VAFNET(c) - Veterans/Armed Forces Network A New Mexico Not For Profit Corporation By-Laws Copyright 1994 VAFNET(c) I. PREFACE. The VAFNET(c) BBS Network (known hereafter as the "Net" , "Network" or "VAFNET(c)) is a telecommunications network comprised of independent Electronic Bulletin Board Systems which, through the use of the network, exchange electronic messages and files between themselves, or interest to active duty Military personnel and Armed Forces Veterans. II. VAFNET(c) is owned and operated as a not-for-profit corporation by a Board of Directors whose membership is listed in Appendix A. The Board reserves the right to admit or refuse any BBS SYSOP as a participating node or hub; the Board further reserves the right to remove or suspend network access of any individual or sysop, whether they are a node or a hub for grevious misconduct considered detrimental to the spirit and intent of VAFNET(c) and these bylaws. III. The Board shall designate one of its members to act as Operations Officer to run the day-to-day operations of VAFNET(c) and to coordinate node and BBS membership applications. IV. VAFNET(c) requires each participating node to provide to its end-users a common link which may be a conference, door, or other software device to ensure that all nodes have a common route available throughout VAFNET(c). The Board will define and provide the framework and access mechanism for this common route. A BBS is not considered part of VAFNET(c) until and unless it provides this common route and notifies its users of the scope, intent, and any special rules of the common route. However, "Administrative Systems," i.e., nodes which are used solely for VAFNET(c)'s administration purposes, are exempt from carrying this common route. Examples of administrative nodes are the NetHub for maintaining a central file library and a node that may be transferring messages between multiple networks (VAFNET(c) Network and FIDO Network, etc.). It is understood that VAFNET(c)'s overall objectives and goals are dedicated to provide an information service to its most important participants, Armed Forces Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel. In addition there is a second required conference, NETNews, which is required to be carried by each node on VAFNET(c). We ask that you specifically name this conference NETNEWS and that you clearly inform your users that this is an announcement only conference and no posting of any messages is permitted except by designated individuals. While NETNEWS is a public conference open to all users and sysops of the network, for reading purposes only, no users or sysops may post any messages whatsoever in this conference. All posting to the conference will be done by the Board or the Executive Administrators. Any replies to announcements can be made as private messages in NETUSERS, NETADMIN or NETWORK. Any replies placed in the NETnews conference will be immediately moderated. The purpose of the Announcement Only conference is to provide the users and sysops of VAFNET(c) a single route in which to obtain all important network information. Announcements only will be placed in this conference. If you, as a sysop/conference host/co-sysop/user, wish to have a message placed in this conference, send the message (using any appropriate conference such as NETWORK to Doug McArthur, Ed Maycen or Lance Cooper and we will post it for you. V. SCOPE AND PURPOSE A. Purpose. The purpose of VAFNET(c) is to provide Armed Forces Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel a means of communicating with each other through common conference areas which are "transferred" via the central Network. VAFNET(c)'s primary purpose is considered social and informative in nature. B. Terminology. 1. "Hub" and "Node" refer to specific software setups as used by BBS Sysops to participate in VAFNET(c). 2. "Transfer" is used to describe the transfer of conference messages from one node (BBS) to another node via a hub. 3. Network. a. A "Regional Hub", is comprised of one Hub and two or more nodes. A BBS Sysop "hosts" a Regional Hub and this host BBS is one of the Regional Hub's nodes. To be considered a Regional Hub, a hub has to have at least two nodes "transferring" through it. b. The Board is composed of 5 voting members. C. Size. The physical size of VAFNET(c) may be no more than the number of nodes and Regional Hubs as prescribed by the Board. Each Regional Hub may have non-VAFNET(c)-transferred nodes. However, such nodes may be authorized to carry VAFNET(c)'s common route. D. Software 1. All member nodes and Regional Hubs in VAFNET(c) (including non-VAFNET(c)- transferred nodes) must use legally purchased or obtained message transfer software. 2. All member nodes and Regional Hubs in VAFNET(c) need to use legally purchased, obtained, and/or registered BBS software which are the versions used by VAFNET(c). E. VAFNET(c) maintains the capability and capacity to send and receive messages that are flagged as "Private." Messages so flagged are not to be considered by any user as actual "private" messages. The purpose of the "Private" flags are intended solely to provide a means to limit the possible number of nodes that may have access to the messages for display purposes. 1. Therefore, pursuant to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, 18 UBoard 2510 et. seq., all BBS SYSOPs participating within VAFNET(c) must be aware that there are no facilities provided by VAFNET(c) for sending or receiving confidential electronic communications. 2. All participating node and Regional Hub SYSOPS need to agree, as a condition of network membership and participation, that they will notify anyone reading or exchanging messages within all VAFNET(c) conferences on their BBSs of all applicable by-laws and conference rules and that VAFNET(c) has no facilities for exchanging confidential electronic communications. A suitable bulletin and/or news display should be placed in a prominent place within the individual VAFNET(c) BBS indicating that there are no confidential communications capabilities within VAFNET(c). 3. All messages posted in transferred conferences are deemed to be public. All nodes and Regional Hubs shall deem all messages posted within VAFNET(c)'s conferences to be readily accessible to the general public at all times. If any person posts a message within any VAFNET(c) conference, his/her acceptance of this policy is heretofore implied. 4. VAFNET(c) and all member nodes and Regional Hubs assume absolutely no accountability or liability whatsoever for any violations of this policy by any and all users of VAFNET(c). VI. AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. The individual node SYSOP is responsible for enforcing the rules as set forth in our VAFNET(c) Users Manual (contained in a file called or our VAFNET(c) official conference rule file (contained in a file called These files MUST be made available to every user on your system who access the VAFNET(c) network as either a downloadable file or a bulletin. While it is not the intent of VAFNET(c) or the Board to interfere with any SYSOP's authority on his/her own BBS, all "transferred" conferences on nodes and Regional Hubs are considered subject to the jurisdiction of these rules. B. The Regional Hub SYSOPs have the freedom to solicit, but not grant VAFNET(c) membership, to prospective nodes within their region. 1. Regional Hub SYSOPs who solicit prospective nodes need to advise applicants: (a) of VAFNET(c)'s basic rules (b) that the payment of the $24.00 node setup fee does not automatically give any BBS a priority on a Regional Hub's vacancy availability list. Although there may be occasions when a prospective node may have been pre-approved by the Regional Hub and the Board, that pre-approval does not in any way obligate VAFNET(c) to give priority to the applicant. (c) That the Regional Hub SYSOP will provide to the Board an admission application form which details the applicant's particulars such as: applicant's name, voice and BBS telephone numbers, address, BBS name, etc. 2. The Regional Hubs are responsible for enforcing these by-laws within their region. A Regional Hub must relay messages a minimum of five times a week unless it is technically impossible to do so. The Board will resolve any problems regarding the potential overlapping of regions. No Regional Hub should intentionally shut down for more than 24 consecutive hours without first making provisions for the continued transferring messages between its nodes. 3. Regional Hubs should make every feasible effort to accommodate all conference requests for their nodes as their equipment and configuration allow. 4. When an Regional Hub has been notified by the Board to remove the access of a node, the Regional Hub should remove the node's access as quickly as possible. In the event that the Regional Hub does not comply with a Board-directed node-access-removal request, the Regional Hub's access may be removed at the NETHUB level. 5. The Regional Hub has the authority to remove the access of one or more of its nodes for one day if the situation warrants such action. Immediately following any access removal, the Regional Hub needs to notify a Board member by voice. C. Executive Administrator and Conference Hosts. 1. The Executive Administrator is the Board's designated representative. Duties include: (a) administrate conferences and designates Conference Hosts, (b) maintain conference lists, (c) advise the Board regarding conference problems. The Board will appoint the Executive Administrator for any length of term. The Executive Administrator job may be split among several persons, such as an Administrator in charge of Conference Moderations, an Administrator in charge of Conference Setups, an Administrator in charge of Marketing and an Administrator in charge of Statistical Analysis. 2. Conference Hosts are designated by the Conference Administrator. Conference Hosts are responsible for their conferences and guide the discussion areas. Their duties include: (a) provide bulletins to nodes carrying their conference for the purpose of clarification and/ or information; (b) define what should and should not be discussion areas within the conference; and (c) provide guidance to all concerned with legal responsibilities and/or disclaimers. The Host may be responsible for providing to the Executive Administrator a description of the conference, it's aims, and the scope of the conference. 3. The Conference Host for the NETUSERS Conference, or any conference or device used by VAFNET(c) as a net-wide E-Mail and message distribution route which services all nodes within VAFNET(c), is a Board member. A non-Board member may be appointed to act as Executive Conference Assistant Host. D. NetHub Operations. 1. The network equipment and the trademarks "VAFNET(c)" and "Veterans/Armed Forces Network(tm)" and the files listed in appendix' are the sole property of VAFNET - Veterans/Armed Forces Network, Inc. 2. The Board will make available a conference for the general administration affairs of VAFNET(c). This conference is open to sysops, working co-sysops, the Executive Administrators and conference hosts. 3. The NETHUB Sysop coordinates the primary message exchange time for each Regional Hub connected to the NETHUB. Each Regional Hub has this primary time to ensure that all routine message exchanges are accomplished in a timely manner. The NETHUB Sysop publishes the primary message exchange times to ensure that no Regional Hub deliberately intrudes during another Regional Hub's primary message exchange time-window. Only Regional Hubs may relay through the NetHub. E. Ammendments 1. Though the Board is ultimately responsible for implementing changes to these by-laws, any VAFNET(c) node or Regional Hub Sysop, Co-Sysop, Conference Host or the Executive Administrator may petition the Board for by-laws changes at any time. However, such requests and petitions and any and all discussions thereof MUST be conducted in the designated general VAFNET(c) administration conference. VII. RULES AND REGULATIONS A. All node sysops must adhere to the general principle that NO illegal activities, which includes promotion of illegal acts and promotion of software copyright infringement, will be allowed on VAFNET(c). Such activities constitute a grievous reason for the potential removal of the node from VAFNET(c), and may necessitate compensatory action against the violator for any legal liabilities such activities may cause VAFNET(c). B. All rules contained within the Conference Rule and VAFNET(c) Users manual are to be considered rules of the network and are to be enforced on a local level. Flagrant continual disregard for the conference rules of the network constitute a grievous reason for possible removal of that node. C. It is VAFNET(c)'s understanding that each node SYSOP is responsible for the names used on his/her own BBS. If the SYSOP grants a user the right to use an alias, for what the SYSOP deems is a valid reason, such as security, and that alias is not apparently an alias (such as HoChiMinh, which is) then there is no need to inform VAFNET(c) of that alias. Duplicate names within VAFNET(c), such as three John Smiths, will be handled by the node SYSOPS of the involved boards in a manner which would not cause an alias to be transferred (example, John Smith, Johnny Smith, J. Smith or Johnnie Smith) D. Although commonly used software may allow the "file send" feature without Regional Hub control, unauthorized "sends" of files by a node -- especially global file-sends -- is prohibited. Every Regional Hub within the chain between nodes which either "sends" or "receives" a file should approve such actions. Exceptions are items that are considered network files and as such must be permitted to be sent. "Hatch Files", which are files deemed by the board to be of interest and beneficial to each VAFNET(c) system, or files requested by one system from another system, may be transferred without prior approval. However, should a system be requested to decease sending such files, then the continued sending of like files shall be deemed to be a grievous infraction of rules and subject the system to disciplinary action. E. There are some National Conference Names (such as NETUSERS) which must be used on all participating nodes to prevent possible confusion. The current list of conferences which must be called by their National Conference Name is contained in Appendix C. F. Messages contained in conferences transferred through the NETHUB are considered in the public domain. However, the Board may authorize the "sharing" of conferences with non-VAFNET(c)-participating BBS systems. A "shared" conference is one that is transferred to or between other networks or BBS systems that have the capability of responding to such "shared" conference messages. G. It is understood that node and Regional Hub SYSOPS take vacations. VAFNET(c) requests that a vacationing SYSOP delegate to another responsible Sysop the ability to monitor the BBS in his/her absence. In the event that any node does not relay within 3 consecutive days, the Regional Hub may decline to hold messages until the node SYSOP has contacted the Regional Hub. It is also understood that users may commit violations of VAFNET(c)'s rules in the absence of a full time SYSOP and that immediate action may not be able to be taken by the appointed SYSOP. This type of event does not constitute a grievous reason for removal of a node. H. Conference message bases may not be sent to non VAFNET(c) transferring nodes without the permission of the Board. I. From time to time the Board may authorize the sending of files, other than those listed in Appendix B, through VAFNET(c) from authors and/or vendors in support of their programs. This will be done with the advance consent of all Regional Hubs involved. J. Due to the family nature of the conferences on VAFNET(c), bulletin board systems that have adult files, message conferences or adult chat conferences on their systems may not carry VAFNET(c) conferences. VIII. MISCELLANEOUS A. There will be an annual membership fee to the VAFNET(c) network of twenty-four dollars. B. No node may charge its users for access to individual VAFNET(c) conferences. VAFNET(c) feels that the Armed Forces Veteran and the Active Duty Military Member has paid or is paying enough by his or her service to their nation and that VAFNET(c) exists for the use of these persons. BBS systems subscribing to VAFNET(c) are described by two terms. "VAFNET(c) Affiliate" means an individually owned and operated BBS that carries the VAFNET(c) conferences as a service to its local Veteran and Military users. "VAFNET(c) Chapter" refers to a BBS system that has declared itself to be an individually operated subdivision of VAFNET(c), much in the way a local Veterans Organization is a "chapter" of a national veterans organization. 1. VAFNET(c) AFFILIATES. BBS systems designated as VAFNET(c) Affiliates simply carry the VAFNET(c) conferences as a service to their local veterans and military personel. They may not charge users for access to the VAFNET(c) conferences although they may charge for usage of other features on their BBS. VAFNET(c) Affiliates will carry all required message conferences and provide a file library with downloadable files of interest to military and veteran personel at no charge. The connection between VAFNET(c) and the VAFNET(c) Affiliates end there, subject to the other applicable provisions of these by-laws, VAFNET(c) RULES and other published network procedures. 2. VAFNET(c) CHAPTERS. BBS systems which declare themselves to be VAFNET(c) Chapters enjoy other privileges. These chapters solicit donations from their user/members on behalf of VAFNET(c). Such donations are to be considered donations to the national VAFNET(c) organization and VAFNET(c) shall rebate eighty-five percent of said donations back to the chapter. As such donation is being made to a non-profit organization, these donations may be considered tax-free donations (subject to applicable IRS, other Federal, State and local laws). The portion rebated to the local chapter may be used for the operation and upkeep of the BBS system, services to the Veteran and Military community, distribution of press releases and promotions of the local chapter's activities. VAFNET(c) will use the portion of the donation it receives to defray its operating costs, support national veteran and military programs, publicity on a national scale, preparation and distribution of electronic and printed periodicals and publications and other activities in support of local chapters and the veteran and military community. VAFNET(c) will assist it's local chapters in procurring methods of painless donations by it's member/users such as electronic acceptance of check donations and credit cards. In addition, VAFNET(c) shall supply other services to its chapters as authorized from time to time by its board of directors. Appendix A Board of Directors Appendix B Authorized "Send" List The following files may be transmitted unsolicited to Regional Hubs, by designated individuals only, transfer software's "send" feature: Conference lists such as VAFNCONF.TXT and VAFNSHRT.TXT routes lists such as ROUTES.ZIP Monthly VAFNET(c) newletter such as VAFNYYXX.ZIP Publicity packets such as VAFNET.ZIP Rules files such as VAFNRULE.ZIP Users manuals such as VAFNMAN.ZIP Appendix C National Conference Names That Must Be Carried And Used On Participating BBSs: VAF_VETERANS 100 VAF_GULF WAR VETS 120 VAF_VIETNAM VETS 130 VAF_AGENT ORANGE 132 VAF_KOREAN VETS 140 VAF_WORLD WAR II 150 VAF_CONFLICTS 160 VAF_VET BENEFITS 200 VAF_VET MED 210 Conferences must be prefixed with VAF_VET ADVOCACY 220 "VAF_" to indicate that they are VAFNET(c) VAF_POW/MIA 230 Conferences. VAF_WOMEN VETS 240 VAF_NETADMIN 995 VAF_VAF FORSALE 996 VAF_NETUSERS 997 VAF_NETNEWS 998 VAF_NETWORK 999 The other conferences on the conference list that begin with VAF_ are suggested if your BBS is in an area where these conferences might be beneficial such as near NAVY, AIR FORCE, MARINE, ARMY or COAST GUARD BASES, or if your BBS has a contingent of users that the conferences apply to such as VFW, AMERICAN LEGION Posts, etc. The conferences indicated by SRV_ are optional and are available on the FIDO side of the network and on the QWKNet side by request to your hub. ============================== END OF BY-LAWS =========================