18 files found in Library "File Compression"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
AIN22.ZIP No 101580 07-01-94
AIN archiver v2.2 Full-featured archiver AIN,
the extracting utility AINEXT and the
EXE-files compressor AINEXE.
Compression/extraction methods used in the
AIN archiver excels noticeably those used in
any well-known archivers, such as ARJ.
AV409.ZIP Yes 63441 09-13-94
AV.EXE: Archive viewer. Full-screen
display of archive (ZIP, ARC, etc)
BDIFF11.ZIP Yes 38453 08-27-94
BinDiff v1.1: creates a difference file from
an original file & an updated version (works
on ALL file types, not just text files);
complements compression programs; 08/27/94;
CRUSH11.ZIP Yes 64288 08-01-94
CRUSH v1.1 - Super-compressor for DOS.
Fed up with limited compression performance
of Stacker, PKZIP (2.04g), ZOO, ARJ and LHA?
CRUSH will usually give 5%-50% improved
compression over any other DOS compression
tool, & yet allows the user to continue using
the archiver already in use. Reg $29.
CS_251.ZIP Yes 15965 08-06-94
Cs-251.ZIP Chk-safe 2.51 Written by Bill
Lambdin, Don Peters, And Robert Bullock.
Chk-Safe Uses The Md5 Algorithm so Users Can
Confirm File Integrity of Archives on BBSs.
DARC210.ZIP Yes 60576 08-17-94
Download ARchive Converter v2.10 - allows BBS
users to convert archive files from one
format to another.
DIZED49O.ZIP Yes 85816 08-14-94 Fast 'n Easy DIZ file editor for ZIP ARJ LZH
FASTI17.ZIP Yes 19526 06-13-94
FAST INFLATE V1.7 Quickly uncompress all
.zip .arj &.lzh files
GED2HTML.ZIP Yes 61138 06-01-94
GED2HTML-A Collection of files that include:
UUDECODE.TXT - a UniCode Decoder, with
compiled program examples; GED2HTML.C -
Source code to convert GEDCOMM to Html for
WWW Applications; GED2HTML.DOC - text from
soc.roots describing Ged2Html source code.
LUP110.ZIP Yes 126521 06-22-94
Lodji Utility Program (LUP pronounced "loop")
v1.10: dir/archive (ZIP/LZH/ARC/ZOO) viewer/
file extractor, & a simple file manager;
supports embedded archives/subdirs as DOS dir
tree extensions; handles archives, CD-ROMs
NCAV48B3.ZIP Yes 153157 10-21-94
AVIEW V4.8 Beta-3, 21-Oct-94,
The Norton Commander Archive Viewer.
A small utility to manipulate archives,
can be fully mouse-operated, very
easy to use, can also be used as
stand-alone utility. *FREEWARE*
QZC_110.ZIP Yes 10078 08-04-94
QuickZipComment v1.10 - A quickZIPfile
commenting system that allows you to keep the
original date, set the date to the latest
file in theZIP, or update to the current date
SQWEZ.ZIP Yes 54196 08-25-94
Full featured file compression package-
Sqwez v2.1 is full featured multi-file
compression package . Files and options are
entered through command line argument or a
user interface menu system... Make self
expanding or .SQZ files , view Sqwezed files
and more.. Very liberal license...
S_S30.ZIP Yes 154037 09-24-94
ShapeShifter v3.00: universal archive
convertor/virus scanner; mouse support;
userconfigured virus scanner; output of
archiver pgms can be redirected;
ZIPDISK2.ZIP Yes 9605 10-02-94
ZIPDISK & UZIPDISK v2.0 - Disk Utility!
To make max-compression zip disk images
for transmission, automatic directory
recursion and volume label storage. And
to restore a zipped disk with all
directories and volume label intact!
ZRB10.ZIP Yes 149941 07-31-94
ZIP Backup for DOS v1.0 - Compression Backups
Automatic dated backups with compression
using PKZIP, enables additional compression
when used with doublespace, drivespace, etc.
Backs up all files since any given date.