VoiceNet Internet SLIP Kit for Windows 3.1 This kit was compiled to help a user start a SLIP account on the Internet using Windows 3.1. It contains the clients necessary for mail, news, ftp, telnet, talk, irc, archie, finger, ping and Mosaic. The Mosaic version is not the latest, but works fine. Later versions of Mosiac require 32 bit drivers and are a bit buggy, so this stable version was selected. All of the enclosed programs are either Public Domain or Shareware, VoiceNet does not take any responsibility for their functioning. You also use this disk at your own risk. Please support the ShareWare authors and help them to carry on with their great work. All the programs in the KIT are theirs and they should get credit for them. The criteria for inclusion was ease of use and general functionality. After testing many programs, both shareware and commercial we've found these to work the best. I am sure that they will workfor you too. There is a overlap of functions in some of these programs. eg Mosaic can ftp too but I've looked at what works well and does the job properly. You will need to have a valid SLIP account to use this kit. The following information will be required for configuration and can be obtained from your Internet provider. Domain name: voicenet.com IP number: Netmask: Modem telephone number: 555-1212 Login and Password for your SLIP account: Login and Password of your POP account: Whether Van Jacobsen Slip compression is used: y/n POP Host Name: Default Gateway name and IP address: Name Server IP address: News Server: You'll need this info while setting up your connection. Write it down and keep it in a safe place. If VoiceNet provided you with pre-configured disks, all configuration entries are already made. If you received this kit as a zip archive then unzip into a temporary directory and run windows. If you received the kit on disks, insert the first disk and run windows. Select the run option and the "install" file included with the kit on either the temporary directory you made or on the supplied disks. The installation program will copy all the necessary files, make any required directories and create a new "Internet" program group with lots of new icons. After the installation, you must exit windows and add the following directory to your PATH statement: "c:\windows\internet\winsock". Now, reboot your computer and enter windows. Go into the Internet program group and select the tcpman icon. Go to SETUP under the file option and fill in the values. Certain fields may be left blank. Again, if we supplied preconfigured disks, no adjustments are required other that modem port number and speed. Edit the the file \windows\internet\winsock\login.cmd with an external editor or using the Dialer option under Edit Scripts select login.cmd. Your SLIP login name and password where indicated. Change the options to Automatic Login and Logout on Demand. You are now ready to try your connection. Start off with ping icon and try to ping a host that you know. You will then know that your Tcpman is working and that other programs can see it. The News and mail news cliens will also require configuration. The first time you enter these clients they will prompt you for the necessary information. Pre-configured disks will not require any additional modifications. Mosaic's configuration was placed in your main windows directory and is called "mosaic.ini". Good luck, feedback is welcome! Carmen DiCamillo carmen@voicenet.com Provided by: VoiceNet 17 Richard Road Ivyland, PA 18974 (215)674-9290 fax(215)674-9662 info@voicenet.com Voicenet/DSC bulletin board (214)443-7390, telnet: dsc.voicenet.com