "Death Grip", which shows how the Clinton Health Security Act can be a catapult into a socialist dictatorship. Contains information regarding the new health care "czar", Ira Magaziner, and tells of Hillary's preoccupation with "planned death" programs. Also includes testimonials from foreign sufferers under similar programs abroad. Packet $3.50 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** WVCY Interviews. 06/20/94 - Dr. Robert B. Pittelkow, former president of the Milwaukee County Medical Society and Blue Shield of Wisconsin, and John Selck describe the potential horrors of the Clinton Plan, the incredible advances and "blessings" of modem medicine and quote "worldwide witnesses" against government (socialized) medicine. 06/21/94 - Nancy Jo Baratti and John Selck of P.I.N. cover the frightening features of the Health Security Act (such as rationing and criminal penalties for "bribery"/seeking to hire private care outside the system as well as certain economic horrors to result from the Act. 06/22/94 - Rev. Wayne Sedlak and John Selck cover the biblical ethics violations in the Clinton Health Care Plan, describe the danger of the coming dictatorship, and present some wonderfully "upbeat" solutions. AUDIO tapes $6.00 each (postpaid) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Pro-Life _________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Before You Choose: The Link Between Abortion and Breast Cancer. by Scott W. Somerville. Breast cancer in America has increased by 50% since abortion was legalized in 1973, and abortion is the one common factor which explains the breast cancer epidemic around the world. This is the full report, complete with charts, graphs, and scores of footnotes. Report, 12 pages, $2.00 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Does Abortion Cause Breast Cancer? by Scott W. Somerville This leaflet is designed to grab the attention of anyone who sees it! It presents the key facts in a very clear, quick, and concise manner. The reader is encouraged to "get the facts before you choose" by sending for the complete report. Leaflet, 10 copies, $1.25 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Population Controls ________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** Environmental Overkill. by Dr. Dixy Lee Ray The author, Dr. Dixy Lee Ray, has served as both the (Democratic) Governor of Washington and Commissioner of the Atomic Energy Commission. From ozone to global warming and from fossil fuels to insecticides, Dr. Ray's fully documented but wonderfully readable "classic" exposes the socialist, dictatorial motivation behind the environmental extremists and the myths which they espouse. A lay person can not only comprehend but can readily quote this tremendous work. Hardbound, 260 pages, $22.95 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** The War Against Population. by Dr. Jacqueline Kasun The signal work on the topic, Dr. Kasun's powerful paperback classic explodes the three myths which are added together to justify totalitarian economic and population controls across the planet. This professor of economics at Humboldt State University (California) explodes the myths which say that (1) world population is ballooning out of control, (2) that the world's natural resources are insufficient and (3) that we face an imminent environmental catastrophe. The War Against Population is the solid "must read" volume which covers the whole waterfront. Paperback, 225 pages, $19.95 (postpaid) ***************************************************************** TNA Enviro Packet. The packet contains the special ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE of The New American. Containing brilliant articles carrying titles like "Forecasters of Doom", "A World of Plenty", "Prize Eco-Scam", "Shackling Planet Earth", "Greening of the Planet", "The Amazing Amazon", "The Theory That's All Wet" (the acid rain scam), "Nothing More Than Hot Air" (debunking the "global warming" myth) and many others, the non-scientific "lay" reader will read the solid science which exposes "enviro fraud", the very ruses used to justify global tyranny over the families and economies of the world. The case for mandatory population controls depends upon three identifi- able "frauds": (1) that the Earth has insufficient resources to support more people (incredibly false), (2) that world population is now ballooning totally out of control (an incredible fraud) and (3) that the environment is rapidly deteriorating, all of which are said to threaten mankind's future. You will be able to dissect and destroy each of these untruths after reading this packet. Packet $2.50 (postpaid) -------------------------------------------------------------- Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Population Controls ________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** WVCY Radio Interviews "before" the Cairo Conference. 08/29/94 - P.I.N. committee researchers-commentators, David Borchardt and John Selck, describe the format and purposes of the Cairo Conference (International Conference on Population & Development) of September 5-13 before it opens. The tape is hard hitting and factual. 08/30/94 - This "explosive" continuation of the narrative regarding Cairo and on-the-record predictions of the resolutions about to come out of Cairo became breathtaking when a physicist called in to commend Messrs. Borchardt and Selck not only on their scientific accuracy but also their commentary on the dark motives behind the so-called "Population Summit". This broadcast has been described as P.I.N.'s "hottest" one yet! Audio cassettes $6.00 each (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Report from Cairo. A 13 minute "live" phone conversation in which John Selck of P.I.N. interviews Christian journalist and radio program host Joan Veon hours after her arrival in Tel Aviv from the Cairo Conference ("Population Summit"). Mrs. Veon, a well informed Christian "conservative" concentrates heavily upon the role of the head of the U.S. delegation, Timothy Wirth, in "programming" the liberal media to create the appearance of consensus in Cairo. Audio cassette $2.50 each (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Special Radio Liberty Broadcast (two hours) - "The Open Conspiracy in Cairo". This blockbuster narrative by P.I.N. commentators David Borchardt and John Selck on Radio Liberty in Santa Cruz, CA was done on September 14, 1994, the day after the close of the Cairo Conference or U.N. "Population Summit". The explosive narrative deals with the origins, history and malignant motives of the "United Nations", the global socialists, and the "population plotters". This interview was a model of informed Christian leadership and almost a "short course" to be given to your most valued family members and friends. Audio cassettes - 2 hours - $10.95 (postpaid) ------------------------------------------------------------- Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ INFORMATION "TOOLS" FOR EYE 'N EAR Population Controls ________________________________________________________________ ***************************************************************** WVCY Radio Interviews "after" the Cairo Conference. 09/19/94 - The Overpopulation Myth - A very insightful interview with P.I.N. researchers Rev. Wayne Sedlak and David Borchardt. This interview is full of examples, statistics and commentary that (1) show that overpopulation is not a problem and (2) expose the real reasons for famine, poverty, etc. It also exposes the real agenda behind all the overpopulation hysteria - global, statist control - including licensing of parents for childbearing, determining how many children parents may bear, abortion, and massive government subsidies to families to subvert parental influence over their children. 09/21/94 - Cairo Eyewitness Report: A fascinating interview with John Selck of P.I.N. and Christian journalist and radio program host Joan Veon who just returned from the "Population Summit" in Cairo. Issues covered included the programming of the press, controlling families through subsidies, doublespeak and the meaning of "consensus", the strong presence of a Planned Parenthood feminist agenda, funding and the U.S. taxpayer, the surveillance, harassment, and muzzling of Christian attendees, and the springboard that this conference provides to the U.N. to try to legitimize its agenda and to complete all items of unfinished business at the 1995 Copenhagen Conference. Audio cassettes $6.00 each (postpaid) ***************************************************************** Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM Education _________________________________________________________________ Item(s) Number Cost Per Unit * Amount INTRODUCTORY ITEM Introductory OBE Packet ______ x $ 3.00 ______ o Position papers by Rev. Wayne Sedlak o Stopping OBE: The "High Road" to Success o Special request for information from you o Glossary of important OBE terms o Article on OBE from The New American o Literature sheet and order form BASIC "TOOLS" Books Educating for the New World Order ______ x $22.00 ______ Beverly Eakman (pb), 292 pages (The best "one-stop" source of information on Outcome Based Education (OBE) and the tactics of those who promote it) Inside American Education: The Decline, ______ x $28.00 ______ the Deception, the Dogmas Thomas Sowell (hb), 368 pages (An explosive, superbly documented classic on what is really going on "inside" American education. Very readable, and loaded with examples) Education, Christianity, and the State ______ x $10.00 ______ J. Gresham Machen (pb), 179 pages (One of the foremost educators of the 20th century presents a brilliant defense of Christian education and intellectual freedom that is even more timely now than it was 50 years ago) *All items postpaid Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM Education _________________________________________________________________ Videos "Who Controls Our Children?" Peg Luksik (a brilliant and easy-to-understand explanation of OBE concepts and mistaken methodology) - Video ______ x $16.00 ______ - Document packet for video ______ x $10.00 ______ "Luksik Live-OBE: Chaos or Correction"? ______ x $12.00 ______ Peg Luksik (a live presentation made for P.I.N. in Waukesha, Wisconsin on May 6, 1993) Packets/Booklets Back to Basics Reform Or... Skinnerian International Curriculum ______ x $8.00 ______ (An excellent booklet by Charlotte T. Iserbyt) OBE Documentation Packet ______ x $10.00 ______ OBE Booklet - "To tell the truth" ______ x $12.00 ______ Position Papers o #1 - "Five Years of Chaos" ______ o #2 - "Longing" For the Old Model T ______ o #3 - "Doublespeak" ______ o #4 - "The Seven Golden Cities" ______ Subtotal ______ x $ 0.08 ______ Postage/Shipping (1-5 cys = $.30; 6-100 cys = $1.00; over 100 cys = $2.00) ______ * All items postpaid Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM Education _________________________________________________________________ STRATEGIC "TOOLS" Audio Tapes WVCY Radio interviews with John Selck and Rev. Wayne Sedlak The pro-OBE strategy (5/21/93) ______ x$ 6.00 ______ (fascinating recap of pro-OBE conference in Denver in May, 1993 called "Responding Democratically to Religious Agendas: Right Wing Pressure Groups and School Reform") Where OBE is headed (7/8/93) ______ x $ 6.00 ______ (A provocative discussion on what current educational "reform" and OBE really are and where they are headed) GOALS 2000 (10/26/93) ______ x $ 6.00 ______ (Update on OBE and GOALS 2000) HR6 and teacher certification (02/22/94) ______ x $ 6.00 ______ (The battle for private and home schools) Grand total (Education) ______ ***************************************************************************** Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________ City: ____________ State: ____ Zip: _____ Telephone: ___________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________________________ * All items postpaid Parent Information Network (P.I.N.) P.O. Box 733 Elm Grove, WI 53122 414-821-1873 _________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM Parents' Rights _________________________________________________________________ BASIC "TOOLS" Books Global Tyranny...Step by Step. The ______ x $14.45 ______ The United Nations and the Emerging New World Order William F. Jasper (pb), 350 pages (Brilliantly reviews the history of the UN) Action Sheet Alert to Action: The United Nations ______ x $ 1.50 ______ Convention on the Rights of the Child. Doug Phillips, 1 page, double-sided (An excellent synopsis of key provisions of this treaty). Booklet Special Report, September 1993: The ______ x $ 6.00 ______ United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Doug Phillips (A copy of the treaty itself plus a thought-provoking in-depth review). Packet The Unmasking of the United Nations. ______ x $ 8.95 ______ o The Fearful Master (pb), 244 pages o Key articles/reprints Research paper Whose Children? The Agenda of the UN ______ x $4.00 ______ Convention on the Rights of the Child Ingrid J. Guzman (An excellent summary of key points, enforcement, and practical effects) * All items postpaid --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM Parents' Rights _________________________________________________________________ Audio Tapes WVCY Radio interviews with John Selck, Rev. Wayne Sedlak, and others UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Introduction, Part I (11/02/93) ______ x $ 6.00 ______ Introduction, Part II (11/03/93) ______ x $ 6.00 ______ On the way to socialism and dictatorship ______ x $ 6.00 ______ (03/16/94) Additional research on the effects of ______ x $ 6.00 ______ the U.N. Convention by Ingrid Guzman (03/30/94) Momentum building toward passage ______ x $ 6.00 ______ of the U.N. Convention (04/14/94) Position Papers UN Convention on the Rights of the Child ______ x $ 1.00 ______ o #5 - "Because Every Child is Our Child" o #6 - "The Tidal Wave" * All items postpaid --------------------------------------------------------------- ORDER FORM Parents' Rights _________________________________________________________________ Video Tapes "The Tidal Wave": The U.N. Convention ______ x $19.95 ______ on the Rights of the Child. Grand total (Parents' Rights) ______ _________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM Health Care "Reform" _________________________________________________________________ BASIC "TOOLS" Packets Proof Packet ______ x $ 3.50 ______ Key articles from the Heartland and Cato Institutes exposing the problem and offering a powerful solution TNA Health Care Packet ______ x $ 3.50 ______ Eight brief but convincing articles covering the new health czar, "planned death" programs, foreign testimonials of sufferers under similar programs, and more Audio Tapes WVCY Radio interviews with John Selck, Rev. Wayne Sedlak, Dr. Robert B. Pittelkow, and others o "Worldwide witnesses" against ______ x $ 6.00 ______ socialized medicine (06/20/94) o Rationing, criminal penalties, and other ______ x $ 6.00 ______ horrors (06/21/94) o Ethics, dictatorship, and solutions(06/22/94)______ x $ 6.00 ______ Grand total (Health Care "Reform") ______ Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________ City: ____________ State: ____ Zip: _____ Telephone: ___________________________ Date: ________________________________ * All items postpaid _________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM Pro-Life _________________________________________________________________ BASIC "TOOLS" Report Before You Choose: The Link Between ______ x $ 2.00 ______ Abortion and Breast Cancer. Scott W. Somerville, 12 pages (Excellent documentation and presentation) Leaflet Does Abortion Cause Breast Cancer? ______ x $ 1.25 ______ Scott W. Somerville, 10 copies (Powerful, clear, concise) _________________________________________________________________ ORDER FORM Population Controls _________________________________________________________________ BASIC "TOOLS" Books Environmental Overkill. ______x $22.95 ______ Dr. Dixy Lee Ray (hb), 260 pages (Motivation and myths behind the environmental extremists) The War Against Population. ______x $19.95 ______ Dr. Jacqueline Kasun (pb), 225 pages (Explodes the three basic myths underlying population control) Packet TNA Enviro Packet. ______x $2.50 ______ Contains the special ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUE of The New American Audio Tapes WVCY Radio interviews "before" the Cairo Conference "Cairo Conference" agenda described "before" it happens with David Borchardt and John Selck - Part I (08/29/94) ______x $6.00 ______ - Part II (08/30/94) ______x $6.00 ______ Report from Cairo - "Live" phone conversation with participant & radio program host Joan Veon from Tel Aviv ______x $ 2.50 ______ Special Radio Liberty Broadcast (two hours) "The Open Conspiracy in Cairo" ______x $10.95 ______ * All items postpaid ------------------------------------------------ ORDER FORM Population Controls ________________________________________________ Audio Tapes WVCY Radio interviews "after" the Cairo Conference The Overpopulation Myth with Rev. Wayne Sedlak and David Borchardt ______x $ 6.00 ______ Cairo Eyewitness Report with John Seck and radio program host Joan Veon ______x $ 6.00 ______ Grand total (Population Controls) _____ [end]