How to Register UUPC/extended Appendix_2:_How_to_Register_UUPC/extended Why You Should Register UUPC/extended Kendra Electronic Wonderworks now offers the opportunity for you to register your copy of UUPC/extended. Here's why: Three years of work have gone into it here at the Wonderworks. This is a non-trivial amount. Most of the e-mail received outside the KEW.COM domain is now related to UUPC/extended. This, combined with the major intra-domain e-mail requirements68 for KEW.COM having gone away, threatens to make UUPC/extended its own perpetual motion machine: we maintain UUPC/extended to stay in touch with the outside world, and the outside world sends us mail about maintaining UUPC/extended. It is an accepted fact that the original UUPC was not written by Kendra Electronic Wonderworks, and that others have written numerous features. What is not as clear is the work done here which goes into integrating and polishing these features. Because of work done here, people can take the work done all over the world and use it by unpacking a few files. Ryder rents trucks, Avis tries harder, MIT wins the Yale/Harvard game, and Kendra Electronic Wonderworks hunts bugs. Lots of bugs: bugs from the dawn of UUPC, bugs from other people's code, and even bugs we introduced (OOPS). A second system is maintained here primarily for providing downloading services to others via anonymous UUCP and for hunting bugs. Only RAID kills more bugs. We also integrate bug fixes from other people, so those few files we give to others to unpack not only have more features but also bug fixes. Bug hunting can be a bitch, and writing documentation is worse. Kendra Electronic Wonderworks has done both gratis for two years. Beginning with release 1.11m, the documentation has been expanded, and will be further enhanced to make the package easier to use. This does not benefit the internal users; we know how it works, and don't need the documents. 68The owner of married the owner of in October, 1992. The transcontinental UUPC/extended link previously used by the happy couple has been replaced by an Ethernet. Send congratulations to, our resident ether bunny. 10/04/93 - 165 - UUPC/extended 1.12b Installation and User's Reference Because if you register, we can buy more chocolate ice cream for Snuffles. The short version of the above is you have the package; what you can optionally pay for is additional enhancements and support by the creatures most knowledgeable about UUPC/extended. However, we would rather you used an unregistered copy of our package than used someone else's inferior package. -166- 10/04/93 How to Register UUPC/extended And as an added bonus Send us anything and Snuffles will think you're wonderful. Send us $20 and you can call us for telephone support at the UUPC/extended support telephone number [(617) 641-3452] for 18 months. We'll even return your phone calls in the United States. Send us $40 and you can use the support number for 18 months. When available, we'll also mail the next major release of UUPC/extended on floppies. Send us $50 and you can use support number for 18 months, we'll mail the next major release of UUPC/extended when available, and we'll throw in a hard copy of the documentation. Send us $100 and you can use the support number for 18 months, we'll mail the next major release of UUPC/extended, throw in a hard copy of the documentation, and have you committed to the sanitarium of your choice. Corporations cannot be committed to sanitariums, but we will take your money. Use the above schedule for each contact person, and add $10 for each additional node supported. For example, XYZ Systems Corp. has one contact person who calls the Wonderworks for support and needs the next release and hard copy documents ($50), and one backup contact at a secondary location ($20). They want the docs so that they can distribute them to 10 different UUPC nodes scattered around the company ($10 each). The primary contact person figures out how to get a contribution to Snuffles' Chocolate Ice Cream Fund ($1) past accounting. XYZ Systems would thus send us a check for $171. We will invoice corporations on request. Corporations wishing to register 100 or more nodes should contact us for large site pricing. Disclaimer of warranty Please note that none of the above contradicts the No Warranty clause of our license agreement. Should UUPC/extended prove defective or unsuitable for your purpose, we will gladly refund your registration fee. We will not, however, be liable for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from your use of the package. Please read our license agreement (Licensing, Redistribution, and Warranty, available upon request) for further details. 10/04/93 - 167 - UUPC/extended 1.12b Installation and User's Reference The Form Please fill in both pages of the form, and enclose a check or money order in US dollars on a US bank payable to Kendra Electronic Wonderworks. Do not enclose cash. We do not accept credit card orders. Mail the completed form to: Kendra Electronic Wonderworks Post Office Box 132 Arlington, MA 02174-0002 USA User Information We can't provide support services without this information, and we promise not to sell or give it to anyone else. Please give us your: Name: ____________________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________ Street: ____________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________ State/Province: ____________________________________________ Country: ____________________________________________ Postal Code: ______________ Phone: ________________________ E-mail address: ______________________________________________ -168- 10/04/93 How to Register UUPC/extended Description Amount Quantity Total (A) Basic support services $20.00 (B) Next release on $40.00 diskette (includes A) (C) Documentation $50.00 (includes A and B) (D) Additional nodes $10.00 (E) Current release on $20.00 diskette (does not include A) Overseas postage (per item $5.00 B or C above) Snuffles' Chocolate Ice $1.00 Cream Fund Total enclosed Binkley's Use Only 10/04/93 - 169 - UUPC/extended 1.12b Installation and User's Reference System Information We need this information to keep track of the environments UUPC/extended is running in so we'll know what enhancements might be useful. We also can't send you a floppy if we don't know what size or operating system. Operating System (check all that apply) OS/2 version ___ MS-DOS version ___ Microsoft Windows version DR-DOS version ___ ___ Microsoft Windows NT DESQView version ___ version_____ Other ________________ Diskette Size (Check preferred size. For multiple copies, give number of each size. No check mark gets potluck!) __ 360K (Low Density 5 1/4 inch) __ 720K (High Density 3.5 inch) __ 1.44M (High Density 3.5 inch) Processor __ 8088/8086 __ 80286 __ Other 16 bit processor __ 80386SX __ 80386DX __ Other 386 family __ 80486SX __ 80486DX __ Other 32 bit processor Modem Brand: __________________________________________ Speed: __ 1200 BPS or less __ 2400 BPS __ 9600 BPS ___14400 BPS or higher -170- 10/04/93 How to Register UUPC/extended Protocols supported: __________________________________________ Network Brand: __________________________________________ Protocols supported: __________________________________________ Comments: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 10/04/93 - 171 -