/* file QRIPTECH.TXT ** ________________________________________ /// \\\ <<< QRIP TSR Technical specifications >>> \\\________________________________________/// ----------- Description ----------- The QRIP TSR is an interface which can act as an 'overlay' for a terminal program that needs RIP emulation. 1stReader 2.0 loads it just before calling a RIP BBS, and then transfers control of its output to QRIP, creating a seamless appearance of RIP emulation. WWIVRIP uses it only if it's installed before WWIV is run - but it makes for perfect local RIP graphics. Using QRIP for RIP emulation has some definate advantages over using Telegrafix's RIPscrip libraries. First, QRIP restricts itself to a small chunk of memory, making your terminal free to act as it always has in the past. Second, your terminal could be upgraded to new versions of RIPscrip simply by upgrading your version of QRIP. QRIP also gives you powerful functions such as the pop-up mode and text screen switching. For a better understanding of the way QRIP/TSR operates, take a look at its operation in 1stReader 2.0 by Sparkware. -------------------- Strategy for the API -------------------- This is a basic method for making a QRIP-compatible application. I have described it before the actual spec so that programmers will know what to look for as they read over the next section. A QRIP-compatible application should first detect the presence of QRIP (function F0). If QRIP reports that it can't takeover DOS, the application should ignore QRIP's presence and possibly report and error message stating that QRIP is corrupted in some way. The app should check the flags (returned by the emulation check) and change them *only as necessary* (function 01). Many applications won't even need to bother with this. For each output string, the application should call one of the API string output routines (functions 04, 05, 09, or 0AH). Then it should call function 06, to receive any characters pending from QRIP. If BX returns with a value of 1, the terminal should call function 0CH to receive a whole string. If you decide to use functions 09 or 0AH to accomplish your purposes, QRIP will automatically call function 06 before returning, and instead of using two calls, you only need to do one. Functions 04 and 05, on the other hand, require constant polling of 06. You should use whichever one is more convenient, but be aware that each call to QRIP requires a complete switch-over of DOS control, a process which can take a few milliseconds. When in 'hotkey' mode, your terminal should send all keystrokes to QRIP through function 18H. Anything it doesn't accept will be piped back through to function 06, so it will be sent directly to the BBS. Hotkey mode is a necessary feature for your terminal. When connecting to a BBS, the terminal should set the icons directory with the string pointer returned by function 08. When carrier is lost, call function 19H so the user can recover control completely. To do a general reset of QRIP, you can simply turn off graphics and turn them back on. Note that if you use this method, QRIP has built-in monitor protection that doesn't allow the screen to change modes faster than once per second. Before exiting, your app ought to return the flags to their original, saved state. Use function 02 to do this. When you're all done with QRIP, the author recommends you call function FFh to deinstall, rather than doing a QRIP /u. It's much safer. All of the functions mentioned above are essential for a QRIP-compatible terminal. Most of the rest are additional features that aren't necessary for all applications. ------------- QRIP API spec ------------- Conventions in the API specs: For all flags, 1 means 'set', 'true', 'on', or 'yes', and 0 means 'reset', 'false', 'off', or 'no'. Just so we have no discrepancies. All numbers are in decimal unless they have an 'H' or 'h' at the end to signify hexadeciaml, or unless they have a hexadecimal digit in them (A-F). Interrupt 2F (DOS Multiplex interrupt) This interrupt is used for interface with DOS TSR's like ASSIGN and PRINT and some shareware/freeware TSR's. QRIP uses this interrupt for external control by applications. The AX, BX, CX, and DX registers are used for all parameters and returns. All registers not used by QRIP will be restored to their original values before return from the interrupt. To access QRIP, call int 2F with: AH = ACh ; QRIP multiplex interrupt ID number DI = 1092h ; Secondary verification of a QRIP call Then load AL with the QRIP function number: AL = 0: Give QRIP a time slice. This is used to update the music and flashing timers. Whenever there's no activity whatsoever, the terminal might simply call this as often as it wants. It is usually a short routine. This function is always called internally through the other functions, so you usually don't have to bother with this one. No return. AL = 1: Change internal flags. This call uses the BX and CX registers to change bit-coded flags. Each bit set to a 1 in BX will turn ON a flag, and each bit set to a 1 in CX will turn OFF a flag. The flags are: bit 0 (0001h): ANSI emulation. Defaults on. bit 1 (0002h): RIP emulation. Defaults on. bit 2 (0004h): Graphical commands allowed. QRIP turns this off when the set_viewport RIP command is called with parameters of zero. Defaults to on. bit 3 (0008h): TTY text allowed. This isn't like the text suppression flag - RIP graphics turn this flag on and off all the time. Defaults to on. bit 4 (0010h): Disable @ variable recognition. QRIP defaults to disabling when in TSR mode, but someone out there might have reason to put the @ variables back in. bit 5 (0020h): Wait for key at RIP_END_SCENE (|#) commands. Defaults off. bit 6 (0040h): Anti-stripping. The /# parameter. Defaults to off in TSR mode. bit 7 (0080h): Sound. The /s parm. Defaults on. bit 8 (0100h): Automatic message filter. The /m parm. Defaults off in TSR mode. You are warned that the author has never tried the message filter while in TSR mode, nor did he expect that it would ever have much purpose for the TSR. bit 9 (0200h): Display-only mode. The /y parameter. If this flag is off, QRIP will wait for the local user to answer certain prompts. If it's on, QRIP will flash windows on the screen but won't give the local user time to answer. This is most useful when QRIP is used as a local RIP display for BBS programs. bit 10 (0400h): TTY text suppression. The /x parm. Defaults off in TSR mode. bits 11-15: Reserved. The return is the same as the QRIP installation check (see AL = F0H). Note that CX will return the new status of all of the flags. AL = 2: Turn off graphics screen. QRIP will turn off the graphics screen by itself unless the RIP_NO_MORE auto-finish flag is off. The screen will be restored to its pre-graphics state. No return. AL = 3: Turn on graphics screen. Every time a RIP sequence is encountered, the screen is switched to graphics mode anyway. This is just provided for apps that need manual control. It can also be used as a manual reset: it does precisely the same thing as "!|*" (which means the graphics are NOT restored - see functions 14H and 15H.) No return. AL = 4: Send a string to QRIP. - - - All TTY, ANSI, RIP, VT102, etc. enters QRIP through functions 4, 5, 9, or 10. Your terminal will probably only use one of the four. There are only slight differences between them. - - - DX = segment address of the string BX = offset of the string CX = length of string The string doesn't need to be null-terminated, but CX must contain the length. If CX is 0, nothing will be output. No return. AL = 5: Output a null-terminated string to QRIP. Same as AL = 4, but the string must be null-terminated and CX is disregarded. DX = segment BX = offset No return. AL = 6: Receive characters from QRIP. QRIP will return any characters that should be sent back to the BBS. This is for terminals that can't take in strings immediately after sending them. Using function 4 or 5, with 6, requires two calls for every update, while using 9 or 0AH (6 not required) requires only one. Returns: AX = character to send to BBS or special message. BX = 1 if an entire string is waiting to be sent. (0 if not.) CX, DX = The same as AX. If your program has trouble receiving the special codes, try using these returns instead. If AX = 1 through FFH, the character should be sent to the BBS. If AX = 0, no characters. Special codes also exist: AX = 100H The terminal should wait for the user to press a key before sending any more data. When the key is pressed, the host terminal *must* call function 16H with BL = 0 (see AL = 16H) or function 18H. AX = 101H QRIP has detected both mouse buttons or the middle button pressed. 1stReader uses this function to call up the virtual keyboard. AX = 102H RIP_ENTER_BLOCK_MODE. RIPscrip has the ability to auto-start any kind of standard upload/download protocol. The terminal should call function 1AH to find out the filename, the protocol, etc. that was communicated by a RIP command. It should then start up/downloading. AX = 103H Right mouse button pressed. NOTE on codes 104H - 10DH: The terminal can respond any way it likes to these switches, but whenever any modes are switched on or off, the mode change should be reported to QRIP through function 16H. QRIP will assume no change was made unless told otherwise (in other words, if one of these codes is sent by QRIP to your terminal, QRIP will still think nothing has changed until you report that something has changed, through 16H). All of these switches are all initialized to OFF when loading the QRIP TSR. AX = 104H The BBS requested that the terminal should turn ON the status bar at the bottom of the screen. In QRIP, the status bar is usually the protected area. QRIP won't turn it off automatically; the host terminal should decide what to do with this code. It might be a good idea to respond to the user pressing Alt-SPACE by toggling the status bar. Just remember to report any status change to QRIP. AX = 105H The BBS requested the status bar OFF. AX = 106H BBS requested VT-102 user-terminal emulation mode. This means that certain keys on the user's terminal should change a little bit. From the RIPSCRIP 1.54 document: F1 - ESC [ M F2 - ESC [ N F3 - ESC [ O F4 - ESC [ P F5 - ESC [ Q F6 - ESC [ R F7 - ESC [ S F8 - ESC [ T F9 - ESC [ U F10 - ESC [ V PGUP - ESC [ I PGDN - ESC [ G HOME - ESC [ H END - ESC [ F INSERT - ESC [ L CURSOR UP - ESC [ A CURSOR DN - ESC [ B CURSOR LEFT - ESC [ C CURSOR RIGHT - ESC [ D QRIP currently supports most of VT-102. Full emulation is coming soon. AX = 107H The BBS requested VT-102 mode off. AX = 108H The BBS requested Doorway mode on. If your terminal doesn't support it yet, what it does is send the pure IBM ASCII/keyboard scancode values directly to the BBS. For normal ASCII keys, your terminal should send the ASCII value to the BBS, but for extended keys, send a zero followed by the scancode of the key pressed. You should also use the standard "Alt-=" combination to toggle doorway mode. AX = 109H Doorway mode off. AX = 10AH Hotkeys mode on. This allows the user to press keys on the keyboard to activate mouse buttons that have the hotkey flag enabled. When this mode is on, the host terminal should send QRIP all of the keys pressed by the user to function 18H. Of course, the terminal doesn't have to send *all* of the keys - keys like F5 (shell to DOS in 1stReader) might be filtered. AX = 10BH Hotkeys mode off. AX = 10CH BBS requested Tab-key button-changing on. This basically means that anytime the user presses or , the host terminal should send that key to QRIP through function 18H. AX = 10DH Tab-key mode off. AX = 10EH XOFF. QRIP has entered a pop-up mode, and has activated a 4k buffer that will store anything that's coming in for when it's ready to process it. If the terminal has hardware or software flow control, it should be activated so QRIP's buffer doesn't overflow. NOTE: This code is sent anytime popup mode is activated, even by function 12H below. Therefore, when the host terminal calls 12H, it can ignore this special code. AX = 10FH XON. Pop-up mode just turned off. NOTE: Function 13H will automatically generate this code and it can be ignored just like code 10E. AX = 110H through 119H In RIPterm, there is a setup screen in which you can set up applications that can automatically be run with request from the BBS. Up to 10 (#0-9) applications are allowed. These codes are generated whenever these requests are made. Your terminal may choose to ignore these, as they are pretty much nonstandard in the author's opinion. However, application #0 is supposed to be a standard text editor; if your application has a built-in editor (like 1stReader does), code 110H ought to be able to execute it. Unfortunately, there is currently no way to pass command-line parameters from the BBS to the application. AX = 1FFH The terminal should send an ASCII 0 character to the BBS. (And back to the rest of function 6...) If BX returns 1, there is an entire string waiting to be sent. It can be sent back to the terminal through function 12. The terminal may choose to ignore this, and it can receive all characters through this function, but there is a speed penalty in doing so. AL = 7: Return the absolute address of the font directory string. If a program has the capability to set up QRIP, it may do so with functions 7 and 8. Each string buffer has a length of 80 characters and MUST be nul-terminated. returns: DX = segment BX = offset Simply write in the new full pathname at the address, making sure the 80-char limit is imposed. The new path won't take effect until the graphics screen is re-initialized (by turning it off and then on). It isn't required to have a backslash at the end. AL = 8: Return the absolute address of the icons directory string. See AL = 7. Same thing but for the icons directory. The new path takes effect immediately. The icons directory is used to store icon files and 'callable' RIP files for use by the BBS. Your host terminal should somehow organize a directory structure so that each BBS has a different icons directory, and whenever a connection is made, your terminal should set the QRIP icons directory to the BBS's directory. This string MUST end with a backslash (followed by a nul), unlike the fonts directory. AL = 9: Same as AL = 4, but it will automatically return any characters waiting, the same way as AL = 6. AL = 0AH: Same as AL = 5, but it will automatically return any characters waiting, the same way as AL = 6. AL = 0BH: Execute a RIP_END_SCENE. Just like sending "!|#" on a new line. QRIP will activate all mouse buttons and cancel the RIP timeout. No return. AL = 0CH: Get an entire string to send back to the BBS. For terminal programs, sometimes a button executed by the user will require automatic response through QRIP. A terminal program using QRIP should therefore call this function when function 6, 9, or 10 has directed it here. Remember that the string *CAN* contain ASCII 0 characters! Returns: AX = 0 if there's nothing to send (whatcha callin' here for?) 1 if everything's OK, and DX:BX has the string to send. 2 if there's a special code waiting in function 4, 5, or 6 (shoulda looked back there first!) If AX returns 1, DX = segment address of string. BX = offset. CX = length. AL = 0DH: Set protected area at bottom of graphics screen. QRIP will allow you to put your terminal's status bar and other information at the bottom of the screen in such a way that whatever you write in the protected area will not be affected by the BBS. BL = attribute to fill area. The background color, if bit 7 is set, will be high-intensity instead of blinking. CL = number of text lines (0 to turn off protected mode.) No return. AL = 0EH: Write a nul-terminated string in the protected area. DX = segment BX = offset CL = x offset from upper-left corner of protected area to place the string (starting at 0). CH = y offset (also starting at 0). Note: The string will be chopped on the right edge. No return. AL = 0FH: Scroll a portion of protected area. BL = upper-left x offset BH = upper-left y offset DL = lower-right x offset DH = lower-right y offset CL = number of lines to scroll the window upward (downward not permitted.) No return. AL = 10H: Set the color of strings written to the protected area. BL = attribute - if bit 7 is set, bkg will be high-intensity instead of blinking. No return. AL = 11H: Convert the protected area to the whole screen. By doing this, the host terminal will be able to write anywhere on the screen in 8x8 font (80x43) through the protected-area functions. This shouldn't be used except where necessary; the pop-up window mode and the normal protected area should serve much better for most purposes, although there are fewer restrictions with this mode. Just remember, it won't be a protected mode anymore, and the BBS will be able to write all over it. On entry: BX = 1: Allow writing to full screen. BX = 0: Normal protection. No return. AL = 12H: Turn on pop-up window mode. If pop-up mode is turned on, the host terminal will be able to write on the screen, and restore the screen very quickly when it's done. The writing on the screen can be done by simply sending QRIP a RIP file through function 4 or 5. Any buttons sent will be made active, so QRIP can respond to buttons through the usual functions 6 and 0CH. The picklists, the variable queries, and the green info-boxes all use pop-up mode. An example of the use of pop-up window mode: 1stReader calls function 12H. 1st sends a RIP file that puts a window on the screen like this: +-----------------------------------+ |Thanks for calling, Mark! | | | |Minutes used: 10 | | | |@$% +--------------------------+ | |NO C|+---+ Exit Terminal? +---+| | | ||Yes| |No || | | |+---+ +---+| | | +--------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | +14400 | RIP | 57600N81,2 | Offline+ +-----------------------------------+ 1stReader then calls function 6 repeatedly, waiting for the user to press one of the buttons. The user presses "No". The button responds to 1st with a single character, "N", according to the button definition in the RIP. 1st receives the "N" and calls function 13H. The pop-up window disappears, and everything returns to exactly the way it was. This mode has some specific restrictions. While in pop-up mode, the host terminal should *-NOT-* (even though QRIP allows it): - Reset the screen with |* or $RESET$. QRIP will automatically turn off popup mode if the terminal tries to do so. - Use the clipboard. (Icons are okay.) - Have more than 64 mouse fields and buttons total, even though QRIP allows 128. Buttons numbered 64 through 127 will corrupt QRIP's saved mouse fields. - Change the EGA palette. - Save the graphics screen, the mouse fields, or the clipboard to disk with the corresponding RIP variables. - Use pop-up pick lists, unless it's okay that that the pick list automatically takes QRIP out of pop-up mode. The pick lists might be especially useful for compact Yes/No choices. An example: !|10000((Exit Terminal Mode?::Y@Yes,N@No)) This is a pick list definition that will send back "Y" if the user clicks "Yes" or "N" if the user clicks "No". The pick lists are also kind of aesthetic, so you might try them. - Use the RIP variable definition command (|1D), *-unless-* it's a non-interactive definition and the variable is known to be already defined. Nor should you use standard variable queries to have the user input data, *unless* it's okay that pop-up mode will be automatically canceled. - Use templates. This means you can use regular buttons, but if you use radio or checkbox buttons, you stand in danger of destroying the BBS's template definitions. The author of QRIP is considering changing this so it saves the templates for pop-up mode, and thereby allows host terminals to use radio/checkbox buttons. + Writing to the protected area is okay, but the 'picture' of the area will be restored when pop-up mode is turned off. The viewport will also be incorrect if the number of protected lines is changed. The protection itself is also ignored while in popup mode, that is, a RIP designed for pop-up mode will be able to write right over the protected area. These restrictions aren't permanent, and except for $RESET$, the author will lift specific restrictions if anyone has a need for it. One more general restriction: avoid starting pop-up mode if there is RIP coming in at the time. QRIP makes its best attempt to make pop-up mode available anywhere, but the RIP processing section of QRIP (especially dealing with variable queries and definitions) is far too complex to account for every scenario. If this restriction causes difficulty, you might try making a very simple RIP monitor that watches for CR/LF pairs and checks whether a ctrl-A, ctrl-B, or ! follows. When CR/LF is followed by anything other than ctrl-A, ctrl-B, or '!', it's perfectly safe at that time to start pop-up mode. Other than that, the pop-up window mode is very powerful for making an especially compact and very friendly user interface. No return. AL = 13H: Turn off pop-up window mode. The screen will be completely restored very quickly and seamlessly. No return. AL = 14H: Save the graphics screen and go to text mode. This is a way to switch to text mode and back. The graphics screen is stored on disk and the screen is switched to text mode, clearing the screen. When you call this, it is IMPERATIVE that you don't call any other functions but 15H when you're through. No return. AL = 15H: Restore the graphics screen saved with function 14H. Remember that the host terminal must *not* call the regular functions 2 or 3 to turn on/off graphics while QRIP is in "screen saving" mode (initiated by function 14H). No return. AL = 16H: Report a mode change to QRIP. All modes default to OFF when QRIP is first installed as a TSR. On entry: BL = 00H: A key was pressed to signify the end of the key wait initiated through special code 100H. QRIP will flush its buffer and return to normal. BL = 01H: status bar on BL = 02H: status bar off BL = 03H: VT-102 mode on BL = 04H: VT-102 mode off BL = 05H: doorway mode on BL = 06H: doorway mode off BL = 07H: hotkeys mode on BL = 08H: hotkeys mode off BL = 09H: tabkey mode on BL = 0AH: tabkey mode off Only the VT-102 mode changes will actually affect QRIP's operation. The rest are intended for simply reporting the status to the BBS when it's requested. No return. AL = 17H: Call a RIP file. On entry: DX:BX = pointer to nul-terminated string containing filename of RIP file to call. The file can be in the current icons directory (checked first), the QRIP.EXE directory (checked second), or the current directory. The .RIP extension isn't necessary. Path specifications (with backslashes or colons) are NOT allowed and will be obliterated. This is mostly useful in pop-up mode. It will call the file exactly as if the "|1R" RIP command were executed. No return. AL = 18H: Send a user key to QRIP. On entry: BX = key that was pushed. For normal ASCII keys, send the ASCII value. For extended keys, send the scancode in BH, with 0 in BL. No return. AL = 19H: Hangup (NO CARRIER). This will disengage any popped-up windows and enable the text cursor, if it's not already on. Call here when carrier is lost. QRIP may sometimes generate a few pop-up 'flashes' to get itself unraveled while doing this. No return. AL = 1AH: return RIP_ENTER_BLOCK_MODE information. RIPscrip has the ability to auto-start any kind of standard block transfer. When the host terminal receives special code 102H, it should call this function (when it's ready to do so) to get the transfer information, then it should start transferring immediately. returns: AH = protocol number requested, from chart: Value Protocol Filename Required? ---------------------------------------------- For DOWNLOADING: 0 Xmodem (checksum) Yes 1 Xmodem (CRC) Yes 2 Xmodem-1K Yes 3 Xmodem-1K (G) Yes 4 Kermit Yes 5 Ymodem (batch) No 6 Ymodem-G No 7 Zmodem (crash recovery) No For UPLOADING: 8-15 The same as #0-7, but for uploading instead. AL returns the file type being transferred. Modified from the RIPscrip 1.54 doc: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The parameter determines what type of files are to be received during the block transfer. These are the valid parameters: Value Description of Block Transfer Contents --------------------------------------------------------------- 0 RIP file sequence (display it, don't store) 1 RIP file sequence (store them in ICONS subdirectory) 2 ICN file sequence (store them in ICONS subdirectory) 3 HLP file sequence (store it, and auto-load if needed) 4 COMPOSITE DYNAMIC file sequence (batch protocols only) 5 ACTIVE DYNAMIC file sequence (batch protocols only) The special of 4 & 5 (COMPOSITE DYNAMIC file sequences) is somewhat different than the non-batch transfer methods. This allows each file uploaded to be individually processed based on their file extensions. If you use extensions other than .RIP or .ICN, then this mode is not available to you as the necessary files will not be able to be processed. Any RIP/ICN files that are "downloaded" from the Host in DYNAMIC mode are placed into the ICONS sub-directory and no further processing is performed. .RIP files that are received are "stored" and are not played back in COMPOSITE DYNAMIC mode. In ACTIVE DYNAMIC mode, they are stored and played back simultaneously. ICN files are only stored. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - So basically, block mode, when downloading, is like a normal transfer but .RIP, .ICN, .HIC, and .MSK files go into the icons directory when downloading. Block mode can also automatically activate .RIP files when they are received. QRIP won't take care of the automatic playback. Most of the time, RIP auto-display isn't possible since most terminal programs use external protocols. In these cases, file types 0 and 5 should simply create temporary files, then ask QRIP to display them through function 17H. The author recommends you don't use any temporary files that fit the wildcard QRIP$*.$AV. Mode 3 is probably for RIPterm only. It should be treated as a standard non-batch transfer (but I may be wrong). DX:BX points to a string containing the filename. CX contains the length of this nul-terminated string. (If no transfer has been requested by the BBS, DX and BX will both be zero.) AL = 1BH: Set system font size. This call is provided so the host terminal can change the font size manually. Set BX to one of the following: Size Font Size X Range Y Range ------------------------------------------ 0 8x8 0-79 0-42 1 7x8 0-90 0-42 2 8x14 0-79 0-24 3 7x14 0-90 0-24 4 16x14 0-39 0-24 No return. AL = F0H: Detect the presence of QRIP. If QRIP is present, this call will return: AX = 9142H DX = flag indicating whether QRIP is able to takeover DOS. (0 = no, nonzero = yes). If QRIP is able to takeover DOS, it will report in addition to the above: BX = version information. BH = major version number in hex, not BCD coding; BL = minor version in the same format. Example: if the version is 3.12, BX will be 030CH. CX = current flags. See AH = 1, Change internal flags, for the list of these flags. They will appear in exactly the same bit positions. AL = FFH: deinstall QRIP. It will return: AX = 0: Can't deinstall. Another TSR or program (possibly the application calling QRIP) has taken over one of QRIP's interrupts, and it can't deinstall without crashing the system. AX = 1: Successful deinstallation. AX = 2: QRIP can't currently take over DOS. The application might try again a couple of times. If it still doesn't work, QRIP has probably been corrupted, and the application should try to exit as gracefully as possible. -------------------- QRIP interrupt hooks -------------------- QRIP hooks the following interrupts for its own maintenance: Int 2F: The multiplex interrupt. Perhaps this isn't the best way to go, but it is the fastest. The problem is that if any other TSR's happen to use function AC also, they must be loaded before QRIP or QRIP won't get any calls from applications. If they are loaded before QRIP, QRIP will be able to recognize based on the DI register whether the calls are intended for it or for another TSR. Maybe I should've used Ralf Brown's AMIS (Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification) instead, but it's too late now. Int 30 (hex): The graphics library takes this interrupt. In some sources it's labeled as "Interface for CP/M calls". As yet, I don't know why the library needs it, but it doesn't seem to mess up anything nonetheless. Int 24 (hex): Critical error handler Int 23 (hex): Ctrl-C handler Int 1B : Ctrl-Break handler These three are only trapped while QRIP has DOS control. They simply return (with a fail code for the critical error handler). This is done for smooth operation of QRIP. Their vectors are returned to their original values when QRIP is finished with DOS. ----------- Bug Reports ----------- If you're sure there's something wrong and you've checked everything else, please don't hesitate to report the problem to me. You can reach me on ILink and RIME through the RIPscrip and ANSI conferences, or by calling The Graphics Connection at (801)264-1191. You will be able to leave a (C)omment for the sysop after going through registration, and the sysops will forward your comment to me. If you prefer the 29-cent, slower variety of communication, snail-mail me at: Shane Hathaway 7771 W 3455 So Magna, UT 84044 (USA) ---------- THANK YOU! ---------- Many thanks to the many who have made this project possible! It was on ILink that I first discovered RIP. Thanks to all the administrators for creating an efficient, well-balanced, and well-moderated mail network. Thanks to The Graphics Connection BBS (801)264-1191 for providing me access to ILink, and thanks to Glenda, Michael, and Kay (the sysops) for running TGC so well. Thanks to Sparky, who provided me with a goal to attain: a RIPscrip TSR! Thanks to Glenda for her dedication to the project, and for a gigabillion other things. Thanks to Michael Leavitt for tips on a few things and for the assembly-code optimization of the bezier curve routine. Thanks to John Friel for posting a bezier curve routine on ILink that made my lightning-speed bezier possible. Thanks to the RIP artists around the world, especially Michael Arnett, Annie Mendetta, John Kwasnik, Wayne Thomas, and a whole lotta others who helped me debug QRIP without them even knowing it (grin). Thanks to the 1stReader beta team, especially Matthew Waldron, Joe Malacria (the Ansi_Phreak), and Sparky, for reporting bugs I couldn't possibly have guessed would exist. Thanks to TeleGrafix for inventing this wonderful protocol! Thanks again to Joe Malacria, who came up with the idea for the strip-resistant protocol! Last but not least, thanks to my family which lets me use the computer all day. ------------------------- Copyrights and Trademarks ------------------------- QRIP and WWIVRIP are Copyright (c)1994 by Shane Hathaway. All Rights Reserved. RIPscrip is a trademark of TeleGrafix Communications, inc. 1stReader is a trademark of Sparkware. WWIV is a trademark of Wayne Bell. ************/