190 files found in Library "GRPH - Images/Anim."

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
55_CHEVY.GIF No 262573 10-21-94 A 55 Chevy drag car.
56_CHEVY.GIF No 291208 10-21-94 A 56 Chevy Wagon drag car.
57_CHEVY.GIF No 373252 10-21-94 A 57 Chevy drag car.
68_CAM.GIF No 366779 10-18-94 A picture of a 1968 Camaro Drag car.
68_CAMAR.GIF No 333727 10-18-94 A picture of a 1968 Camaro Drag car.
86Z_28.GIF No 289342 10-18-94 A picture of a 1986 Z28 Camaro Drag car.
94051040.ZIP Yes 298083 09-11-94
Second Contact image of 94 May 10 Annular
Solar Eclipse as seen from Toledo, Ohio.
1152x768x256 for use as Windows Wallpaper.
Image #40 from a 64 image collection.
94051041.ZIP Yes 287015 09-11-94
Just after Second Contact image of 94 May 10
Annular Solar Eclipse as seen from Toledo,
Ohio. 1152x768x256 for use as Windows
Wallpaper. Image #41 from a 64 image collectn
94MAY10.ZIP Yes 189530 09-11-94
Annular Solar Eclips of 94 May 10 viewer. EXE
Version 1.0 for Windows, requires vbrun300
AUTUMN.GIF No 201238 10-13-94 A picture of the change of season near a lake
AUTUMN1.GIF No 247450 10-13-94
A shot of the leaves starting to change color
in a small PA. town.
AUTUMN2.GIF No 239406 10-14-94 A pretty colored tree in the fall.
AUTUMN3.GIF No 209426 10-14-94 A picture of fall in a residential area.
AUTUMN4.GIF No 251087 10-14-94 A picture of fall in a rural area.
AUTUMN5.GIF No 264719 10-14-94 A picture of fall near a farm.
BELLS.GIF No 192483 10-13-94 A picture of a bell tower.
BELLS1.GIF No 235935 10-13-94 A picture of another bell tower.
BLOB1A.ZIP Yes 61804 03-13-94
Updated blob1.zip- manipulate 3D shapes via
shaping blobs!
BLOWN68.GIF No 328708 10-20-94 A nice 68 Camaro with a blower.
BLOWN_68.GIF No 327845 10-20-94 A closeup of the blower on a 68 Camaro.
BLUEJAY.GIF No 401359 10-19-94 A picture of a Blue Jay in a tree.
BRIDGE.GIF No 289263 10-13-94 A picture looking down a train trestle.
BRIDGE2.GIF No 187285 10-14-94 A bridge in Warren PA.
CAMARO1.GIF No 316365 10-21-94 A nice red Camaro.
CAMARO2.GIF No 346281 10-21-94 A Chevy Camaro doing a wheelie.
CAMARO3.GIF No 315450 10-21-94 Another Chevy Camaro doing a wheelie.
CHEVELLE.GIF No 284476 10-21-94 A really nice convertible Chevelle SS.
CHEVWHE1.GIF No 363500 10-20-94 A Chevy Pickup doing a wheelie for 1/4 mile.
CHEVWHE2.GIF No 350278 10-20-94 A Chevy Pickup doing a wheelie for 1/4 mile.
CHEVWHE3.GIF No 353743 10-20-94 A Chevy Pickup doing a wheelie for 1/4 mile.
CHEVWHE4.GIF No 370217 10-20-94 A Chevy Pickup doing a wheelie for 1/4 mile.
CHEVWHE5.GIF No 334497 10-20-94 A Chevy Pickup doing a wheelie for 1/4 mile.
CHEVWHE6.GIF No 265472 10-20-94 A Chevy Pickup doing a wheelie for 1/4 mile.
CHURCH1.GIF No 214514 10-13-94 A picture of a nice looking church.
CHURCH1A.GIF No 170591 10-13-94 Another angle of this nice looking church.
CHURCH2.GIF No 200763 10-14-94 A picture of another nice looking church.
CHURCH2A.GIF No 175501 10-14-94 The same church as above,different angle.
CHURCH3.GIF No 280248 10-14-94
A picture of a little red church covered
in snow.
CHURCH3A.GIF No 192389 10-14-94 Same church as above,different angle.
CH_WAGON.GIF No 265656 10-21-94 An early 50's Chevy delivery wagon.
COW.GIF No 341711 10-14-94 A picture of a cow.
COWS.GIF No 257022 10-14-94 A picture of two cows.
CREEK1A.GIF No 276407 10-13-94 A picture of a frozen creek.
CREEK1B.GIF No 263375 10-13-94 A creek in the winter.
CREEK1C.GIF No 208849 10-13-94 A creek in the winter.
CREEK1D.GIF No 240166 10-13-94 A creek in the winter.
CREEK2A.GIF No 276375 10-14-94
A very nice shot of a creek giving off a
reflection of the surrounding trees.
CREEK2B.GIF No 328354 10-14-94 The same creek just a different shot.
CREEK2C.GIF No 271777 10-14-94 The same creek just a different shot.
DRAGONFL.GIF No 378979 10-19-94 A picture of a small blue dragonfly.
DUCKS1.GIF No 328321 10-13-94 A couple of ducks and a goose.
DUCKS2.GIF No 304442 10-13-94 5 ducks and 2 geese.
DUCKS3.GIF No 259767 10-13-94 Some ducks and a goose in the water.
DUCKS4.GIF No 239441 10-13-94 3 ducks swimming in the water.
DUCKS5.GIF No 331214 10-13-94 Some more ducks and geese.
DUCKS6.GIF No 295056 10-14-94 A picture of some ducks & geese in the water.
EARTH5.ZIP Yes 303662 08-02-94
Earth5 is original computer art: PCX a planet
its moon and much more in 24 bit RGB. Enjoy!
FARMEQU1.GIF No 334118 10-14-94 A picture of some farm equipment.
FARMEQUI.GIF No 299270 10-14-94 A picture of some farm equipment
FIRE1.GIF No 275610 10-19-94 The flames from a jet engine drag car.
FIRE2.GIF No 240422 10-19-94 The flames from a jet engine drag car.
FLOWER.GIF No 215887 10-13-94 A closeup of a flower.
FLOWER1.GIF No 204491 10-13-94 A closeup of a flower.
FLOWERS.GIF No 303158 10-13-94 A picture of some flowers.
FONT1.ZIP Yes 3214 01-23-94 A Large Font For The Draw - Block Font
GEESDUC1.GIF No 319218 10-14-94 2 geese and 1 duck.
GEESDUCK.GIF No 310410 10-14-94 A picture of 3 nice looking geese and 5 ducks
GEESE.GIF No 296589 10-14-94 2 geese looking to cross the road.
GIFXTS51.ZIP Yes 346580 08-20-94 GIF to Xstitch Pattern Converter v5.10.
GOOSE.GIF No 310477 10-14-94 A picture of a goose.
G_BLIMP.GIF No 276738 10-19-94 A picture of the Gulf Blimp.
HELIC1.GIF No 223282 10-19-94 A picture of a helicopter at Nia Falls AFB.
HELIC2.GIF No 239718 10-19-94 A picture of a helicopter at Nia Falls AFB.
HYDRANT.GIF No 276082 10-14-94 A picture of a fire hydrant.
IMAGES.ZIP Yes 1375461 09-09-94
Images - Intro DEMO 5th place ASM '94
� 386+, GUS / No Sound �
IMPACT_S.ZIP Yes 1437589 07-25-94 SL-9 Collision w/Jupiter - simulation MPEG
JETCAR1.GIF No 309127 10-19-94 A jet engine funny car with the chassis open.
JETCAR2.GIF No 384808 10-19-94 A jet engine funny car with flames.
JETCAR3.GIF No 355837 10-19-94 A jet engine funny car with smoke.
JETCAR4.GIF No 362964 10-19-94 A jet engine funny car with flames.
JETCAR5.GIF No 343709 10-19-94 A jet engine funny car staging for a race.
JETCAR6.GIF No 308740 10-19-94 A jet engine funny car staging for a race.
JETDRAG1.GIF No 302364 10-19-94 A dragster with a jet engine.
JETDRAG2.GIF No 307693 10-19-94 A dragster with a jet engine.
JETDRAG3.GIF No 365380 10-19-94 Two jet engine dragsters going down the track
JETDRAG4.GIF No 283204 10-19-94 The flames from a jet engine on a dragster.
KC135_T.GIF No 238921 10-19-94 A KC135 Tanker landing at Niagara Falls AFB.
KC135_TA.GIF No 261511 10-19-94 A KC135 Tanker landing at Niagara Falls AFB.
KECK_R.ZIP Yes 1042278 07-25-94 SL-9 Fragment-R on Jupiter REAL MPEG w/text
KINZVA.GIF No 226808 10-14-94 A picture of Kinzva Dam in PA.
KINZVA1.GIF No 186865 10-14-94 A picture of Kinzva Dam in PA.
KINZVA2.GIF No 164002 10-14-94 A picture of Kinzva Dam in PA.
LAKE1.GIF No 236840 10-13-94 A beautiful picture of a lake with reflection
LAKE2.GIF No 236322 10-13-94 A picture of a lake.
LAKE3.GIF No 207787 10-13-94 A beautiful picture of a lake with reflection
LAKE4.GIF No 268820 10-13-94 A picture of a lake.
LAKE5.GIF No 282445 10-13-94 A picture of a lake with a little bridge.
LAKE6.GIF No 309296 10-13-94 A picture of a lake.
LAKE7.GIF No 300553 10-13-94 A picture of a lake showing a little bridge.
LEAVES.GIF No 261025 10-13-94 A picture of some fallen leaves.
MEMOR1.GIF No 281305 10-13-94 Warren County PA. Vietnam Memorial.
MEMOR2.GIF No 247384 10-13-94 Warren County PA. Persian Gulf Crisis Memor.
MEMOR3.GIF No 302218 10-13-94 Warren County PA. Korean War Memorial.
MONAR1.GIF No 339988 10-19-94 A picture of a monarch butterfly.
MONAR2.GIF No 324477 10-19-94 A picture of a monarch butterfly.
MONAR3.GIF No 339149 10-19-94 A picture of a monarch butterfly.
MONAR4.GIF No 377482 10-19-94 A picture of a monarch butterfly.
MONAR5.GIF No 401949 10-19-94 A picture of a monarch butterfly.
MONTESS.GIF No 317859 10-19-94 A picture of a nice Monte Carlo SS.
MONTE_1.GIF No 268787 10-21-94 A picture of a Monte Carlo.
MONTE_2.GIF No 315939 10-21-94 A picture of a Monte Carlo.
MONTE_SS.GIF No 362973 10-20-94 A picture of a nice Monte Carlo SS.
OILCOMP.GIF No 138082 10-14-94 A picture of United Refining Company in PA.
OILWELL.GIF No 300183 10-13-94 A picture of an oilwell.
OLDBUIL.GIF No 283953 10-14-94 A picture of an old building in the fields.
PARK.GIF No 290994 10-13-94
A picture of a park showing a cannon a
gazebo and a statue.
PARK1.GIF No 267541 10-13-94 A picture of a park showing a Gazebo.
PARK2.GIF No 288743 10-13-94 A picture of a park showing a playground.
PARK3.GIF No 290202 10-13-94 The entrance to Mead Park in PA..
PARK4.GIF No 278223 10-13-94 A picture of a park.
PCCAI210.ZIP Yes 819957 05-23-94
PC-Computer Aided Instruction (PC-CAI) v2.10:
impressive package to create your own
tutorials/tests on any subject using color,
graphics (including PCX special effects)
PRO_IROC.GIF No 312950 10-21-94 A Z-28 drag car called Pro Roc.
PRO_MOD1.GIF No 352195 10-21-94 A pro modified drag car.
PRO_MOD2.GIF No 378224 10-21-94 A pro modified drag car.
PRO_ROC.GIF No 314214 10-21-94 A Z-28 drag car called Pro Roc.
RESOLVE1.ZIP Yes 59505 08-04-94
Resolve V1.0 : Duplicate File Resolution
Utility (with Purging).
ROADTHRO.GIF No 238712 10-13-94 A road through the woods.
ROCK.GIF No 249131 10-14-94 A picture of a large rock.
ROCK1.GIF No 263265 10-14-94
A picture of a small rock with Wee Scotia
carved into it.
ROCK2.GIF No 287403 10-14-94 A picture of a large rock.
ROCK3.GIF No 338014 10-14-94 A picture of a large rock.
ROCK4.GIF No 226314 10-14-94 A picture of a large rock.
ROCK5.GIF No 336642 10-14-94 A picture of a large rock.
RRTRACK1.GIF No 296022 10-14-94 A picture of some RailRoad Tracks.
RRTRACKS.GIF No 174645 10-14-94 A picture of some RailRoad Tracks.
SAAO.ZIP Yes 68781 07-25-94 SL-9 Animation of Fragment-A Impact MPEG
SCENIC.GIF No 188348 10-13-94 A scenic shot of the Pennsylvania countryside
SCENIC1.GIF No 157449 10-13-94 A scenic shot of the Penn. countryside.
SEVGA1.ZIP Yes 207900 07-29-94
Graphics add-in module 1 for Vacation Alaska
Southeast: The Inside Passage. You need to
download this only once; it will work with
all versions of the GOAK*.ZIP files.
Requires VGA. From Alaska EPAC Group.
SEVGA1A.ZIP Yes 279450 07-29-94
Graphics add-in module 1A for Vacation Alaska
For all versions of the GOAK*.ZIP files.
SEVGA2.ZIP Yes 326250 07-29-94
Graphics add-in module 2 for Vacation Alaska
For all versions of the GOAK*.ZIP files.
SEVGA3.ZIP Yes 295113 07-29-94
Graphics add-in module 3 for Vacation Alaska
For all versions of the GOAK*.ZIP files.
SEVGA3A.ZIP Yes 286690 07-29-94
Graphics add-in module 3A for Vacation Alaska
For all versions of the GOAK*.ZIP files.
SEVGA4.ZIP Yes 321520 07-29-94
Graphics add-in module 4 for Vacation Alaska
For all versions of the GOAK*.ZIP files.
SEVGA5.ZIP Yes 332939 07-29-94
Graphics add-in module 5 for Vacation Alaska
For all versions of the GOAK*.ZIP files.
SEVGA6.ZIP Yes 236128 07-29-94
Graphics add-in module 6 for Vacation Alaska
For all versions of the GOAK*.ZIP files.
SHADEYHO.GIF No 249304 10-13-94 A picture of a really nice house well shaded.
SIGGRD.ZIP Yes 16155 10-19-94
SIGNATURE GUARDIAN, Version 1.0 : : :
-Provides added security to a scanned graphic
signature (bitmap) by protecting it with a
password. Access to the signature is provided
through the Windows Clipboard. Reg to encode
SL9JUP.ZIP Yes 200153 05-18-94
9 & PLANET JUPITER This is a composite photo,
assembled from separate images of Jupiter and
comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9, as imaged by the
Wide Field & Planetary Camera-2 (WFPC-2),
on NASA's Hubble Space Telescope (HST). GIF
SL9_GIF1.ZIP Yes 440234 07-20-94 More gifs of shoemaker-levy comet.
SNOWWHIT.GIF No 348788 10-20-94 A 55 Chevy called Snow White.
SPIDER1.GIF No 318519 10-19-94 A picture of a daddy longlegs spider.
SPIDER2.GIF No 246854 10-19-94 A picture of a spider.
SPIDER3.GIF No 323968 10-19-94 A picture of a spider.
STACK.GIF No 149013 10-14-94 United Refining Company's smoke stacks.
STARBUMP.ZIP Yes 76105 08-11-94
FLI animation of two stars bumping into each
other by Timothy A Knapp
STATUE.GIF No 303528 10-13-94
A Statue of Gen. Joseph Warren who died at
the Battle of Bunker Hill in 1775.
STATUE1.GIF No 322498 10-13-94
"Erected in memory of the Nations dead who
gave thier lives to preserve the Union."
SUNSET.GIF No 162006 10-14-94 A nice sunset over the water.
SUPER_1.GIF No 305793 10-21-94 A pro modified Super Chevy.
SUPER_2.GIF No 355260 10-21-94 Another pro modified Super Chevy.
TRACTOR.GIF No 252621 10-13-94 A red tractor.
TREES.GIF No 341573 10-13-94 A picture of a road through the trees.
TREES1.GIF No 217701 10-13-94 A picture of the woods from the woods.
TRUCK1.GIF No 234125 10-13-94 A picture of an old green truck.(nice shape)
TRUCK2.GIF No 279653 10-21-94 An old mint condition yellow pickup truck.
TURTLE1.GIF No 476112 10-19-94 A picture of a snapping turtle.
TURTLE2.GIF No 477917 10-19-94 A picture of a snapping turtle.
ULYSSES.ZIP Yes 1156862 09-07-94
Eight JPG's from the satellite Ulysses.
Ulysses is orbiting & photographing the moon
VETTE1.GIF No 306059 10-20-94 A Corvette with the name "Graham Motorsports"
VETTE2.GIF No 339601 10-21-94 A really nice black Corvette.
VETTE3.GIF No 307392 10-21-94 A red Corvette.
VETTE4.GIF No 333474 10-21-94 A two tone red and white Corvette.
VETTE5.GIF No 363399 10-21-94 A blue,red and white Corvette drag car.
VETTE6.GIF No 352485 10-21-94
A Corvette drag car with the front tires off
the ground.
WINTER.GIF No 280691 10-14-94 A snow covered scene with a bird flying off.
WINTER1.GIF No 271067 10-14-94 A snow covered bridge.
WINTER10.GIF No 260396 10-14-94
A snow covered bridge crossing an ice covered
WINTER11.GIF No 264642 10-14-94 A picture of a creek in the winter.
WINTER2.GIF No 233582 10-14-94 A Crane hanging out in ice water.
WINTER3.GIF No 204516 10-14-94 Another shot of this crane in the water.
WINTER4.GIF No 216086 10-14-94 1 more shot of this crane in the water.
WINTER5.GIF No 233952 10-18-94 A snow covered scene with a bird flying off.
WINTER6.GIF No 256238 10-14-94
A picture of lots of snow covering a picnic
WINTER7.GIF No 262680 10-14-94 A picture of a lake in the winter.
WINTER8.GIF No 303923 10-14-94 A picture of a creek in the winter.
WINTER9.GIF No 290820 10-14-94 A frozen spot in the creek.
WINTROAD.GIF No 219685 10-14-94 A shot of a snow covered road.