The US Domain ============= The US Domain is an official top-level domain in the DNS of the Internet community. It is registered with the Internic. The domain administrators are Jon Postel and Ann Westine Cooper at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California (USC-ISI). US is the ISO-3166 2-letter country code for the United States and thus the US Domain is established as a top-level domain and registered with the InterNIC the same way other country domains are. Membership: Any computer in the United States may be registered in the US domain. In the past, the computers registered in the US Domain were primarily owned by small companies or individuals with computers at home. However, the US Domain has grown and currently registers hosts in federal government agencies, state government agencies, K12 schools, community colleges, technical/vocational schools, private schools, libraries, city and county government agencies, as well as in businesses and homes. Naming Structure: The US Domain hierarchy is based on political geography, that is, the US domain is subdivided into states, then locality (i.e., city or county) then organization or computer name and so on. The state codes are those assigned by the US Postal Service. Locality Names: Within the state name space there are "locality" names, some may be cities, some may be counties, some may be local names, but not incorporated entities. Registered names under "locality" could include: .CI...US ==> city gov't agency .CO...US ==> county gov't agency ...US ==> businesses In the cases where the locality name is a county, there is a branch under the locality name, called "county" or "CO", that is used by the county government. Businesses are registered directly under the locality name. Under the city locality name space there is a "city" or "CI" branch for city government agencies. As usual, businesses and private schools may register directly under the city name. In the case where there is both a county and a city with the same locality name there is no problem, since the names will be unique with the "CO" or "CI" keyword. In our area the county has a fire department and the city has its own fire department. -2- Cities may be named (designated) by their full name (spelled out with hyphens replacing spaces (e.g., Los-Angeles or New-York)), or by a city code. The first choice is the full city name. In some cases it may be appropriate to use the well-known city abbreviation known throughout a locality. However, it is very desirable that all users in the same city use the same designator for the city. That is, any particular locality should have just one DNS name. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "locality" - cities, counties, parishes, and townships. Subdomains under the "locality" would be like CI...US, CO...US, or businesses. For example: Petville.Mar-Vista.CA.US. "CI" - This branch is used for city government agencies and is a subdomain under the "locality" name (like Los Angeles). For example: Fire-Dept.CI.Los-Angeles.CA.US. "CO" - This branch is used for county government agencies and is a subdomain under the "locality" name (like Los Angeles). For example: Fire-Dept.CO.Los-Angeles.CA.US. "K12" - This branch may be used for public school districts. A special name "PVT" can be used in the place of a school district name for private schools. For example: ..K12..US and .PVT.K12..US. "CC" - COMMUNITY COLLEGES - This branch was established for all state wide community colleges. For example .CC..US. "TEC" - TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS - The branch "TEC" was established for technical and vocational schools and colleges. For example: .TEC..US. "LIB" - LIBRARIES (STATE, REGIONAL, CITY, COUNTY) - This branch may be used for libraries only. For example: .LIB..US "STATE" - This branch may be used for state government agencies. For example. .STATE..US. "GEN" - GENERAL INDEPENDENT ENTITY - This branch is for things that don't fit easily into any other structure listed -- things that might fit into something like ORG at the top-level. (such as state-wide associations, clubs, or domain parks). For example: .GEN.CA.US. "FED" - This branch may be used for agencies of the federal government. For example: .FED.US. "DNI" - DISTRIBUTED NATIONAL INSTITUTES - The "DNI" branch was created directly under the top-level US. This branch is to be used for distributed national institutes; organizations that span state, regional, and other organizational boundaries; that are national in scope, and have distributed facilities. For example .DNI.US. -3- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VIEW OF SECOND LEVEL DOMAINS UNDER US +-------+ | US | +-------+ | +----------------------------------+ | | | | | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ | FED | | DNI | | TX | | SD | | CA | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SCHOOL AND LIBRARY VIEW +-----+ | CA | +-----+ | +------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-------------+ +-----+ | K12 | | CC | | TEC | | LOS ANGELES | | LIB | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-------------+ +-----+ / \ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ +--------+ +---+ +---+ +--------+ +----------+ +------+ |sch dist| |PVT| |SJC| |WM TRADE| |pvt school| |MALIBU| +--------+ +---+ +---+ +--------+ +----------+ +------+ /|\ /|\ +--------+ +--------+ |sch name| |sch name| +--------+ +--------+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VIEW OF STATE, REGIONAL, and GENERAL AGENCIES +-----+ | CA | +-----+ | +------------------------+ | | | +-------+ +--------+ +-----+ | STATE | |DISTRICT| | GEN | +-------+ +--------+ +-----+ /|\ /|\ /|\ +--------+ +------+ +---------+ |CALTRANS| |SCAQMD| |domain pk| ---------+ +------+ +---------+ | +--------+ |TCEW100E| +--------+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - 4- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VIEW OF LOCALITY +-----+ | CA | +-----+ | +-----------------------------------+ | | +-------------------------+ +----------------+ | LOS ANGELES | | SANTA MONICA | +-------------------------+ +----------------+ / | | /|\ | /|\ / | | | | | +---+ +--+ +--+ +-----------+ +--+ +---+ |bus| |CI| |CO| | pvt school| |CI| |bus| +---+ +--+ +--+ +-----------+ +--+ +---+ /\ | \ | / \ | \ +------------+ / \ | \ |HARBOR GUARD| / \ | \ +------------+ +----+ +-----+ +-----+ +----+ |FIRE| |ADMIN| |PARKS| |FIRE| +----+ +-----+ +-----+ +----+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ K12 Schools Under US Domain: K12 schools are connecting to the Internet and registering in the Internet DNS. A decision has been made by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), (after consultation with the new InterNIC Internet Registry and the Federal Networking Council (FNC) to direct these school registrations to the US domain using the naming structure described in RFC 1480. There are two reasons for registering schools in the US Domain. (1) uniqueness of names, and (2) management of the database. For both these reasons it is necessary to introduce structure into names. Structure provides a basis for making common names unique in context, and for dividing the management responsibility. The US Domain has a framework established and has registered many schools already in this structured scheme. The general form is: ..K12..US. Generally school names are unique within a district, and this provides two points at which to delegate a branch of the database to distinct administrators -- the K12 administrator for each state, and the district administrator for each district within a state. These names are generally longer than the current apparent alternative in the EDU domain, but that cannot last long without a significant number of schools finding that their "obviously correct" name has already been used by some other school. -5- Private Schools: To accommodate both public and private schools, in each state's K12 branch, we've added an artificial district called private or "PVT". This gives a private school the option of registering like a business under "locality" or in the PVT.K12..US branch. Registration: There are two types of registrations (1) Delegation, where a branch of the US Domain is delegated to an organization running name servers to support that branch; or (2) Direct Registration, in which the information is put directly into the main database. In Direct Registration there are two cases: (a) an IP-host (with an IP address), and (b) non-IP host (for example, a UUCP host). Any particular registration will involve any one of these three situations. Registration Requirements: Anyone requesting to register a host in the US Domain is sent a copy of the Instructions for the US Domain Template and must fill out a US Domain template. The US Domain template, is similar to the InterNIC Domain template, but it is not the same. To request a copy of the US Domain Template, send a message to the US Domain registrar ( If you are registering a name in a delegated zone, please register with the contact for that zone. You can ftp the file in-notes/delegated-domains.txt from, via anonymous ftp, This information is also available via email from RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU (include as the only text in the message "Help: us_domain_delegated_domains"). Non-IP Hosts: Many applicants have hosts in the UUCP world. Some are one hop away, some two and three hops away from their "Internet Forwarder", this is acceptable. What is important is getting an Internet host to be your forwarder. If you do not already have an Internet forwarder, there are several businesses that provide this service for a fee, (see RFC 1359 - Connecting to the Internet What Connecting Institutions Should Anticipate, ACM SIGUCCS, August 1992). Sometimes local colleges in your area are already on the Internet and may be willing to act as an Internet Forwarder. You would need to work this out with the systems administrator. Only hosts on the Internet can act as forwarding hosts. It is important that you register with an Internet forwarding host. When registering a destination host in the US domain with an MX record, the requester is responsible for also registering the destination host with the administrator of the forwarding host. This is necessary because when messages for your host arrive at the Internet host it will need to know where to forward them. MX records are necessary. -6- For example, when a message is sent to "Susan@ALPHA.CLUB.CHI.IL.US" it will be routed to the Internet host "CS.CHICAGO-U.EDU" as directed by the MX record. The host "CS.CHICAGO-U.EDU" must know some way of delivering the message to the host "ALPHA.CLUB.CHI.IL.US" (uucp, slip, whatever). So the destination host (ALPHA.CLUB.CHI.IL.US) must be known to (registered with) the forwarding host (CS.CHICAGO-U.EDU), as well as being registered in the US domain DNS database. The Internet US Domain registration is not affiliated with the registration of UUCP Map entries. The UUCP map entry does not provide us with sufficient information. Wild Cards: Wildcard records are allowed in our zone files under the organizational subdomain but no wildcard records are allowed under the "City" or "State" domain. The wildcard records are of the form "*.". The wildcards potentially apply to descendents of , but not to itself. For example: "* MX 10 ELROY.JPL.NASA.GOV * MX 10 ELROY.JPL.NASA.GOV The wildcard record *.DWP.LA.CA.US would cause an MX query for any domain name ending in DWP.LA.CA.US to return an MX RR pointing at ELROY.JPL.NASA.GOV. The entry without the "*" is needed so the host dwp can be found. Delegation: Many branches of the US Domain are delegated. Typical delegations are localities (cities or counties), companies within cities, k12 schools, community colleges, libraries, state and federal government agencies. For example:,, and There must be a knowledgeable and competent technical contact, familiar with the Internet Domain Name System. This requirement is easily satisified if the technical contact already runs some other name servers. Organizations requesting delegations must provide at least two independent DNS name servers in physically separate locations on the Internet. The subdomain must accept all applicants on an equal basis. The subdomain must provide timely processing of requests. To do this it is helpful to have several individuals knowledgeable about the procedures so that the operations are not delayed. WHOIS Database: Only the second and third level delegated portions of the US Domain will be entered in the InterNIC WHOIS database. For example, K12.CA.US would have an entry in WHOIS. Anything under K12.CA.US will not be listed. The data from the information you supplied on your application will be sent to the Internic registry automatically. -7- Examples: ========= Geo-Petrellis.Culver-City.CA.US <== resturant IBM.Armonk.NY.US <== business Camp-Curry.Yosemite.CA.US <== business Yosemite.NPS.Interior.FED.US <== federal agency Senate.FED.US <== US Senate DOD.FED.US <== US Defense Dept. DOT.FED.US <== US Transportation Dept. MPLS.FRB.FED.US <== the Minneapolis branch of the Federal Reserve Bank MetaCenter.DNI.US <== distributed Nat'l Inst. Senate.STATE.MN.US <== state Senate House.STATE.MN.US <== state House of Reps Assembly.STATE.CA.US <== state Assembly MDH.STATE.MN.US <== state Health Dept. DOT.STATE.MN.US <== state Transportation Dept. CALTRANS.STATE.CA.US <== state Transportation Dept. DMV.STATE.CA.US <== state Motor Vehicles Dept. Culver-City.DMV.STATE.CA.US <== local office of DMV Police.CI.Culver-City.CA.US <== city department Fire-Dept.CI.Los-Angeles.CA.US <== city department Fire-Dept.CO.Los-Angeles.CA.US <== county department MDR.Library.CO.Los-Angeles.CA.US <== county department Main.Library.CI.Los-Angeles.CA.US <== city department Huntington.LIB.CA.US <== private library SMCC.Santa-Monica.CC.CA.US <== public community college Trade-Tech.Los-Angeles.CC.CA.US <== public community college Valley.Los-Angeles.CC.CA.US <== public community college Hamilton.High.LA-Unified.K12.CA.US <== public school Sherman-Oaks.Elem.LA-Unified.K12.CA.US <== public school John-Muir.Middle.Santa-Monica.K12.CA.US <== public school St-Monica.High.Santa-Monica.CA.US <== private school Crossroads-School.Santa-Monica.CA.US <== private school Mary-Ellens-Montessori-School.LA.CA.US <== private school Progress-Learning-Center.PVT.K12.CA.US <== private school Brick-and-Basket-Institute.TEC.CA.US <== technical college Berkeley.UC.STATE.CA.US <== "CAL" Los-Angeles.UC.STATE.CA.US <== UCLA Irvine.UC.STATE.CA.US <== UC Irvine Northridge.CSU.STATE.CA.US <== CSUN Leland-Stanford-Jr-University.Stanford.CA.US <== private school Bunker-Hill.DISTRICT.Los-Angeles.CA.US <== local district SCAQMD.DISTRICT.CA.US <== regional district -8- Servers: The US domain is currently supported by seven name servers: VENERA.ISI.EDU, NS.ISI.EDU, RS.INTERNIC.NET, NS.CSL.SRI.COM, NS.UU.NET, ADM.BRL.MIL and EXCALIBUR.USC.EDU. Cost: Currently, there is no cost for registering a host in the US domain. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RECOMMENDED READING Cooper, Postel, "The US Domain". Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1992 December; RFC 1480. 31 p. (RS.INTERNIC.NET RFC:RFC1480.TXT). Albitz, P., C. Liu, "DNS and Bind" Help for UNIX System Administrators, O'Reilly and Associates, Inc., October 1992. Lottor, M. Domain Administrators Operations Guide. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International, DDN Network Information Center; 1987 November; RFC 1033. 22 p. (RS.INTERNIC.NET RFC:RFC1033.TXT). Mockapetris, P. Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities. Marina del Rey, CA: University of Southern California, Information Sciences Inst.; 1987 November; RFC 1034. 55 p. (RS.INTERNIC.NET RFC:RFC1034.TXT). Updated-by: RFC 1101 Obsoletes: RFC 973; RFC 882; RFC 883. Mockapetris, P. Domain Names - Implementation and Specification. Sciences Inst.; 1987 November; RFC 1035. 55 p. (RS.INTERNIC.NET RFC:RFC1035.TXT). Updated-by: RFC 1101 Obsoletes: RFC 973; RFC 882; RFC 883. ACM SIGUCCS Networking Taskforce, "Connecting to the Internet - What Connecting Institutions Should Anticipate", RFC 1359, August 1992. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE US DOMAIN TEMPLATE [6/93] To register a host in the US domain, the US Domain Template must be sent to the US Domain Registrar (US-Domain@ISI.EDU). The first few pages explain each question on the attached template. FILL OUT THE TWO PAGE TEMPLATE AT THE END. Questions may be sent by electronic mail to the above address, or by phone to Ann Cooper, USC/Information Sciences Institute, (310) 822-1511. (1) Please specify whether this is a new application, modification to an existing registration, or deletion. (2) The name of the domain. This is the name that will be used in tables and lists associating the domain with the domain server addresses. See RFC 1480 - The US Domain for more details. ...US. = city/locality based names ..K12..US. = kindegarten thru 12th grade .PVT.K12..US. = private K thru 12th grade ...US. = locality opt: for PVT schools .CC..US. = community colleges .TEC..US. = technical or vocational schools .LIB..US. = libraries .STATE..US. = state government agencies .FED.US. = federal government agencies .DNI.US. = distributed national institutes .GEN..US. = statewide assoc,clubs,domain parks For example: (3) The name of the entity represented, that is, the organization being named. For example: The Networthy Corporation, not the name of the organization submitting the request. (4) Please describe the domain briefly. For example: The Networthy Corporation is a consulting organization of people working with UNIX and the C language in an electronic networking environment. It sponsors two technical conferences annually and distributes a bimonthly newsletter. (5) The date you expect the domain to be fully operational. For every registration, we need both the administrative and the technical contacts of a domain (questions 6 & 7) and we MUST have a network mailbox for each. If you have a NIC handle (a unique NIC database identifier) please enter it. (If you don't know what a NIC handle is leave it blank). Also the title, mailing address, phone number, organization, and network mailbox. (6) The name of the administrative head of the "organization". The administrator is the contact point for administrative and policy questions about the domain. The Domain administrator should work closely with the personnel he has designated as the "technical contact" for his domain. In this example the Domain Administraror would be the Administrator of the Networty Corporation, not the Administrator of the organization running the nameserver (unless it is the same person). (7) The name of the technical and zone contact. The technical and zone contact handles the technical aspects of maintaining the domain's name server and resolver software, and database files. He keeps the name server running. More than likely, this person would be the technical contact running the primary nameserver. ************************************************************************** PLEASE READ: There are several types of registrations: (a) Delegation (i.e., a portion of the US Domain name space is given to an organization running nameservers to support that branch; For example, K12.TX.US, for all K12 schools in Texas). For (a) answer questions 8 and 9. (b) Direct Registration of an IP Host. For (b) answer question 10. (c) Direct Registration of a non-IP Host. For (c) answer question 11 and 12. ************************************************************************** QUESTIONS FOR DELEGATIONS (8) PRIMARY SERVER Information. It is required to supply both the Contact information as well as hardware/software information of the primary nameserver. (9)* SECONDARY SERVER Informaion. It is required to supply the hardware and software information of all secondary nameservers. Domains must provide at least two independent servers that provide the domain service for translating names to addresses for hosts in this domain. If you are applying for a domain and a network number assignment simultaneously and a host on your proposed network will be used as a server for the domain, you must wait until you receive your network number assigment and have given the server(s) a net- address before sending in the domain application. Establishing the servers in physically separate locations and on different PSNs and/or networks is strongly recommended. NOTE: For those applicants not able to run nameservers, or for non-IP hosts the Name Server information is not applicable. (See #10 and #11). ========================================================================= QUESTION FOR DIRECT IP HOSTS (If you answered 8&9 do not answer 10,11,12). (10) What Domain Name System (DNS) Resource Records (RR) and values are to be entered for your IP host (must have an A record). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Example: RRs for an INTERNET hosts. (a) DOMAIN NAME (required)...: Networthy.Santa-Clara.CA.US. (b) IP ADDRESS (required)....: A (required) (c) HARDWARE (opt)...........: SUN-3/11O (d) OPERATING SYS (opt)......: UNIX (e) WKS (opt)................: UDP (echo tftp) TCP (ftp) (f) MX (opt).................: 10 RELAY.ISI.EDU. It is your responsibility to see that an IN-ADDR pointer record is entered in the DNS database. (For internet hosts only). Contact the administrator of the IP network your host is on to have this done. The US Domain administration does not administer the network and cannot make these entries in the DNS database. ==================================================================== QUESTIONS FOR NON-IP HOSTS (such as UUCP). Many applicants have hosts in the UUCP world. Some are one hop away, some two and three hops away from their "Internet Forwarder", this is acceptable. What is important is getting an Internet host to be your forwarder. If you do not already have an Internet forwarder, there are several businesses that provide this service for a fee, (see RFC 1359 - Connecting to the Internet What Connecting Institutions Should Anticipate, ACM SIGUCCS, August 1992). Sometimes local colleges in your area are already on the Internet and may be willing to act as an Internet Forwarder. You would need to work this out with the systems administrator. We cannot make these arrangements for you. (11) Internet Forwarding Host Information (11a) What is the name of your Internet forwarding host? For example: The host Yacht-Club.MDR.CA.US uses UUCP to connect to RELAY.ISI.EDU which is an Internet host. (i.e., RELAY.ISI.EDU is the forwarding host). (11b) What is the name of your contact person at fowarding host? The Administrator of RELAY.ISI.EDU must agree to be the forwarding host for Yacht-Club.MDR.CA.US, and the forwarding host must know a delivery method and route to Networthy. No double MXing. (11c) What is the mailbox of your contact? What is the mailbox of the administrator of the forwarding host. Example: Contact Name......: John Smith Contact Email.....: js@RELAY.ISI.EDU (12) What Domain Name System (DNS) Resource Records (RR) and values are to be entered for your NON-IP host. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Example: RRs for a NON-IP host (uucp). (a) DOMAIN NAME (required).....: Yacht-Club.MDR.CA.US. (b) HARDWARE (opt).............: SUN-3/11O (c) OPERATING SYS (opt)........: UNIX (d) MX (required)..............: 10 RELAY.ISI.EDU. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PLEASE ALLOW AT LEAST 8 WORKING DAYS FOR PROCESSING THIS APPLICATION US DOMAIN TEMPLATE [6/93] PLEASE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING TWO PAGE TEMPLATE TO ( Sections or fields of this form marked with an asterisk (*) may be copied as many times as necessary to complete this application. (For example, if you had two phone numbers for the Administrative Contact, you would use the same number "6h" twice. PLEASE DO NOT ALTER THIS APPLICATION IN ANY WAY. ===================================================================== 1. REGISTRATION TYPE (N)ew (M)odify (D)elete..: 2.* FULLY-QUALIFIED DOMAIN NAME: 3. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 3a. Organization Name.....: 3b. Address Line 1........: 3b. Address Line 2........: 3c. City..................: 3d. State.................: 3e. Zip/Code..............: 4. DESCRIPTION OF ORG/DOMAIN: 5. Date Operational......: 6. ADMINISTRATIVE CONTACT OF ORG/DOMAIN 6a. NIChandle (if known)..: 6b. Whole Name............: 6c. Organization Name.....: 6d. Address Line 1........: 6d. Address Line 2........: 6e. City..................: 6f. State.................: 6g. Zip/Code..............: 6h.* Voice Phone...........: 6i.* Electronic Mailbox....: 7. TECHNICAL AND ZONE CONTACT 7a. NIChandle (if known)..: 7b. Whole Name............: 7c. Organization Name.....: 7d. Address Line 1........: 7d. Address Line 2........: 7e. City..................: 7f. State.................: 7g. Zip/Code..............: 7h.* Voice Phone...........: 7i.* Electronic Mailbox....: - 2 - FILL OUT QUESTION 8 AND 9 FOR DELEGATIONS ONLY (i.e those organizations running nameservers for a branch of the US Domain namespace, for example: 8. PRIMARY SERVER: HOSTNAME, NETADDRESS 8a. NIChandle (if known)..: 8b. Whole Name............: 8c. Organization Name.....: 8d. Address Line 1........: 8d. Address Line 2........: 8e. City..................: 8f. State.................: 8g. Zip/Code..............: 8h.* Voice Phone...........: 8i.* Electronic Mailbox....: 8j. Hostname..............: 8k.* IP Address............: 8l.* HARDWARE..............: 8m.* OPERATING SYS.........: 9. * SECONDARY SERVER: HOSTNAME, NETADDRESS 9a.* Hostname..............: 9b.* IP Address............: 9c.* HARDWARE..............: 9d.* OPERATING SYS.........: FILL OUT QUESTION 10 FOR DIRECT REGISTRATIONS IP HOSTS (if you answered 8 & 9, do not answer 10, 11, and 12) 10. RESOURCE RECORDS (RRs) FOR IP INTERNET HOSTS 10a. DOMAIN NAME...........: 10b.* IP ADDRESS (required).: 10c. HARDWARE..............: 10d. OPERATING SYS.........: 10e. WKS ..................: 10f.* MX....................: It is your responsibility to see that an IN-ADDR pointer record is entered in the DNS database. Contact the administrator of the IP network your host is on to have this done. FILL OUT QUESTIONS 11 AND 12 FOR NON-IP HOSTS (such as UUCP) 11. FORWARDING HOST INFORMATION 11a. Forwarding Host......: 11b. Contact Name.........: 11c. Contact Email........: 12. RESOURCE RECORDS (RRs) FOR NON-IP HOSTS (UUCP) 12a. DOMAIN NAME...........: 12b. HARDWARE..............: 12c. OPERATING SYS.........: 12d.* MX (required).........: