LIST OF CHARTS AND TABLES LIST OF CHARTS Page Introduction The Federal Government Dollar--Fiscal Year 1995 Estimate.. 12 The Record Thus Far Where We Started: 1-1. Federal Budget Deficit.................................... 41 1-2. Federal Debt.............................................. 42 1-3. Net Interest on the Federal Debt.......................... 43 1-4. Net National Saving....................................... 44 1-5. Net Private Saving........................................ 45 1-6. Private Fixed Investment, 1980-1992....................... 46 1-7. Net Private Fixed Investment.............................. 46 1-8. Travel Congestion on Urban Interstates.................... 48 1-9. Commercial Office Vacancy Rate............................ 48 1-10. Bank and Thrift Failures.................................. 49 1-11. New Issues of Corporate Stocks and Bonds.................. 50 1-12. Interest Burden of Nonfinancial Corporate Business........ 50 1-13. Household Debt Payments................................... 51 1-14. Real Income by Quintile................................... 52 What We Have Accomplished: The Clinton Economic Plan: 2-1. Federal Tax Rates by Quintile............................. 59 The Agenda Remaining Prosperity and Jobs: 3A-1. Interest Rates............................................ 66 3A-2. Consumer Sentiment........................................ 67 3A-3. Auto Sales................................................ 67 3A-4. Housing Starts............................................ 68 3A-5. Investment in Equipment................................... 69 3A-6. Total Private Non-Farm Employment......................... 69 3A-7. Unemployment Rate......................................... 70 3A-8. Consumer Price Index...................................... 71 Investing for Productivity and Prosperity: Setting Priorities Under Budget Discipline: 3B-1. Return on Investments in Children......................... 90 3B-2. Increased All-Day and Total Head Start Slots for Children. 93 3B-3. Percent of Children With Very Low Birthweights Born to WIC and Non-WIC Mothers...................................... 94 3B-4. Growing Child Abuse and Neglect Reports................... 96 3B-5. Mathematics Test Scores of 13-Year-Olds in Selected Countries................................................ 98 3B-6. Pell Grant Increases...................................... 102 3B-7. The Percent of Children Living With a Single Parent Has Tripled in 30 Years...................................... 109 3B-8. Most Single Mothers Receive No Child Support.............. 110 3B-9. By 1996 the 1993 Expansion of EITC Will Bring a Full-Time, Minimum Wage Worker With Two Children Up to the Poverty Line..................................................... 111 3B-10. Infrastructure Spending................................... 125 Reforming the Nation's Health Care System to Provide Health Security for All Americans: 4-1. Financing the Health Security Act......................... 188 4-2. Cost of Premium Discounts................................. 191 Personal Security: Crime, Illegal Immigration, and Drug Control: 5-1. Police and Corrections Spending Has Increased But Violent Crime Remains a Problem--New Strategies Are Needed....... 199 5-2. 1995 Budget Reflects a New Direction in Federal Crime Fighting................................................. 200 5-3. In 1995, Demand Programs Grow Faster Compared to Other Programs................................................. 206 National Defense and International Affairs: 6-1. DOD-Military Budget Authority Trend....................... 225 6-2. Historical Defense Personnel Levels....................... 227 LIST OF TABLES Page Introduction: An Overview of the 1995 Budget I-1. Outlays, Receipts, and Deficit Summary.................... 13 I-2. Economic Assumptions...................................... 15 I-3. Discretionary Spending by Agency.......................... 18 I-4. Illustrative Listing of Programmatic Terminations and Reductions............................................... 25 I-5. Proposed Investments...................................... 30 I-6. Mandatory Spending........................................ 31 I-7. Receipts.................................................. 23 The Record Thus Far What We Have Accomplished: The Clinton Economic Plan: 2-1. Distributional Effects of OBRA-93......................... 59 The Agenda Remaining Prosperity and Jobs: 3A-1. Status Report: Latest Estimate of Savings (NPR Agency Teams)................................................... 74 3A-2. Progress Report: National Performance Review Recommendations With 1995 Budget Effects................. 74 Investing for Productivity and Prosperity: Setting Priorities Under Budget Discipline: 3B-1. Major Investments in People............................... 89 3B-2. Programs Investing in Young Children...................... 91 3B-3. Funding of Selected Investments to Rise 23 Percent in 1995 98 3B-4. Education Department Budget Increases 7 Percent Over 1994. 103 3B-5. Workforce Programs........................................ 104 3B-6. Funding for Science and Technology Highlights............. 118 3B-7. Defense Reinvestment and Conversion....................... 123 3B-8. Summary of Infrastructure Investment...................... 124 3B-9. Infrastructure Investment................................. 130 3B-10. Proposed Urban and Rural Development Initiatives.......... 132 3B-11. Targeting Resources to High-Priority Environment and Natural Resource Programs................................ 137 3B-12. Priority Investments and Other Major Environment and Natural Resource Programs................................ 138 3B-13. Export-Related Expenditures by Criteria................... 153 Delivering a Government That Works Better and Costs Less: 3C-1. Current Status of Financial Management in the U.S. Government............................................... 168 Reforming the Nation's Health Care System to Provide Health Security for All Americans: 4-1. Small Firm Premium Caps................................... 182 4-2. Financing the Health Security Act--Sources of Funds....... 189 4-3. Financing the Health Security Act--Uses of Funds.......... 190 4-4. Health Investments in the 1995 Budget..................... 192 Personal Security: Crime, Illegal Immigration, and Drug Control: 5-1. Assistance to State and Local Law Enforcement Grows Significantly............................................ 197 5-2. Major Crime Control Initiatives........................... 200 5-3. Law Enforcement Spending by Agency........................ 202 5-4. More Spending Requested to Counter Illegal Immigration.... 203 5-5. Initiatives in the President's Border Security and Illegal Immigration Control Plan................................. 203 5-6. Treatment and Prevention Spending Show Greatest Strength.. 206 5-7. Major Initiatives in the National Drug Control Strategy... 207 National Defense and International Affairs: 6-1. Discretionary Funding Summary for National Defense and International Affairs.................................... 213 6-2. 1995 International Affairs--Function 150 Discretionary.... 218 6-3. Funding Summary for National Defense...................... 224 6-4. Military Force Trends..................................... 226 6-5. Military Operating Rates.................................. 228 6-6. DOD Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation........ 228 Summary Tables Summary Tables: 7-1. Budget Outlays by Category................................ 235 7-2. Receipts by Source--Summary............................... 236 7-3. Discretionary Budget Authority by Agency.................. 237 7-4. Discretionary Outlays by Agency........................... 238 7-5. Discretionary Proposals by Appropriations Subcommittee.... 239 7-6. Mandatory and Receipts Paygo Proposals.................... 240 7-7. Effect of Proposals on Receipts........................... 242 7-8. Proposed Investments..................................... 243 7-9. Federal Employment in the Executive Branch................ 248 7-10. Federal Government Financing and Debt..................... 249 7-11. Outlays by Agency......................................... 250 7-12. Outlays by Function....................................... 251 7-13. Budget Authority by Agency................................ 252 7-14. Budget Authority by Function.............................. 253 7-15. Summary of Receipts, Outlays, and Surpluses or Deficits: 1789-1999................................................ 254