12 files found in Library "Food / Nutrition"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
BCKBK10.ZIP No 477760 10-10-94
BEAM COOKBOOK v1.00 is a comprehensive
2D beam solver. This is the ultimate "cook-
book" instead of having to find the right
recipe, it only contains the ingredients, you
supply the recipe. The ingredients are:
supports, variable I, concentrated loads,
uniform loads, moments, ramp loads, hinges,
moment connectors, springs and forced slope/
deflections. Outputs reactions, shear-
moment-slope-deflection diagrams and more.
BSRST994.ZIP Yes 123494 10-04-94
Boston Restaurant list from ne.food. Updated
Sept. 1994. Awesome!
HERBPW2.ZIP Yes 371376 10-04-94
The ultimate guide to the power of herbs.
This Spectacular, colorful, and user friendly
program will teach what you need to know abou
natures medicines. Cultivation, cooking,
medical uses, latest research findings etc
MCOOK137.ZIP Yes 294321 10-04-94
MicroCook v1.37 Recipe database program
for DOS from NORSKi Software. Easy to use
menus and editors with full mouse support.
2000+ recipes per database and number of
databases only limited by disk space. ASCII
Export and Import. Import Meal-Master(tm)
ASCII recipes. Duplicate recipe checking.
250 recipes included. Work great in Windows
MMCYBER7.ZIP Yes 42576 10-06-94 Cyberealm Cookbook, vol 7 Meal Master format
MMD_100.ZIP Yes 234641 10-05-94
MMD 100.ZIP -Online access to Meal-Master(tm)
recipe databases. $ Cheap Shareware Release $
Regis. Allows up to 18 databases online
Recipes can be browsed, or searched, by Title
& Category.
MYF452.ZIP Yes 342579 10-04-94
MYF v4.52 MYF is a complete food
manager designed for food manufacturers,
institutional food planners and cooks,
restaurant managers, bakers, dietitians,
diabetics, and the home shopper. Its use is
easy enough for the novice, yet comprehensive
enough for the professional. MYF tracks cost
NMENU2.ZIP Yes 199048 09-12-94
NewMenu online cookbook v2.0 point and click
VGA windows 300 handpicked recipes included
powerful and easy to use search, edit
import, export, view and print functions SVGA
QBOOK100.ZIP Yes 341782 10-06-94
QBook Recipe Manager v1.00 - powerful,
flexible and easy to use. Can even convert
with OCR. Shareware.
THAIREC.ZIP Yes 90110 10-05-94
A bunch of Thai recipes in Meal-Master