RockNet User Policy and Practices Revised APRIL 18, 1994 ---------------------------------- RockNet is a Network of Bulletin Board Services that share common message conferences, which are echoed between these Bulletin Boards via respective Hubs. This Network is a voluntary service provided by participating System Operators, their respective Bulletin Board Systems, and the Boston Rocks BBS. RockNet is a Registered Trademark of Boston Rocks / Signature Productions. (c) 1992-1994 Boston Rocks / Signature Productions. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following Rules and Regulations are applicable to all participants of the RockNet Message conferences. These rules are NOT made to be harsh, but simply to provide control over a large grouping of independent systems within the RockNet enviornment. These rules are NOT meant to tell you how to run your Own system, rather they are set forth to maintain consitancy among member systems. The names SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR and NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR are used interchangeably throughout this document. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Flaming or similar personal attacks on this Network are prohibited. Derogatory racial, ethnic, or other such remarks wil not be tolorated and are grounds for expulsion from the network. 2. No abusive or offensive language is allowed; and no abusive, offensive or lewd graphics are allowed and are grounds for expulsion from the network. 3. Real names must be used. No ALIASES or HANDLES are allowed in any Network Conferences, except the "At the Bar" Adult Alias conference and "Generation X" Teens conference. 4. No illegal activities will be tolerated, including, but not limited to, PIRACY, PHREAKING, or other CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES in violation of any and all Laws in The Commenwealth of Massachusetts or any other state, union or Soverign Nation. BOSTON ROCKS, its owners and / or its operators may NOT be held responsible for any action that is take by any Law Enforcment Agencies because of messages originating from or appearing in the message conferences that comprise RockNet. Boston Rocks and ALL member boards agree to cooperate fully with any legitimate Law Enforcement Agency in any investigation pertaining to the messages within this network. 5. Messages on this network are PUBLIC and accessible to every user on every node of this network. Limited access to some conferences based on security level. The Administration conference should be restricted to sysops only. Remember that even "PRIVATE" message can usually be read by other Sysops or Co-Sysops..It is Your legal obligation to inform and remind users of this. Network Sysops have the ability and Responsiblity to monitor the messages routed through their Hubs and Nodes, and are responsible for "policing" their own systems users. 6. Messages may be of any length if the matter contained within the message warrants it. Excessive quoting is not permitted. Recommended Maximum message length allowed is 99 lines. Please do not quote taglines. 7. Messages should be contained within suitable conferences that address the subject thread. Continuous posting of off topic messages will not be tolerated. Conference Moderators, appointed by the System Admistrator, have the right and obligation to monitor for such activity, and take whatever action is deemed appropriate, including, but not limited to, requesting that a sysop electronically "bar" or suspend a user from RockNet either permantly or for a specified period of time. Failure of a RockNet member system to act on a Moderators request is reason for appeal by the Moderator to the Network Administrator for further action, including, but not limited to, the possible suspension or expulsion of the system from the network. 8. Any user found to be in violation of any Network rule will be issued a warning, and/or on the judgement of the RockNet Administrator, be prevented from accessing any or all Network conferences from ALL Network nodes. In other words, a "Behave or Be Gone!" policy should be adhered to by all nodes and hubs in RockNet. 9. No warranties expressed or implied, are made by the Network or by any participating nodes regarding the contents or subject matter contained within Network messages. Boston Rocks, its operators, or owners assume no responsiblity for any damage to or actions take against a member system because of messages carried in this Network. 10. The right to participate in the entity known as RockNet is at the sole discretion of The System Administrator or his appointed delegates. The ONLY recourse to appeal any decison is to appeal directly to the System Administrator. ALL DECISIONS MADE BY THE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR ARE FINAL. You and your users are granted access to this network by the System Administrator or his delegates. This Privilege may be revoked at any time without prior notice. This should ONLY happen if a flagrant violation of the Policy is determined. NO SYSTEM IS GUARANTEED THE "RIGHT" To carry or participate in RockNet or any of it's conferences. 11. The System Administrator May, at his Discretion, assemble a body of member systems to form an committee to oversee the operation of RockNet. This committee shall have the vested power to make any and all decisions regarding the rules of and operation of the network with the same authority as if these decisions were made be the Network Administrator. HOWEVER, the Network Administrator maintains the right and power to Veto any and all decisions made by this body. The Network Administrator will appoint the members of this body to their respective posts. The Network Administrator also reserves to right to remove a member from, or disband the committee in it's entirety. If the Committee so chooses, future appointments to this committee may be made by a vote of the current members of the committee in which majority rules, again subject to final approval by the Network Administrator. 12. All Policy and Practices revisons, deletions or changes will be made by the System Administrator and / or the Administrative Committee, subject to the System Administrators' Approval. 13. All systems applying for HUB status are required to carry all Conferences Available on the net, and to poll their Hub DAILY for new mail Any Hub not in compliance may be dropped to Node level. Exceptions may be made by Network Administrator on a case by case bases. NODES are only required to Carry the any conference marked Mandatory in the Conference list, and may poll their hub for mail as little as twice a week. (although DAILY is encouraged!) RockNet has NO "minimum # of Lines" Requirement for our member systems as of the date of the policy, and plans no such restriction in the future. þ Ron Doty, Boston Rocks BBS þ <<< Network Administrator>>> April, 1994