50 FONTS FOR 20 DOLLARS ! YES ! IT'S TRUE ! 40 CENTS EACH QUALITY FONT ! ---------------------------------- Since 1985, Match Software has been creating great font products. Our collection offers original fonts, not found in other collections nor in regular commercial collections. Have a look at the following sample catalog for an insight at their diversity. Great FOREIGN FONTS too, if you need Russian, Hebrew, Ancient Greek, Slovak, Armenian, Japanese. These fonts would cost hundreds of dollars in a regular store ! Most of these fonts are ACCENTED, meaning they work great to write foreign languages such as FRENCH, SPANISH, ITALIAN, GERMAN, and others. Take to-day's opportunity to get FIFTY of these new original fonts for only $20, handling and postage included (US. only). Here is a short description of some of the exclusive original fonts you will receive for that low, low price. Most of them ARE NOT AVAILABLE IN THE SHAREWARE CIRCUIT. They are reserved to our registered customers, and you will not find them anywhere else. So, look no further and order now ! Baton Ital ---------- Bold slant typeface, ideal for titles BatonDeJoie ----------- Bold typeface, great for signs and titles BobSlant -------- Elegant characters, for comments and statements Bujardet Lettrines ------------------ Big letterheads, manuscript-like encased letters BujardetFreres -------------- Old-time looking characters, from the 1900 world fair BujardetFreres Ital ------------------- Slant old-time characters BujardetVignettes ----------------- Special rendering of Bujardet Freres, enclosed in oval cases, looking like old-elevator's china buttons Bulles ------ Modern rendering of circular-shaped letters Chapou Extra Bold ----------------- Nice bold typeface for signs, etc. Chapou XtraBold Slant --------------------- Black typeface, great for titles ChapouDetour ------------ Line-shaped font Chapougniard ------------ Classic typeface for general use ChapouRelief ------------ Relief "3D" rendering of a classical font ChapouSlant ----------- Slant typeface Clavier ------- Looks like the keyboard. Good for manuals, etc. CristoLikid ----------- Looks like LCD display DiodesLight ----------- Looks like lighted displays Feutre ------ Marker handwriting Hiragana -------- Japanese phonetic character set Jewelry ------- Hebrew character set Katakana -------- Japanese phonetic character set for foreign words. Great if you need to write your name in Japanese on a business card Lancaster --------- Classical typeface for text. Machtots -------- Armenian character set. Malabars -------- Bold stripped typeface, excellent-looking for titles, effects, etc. Very original. M‚tropolitain ------------- The letters taken from the Paris Metro signs. Old-looking, evocating the 1920s. Monogrammes ----------- Exclusive font set for creating circular monograms. Not found anywhere else Norman Prince ------------- Marker-like character set, looking like a teacher's example for children. Very selected. Norman Slant ------------ Same as Norman Prince, slant. Poros Island ------------ Ancient Greek character set, with all spirits and accents. Russe ShaddockBlack ------------------- Black Russian characters set Russe ShaddocksBold ------------------- Bold Russian character set Russe ShaddocksBook ------------------- Russian character set Russe ShaddoksSerif ------------------- Russian character set Slouvakis --------- Slovak character set Vignettes --------- Characters encased in boxes, great for titles, headlines, etc. YiddiLatin ---------- Roman characters, looking like Hebrew letters. All these fonts come in True-Type or Adobe format, ready to use on your system. A FONTS TREASURE CHEST for the font-conscious computerist ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Cyrillic fonts pack -*-*-*-*-*- If for any reason you must write in Russian, Ukrainian or other Cyrillic language, you probably know already how difficult it is to find decent fonts for a reasonable price. Despair no more : here is a disk full of very nice Cyrillic fonts, patiently crafted to suit all of your needs. First of all, several layouts are part of the Cyrillic font pack. For regular Russian-only typists, we developed the "Shaddock" layout. Every Cyrillic character was placed under the keys closest phonetically. A, B, and so on, plus of course a few extra keys, to accommodate the over 40 usual symbols necessitated by the language. We through in common Slavonic letters, as well, in case you needed them. This layout has been developed according to the specifications of the Slavic Teachers Association, and also inspired by the Moscow Macintosh layout recommendation. It works great with any application and standard keyboard. If you need to frequently mix Russian and any other language (usually American), alternate layouts are available. On the PC, the "Volga" layout has been developed by the author of a remarkable word processor of the same name, Bill Tavolga. At a flip of a key, you will then be able to switch back and forth between the Russian and Latin character sets. For the Macintosh, we provide a special driver which allows the same feature through the CYRILSCII encoding. This encoding, currently used by some of the most prominent Russian fonts designer, is kind of a standard norm among Macintosh users. If you already use Volga on the PC or Strogijfont on the Mac, you can go right on and add the proper fonts to your system. They will work exactly as the original ones. BUT THEY HAVE EXCLUSIVE ADDITIONAL FEATURES. Match Software specializes in solving foreign language needs. It means we are more aware than other software houses of the accents problem. Of course, CYRILSCII and Volga layouts help in mixing Russian and American. But what if you need to enter languages that require accented characters ? All our CYRILSCII an Volga layouts support accents, through a unique and very simple "accent key" feature, analogous to the way typewriters treat circumflex. You will be able to enter very easily French, Spanish, Italian, and so on, without tricky combinations, and without changing your habits. As a matter of fact, even if you do not need Russian, these fonts may help you entering any foreign language. We create new fonts on a regular basis, and they are added to the Russian Pack disk. At the present time, here are some highlights : - Shaddock Book : a very classical typeface, evocating somewhat Garamond or Times. - Shaddock Book Hollow : Hollow characters, great for titles and artwork. - Shaddock Serif : modern characters, not far from Arial, Chicago, Helvetica, etc. - Bujardoff : Very exclusive, this font is based on ancient characters used by Michel's ancestors at the 1900 Paris World fair. They offer and unique and distinctive look, quite attractive and stylish. - Katarina : You will not find this elsewhere. A RUSSIAN HANDWRITING "SCRIPT" font. Complete with all the characters, punctuation, looking very nicely like the calligraphy of the most sophisticated Russian ladies. You will love it, and use it to enhance your documents. - Lunokhod : A very heavy typeface, great for headlines and posters. It remains readable even at large distances, making it perfect for glass windows and promotional purposes. Every font is provided in two layouts ; Shaddock and CYRILSCII for Mac, Shaddock and Volga for the PC. TrueType of PostScript Type 1. For $20 only, you will get the best in Cyrillic fonts. And, if you order the Cyrillic font pack with the 50 fonts pack, you can get it for only $10 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kid's treasure chest font pack -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* DinosoType has been a constant success among youngsters of all ages, since it's release. Many book writers and journalists have been interested in Dinosotype, because it is quite a new approach to getting pictures to the printer, and also to get kids interested into computer, through something maybe a little more intelligent than the usual "shoot'em-up", as nice as they where. We received many suggestions as where to go from that, and lots of support from our customers. Thank you to all. The Kid's treasure chest contains our best toys for children of all ages, which should help them discover better the fantastic world of computing. - Dinosotype : real dinosaurs replace characters A-Z, 0-9 and a-z. Set your application program to very large letters, and what you type materialize as beautifully scary creatures, ready to jump on your printer for collages, coloring, mobile creations, and so on. These pictures are scientifically accurate, and could be used for natural science, although a few Barney's like friends are also present. - Mister Potato : this font is one of the most original treasures of the chest. You first enter the face you want on the screen, Mr. Cauliflower, Mr. Potato, Mr. Pumpkin, etc., and then add his eyes, arms, legs, hat, etc. A ton of fun for one or several children, who will have hours of fun creating new characters, and play with the printouts to create cardboard figures, mobiles, or masks. - Alphabetizer : A as Ant, B as Bear, C as Cat, the complete alphabet is represented here, together with it's signifying words, and amazingly cute drawings. Really attractive, and original text books can be generated with this amazing novelty, a grand classic revisited. Great too for letterheads, postcards, fairy books and lots of other marvelous projects - Norman Prince : although there is a wealth of "script" fonts around, none of them take into account the needs of young children, which is to have an accurate representation of each character, as well as a style closer to their calligraphic abilities. Here is a very nice script font, resembling very well an excellent pupil's work. You may love it for creating children's books, as well. - Nahkt hieroglyphs : the mysteries of ancient Egypt are many, and so fascinating for any age. One the most ancient civilizations has brought to us one of the most interesting ways of writing, through figurative symbols and icons. Write your name in hieroglyphs, as simply as you type it in. Tell stories as the ancient scribes did, during the Pharaoh's era. Enrich your history reports with exclusive notes in hieroglyphs. Each of these fonts is a real marvel of educational fun for a kid. Hours of intelligent discoveries and mind exercise. Help in the development of his mental and graphic skills. You can have the Kid's treasure font pack for only $20. And if you order it at the same time as the 50 fonts pack or the Russian fonts disk, you can have it for only $10. Check our exclusive offer below. ============================================================================= REGISTRATION/ORDER FORM ------------------------- Register to-day, and you can receive 50 exclusive fonts from the Match Software Collection, or any of our disk fonts pack, for the basic price of $20 registration And you can add any additional pack for $10 only. It is a 50% discount off the regular price ! Address:_____________________________________________________________ City, State : _________________________________________________________ Zip Code:_______________________________ Country (Outside North America, please add $5 post. and hand.):_________________ Daytime Phone: (_____)__________________ (in case of missing details) E-MAIL address ________________________ I found this order form with the following font : _NAHKT TTW Which I got from __________________________________________________ If BBS, access number is ____________________________________________ address _____________________________________________________________ (Thank-you for providing us the address or access number of your shareware source. It will help us get in touch, and make sure you always find the most recent version, through your preferred shareware provider) I understand that the small $20 fee is intended to pay for this font usage licensing. I had plenty of time to evaluate it in any way I wanted, and to decide to register for it. The fonts included with the registered version of this font are indeed a complementary gift, and do not constitute a new acquisition. I understand I will not be entitled for any money back, if for any reason I did not like one or several of them. Font/Disks type. For the basic registration price of $20, you can get any one of these packs : 50 fonts, Russian fonts, or Kid's font, as a complementary thank-you for acquiring the usage licensing. If you want any extra pack, it will then be only $10, which is half it's regular price ! Check desired order. ** The 50 FONTS PACK ** TTM [] Macintosh TrueType T1M [] Macintosh PostScript Type 1 TTW [] Windows TrueType T1W [] Windows PostScript Type 1 (requires Adobe Type Manager for Windows) *** The CYRILLIC FONTS PACK *** RDTTM [] Macintosh TrueType RDT1M [] Macintosh PostScript Type 1 RDTTW [] Windows TrueType RDT1W [] Windows PostScript Type 1 (requires Adobe Type Manager Windows) *** The KID'S TREASURE FONT PACK *** KDTTM [] Macintosh TrueType KDT1M [] Macintosh PostScript Type 1 KDTTW [] Windows TrueType KDT1W [] Windows PostScript Type 1 (requires Adobe Type Manager Windows) Yes ! I want to take advantage of that great fonts offer. [] I order one pack for the basic registration price of $20 [] I add a pack for $10 only, total will be $30 instead of $40 [] I order three packs, total will be $20+$10+$10 = $40 instead of $60 Please find inclosed []$20 []$25 []$30 []$35 []$40 []Cash [] Check [] Money Order Date : ______________ Signature : ___________________________________________ "Allow 3-6 weeks for delivery" What kind of fonts would you like to see created by us ?________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ PRINT, FILL OUT AND SEND TO : --------------------------------------------- MATCH SOFTWARE 8205 SANTA MONICA BLVD. # 1-205 WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA 90046-5912 UNITED STATES Compuserve 73267,1701 Phone # (818) 784-3737 Fax # (818) 784-8877 CREDIT CARDS CUSTOMERS ---------------------- We cannot at this time directly charge your credit card, and feel very sorry about it, but cannot help when bankers do not want to help small businesses. The only alternative is for us to resort to our best shareware distributors. And, at the moment, it seems Compuserve has been the most helpful about helping shareware authors serving their customers in the best manner. If you are currently a lucky Compuserve customer, you can register on-line, and the charge will be made directly to your Compuserve account. It's easy, fast and saves you lots of paperwork. ON-LINE REGISTRATION --------------------- On Compuserve, you can register electronically by typing at the prompt : GO SWREG Then, use the keyword MATCH to find all our shareware fonts, and "shop on-line". Note : if you cannot find this font, register any of our font for the desired computer and font format. You will receive the same 50 fonts pack. To register for the Russian Disk Pack, simply register for one of the shareware Russian font, for instance SHADDOCK HOLLOW. Important message to our foreign customers : ----------------------------------------- Please DO NOT SEND US ANYTHING ELSE THAN US DOLLARS, OR TRAVELER CHECKS IN DOLLARS. The price of money exchange or foreign check cashing are so high, they would exceed this small $20 price. LIMITED WARRANTY ---------------- This font is shareware. You had all the time you wanted to experiment with it in any way you wanted to, and for as long as you wanted to, before deciding to register. It means you found it satisfactory enough to pay the small usage fee. Therefore, Match Software cannot accept any claim for money back, for any reason, after you have decided to, and did register. If for any reason the registered version of the font was provided to you on a defective media (disk), it will be exchanged for a new one at no cost. If you have suggestions for improving this font, we appreciate your comments. It does not mean we will fix or modify the font in the way you wish in a given time, or that we must do it in any way. However, if we feel the suggestion is appropriate, next version of the font may be inspired from these advises. We decline any responsibility if for any reason this font is put to bad use in any way. It worked fine on a regular configuration, and on a regular printer, with the most usual software packages. If, for any reason, it could not work on your specific configuration, Match Software cannot be held responsible. As technical combinations are almost infinite, and because systems evoluate in ways we cannot predict, it might happen a new system, or a particular configuration, does not work with a font. For instance, because a new version of the system requires a new font format. In general, we will try to keep up with the system versions, and eventually offer upgrades, if possible, but it does not constitute an obligation, nor would it be the case if you acquired a set of seats cover for your specific car, and require they fit any new car you may decide to buy later on. Hardware characteristics may also pose problems. For instance, it appears that some ink- jet printers or dot-matrix printers, used with Windows, cannot print accurately some complex fonts. It could happen with "dingbats" fonts, made out of small pictures, like Nahkt Hieroglyphs, or Dinosotype, for instance. For some reason, sometimes some sizes show on the screen as little square boxes, and print fine. Or the opposite ; it shows fine on the screen and never prints. Or worse, it does not print either on the screen, nor on the printer. We found no explanation to this phenomenon. It looks very much like a solid glitch either in Windows itself, either in the printer's drivers. Until His Majesty Microsoft fixes the problem, we are sorry to admit we cannot find any way to directly circumvent it (at least easily ; see Q & A below). Some printers have also some very strange limitations concerning TrueType fonts. We had some nightmares with HP-Compatible printers which are not, in their native mode, capable of accommodating more than, say, 5 TT fonts. If configured as HP clones, however, they would print fine hundreds of beautiful TrueType fonts. Think about this kind of glitches, before accusing our fonts of not functioning properly. Another bad use of a font may be generation of counterfeit documents, or any kind of falsified printing. We decline any responsibility in such and event. Please do not use our fonts for any illegal purpose. USAGE LICENSING REGISTRATION ---------------------------- If you got this font from a commercial shareware distributor, like on-disk vendors, CD compilations or on-line service, the price you eventually paid does not include usage licensing. Commercial distributors charge you for their time spent in selecting, promoting and shipping the shareware, or any other weird reason they might think of, but in no case for usage fees. In other words, should you decide to use this font on regular or publishing purposes, you still must acquire usage licensing by registering, before doing so. This applies especially to desktop publishing, or any kind of publishing. If you should use this font in any publishing activity, you must register, and also mention in the copyright notices name and origin of the Match Software fonts you used. For instance "Bujardet Freres fonts from Match Software". Thank-you for complying with these simple rules. If you publish books or any other intellectual creation, would they be records, software, videos or any other creation, you probably want to get recognized for it. Please do not deprive us from our small share of it, minuscule registration fee included. Thank-you ! Q & A ----- Here are some questions frequently asked about our fonts, and the answers we where able to come up at the time. This list of questions and answers will be regularly updated, in order to spare as much as possible aggravation for our customers. After reading them, please contact us, if anything was still bothering you. We will do what we can to help you the best way we can. Thank-you for all your reports. Q : Under Windows, some fonts do not print at all sizes, or show only on screen, or the opposite. This happens most often with complex fonts, such as DinosoType, Bujardet Vignettes of Nahkt Hieroglyphs. Some characters print as squares, when they appear fine on the screen, or the opposite, or both. It happens most often when the output is to be made on a dot-matrix printer, would it be impact or ink-jet. A : The problem seems to reside within Windows itself, and we where unable to get any explanation from Microsoft which could help us understand how to solve the problem. However, as in general this type of fonts are most used on isolated basis (letterheads, titles, etc.), it is possible to use another approach : - Create a new document under Windows Paint - With the TEXT tool, enter the appropriate message - Copy the image, and paste it into your word processor or desktop publishing software. Of course, if you use more sophisticated tools than Windows Paint, like Corel Draw on the PC, the result may be better. Q : I do not find the promised accented characters. They are not available through my regular keyboard. Why is that ? A : For historical reasons, as computers originated in America, and also because no one at the beginning thought of using electronic calculators to write poems, invitations or books, the ASCII standard did not support accented characters. Then, as more and more aborigines from France like Michel Bujardet, or other remote picturesque small countries, started to trade their usual goose quill for more modern means, they asked for accents. And also for their own weird keyboards. If you use a Macintosh, use the Keyboard desk accessory to see what key combinations give you access to the desired characters. On the PC, you may want to try all combinations, in conjunction with the Alt Gr key. You can also load in your word processor the ASCII document usually provided with our foreign fonts. It will allow you to check what number punch in on the numeric keypad, while depressing the Alt key, then release Alt, to get the desired symbol (for instance, Alt-65 generates an "A"). Q : Why in hell did you choose the same number for one of your fonts than one of mine ? A : This especially goes for the Macintosh, but could happen with Windows or ATM as well. Each font has it's own specific number, which the system uses to recognize it, and communicate with the printer. If two fonts in the system have the same number, strange things will happen : the font may look fine on the screen, but print different on the printer. Or the opposite. Look very different on the screen than what you expected. This kind of conflict is automatically solved by utilities such as Suitcase, an excellent font manager, available for Macintosh and Windows. We strongly recommend it's use. Our problem is like Sea Battle : whatever number we choose, there is always a chance some other font designer may have chosen the same. Utilities which can list fonts numbers, and eventually change them, will solve your problem. If you discover one of our fonts have the same number as one provided by a big company, or, worse, regularly in the system, like Arial under Windows or Chicago on the Mac (which has already been checked for, but one never knows), please report it ASAP. We will change the number at once. Q : One font crashes the system. A : Check if the file was not corrupted. A disk error, or some unexpected manipulations, like switching off the computer with applications still active, may be the cause. Use the original copy of the font, which you received in your shareware or registered package. If the problem still persists, please contact us. Q : Since I installed your fonts on my Macintosh computer, Suitcase does not work. The extension is in place, but it does not work. A : Adding a new set of fonts cannot damage Suitcase. However, a system crash, or switching off the computer without first doing shut-down in the special menu, can damage Suitcase. Simply make a new copy from the original Suitcase disk, restart, and it should work again. Some other inits may conflict. We have noticed the same glitch with a scanner Photoshop add-in, which seems to fire bullets at Suitcase, anytime it is run, and systematically destroy it. Q : I need a font in a language not yet available. A : Creating fonts for new languages is not only challenging, it is also culturally very rewarding, very inspiring. We do not always know the language you plan to use. But if you provide us with the proper information, we will use it to create a new font. Call us for more details. Q : I want a font made according to my specifications. A : If you already have a printout of the desired font, or any graphic representation that we can use to draw the characters, our regular price for designing a new font is very reasonable. If you want a creation from scratch, it will be more difficult. Please call us for a quotation. Q : How can I obtain a printout of all of your fonts ? A : Just send us your complete address, and we will gladly send you a sample sheet showing the diversity of Match Software fonts. You may also want to look around for a file named 50FNTDEMO.ZIP, or 50FNTDEMO.SIT, which are currently available on Compuserve (50FNTDEM) DTP forum, or the equivalent forums on America Online. We can also fax you a sample sheet of any specific font you want to see. However, if you wish more than 3 fonts, we will still send the requested by mail, to avoid excessive phone charges. Q : You must provide thorough phone hot line support for any brand and type of computer. If Adobe and others can, why not you ? You should be able to be reached 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ! A : We are sorry, with our small operation, not to be able to compete with giants who see more money in 10 minutes than we may be able to earn in one year. However, our prices are lower beyond comparison. That is also because you are not paying for million dollars advertisement, and plethoric staffs. Besides, we are prepared to fix glitches if any, and gladly accept advises from our customers. Remember, however, that a font is somewhat equivalent to a bumper sticker to an automobile. Please do not ask us to solve the problems generated by your system, no more than you would think about requiring drive lessons from a stickers publisher. We do our best for our fonts to work properly on STANDARD configurations, including STANDARD printers, STANDARD system versions, STANDARD applications, when our fonts are installed through STANDARD procedures. Q : I have a brand new Epson laser printer, and Word 6 for Windows. I followed all installation procedures for the printer, and it works beautifully. I installed your fonts with the Windows Fonts control panel and they seem to be OK, but they never appear in the application's font menu. What's wrong ? A : Nothing is wrong, expect the fact that your printer is probably set up in native mode. It then can accept only a limited number of fonts. If your printer is able to support HP emulation (see manual), set it up as an HP printer. Setup Windows with the HP printer driver. You should then be happy to see our fonts appear in the Word fonts menu next time you run the application. Q : In your Martian font, you placed a dot above the glipnol character, and forgot to put an accent above the weirdoo. It is unforgettable. I am furious and you are just as stupid as a bunch of lunar dogs ! You should be whipped, and give me my money back, too, plus maybe a little extra, because I suffered incredible damage to my much sophisticated sense of intellectual properness and inherent graceful sophistication. A : We are sorry not to know Martian as well as such a refined literate as your highness. Please do not blow your desintegrator at us, poor ridiculous clumsy uneducated filthy computer groomers. Please consider that ignorance may not be such a crime, after all, and have mercy for the less taught. If for any reason we committed a mistake in transcribing your native language, be assured it is not intentional. Please courteously provide us with the proper information, and we will make sure appropriate updates are made. All we know of, as humble and insignificant artisans, is the fonts craftsmanship. It is not our fault, then, if the subtleties of a foreign language do not strike us like light over the saint's head. However, we are bending our knees to the more educated. Thank you for helping us improve. At the present time, our foreign fonts have been thoroughly reviewed, so they satisfy our customers. Some have helped perfect already very nice fonts. But we will appreciate any additional help ! Q : When I use too many fonts, my printer crashes. A : Try setting the option "Print TrueType fonts as graphics" in the Windows Control panel. On the Macintosh, set "Unlimited Downloadable Fonts" in the Printer Options. Q : Why do you ask for money for your fonts ? They should be free ! A : There is a strange curse around computer software, these days. Nobody would ever consider getting a movie for nothing, or walking into a book store and require a sample for free. For programs, however, the matter is quite different. So many people consider computer software piracy as a light little mistake, that eventually, some may indeed start considering software authors as thieves, because they pretend to get a small reward for their job. Some luminaries (noticeably around GNU project) even have the nerve to play with the very strange notion that computer software should only come free, and that any commercial distribution, including shareware, has some analogy to a rip-off. Fine and good, then, but why do they at the same time insist to get paid for their conferencing, or to get royalties from their books ? Match Software is a small business based on shareware distribution. Anyone can browse at our productions in the same way a reader could read a book as many times and as completely as wished, before actually paying for it. Please do not pirate us. If you feel a font is really of use, please register. That small usage fee will help us continue creating new original, exclusive and fine fonts for you. We sincerely thank all users who have, through their registration, helped pay the rent, the phone, and the electricity which powers our equipment while creating all these fonts. Please continue to support the shareware concept. It is the only way out of the commercial monopolies. Small software companies are as much a liberty warrant as small book publishers are : without them, big companies would have their way, culturally and financially. Nobody would ever want that to happen ! Acknowledgment -------------- Match Software, 50 Fonts Pack, Bujardet Freres, are all intellectual property and copyright of Match Software. All others, trademarks and brand names, or any intellectual assets mentioned in the present documentation, are property of their respective legitimate holders.