292 files found in Library "Game - DOOM Add-ons"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
11SPACE.ZIP No 53165 06-25-94 Enemy Spaceship DOOM WAD from Canada
16DOOMCH.ZIP Yes 56692 10-03-94
Doom Cheat Updated version 1.6 DOOM Saved
game editor that lets you enable GOD mode,
Walk through walls, get all the AMMO, keys,
HEALTH, armor you want. DOOM key code list
with any parameters you choose.
1FIFFY5.ZIP Yes 61760 10-09-94
REoL TOUGH: Level 4 DOOM! St. Lucifer's
Church As you head your way back to Earth, a
odd looking church caught your attention.
1FIFWAR2.ZIP Yes 71723 08-20-94
REoL TOUGH: Hotel Since it's late at night,
winning the big war, you go to the fanciest
hotel known in hell, the Under Arms Hotel, to
rest for the night, or will you rest? DOOMWAD
1FIFWAR3.ZIP Yes 64078 09-23-94
REoL TOUGH: Total War IV Satan's School of
Warfare! E1M1 replacement for DOOM
2BOSSES.ZIP Yes 107839 09-08-94 2BOSSES.WAD by Martin Titz
777WAD.ZIP Yes 56365 04-27-94 Doom Wad
ABANWARE.ZIP Yes 30793 09-10-94 Doom WAD by joost schuur
ALIENSN2.ZIP Yes 1891212 07-26-94 DOOM Alien Sound F/X & Music replacements!
ALIENS_A.ZIP Yes 490533 07-04-94 Aliens Doom.
ALIEN_TC.ZIP Yes 2455031 10-03-94
Aliens T.C. (Total Conversion) -- The
ultimate Doom WAD. Nine levels of total
immersion in the world of "Aliens." Features
all new graphics, 5 new monsters, and 4 new
weapons. A must see for all Doom and Aliens
ALTIMA.ZIP Yes 27203 09-08-94 ALTIMA.WAD by Robin L. Holden, Jr.
ANNEXWD.ZIP Yes 7308 07-01-94 Annex of Death DOOM WAD full-featured E3M1
ANTEROOM.ZIP Yes 49797 07-29-94 DOOM Perdition's Anteroom WAD by Bynum
ANTHILL.ZIP Yes 37041 07-22-94
This wad is based on the student center
and campus pub at the Univ. of California,
Irvine (U.C.I).
APCID3.ZIP Yes 335598 08-09-94
APCiDOOM is a front-end utility for DOOM as w
allows high-speed modem users to play FOUR PL
via the APCi MultiPlayer Game Server.
The current version of APCiDOOM as of 8/6/94
requires DOOM v1.6 beta or later.
APCIDOO4.ZIP Yes 339076 08-30-94
-> MultiPlayer Network Modem DOOM! <-
It is the client software that
allows high-speed modem users to play FOUR
PLAYER true network modem DOOM via the
APCi MultiPlayer Game Server. W/CHAT, MORE!
Supports modem, serial link, and IPX modes.
ARMORY.ZIP Yes 64519 09-23-94
ARMORY Wad file for DOOM 1.2 The armory! What
a perfect place to end up. So damn many hell
spawn around, now you can mop them up! Be
careful, security is tight and there are
measures to keep the weapons safe.
ATICA.ZIP Yes 36488 06-30-94
Doom PWAD grabbed off the internet. Replaces
E1M1 Looks like Atica State Prison.
AWSOPALE.ZIP Yes 61423 08-20-94
Awsopale.wad Info Named after 'A Whiter Shade
of Pale."
AYRTON_2.ZIP Yes 35889 08-20-94 AYRTON_2.WAD (new version) by Wolfgang Grassl
BANZAIDM.ZIP Yes 203935 07-07-94
Another made from scratch level for the
registered version of Doom.
BARREL.ZIP Yes 162377 08-08-94 PWAD for doom v1.2
BATMAN.ZIP Yes 30939 07-22-94 Doom: Batman.wad deathmatch: E1M1
BCOMPLEX.ZIP Yes 62443 07-29-94 DOOM Level E2M2 Deathmatch for muliplayers
BILBO11.ZIP Yes 49532 07-29-94 DOOM - Bilbo's Smegging WAD v1.1
BLASTER2.ZIP Yes 5335 07-29-94 DOOM - Barrel Blaster beta new weapon replace
BLTLAKE.ZIP Yes 52258 06-29-94 BLT and LAKE WAD for DOOM
BLUDFEST.ZIP Yes 79756 09-10-94 Doom WAD by Steve Kaufman
BRN3DWAD.ZIP Yes 174987 08-09-94 BARNEY3D.WAD by Randy Chan
BUTT_HED.ZIP Yes 1010440 09-09-94
A DOOM PWAD of Beavis & Butthead sounds.
BW_DEATH.ZIP Yes 38218 08-11-94 Brian White's DEATHMATCH WAD - level E2M1
CEMENT.ZIP Yes 60105 08-17-94
Doom WAD Patch!!! v1.2 very difficult for
For experienced DOOM players. Haydn's 7th
symphony music.
CHEESYDD.ZIP Yes 248717 09-24-94
CHEESY DOOM DEMO by Deric Benesch Made using
a 486DX2-66, 8MB RAM, 32bit Video, Full
screen, High res, but works on any system.
CHOOKV21.ZIP Yes 222296 09-11-94 Doom WAD and more by Dave Biggs. v2.1
CHRIS_E1.ZIP Yes 242776 07-29-94 DOOM - WAD by Christen David Klie
CIRCLE.ZIP Yes 61208 07-20-94 Doom: deathmatch circle.wad
COD2.ZIP Yes 19439 06-27-94 CODE 2 DOOM WAD - It's Fishy!
COOPERS.ZIP Yes 83508 08-13-94 Cooper's Creosote WAD by Stephen Wassell
CORTYARD.ZIP Yes 21060 07-06-94 Tough basement maze DOOM WAD
CSRE1M1.ZIP Yes 844870 09-14-94
First in a series to make a complete Episode
2 replacement this is Oblivion Part 1. All
skill levels are supported, made for best
play in single, co-op and deathmatch.
CYBLAIR2.ZIP Yes 41044 09-18-94 Title : CYBER-LAIRS WAD e2l2 Single 2-4player
DBLCROSS.ZIP Yes 16228 08-09-94 Doom WAD by John Wakelin
DCK11.ZIP Yes 276118 09-05-94
Doom Construction Kit v1.1 by Ben Morris. The
ultimate DOOM map editor. Edit/create maps
faster than you've ever done it before.
DCK11A.ZIP Yes 277289 10-02-94
Kit v1.1a by Ben Morris. Also map editor.
DEATH1WD.ZIP Yes 79411 07-01-94 2nd DOOM WAD in a series
DEEPSWAD.ZIP Yes 143357 08-08-94 WAD by Enrique Zamudio Lopez
DETHDAY2.ZIP Yes 44172 09-24-94 Day of Deathmatch 2 by Zenon Doom WAD
DETHDAY3.ZIP Yes 22481 09-24-94 Day of Deathmatch 3 by Zenon Doom WAD
DEVIL.ZIP Yes 22489 07-01-94 Doom: Devil.wad; E3M2
DEVILWAD.ZIP Yes 22492 07-01-94 Use with ANNEXWD....Doom WAD
DGOLD2.ZIP Yes 631171 08-02-94
Doom Gold II
DGOLD2.WAD by Enigma-13
DGOLD2BT.ZIP Yes 631566 08-02-94
Doom Gold II Bright
DGOLD2BT.WAD by Enigma-13
DGOLD2LT.ZIP Yes 546060 08-02-94
Doom Gold II Lite
DGOLD2LT.WAD by Enigma-13
DGOLD3.ZIP Yes 409218 08-09-94 Doom Gold III WAD by Enigma-13
DGOLD3LT.ZIP Yes 324681 08-09-94 DOOM Gold III Lite WAD by Enigma-13
DGOLD4BT.ZIP Yes 313050 10-11-94
THE FIRST sound/lighting PWAD to be created
exclusively for use with commercial DOOM II
Hell On Earth! This changes a few of the
sounds in DOOM-II with BETTER sounds, MORE
DHE20.ZIP Yes 75094 09-11-94
DeHackEd version 2.0 For use with Doom
contains a superweapon cheat. Old patches do
not work anymore.
DIETDOOM.ZIP Yes 20301 09-10-94 WAD Authoring Template V1.4 for DOOM
DISNEYDM.ZIP Yes 1106175 08-02-94
DISNEY.WAD (Version 1.01) Dalmatians
by Dan Goldwasser and Marc Gordon
This is a sound patch for DOOM
DL100B1.ZIP Yes 96752 09-11-94 DOOMLaunch v1.0
DL100B3.ZIP Yes 93495 09-24-94
Welcome to DOOMLaunch! The complete Doom .WAD
program to handle all of your wads
- Fully Supports DOOM v1.666!
DL100B5.ZIP Yes 106725 09-30-94
DoomLaunch - The BEST Shell For DOOM!
Fully Supports DOOM v1.666! Does everything!
DL100B6.ZIP Yes 115369 10-07-94
- Fully Supports DOOM v1.666!
- Menu-Driven Access To All DOOM Options!
DMANG.ZIP Yes 63861 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMAPOC.ZIP Yes 109115 08-02-94
by Tim Ash (TinyTim)
DMCAS.ZIP Yes 76517 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMCHK09B.ZIP Yes 123651 09-13-94
DMCHECK a utility to check the version of DOO
to check if the installed version is register
or not, to verify the available free disk spa
and to change the date/time of a file.
DMCHK10.ZIP Yes 129567 09-24-94
DMCHECK a utility to check version of DOOM
and if the installed version is registered
DMCLIM.ZIP Yes 55045 07-08-94
High Climb" DOOMWAD file. This one has tons
of stairs!
DMDIS.ZIP Yes 58505 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DME301.ZIP Yes 368831 08-20-94 DMapEdit v3.01 for DOOM
DMFAQ58.ZIP Yes 107401 09-10-94 This is the Official DOOM FAQ distributed wit
DMGATH.ZIP Yes 102900 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMGOLD10.ZIP Yes 745532 07-26-94
DOOM - alternate sound effects and music for
Registered DOOM v1.2. Reqs VGA, SB, 10meg HD
DMHUNG.ZIP Yes 60020 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMIFST.ZIP Yes 63990 08-02-94
"Infestation" - INFEST.WAD - DMIFST.ZIP
by Nicholas Bell
DMIHRKE1.ZIP Yes 8300 07-22-94 IHRKE1.WAD by Jim Ihrke
DMIHRKE2.ZIP Yes 12636 07-22-94 IHRKE2.WAD by Jim Ihrke
DMIHRKE3.ZIP Yes 11680 08-08-94 IHRKE3.WAD by Jim Ihrke
DMIHRKE4.ZIP Yes 24300 08-08-94 IHRKE4.WAD by Jim Ihrke
DMIHRKE5.ZIP Yes 11394 08-08-94
IHRKE5.WAD by Jim Ihrke
to the system. Many features. Kamyan Software
DMIMP2.ZIP Yes 72124 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMIMPZ.ZIP Yes 32965 07-02-94 The Imp Zone" DOOMWAD file.
DMJZOO.ZIP Yes 90547 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMLOD.ZIP Yes 61332 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMLOST.ZIP Yes 69004 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMPEN.ZIP Yes 127392 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMPEN2.ZIP Yes 135872 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMROMAD1.ZIP Yes 6422 09-24-94 Deathmatch Showdown WAD by Michael Barr
DMSACR2.ZIP Yes 332818 09-10-94 Doom WAD Sacrifice
DMSPRI.ZIP Yes 104729 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMSTAR.ZIP Yes 77539 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMTEXWAD.ZIP Yes 62331 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMTHEA.ZIP Yes 80245 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMTURM.ZIP Yes 90673 07-29-94 DOOM - Der Turm WAD by Nicholas Bell
DMUAC.ZIP Yes 148033 06-25-94 Wad for Doom.
DMVENG.ZIP Yes 61677 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMWICK.ZIP Yes 52941 09-01-94 Doom WAD
DMWIRE.ZIP Yes 31542 07-01-94 Wireless" Doom WAD.
DMWYBA.ZIP Yes 26162 06-28-94
WATCH YER BACK! New level for DOOM made
completely from scratch! For level E2M1! Made
in just under 5 hours with DoomEd - The REAL
Thing! V2.60 Beta 4! Play and enjoy!
DMYARD.ZIP Yes 46440 07-02-94 The Court Yard" DoomWad file.
DMZUES.ZIP Yes 256812 07-04-94
This is a DOOM level with scanned in
DOMAIN.ZIP Yes 9049 07-15-94 Doom: e3m2 DOMAIN.WAD
DOOMED3.ZIP Yes 65629 08-13-94 What is DOOMED? DOOM save file editor.
DOOMEN11.ZIP Yes 69868 07-29-94
DOOM Network Menuing System v11.0 - now rate
all your WADs! Also professional install.
DOOMEN14.ZIP Yes 75501 09-10-94
Doom Network Menuing System v14.0 w/rating
system for you to rate all of your wads!
DOOMEN15.ZIP Yes 75379 09-24-94
Doom Network Menuing System v15.333
DooMenu will also allow IPX network, modem,
and null-modem play, or stand alone play
quickly and easily thru a menu which is far
better than the one packaged with Doom.
DOOMEN17.ZIP Yes 77102 10-18-94
Doom Network Menuing System v17.0
DooMenu corrected support for DOOM 2!
DOOMIT.ZIP Yes 33932 09-10-94 Customizable Front End for DOOM v1.2s
DOOMTOWN.ZIP Yes 146933 09-24-94 Doomtown WAD by Todd Rodowsky
DOOMTRK1.ZIP Yes 198846 08-09-94 Doom Trek WAD
DVIEW200.ZIP Yes 15281 08-13-94
DoomView 2.0 formerly DoomEdit - take ANY
Doom WAD or PWAD, registered or shareware &
view any of the graphics and export to BMP
E2M1_JOE.ZIP Yes 6567 04-19-94 Multi-player DOOM WAD featuring moving floors
EASYW110.ZIP Yes 78588 09-24-94 DOOM EasyWAD v1.10 by
EDMAP102.ZIP Yes 283712 07-22-94
EDMAP102.ZIP DOS-based DOOM map editor needs
only a mouse and VGA.
EDWARDO.ZIP Yes 20836 09-24-94 Mr. Edwardo :-) WAD by Mike Cole
EVILR1_1.ZIP Yes 25018 09-09-94 Evil Realm 1 v1.10 by: Chris Richardson DOOM
EXDOOM.ZIP Yes 50890 09-10-94 E2M1 replacement PWAD for DOOM
EXEDIT10.ZIP Yes 27356 09-03-94
EXEdit v1.0 a DOOM.EXE Editor DOOM v1.2 only
By David Saraniero for the 1.2 registered
EYESPY.ZIP Yes 57016 09-15-94
EYESPY for DOOM -This level may seem large at
the onset, but it has been found to be "just
right" when playing in deathmatch.
FACELIFT.ZIP Yes 15800 07-29-94 DOOM - WAD by John Martin
FEMDOOM.ZIP Yes 9890 10-05-94 Graphics patch for DOOM! c/o Mister Dude's
FING0728.ZIP Yes 3680 07-29-94 DOOM betas progress report from ID Software
FOODDISH.ZIP Yes 17444 10-11-94
The FoodDish is where everyone who's anyone
comes to feed. You're invited. The main
course is the other diners. Bring a friend
for dinner. Just wait till you see what's for
dessert! Single player WAD for DOOM 1.666.
FORGEWAD.ZIP Yes 225448 06-22-94 9 levels of action in ONE DOOM PWAD J.Lyons
FORTWAD.ZIP Yes 19695 07-03-94 E1M1 Fortress WAD fo DOOM New level
FRAGASM5.ZIP Yes 252244 09-10-94 Five-level fast-paced DEATHMATCH for DOOM
FRENZY.ZIP Yes 118458 06-26-94 A save often challenging DOOM WAD E2M1
FRISB_DM.ZIP Yes 44946 09-24-94 DOOM frisbee<->rocket graphics
GRECO21A.ZIP Yes 33779 07-29-94 DOOM - WAD by Thomas E. Davis
GRENADE.ZIP Yes 38306 08-31-94
Adds hand grenade to Doom! Needs Dehacked
1.99e and 1.6 or higher DOOM.
GRENDEL2.ZIP Yes 55342 09-07-94 Breathing Space Grendel2.WAD Phil Stracchino
GRL1.ZIP Yes 132614 08-02-94
Terravia Part 1: Assault Drop
GRENDEL1.WAD by Phil Stracchino
GUITAR_.ZIP Yes 568473 09-13-94
Guitar! Is a DOOM PWAD that changes all the
DOOM monster sounds into digitized! Guitar
licks and is suggested best used with DOOM
Reg v1.666 set for 8 channels of Rockin' good
sounds. A Must Have!
GUS1M.ZIP Yes 4387 05-08-94 Optimized GUS MIDI mapping WAD for DOOM
HALIBUT.ZIP Yes 23340 07-01-94
Doom Wad! How many of these things are out
HALLS.ZIP Yes 37412 09-24-94 Halls of Hell WAD by Doug Branch
HALLSPRO.ZIP Yes 389998 09-07-94
Halls of Death I (Episode of deathmatch wads)
HEADLONG.ZIP Yes 12129 08-13-94 Headlong.WAD
HELLBLK2.ZIP Yes 83171 06-28-94 A New Level for DOOM.
HEX1.ZIP Yes 64457 08-20-94 HEX1.WAD by Peter Naus
HHGSOUND.ZIP Yes 483145 10-03-94
The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
BBC Radio serices meets DOOM. It's out there!
HITMEINF.ZIP Yes 10634 07-22-94
THis is a nice DEATHMATCH ONLY .WAD file for
It is fast and playable. Takes some getting
but is quite fun.
HIVE1_4.ZIP Yes 141738 07-04-94 More DOOM Levels (E1M1-4).
HOLYMOLY.ZIP Yes 26359 07-08-94 Doom: HOLYMOLY.WAD
HOOTER.ZIP Yes 87760 07-02-94 HOOTER DOOM WAD E1M1 Full featured new level
HOT.ZIP Yes 41788 09-24-94 Halls Of Temple WAD
HOTLCAL2.ZIP Yes 52374 08-08-94 Hotelcal.wad
HOUSE_B.ZIP Yes 213137 09-07-94 HOUSE_B is a level for Doom with all new text
HQ.ZIP Yes 99536 09-07-94 HQ.WAD by Patrick Pirtle
HTCPPLMP.ZIP Yes 45609 08-02-94 another pwad for doom v1.2 REGISTERED
IMP1.ZIP Yes 28757 07-22-94 Imp Invasion! by Jon Davis - DOOM WAD
IMPER200.ZIP Yes 1434695 09-10-94
Vu Arts 1994 presents 10 September 1994
Imperial Doom .00 Updated graphics patch for
Doom. Requires registered version.
INVISMAZ.ZIP Yes 17622 06-28-94
This is a add-on level for DOOM. Like all
add-on levels, this requires the registered
version of DOOM. In this particular WAD file,
you are in a maze with invisible walls. The
level can be played with a single player, but
is intended mainly for deathmatch play.
IRVINE.ZIP Yes 57574 07-22-94
E1M1 solo, deathmatch, cooperative.
JAILBAIT.ZIP Yes 57307 07-22-94
Jailbait is a rather large level
in which you start out in jail and have
to fight your way out. DOOM
JAILHOUS.ZIP Yes 12026 10-02-94
Another externalwad for doom. More
hell-this time in a jail on deimos.
JOI_CTC.ZIP Yes 21391 08-02-94
Commando Training Camp
JPZOO21.ZIP Yes 90644 09-24-94 JPZOO21.WAD 1.0 by Jean-Phillippe Gsell
KAIOWAS.ZIP Yes 60055 06-28-94 New Level DOOM WAD
KAMIKAZE.ZIP Yes 24204 08-13-94
Exploding Stuff 2 DeHacked Patch File that
will make your shotgun rapid fire
KEWL.ZIP Yes 8153 09-27-94 KEWL DeathMatch Wad! for DOOM!
KILLDEMO.ZIP Yes 12090 09-24-94
KILLDEMO.EXE v1.0 September 19, 1994
With the advent of Doom v1.666, the Incorrect
Demo Version error
KILLSPR2.ZIP Yes 195541 08-18-94 Doom: Kills PWAD: huge w/traps & special F/X
KLONE.ZIP Yes 25152 09-10-94 ZONE WAD for Doom
LAVAPIT.ZIP Yes 10769 09-07-94 LAVAPIT.WAD by Eric Wescott
LED.ZIP Yes 29769 09-07-94 LED78.WAD
LEDGESL.ZIP Yes 2868 07-15-94 Doom: LEDGESL lmp
LEWIS21F.ZIP Yes 59304 09-01-94 Doom WAD
LOOKOUT.ZIP Yes 141004 09-24-94 Lookout! WAD by Norman Scott
LOST2.ZIP Yes 657419 10-03-94 Lost in Paris ][ WAD by Herve Benvel
LOST2B.ZIP Yes 620667 09-07-94
This is the BETA 2 release of LOST in Paris
Fully functionnal, Episode 3 levels 1,2,3.
LOST_DTH.ZIP Yes 51122 08-08-94
Lost in Paris / Death Match version
LOST_DTH.WAD by Herv� Benvel
M16DOOM.ZIP Yes 276134 09-16-94
Awesome new weapons patch for Doom ver. 1.2.
Done by yours truly. Replaces all weapons
except chainsaw and shotgun. Digitized
graphics, new sounds, etc. Must See!
MAKDOM21.ZIP Yes 589220 07-29-94 DOOM - Mak's DoomDOM WAD v2.01
MAKDOOM3.ZIP Yes 725114 09-07-94 MAK's Doomdom v3.0 by Martin A. Krebs
MARBAS11.ZIP Yes 61341 07-29-94 DOOM - Marine Base E1M1 WAD v1.1
MAXBAD11.ZIP Yes 47841 09-03-94
This LARGE wad file has enough bad guys that
you won't get lonely, even on skill 1
Several large battlefields, supports
deathmatch and all skill levels.
MAXFRAG.ZIP Yes 32336 08-08-94 MAXFRAG.WAD by Brian Dunham
MC94URB.ZIP Yes 112947 10-03-94 MCmicrocomputer - URB.WAD dorrado Guistozzi
MIAWAD.ZIP Yes 63301 06-25-94
Another created from scratch level for DOOM
The theme is that you have to return to Nam
to rescue the MIA's.
MOREHELL.ZIP Yes 55631 09-01-94 Doom WAD
MOVIE10.ZIP Yes 262023 08-02-94
Do you ever wanted to see ALIEN vs
Now it's possible! The Movie Graphics
Patch 1.0 will modify Doom to feature
the famous monsters, including some
changes to players and weapons as well
MRDM2101.ZIP Yes 44843 06-30-94 MRDM2101 All new Pwad level for DOOM.
MRDM2201.ZIP Yes 50451 07-26-94
MRDM2201.ZIP An original Pwad for DOOM.
Single player only.
M_ROHE.ZIP Yes 26514 09-10-94 DOOM WAD
NGUNS2B.ZIP Yes 50024 05-21-94 New Doom Guns [BETA] v.2b- Makes Your Doom G.
NIGHT2_0.ZIP Yes 53544 09-24-94 Death Night WAD
NOMERCY.ZIP Yes 18234 08-08-94 NOMERCY.WAD by Jim Plewa
NO_REST.ZIP Yes 66002 08-20-94 "No Rest For The Wicked" WAD by Boomer T
OFFICEDM.ZIP Yes 87650 07-12-94
OFFICE DOOM allows you to replace the generic
DOOM space marine graphics with an office guy
in a tie. This is an absolute riot during
network play in an office - Enjoy !
OPEN_AIR.ZIP Yes 43669 09-10-94 WAD for DOOM
PEAC2LMP.ZIP Yes 120227 08-02-94
This is a 2 player deathmatch 2.0 lmp file
Wolfgang Grassl VS. Ch
(green) (i
PEEKABOO.ZIP Yes 8863 09-23-94
Move fast and kick ass deathmatch level
PEEKABOO.WAD "Peek-A-Boo" (E2M2) for DOOM
PENGUINS.ZIP Yes 47226 07-29-94 DOOM graphics patch replaces "cow" w/"penguin
PENTDROM.ZIP Yes 50672 08-14-94
THe Pentadrom - 2 phase add on action level
for the DOOM arcade game.
POISON1.ZIP Yes 24550 08-13-94 POISON.WAD by Brian Smolke
PRIMUS.ZIP Yes 95686 08-20-94 PRIMUS.WAD by C. John Thompson
PROCKY7.ZIP Yes 40104 07-23-94 WAD set in animal testing laboratory! DOOM
PUEBLO.ZIP Yes 84922 09-07-94 PUEBLO.WAD
R2WOLF.ZIP Yes 681051 08-13-94 Major WAD for DOOM 0 Return to Wolfenstein!
RABIDWAD.ZIP Yes 36696 07-07-94 Rabid WAD for DOOM
RALF01.ZIP Yes 24476 10-03-94 Ralf01.wad by Ralf Naegele
RAPFX.ZIP Yes 152751 07-22-94
Rap Sound FX for Doom Contains voices from
Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Naught by Nature, Public
Enemy, House of Pain, & Digital Underground.
REACTOR3.ZIP Yes 22031 10-03-94 FIX for REACTOR1.WAD for DOOM
REACTWAD.ZIP Yes 69301 06-28-94
registered Doom created using Waded
1.17-1.23. Hell spawn have taken over.
Solo or multi-player mode.
REVOLTDM.ZIP Yes 20831 10-05-94 Graphic's Patch for DOOM c/o mr. dude's
RIANA001.ZIP Yes 19434 08-02-94
Riana Deathmatch 001
RIANA001.WAD by David "BC" Cothran
RIGHTHND.ZIP Yes 48419 07-29-94
RMB10.ZIP Yes 136947 09-02-94
RMB V1.00 A DOOM reject map builder.
To speed up the real time action!
ROOM1WAD.ZIP Yes 19460 06-26-94 Roomy WAD for DOOM
RUNAWAY.ZIP Yes 62431 06-30-94 Runaway Sector Creation in the DOOM WAD
RY11ECR.ZIP Yes 68629 10-03-94 Ry11ecr.wad + ry11ecr.txt by Eric C Reuter
SAGUNTO.ZIP Yes 15271 07-29-94 DOOM - WAD for v1.2
SATAN.ZIP Yes 68015 08-13-94 Satan's Lair v1.0 WAD
SCORPIO1.ZIP Yes 43568 09-07-94
The Scorpio Project, Act 1 (scorpio1.wad)
by Jim Gitzlaff
SCOTDOC1.ZIP Yes 68294 09-11-94 SCOTDOC WAD for DOOM
SDMATCH.ZIP Yes 4741 07-29-94 DOOM - Super DeathMatch WAD
SHEDEV1.ZIP Yes 172383 07-20-94
Complete archive to replace the Pink Demons
in DOOM with wicked, green, flying 'She
Devils'! At last, female monster! great!
SHIPROCK.ZIP Yes 37315 08-02-94 Shiprock.wad by Myles Williams
SIEGE20.ZIP Yes 27531 09-24-94 Siege 2.0 WAD by Vu q. Le
SIXAREAS.ZIP Yes 98403 08-02-94
Sixareas.wad (six areas wad)
by Doug Ryerson
SLY1WAD.ZIP Yes 66350 06-24-94 Single/Multi-player ROOMy WAD for DOOM
SNIPE99.ZIP Yes 62363 09-10-94 Doom WAD
SNIPER.ZIP Yes 32023 06-30-94 2Player Deathmatch & single player bloody WAD
SPACLAB2.ZIP Yes 128432 09-01-94 Doom WAD
SPACLAB3.ZIP Yes 125386 09-15-94 SPACELAB external WAD for DOOM 1.666
SPACLE.ZIP Yes 71263 09-24-94 SPACLE.WAD
SPIDR1.ZIP Yes 169765 08-13-94 The Spider Drome (v1.0) WAD
SPRITES2.ZIP Yes 782189 09-01-94
Sprite graphics for v1.6 BETA permitting
DOOM II creatures in registered Doom
STEELSWD.ZIP Yes 17724 08-20-94 STEELS.WAD by Antti Kuosmanen
STIMPY_G.ZIP Yes 41041 09-10-94 WAD for DOOM
STYFST13.ZIP Yes 21861 07-03-94 Stay Frosty v1.3 E1M3.Single multiplayer WAD
SUBWAY21.ZIP Yes 156866 07-29-94 DOOM - The Deimos Subway PWAD v2.1
SUDTIC.ZIP Yes 580396 06-21-94
The Innocent Crew presents: - [ Slaughter
Until Death ] - a completely new episode for
DOOM 9 new levels and additional graphics
SUNGOD.ZIP Yes 173239 09-07-94 SUBJECT: SunGod 1.0 PWAD for DOOM (1.2 regist
SURMONT.ZIP Yes 353159 07-01-94 You need to save the farm! e1M1 versatile
SWDOC13.ZIP Yes 99665 08-08-94
S T A R W A R S D O O M Everything you
wanted to know about Ultimate DOOM add-on!
SWMUSFX4.ZIP Yes 1073107 08-08-94
Star Wars Music and Sound Effects PWAD
SWMUSFX4.WAD by Chris Hopkins
SYD_DOOM.ZIP Yes 105385 09-24-94 SYDoom v2.0 WAD for DOOM
TEST2KIL.ZIP Yes 186226 08-20-94 Test 2 Kill (Satan's Training Grounds)
THEEND.ZIP Yes 11120 07-03-94 Blast fest final battle for Episode 3 DOOM
THEKURSE.ZIP Yes 66130 09-01-94 Doom WAD
TORCHED.ZIP Yes 253472 07-17-94 TORCHED.WAD included Torched.txt for info
TOUGHGUY.ZIP Yes 18868 06-26-94 New E1M1 level for single player DOOM WAD
TOURWAD.ZIP Yes 71636 08-09-94
Tour De France (Watched it while creating)
Tour.wad by Paul Engel (Sandman for years)
TOWERS.ZIP Yes 83020 07-11-94 Doom: Towers.wad E1M1
TRAIN2.ZIP Yes 28363 09-10-94 Doom WAD: Space Marine Training
TRIDEATH.ZIP Yes 31338 10-03-94 Triangle Death WAD by Scott Thompson for DOOM
TRUETEST.ZIP Yes 205520 07-24-94
A awesome two levels that contain great traps
and many other ingenious ideas.
TRUNK.ZIP Yes 35182 08-13-94 TRUNK.WAD by Richard Smol
TTA_CHUD.ZIP Yes 147480 09-24-94 CHUD: The wadfile. by Bilbo
TUNNELS.ZIP Yes 6163 07-19-94 Doom: Tunnels.wad e1m2
UMBRING.ZIP Yes 107343 07-29-94 Umbring (MURDER) WAD for DOOM by Woody
UNDRGRND.ZIP Yes 86146 10-03-94 UNDRGRND.wad by Eliot G. Mah
USQ1.ZIP Yes 46889 10-03-94 USQ IRC goes Hogwild by Chris Willacy
USQ2.ZIP Yes 20152 10-03-94 USQ IRC goes Deathmatch by Chris Willacy
VAMPIR51.ZIP Yes 69302 09-26-94
FRODO 5 PWAD, mighty netDOOM titillation!
An E1M1 and E1M9 favorable PWAD for DOOM!
WACKERB7.ZIP Yes 141005 07-29-94 DOOM Wacker beta 7-create/manipulate textures
WADCAT05.ZIP Yes 36914 10-03-94
WAD Concatenater v0.5 - By Matthew Ayres
Merge .WADs with this handy little utility.
WADED137.ZIP Yes 193653 10-03-94
Full featured, edits everything map related
from scratch with ease. Textures. M. Ayres
WADGC2.ZIP Yes 21339 08-02-94
The file WADGC.ZIP contains working
beta source for my tools WADGC
and WADLC, acronyms for WAD Graphics
Compiler and WAD Level Compiler.
WADGOD20.ZIP Yes 137414 08-09-94
WADGOD v2.0 - handy shell for DOOM
It launches your WAD, LMP and TXT
files from ZIP files compressed. Space saver.
WADPAK2.ZIP Yes 980456 07-03-94
WadPak 2 for the DOOM action arcade game
entire level WAD file set.
WADWHA10.ZIP Yes 24946 08-22-94
WADWHAT 1.0 by Randall R. Spangler - Prints
contents of DOOM WAD file ; calculates a
difficulty ratio for each map. FREEWARE.
WADWHA11.ZIP Yes 35692 08-30-94
WADWHAT 1.1 by Randall R. Spangler
For use with Id Software's DOOM!
Prints the contents of a WAD file; calculates
difficulty ratio for each map. FREEWARE.
WHARE15.ZIP Yes 48343 07-12-94 Warehouse is in Hell! replaces e1m5 Doom WAD
WHITE.ZIP Yes 50269 09-10-94
Doom WAD by Stephen J Woods
Uploaded by: Richard Kent
WIDOWMKR.ZIP Yes 90769 06-28-94 Inhabitants of DEMOS have escaped... WAD
WILLE1M1.ZIP Yes 16558 05-01-94 COOL DOOM WAD
WOPWORLD.ZIP Yes 207537 10-06-94 WOPWORLD WAD for Doom 1.2 or newer!
WSORT099.ZIP Yes 39285 08-13-94 WADSORT
WWORLD20.ZIP Yes 627458 08-12-94
Waynes World SoundFXS for DOOM
type "DOOM -file wworld.wad"
XFIREWAD.ZIP Yes 93800 06-29-94 XFire - Three level crossfire WAD for DOOM
YOHO.ZIP Yes 60941 09-13-94 Doom WAD by John Cecere
ZEBEDEE.ZIP Yes 161423 08-09-94
Yes, the one you have been waiting for,
Magic Roundabout Doom! This patch turns
all of the troopers, the puny ones with
pistols, into Zebedee from The Magic
you know you want to. Zebedee-Doom (TM)
ZORF1.ZIP Yes 24617 10-03-94 Zorf WAD by Ron Olsen
ZRAT.ZIP Yes 122986 08-08-94 WAD for Doom by Dan Gannon
_CRINGE1.ZIP Yes 787227 09-05-94
This is IT! This is THE external WAD file for
DOOM lovers! All NEW music! All NEW levels!
Contains complete episode 2, levels 1 through
8 and secret level! Superb levels for
Multiplayer network, Deathmatch, [1/3]
_CRINGE3.ZIP Yes 341443 09-05-94
New sounds for CRINGE! This file will make
CRINGE! Complete if you've got the first 2
already. [3/3]
_DMWALZ_.ZIP Yes 259785 08-20-94
This is a good wad for doom featuring 4 level
a few new textures, and some movie music.
_MLEV11.ZIP Yes 33365 07-05-94
Amazing! Great for people who want to make
complete episodes, but only have a one
mission per PWAD editor. This combines PWADS
to make complete levels! FREEWARE.
_PIPE_.ZIP Yes 78836 09-06-94
Here is another PWAD for the REGISTERED
version of DOOM. Have an enjoyable time
exploring the subterranian sewer system of
hell. This PWAD is of high caliber and very
high quality, almost ID quality.
_ULTIMAT.ZIP Yes 25427 08-23-94
The Ultimate Doom Patch File! Turns barrels
to floating mines, Rocket Launcher to Mine
Deployer, and Plasma Gun to Super Discharge
Weapon! And All Explosions Have The BFG9000