REoL TOUGH: TOTAL WAR III: Land of Weirdness ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C)1994 SNESPC U.S.A. PLEASE READ THIS TEXT! IMPORTANT INFO. ENCLOSED! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT NOTICE: You may edit, alter, or modify any material with in the level you downloaded. If you decide to upload your changes to a BBS, or software library, Please include the author of the original level (George Fiffy, a.k.a. Resident Expert of Leominster) in your credits! FEEL FREE TO DISTRIBUTE THIS DOOM LEVEL! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A MENU SYSTEM IS ENCLOSED! This menu, which is shareware (it says so), is something I copied off the college computers. Instead of typing in the loooooong DOOM command line to get to this level, you just select the level of difficulty from the menu. You can escape to DOS, and there's an option to load a game, using the simple DOOM command line. You will recieve the following files: REoLDOOM.COM, AUTOMENU.MDF, and ECHO.DAT. These are IMPORTANT files! Do NOT remove them unless you don't want the menu system. You can make your own menu by using a text editor to modify the AUTOMENU.MDF file. It's easy to see how it works! A new file will be created the first time you run the menu. DON'T PANIC! It does this so you can escape to DOS a lot faster the next time around, and in the future. ALL IS TESTED TO BE 100% VIRUS-FREE! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THE TOTAL WAR III EXPERIENCE: To play the new level, type REoLDOOM to start total chaos! This is probably one of the weirdest DOOM levels you may ever had played! There are soooo many weird effects and illusions you may have thought would be IMPOSSIBLE to do (if you're a DOOM level maker your- self)! The effects you will see start right in the beginning! A door in the middle of the starting area! You'll also see doors coming out of the sky, dark rooms you can see fine in (it doesn't make sense at all, doesn't it? Well, it was done. You'll be suprised!), and get this, INVISABLE BUILDINGS! You may see the doors (sometimes), and maybe the windows, but you don't see a building attatched! The "pancake syndrome" is also cleared up (flat outer retaining walls, and unflattened entry- ways can be seen BEYOND the walls, to show thickness, unlike E3M1). Some "flatness" is around, but that's because there are invisable buildings around. Invisable doors leave "slices" or voids in the wall, or the top of the wall. One neat DOOM effect is the Hall Of Mirrors. One room has this effect in it's windows. This is NO screw-up. It's done on PURPOSE! The "teleporting theory" found in the real E3M7 is also in here, but with a different twist. All I'm going to say is that it's harder to do (heh, heh, heh!). Also, be carefull of a few nasty areas! There are five areas where you'll be fighting very hard! You won't be fighting as hard as in TOTAL WAR II, E1M2, but it's quite a nasty brawl! MULTI-PLAYER: This is an adventure for up to four of your friends. Each can grab a shotgun and a backpack at the start, so don't be greedy! DEATHMATCH: You'll start off with a shotgun, shells, and an energy pack next to you. Why the energy pack? SOMEWHERE (not in a secret area) in this world is a BFG9000! Two of you will be very close! The other two people are also in good position to get it as well! KNOWN "BOO-BOOS": * Once again, I ran into that "there's too many enemies on-screen" problem again. Some enemies or other things may "dissapear". Oh well, if it happened in E1M2 of TOTAL WAR II, it'll happen here (ha,ha!)! * There is a Hall Of Mirrors problem at the "Triangular switchboard". It's only a small band. This is NOT suposed to happen! No big deal! * A switch that suposed to open an invisable door and keep it open is somehow shut on occasion by the enemies you face. I fixed this by making it's switch retriggerable, in case it happens again. * Got a PENTIUM? If not, it's alright, if you have a high speed 486 at 33MHz or greater (my 486 is a 20. Goes real slow on this one!). If you have a (lowly) 386, I hope it's going 50 to 66MHz! * Demo is known to CRASH on my crash-happy computer. If this does happen to you, please shut off your EMM836 memory manager. It ALWAYS worked when it was turned off. Questions? Comments? Contact me via the Internet or America Online! E-MAIL for AOL: Georgef551 INTERNET: IF IT SAYS "REoL TOUGH", YOU'RE GETTING THE BEST DOOM LEVELS AROUND! (Ziffnet is WICKED impressed!) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (Optional. I like to hear from you though.) QUESTIONAIRE: Cut out this section of text on DOS's EDIT, or any word processor. Type in answers BELOW the questions, and send the QUESTIONAIRE part to the above E-mail addresses. I recomend pasting this into your writing space when answering your mail instead of sending it as a file. (1) What do you like about REoL TOUGH: TOTAL WAR III, Land of Weirdness? (2) How do you like the difficulty of this level? (3) How do you rate the construction of this level? Make any comments, if you have any: (4) If any, what improvements would you want to see in the upcoming REoL TOUGH levels? (5) If any, other comments: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Some people wonder why I don't make an entire episode. As you can see, construction is pretty complex, quite large, and does look like it takes FOREVER (two weeks, before college beginns in September), and it DOES! I have no time to make episodes! I just make very big levels. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Try out the OTHER REoL TOUGH DOOM levels: (1) HELL ON EARTH My interpretation on how Hell On Earth began! (2) SATAN'S CASTLE Trash Satan's home while he trashes yours! (3) TOTAL WAR II* Tough. Has WORLD'S TOUGHEST LEVEL inside. (4) HOTEL You can check in, but can you check out? Files: (1): 1FIFFY.ZIP (2): 1FIFFY2.ZIP (3):1FIFWAR.ZIP SWCBB, FIFFYWAR.ZIP AOL (4): 1FIFFY3.ZIP * TOTAL WAR I isn't available by itself. It's included in TOTAL WAR II. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy DOOM-ing! Resident Expert of Leominster Todays Moral: Wash your hands after you eat. NOT BEFORE!