Bug Fixes The DOS internal serial port driver, COMM.ASM, had the disgusting habit using an invalid segment register to determine the serial port hardware interrupt to restore at the end of processing. This generally left the DOS system in a highly unstable state upon the exit of UUCICO. Corrected to load the interrupt number when the segment register was valid. If an RFC-822 format input address without a host name (such as user@ with no host) is passed into the address parser, the parser passed a null pointer to checkname(). Corrected in user_at_node to trap the invalid address. If checkname() was called with invalid arguments, its error message was only slightly more useful than an Amiga DOS guru meditation number. Changed to report the name of the calling routine rather than checkname itself. OS/2 import.c function has the fantasy that undefined file systems such as VINES handle long names. Fixed for the specific case, a general fix was submitted by Kai Uwe Rommel but is not (yet) installed. The internal fast string allocation function, strpool(), would corrupt memory if given a string longer than the internal pool size. Corrected to simply strdup() the offending string. Empty password processing was confused with no login password processing. Corrected to make the two unique. The MAIL alias command would cause an abort under Windows NT if given no operands. Corrected parser to require at least one operand. [Get a life, Dave.] Special processing for OS/2 made Windows NT handle subshells incorrectly in MAIL. Corrected by making the OS/2 processing unique. (Boy, is it unique.) If problems occurred in news processing, the root error tended to be not reported. This left the user to ponder a vague generic error message. Corrected by adding various error checks and messages to news low level processing functions. RNEWS failed to honor the Uncompress configuration variable. Corrected to give this precendance over the internal function to determine the decompression program based on the file signature. The low-level history code generated incompatible history files if compiled with 16 bit vs. 32 bit compilers. Corrected by Kai Uwe Rommel. If neither TMP nor TEMP were set, the batch file (non-REXX) version of UUCLEAN would go into a recursive loop. Corrected by supplying a reasonable default directory of \UUPC\TMP in this case. The OS/2 REXX version of SU would incorrectly double the final backslash in the UPCUSRRC variable path name. Corrected to only use a single backslash. Carrier detection loss was not always performed reliably because the error flag was reset after each query of the carrier detect status. Modified carrier detection routines in different environments to latch lost carrier status until explicitly reset. Under Daylight savings time, the 32 bit OS/2 version set the clock an hour off when calling NIST. Corrected to add in the missing hour. If the native DOS serial port driver detected the close function was called when the port was already closed, the program aborted with no specific error message. A message has been added. Under OS/2 or Windows NT, if a UUCICO tried to set up a pipe to allowing suspending use of the port while phone was waiting to ring and a pipe already existed, the results were unpredictable. Corrected by Dave Watt to detect and handle the error. If UUSTAT could not delete a file to kill a job, it would still report success. Corrected to check return codes from the delete function and to report success accordingly. Enhancements Drew Derbyshire, with help from Dave Watt, added support to all environments to update title and/or task list with program name, version, and/or current action. Hot handle support was added to OS/2 and Windows NT. Dave Watt added TCP/IP support to the OS/2 32 bit version. NOTE: If you do not have TCP/IP installed, you must DELETE the supplied 32 bit UUCICO.EXE and rename the supplied UUCICON.EXE to UUCICO.EXE. A new command, UUCPD.CMD, has been in support of UUCICO under IBM TCP/IP for OS/2. UUCICO has been modified to support optionally firing off UUXQT automatically for a system as soon as the connection to that system is complete via the new -U. This is primarily for use by the hot handles support. UUPOLL has been modified to also accept the flag, and to not run UUXQT when UUCICO will do so. Under Windows NT, the configuration information can be added to the NT registry to allow retrieval from there rather than from the UUPC.RC file. This support added by Dave Watt. The internal fast string allocation function, strpool(), determined the length of every string allocated everytime it allocated a new string. Modified to cache this information at the cost of one byte per string. Modified RMAIL gateway function to include the from user and from node as additional parameters on the gateway command line to keep the information available. Kai Uwe Rommel added a grade option to inews. The OS/2 REXX version of SU now automatically sets the environment variable LOGNAME to the mailbox name of the user as well as the UPCUSRRC variable. Added new boolean option SuppressEmptyPassword to cause skipping of the prompt for a null (empty) password by UUCICO.