[ templates/user-template.txt ] [ Version U1.2 9/92 ] This file contains information for individual users and for Host Administrators (HAs) who want to register their users in the WHOIS database maintained by the InterNIC Registration Services on the host RS.INTERNIC.NET ( The user registration template below has been created to standardize the registration procedure and help ensure that Registration Services will receive complete information about each user in a format that can be processed quickly and reliably by the registration software. You may retrieve the file from the InterNIC via FTP. Simply log on with username "anonymous" and password "guest". Then change to the templates directory and request the file by executing a getfile procedure for filename user-template.txt at the prompt. FOR MILITARY USERS ONLY: It is important to note that ALL Host Administrators who will be authorizing users for TAC access MUST be registered in the NIC database and be shown as HA or alternate POC on the appropriate host record. MILNET gateway administrators should ensure that their subhosts and subhost HAs are registered and that the subhost HAs have been authorized to request TAC cards before they submit user registrations to the NIC registrar for processing! The file contains five sections, as follows: A. General Instructions B. Instructions for Individual Field Entries C. Instructions for Submitting Registration Data D. Sample Template E. Blank Template (Use for Submission) Section A below provides general instructions for filling out the user templates. Acceptable formats and instructions for individual field entries follow in Section B. PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. HOW TO FILL IN THE USER REGISTRATION TEMPLATE A. General Instructions NOTE: UPDATEs and DELETEs *always* require the entry of a NIC handle and Last Name. 1. To ADD a new user record to the database, fill out all required fields except for the handle, line U1. Required fields are marked with a plus (+). Include in the non-required fields any additional information that is applicable to the new user. 2. To MODIFY or UPDATE the record of an existing user, enter the appropriate NIC handle and include data for the fields that need to be changed. Enter "NONE" in any non-required field to erase previous data. U3A through U3D are grouped fields. Each of these fields are processed as a whole. A change to any one field within the group requires entries of all fields for the group. (i.e., entry in any field causes all fields in the group to be updated from the template.) 3. To DELETE a user record from the database, enter the NIC handle (U1), enter the name information (U2A and U2B), and enter "Y" in the "Delete User?" field (U5A). 4. City, State, and Zip code information must be supplied for all United States addresses. If the address is an APO or FPO address, use the City field to specify the letters "APO" or "FPO" and use the State field to enter the APO/FPO two-letter code. 5. Please note that NO USER is allowed more that one record in the NIC database. Each user should be registered only on his/her primary or "home" host. B. Instructions for Individual Field Entries + U1. NIC Handle (See A2,3)......: Required only for UPDATEs and DELETEs. DO NOT include a handle when you are registering a new user. The NIC registration software automatically generates a handle for all user records that are newly added to the database. Example: RM64 (handle for NIC.DDN.MIL user) NAME INFORMATION + U2A. Last Name..................: + U2B. First Name.................: U2C. Middle Name or Initial.....: U2D. Name Suffix................: U2E. Title/Rank.................: Both first and last names are required. We strongly suggest including a middle name or initial, as that helps to eliminate duplication of names in the database. Suffix line should include identifiers such as Jr., Sr., II, III, etc. A title or rank may be included. ADDRESS INFORMATION + U3A. Address Line 1.............: U3B. Address Line 2.............: U3C. Address Line 3.............: U3D. Address Line 4.............: + U3E. City or FPO/APO (See A.4)..: + U3F. State or FPO/APO Code (A.4): + U3G. Zip Code (See A.4).........: U3H. Country....................: U3I. Network Mailbox............: + U3J. Hostname...................: Required. At least one line of address information is required. This address should be the U.S. postal mailing address for any correspondence directed to you. TAC users, in particular, should include an accurate address, as addresses for mailing TAC cards are generated directly from your template input. Enter as many lines as necessary, up to a maximum of four. Enter the city and the standard two-letter state abbreviation if your host is located in the United States. If you have an APO/FPO address, enter only the two-letter APO/FPO code in line U3F (i.e., AE for New York, AP for California, AA for Florida). The zip code entry is REQUIRED for APO/FPO and U.S. mailing addresses. Please supply a nine-digit zip code for APO/FPO addresses; you may enter either a five or nine-digit zip for other U.S. addresses. U3H. Country....................: Enter the country if it should appear in your mailing address. U3I. Network Mailbox............: Enter the Fully Qualified Domain Name (full hostname). Separate the username and hostname parts of the mailbox by "@". Otherwise, follow the syntax required for routing mail to your network. + U3J. Hostname...................: This is the name of your "home" host. Enter the full hostname, not the numeric host address. PHONE INFORMATION + U4A. Commercial Phone...........: U4B. Commercial Phone Extension.: U4C. Alternate Phone............: U4D. Alternate Phone Extension..: U4E. DSN Phone..................: U4F. DSN Phone Extension........: U4G. Fax Phone..................: Each user must provide at least one phone number. If you have no commercial phone number, you must provide your DSN phone number. Other numbers may also be listed. Please include DSN or Fax numbers. USER STATUS U5A. Delete User? (See A.3)[Y/N]: This field is used to permanently remove a user's record from the WHOIS database. Do not answer "Y" if the user is moving to another host. The default is N. + U5B. TAC Card Required? [Y/N]...: Enter a Y or N following the colon to indicate if a TAC Access Card is required. TAC Card requests may be submitted to the NIC only by authorized gateway or host administrators. C. Instructions for Submitting Registration Data Please forward all user registration data directly to "hostmaster@internic.net" You may address questions to the same mailbox or you may call the Registration Help Desk at 1-800-444-4345 for assistance. All submissions will be acknowledged on receipt. User registrations will be processed within eight working days of receipt if all data is properly formatted and there are no problems with the information you have supplied. If you do not have access to electronic mail facilities, you may submit hardcopy applications to the following address: Network Solutions InterNIC Registration Services 505 Huntmar Park Drive Herndon, VA 22070 Because hardcopy registrations require manual input, this method of transmission is strongly discouraged! The following section consists of a sample template with data entered in the required format. A blank user template concludes the file. D. Sample Template ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sample User Registration Template Version U1.2 - 9/92 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do Not Change Format! | Enter Data Here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + U1. NIC Handle (See A2,3).......: XYZ23 NAME INFORMATION + U2A. Last Name..................: Zosters + U2B. First Name.................: Xary U2C. Middle Name or Initial.....: Y. U2D. Name Suffix................: U2E. Title/Rank.................: ADDRESS INFORMATION + U3A. Address Line 1.............: Fictitious Solutions, Inc. U3B. Address Line 2.............: 505 Huntmar Dr. U3C. Address Line 3.............: U3D. Address Line 4.............: + U3E. City or FPO/APO (See A.4)..: Imaginary + U3F. State or FPO/APO Code (A.4): VA + U3G. Zip Code (See A.4).........: 22079 U3H. Country....................: USA U3I. Network Mailbox............: xyz@nic.ddn.mil + U3J. Hostname...................: NIC.DDN.MIL PHONE INFORMATION + U4A. Commercial Phone...........: 1-703-999-8484 U4B. Commercial Phone Extension.: 1134 U4C. Alternate Phone............: U4D. Alternate Phone Extension..: U4E. DSN Phone..................: U4F. DSN Phone Extension........: U4G. Fax Phone..................: USER STATUS U5A. Delete User? (See A.3)[Y/N]: + U5B. TAC Card Required? [Y/N]...: Y ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Blank Template (Use for Submission) <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CUT HERE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- User Registration Template Version U1.2 - 9/92 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do Not Change Format! | Enter Data Here ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- + U1. NIC Handle (See A.2,3)......: NAME INFORMATION + U2A. Last Name..................: + U2B. First Name.................: U2C. Middle Name or Initial.....: U2D. Name Suffix................: U2E. Title/Rank.................: ADDRESS INFORMATION + U3A. Address Line 1.............: U3B. Address Line 2.............: U3C. Address Line 3.............: U3D. Address Line 4.............: + U3E. City or FPO/APO (See A.4)..: + U3F. State or FPO/APO Code (A.4): + U3G. Zip Code (See A.4).........: U3H. Country....................: U3I. Network Mailbox............: + U3J. Hostname...................: PHONE INFORMATION + U4A. Commercial Phone...........: U4B. Commercial Phone Extension.: U4C. Alternate Phone............: U4D. Alternate Phone Extension..: U4E. DSN Phone..................: U4F. DSN Phone Extension........: U4G. Fax Phone..................: USER STATUS U5A. Delete User? (See A.3)[Y/N]: + U5B. TAC Card Required? [Y/N]...: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------