[ templates/internet-number-template.txt ] [ 04/94 ] This form must be completed as part of the application process for obtaining an Internet Protocol (IP) Network Number. To obtain an Internet number, please provide the following information on-line, via electronic mail, to HOSTMASTER@INTERNIC.NET. If electronic mail is not available to you, please mail hardcopy to: Network Solutions InterNIC Registration Services 505 Huntmar Park Drive Herndon, VA 22070 -- OR -- FAX to (703) 742-4811 Once Registration Services receives your completed application we will send you an acknowledgement, via electronic or postal mail. NOTE: This application is solely for obtaining a legitimate IP network number assignment. If you're interested in officially registering a domain please complete the domain application found in templates/domain-template.txt. If FTP is not available to you, please contact HOSTMASTER@INTERNIC.NET or phone the NIC at (800) 444-4345 (703) 742-4777 for further assistance. ATTENTION: ---------- 1) European network requests should use the european template (templates/european-ip-template.txt). Please follow their instructions for submission. 2) Networks that will be connected/located within the geographic region maintained by the Asian-Pacific NIC should use the APNIC template (templates/apnic-001.txt). Please follow their instructions for submission. *********************************************************************** *** NON-CONNECTED NETWORKS *** If the networks you are requesting address space for will NEVER TO BE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO REFER TO AND ADHERE TO THE GUIDELINES SET FORTH IN RFC 1597, UNDER SECTION 3 "PRIVATE ADDRESS SPACE". This RFC contains important information regarding the Policies/Procedures that are to be implemented when IP address space is requested for networks that will NEVER be connected to the Internet. A large portion of address space (one (1) class A, sixteen (16) class Bs and two-hundred fifty-six (256) class Cs) has been reserved for address allocation for non-connected networks. Please obtain the IP address space you require by utilizing the IP address range(s) that have been reserved by the IANA for use by all non-connected networks specified in this RFC. RFC 1597 may be obtained via anonymous FTP from DS.INTERNIC.NET ( ************************************************************************ YOUR APPLICATION MUST BE TYPED. 1) If the network will be connected to the Internet, you must provide the name of the governmental sponsoring organization or commercial service provider, and the name, title, mailing address, phone number, net mailbox, and NIC Handle (if any) of the contact person (POC) at that organization who has authorized the network connection. This person will serve as the POC for administrative and policy questions about authorization to be a part of the Internet. Examples of such sponsoring organizations are: DISA DNS, The National Science Foundation (NSF), or similar government, educational or commercial network service providers. NOTE: IF THE NETWORK WILL NEVER BE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET, PLEASE UTILIZE THE ADDRESS SPACE RESERVED FOR NON-CONNECTED NETWORKS THAT IS SPECIFIED IN RFC 1597. IF YOU INTEND TO CONNECT THIS NETWORK TO THE INTERNET BUT HAVE NOT YET CHOSEN A SERVICE PROVIDER, LEAVE THIS SECTION BLANK, BUT INDICATE THE APPROXIMATE DATE OF YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION IN SECTION 9 OF THIS TEMPLATE. IF YOU INTEND TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNET AND HAVE ALREADY CHOSEN A PROVIDER, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THIS REQUEST TO YOUR SERVICE PROVIDER FOR PROCESSING. SERVICE PROVIDERS ARE ALLOCATED BLOCKS OF ADDRESSES TO SUPPORT THE NETWORKING NEEDS OF THEIR CUSTOMERS. THIS PROCEDURE WILL ENSURE THAT THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES ADDED TO THE INTERNET ROUTING TABLES IS KEPT TO A MINIMUM, AND CIDR IS USED AS EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE. THE ABOVE PROCEDURES PERTAIN EXCLUSIVELY TO REQUESTS FOR CLASS C ADDRESS(ES). 1a. Sponsoring Organization: 1b. Contact name (Lastname, Firstname): 1c. Contact title: 1d. Mail Address : 1e. Phone : 1f. Net mailbox : 1g. NIC handle (if known): 2) Provide the name, title, mailing address, phone number, and organization of the technical Point-of-Contact (POC). The on-line mailbox and NIC Handle (if any) of the technical POC should also be included. This is the POC for resolving technical problems associated with the network and for updating information about the network. The technical POC may also be responsible for hosts attached to this network. 2a. NIC handle (if known): 2b. Technical POC name (Lastname, Firstname): 2c. Technical POC title: 2d. Mail address : 2e. Phone : 2f. Net Mailbox : 3) Supply the SHORT mnemonic name for the network (up to 12 characters). This is the name that will be used as an identifier in internet name and address tables. The only special character that may be used in a network name is a dash (-). PLEASE DO NOT USE PERIODS OR UNDERSCORES. The syntax XXXX.com and XXXX.net are not valid network naming conventions and should only be used when applying for a domain. 3. Network name: 4) Identify the geographic location of the network and the organization responsible for establishing the network. 4a. Postal address for main/headquarters network site: 4b. Name of Organization: 5) Question #5 is for MILITARY or DOD requests, ONLY. If you require that this connected network be announced to the NSFNET please answer questions 5a, 5b, and 5c. IF THIS NETWORK WILL BE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET VIA MILNET, THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED TO HOSTMASTER@NIC.DDN.MIL FOR REVIEW/PROCESSING. 5a. Do you want MILNET to announce your network to the NSFNET? (Y/N): 5b. Do you have an alternate connection, other than MILNET, to the NSFNET? (please state alternate connection if answer is yes): 5c. If you've answered yes to 5b, please state if you would like the MILNET connection to act as a backup path to the NSFNET? (Y/N): 6) Estimate the size of the network to include the number of hosts and subnets/segments that will be supported by the network. A "host" is defined as any device (PC, printer etc.) that will be assigned an address from the host portion of the network number. A host may also be characterized as a node or device. Host Information ---------------- 6a. Initially: 6b. Within one year: 6c. Within two years: 6d. Within five years: Subnet/Segment Information -------------------------- 6e. Initially: 6f. Within one year: 6g. Within two years: 6h. Within five years: 7) Unless a strong and convincing reason is presented, the network (if it qualifies at all) will be assigned a single class C network number. If a class C network number is not acceptable for your purposes, you are required to submit substantial, detailed justification in support of your requirements. ******************************************************************** * THE NIC WOULD STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU CONSIDER SUBNETTING * CLASS C ADDRESSES WHEN MULTIPLE SEGMENTS WILL BE USED TO SUPPORT * A MINIMAL AMOUNT OF HOST ADDRESSES. MULTIPLE CLASS C NUMBERS * SHOULD BE UTILIZED WHEN IT IS NECESSARY TO SUPPORT MORE THAN 256 * HOSTS ON A SINGLE NETWORK. YOU MAY WISH TO CONFER WITH A NETWORK * CONSULTANT AND ROUTER VENDOR FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. * * ******************************************************************** (Note: If there are plans for more than a few local networks, and more than 100 hosts, you are strongly urged to consider subnetting. [Reference RFC 950 and RFC 1466]) 7. Reason: 8) Networks are characterized as being either Research, Educational, Government - Non Defense, or Commercial, and the network address space is shared between these four areas. Which type is this network? 8. Type of network: 9) What is the purpose of the network? 9. Purpose: For further information contact InterNIC Registration Services: Via electronic mail: HOSTMASTER@INTERNIC.NET Via telephone: (800) 444-4345 Via postal mail: Network Solutions InterNIC Registration Service 505 Huntmar Park Drive Herndon, VA 22070 RECOMMENDED READING (available via anonymous FTP from DS.INTERNIC.NET (, or call 1-800-444-4345 option #1) Gerich, E. Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space, Ann Arbor, MI: Merit Network, Inc.; May 1993; RFC 1466. 10 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET RFC1466.TXT). Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz. B., Karrenberg, D., de Groot, G. Address Allocation for Private Internets, IBM Corp., Chrysler Corp., RIPE NCC; March 1994; RFC 1597. 8 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET RFC1597.TXT). Braden, R.T.; Postel, J.B. Requirements for Internet Gateways. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1987 June; RFC 1009. 55 p. (DS.INTERNET.NET POLICY RFC1009.TXT). Internet Engineering Task Force, Braden, R.T. Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Communication Layers. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; October 1989; RFC 1122. 116 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET RFC1122.TXT). Internet Engineering Task Force, Braden, R.T. Requirements for Internet Hosts -- Application and Support. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; October 1989; RFC 1123. 98 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET RFC1123.TXT). Internet Activities Board. Internet Official Protocol Standards. 1994 March; RFC 1600. 34p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET POLICY RFC1600.TXT). [Note: the current version is always available as "STD 1".] Mogul, J.; Postel, J.B. Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure. Stanford, CA: Stanford University; 1985 August; RFC 950. 18 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET POLICY RFC950.TXT). Postel, J.B. Internet Control Message Protocol. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1981 September; RFC 792. 21 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET POLICY RFC792.TXT). Postel, J.B. Transmission Control Protocol. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1981 September; RFC 793. 85 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET POLICY RFC793.TXT). Postel, J.B. Address Mappings. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1981 September; RFC 796. 7 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET POLICY RFC796.TXT). Obsoletes: IEN 115 (NACC 0968-79) Postel, J.B. User Datagram Protocol. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1980 August 28; RFC 768. 3 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET POLICY RFC768.TXT). Postel, J.B. Internet Protocol. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1981 September; RFC 791. 45 p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET POLICY RFC791.TXT). Reynolds, J.K.; Postel, J.B. Assigned Numbers. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1992 JUly; RFC 1340. 139p. (DS.INTERNIC.NET POLICY RFC1340.TXT). [Note: the current version is always available as "STD 2".]