20 files found in Library "HAM / SWL / Scanner"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
AK31.ZIP No 63698 09-06-94
Amazing Kenwood version 3.1 - Kenwood HF
Radio controller. Supports most HF Rigs, may
control four rigs at the same time, has an
external memory database, and many more.
CBLTNC30.ZIP Yes 30306 07-01-94 Packet Terminal Program by KE6CL. Ham Radio
FLOGGER_.ZIP Yes 636900 06-21-94 Field Day logging Program by KC6NSE.Ham Radio
HAMCOM30.ZIP Yes 418418 06-15-94
Hamcomm V3.0 Supports Reception And
Transmission of Radio Teletype And Morse Code
Signals. Available Modes Are Baudot, ASCII,
Amtor Arq/Fec, Sitor A/b And Navtex. Weather
Station Reports in The Ship And Synop Format
Can Also be Decoded.
HAMFTP.ZIP Yes 2494 08-06-94 Ham FTP sites on Internet, by VE3SUN (HAM).
HAMLISTS.ZIP Yes 2319 08-06-94 Ham ListServers on Internet, by VE3SUN (HAM).
HAMTEST1.ZIP Yes 109134 09-07-94 Help for FCC Technician's test.
LOGEQFV6.ZIP Yes 263027 05-29-94
LOG-EQF v6.00 ASP Amateur Radio Logging
Program- Log-EQF is the total control center
for Amateur Radio on-the-air activities.
Full-featured logging with TNC,
PacketCluster(tm), rig control, beam
headings, QSL labels, and much more.
MORSE111.ZIP Yes 24124 10-05-94 TSR to echo BIOS output in morse code.
PAKET61.ZIP Yes 901387 08-15-94
Newest version of PAKET for HAM Radio ver 6.1
CAn be used with MFJ,KAN,AEA TNC's
SCDX2208.ZIP Yes 12401 09-25-94
Sweden Calling DX #2208 09/20/94. Nordic
Radio and Media news
SIMPTR21.ZIP Yes 92050 07-25-94 Simple Packet Terminal V2.1.
SMCON141.ZIP Yes 123906 08-06-94 Smart R8 Control v1.41 for Drake receiver.
SPLOG32.ZIP Yes 398446 09-11-94
* HAM Radio Logging Software SPLog V3.2*
Excellent * Fast * Easy * Powerful *
Intelligent * DXCC * WAS * US County * QSL
Mgr * Fully Loaded! * Must for any HAM.
You'll Love it.
SWRAD31.ZIP Yes 40567 07-31-94
SWRADIO 3.1 Build a sensitive shortwave
receiver for less than $5. Complete info,
including schematics and parts sources. Also
other info of interest to Shortwave listners.
VHFLOG.ZIP Yes 53072 03-03-94
Vhf Logging Program by Aa5zx, Kc5boy And
WXMAN10.ZIP Yes 256226 06-10-94
WeatherMan, version 1.0. A computer program
which, when used with a Sound Blaster
compatible sound card, lets you receive,
realtime grayscale weather photos. You must
have a shortwave receiver.
WXMAN20.ZIP Yes 258034 07-22-94
V2.0 Receive weather maps using sound blaster
card. RadioFacsimile program.