++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The BIRCH BARK BBS / 414-242-5070 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Accuracy In Media ----------------- August 11, 1994 FROM WASHINGTON THIS IS MEDIA MONITOR WITH REED IRVINE AND CLIFF KINCAID +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HEADLINE: MEDIA COVERING UP FOSTER REVELATIONS ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We're sorry to report today that the American media -- our news papers and TV networks -- have now become active participants in the coverup of one of the greater political scandals of the 20th Century. We refer to the mysterious death a year ago of White House lawyer Vincent Foster, and how the press simply is not reporting critical new evidence that makes a shamble of the official finding that the man's death was a suicide. In earlier broadcasts we told you about the man who has now come to be known as "CW," or confidential witness. Briefly, this man, who is in the construction business, was driving along George Washington Parkway in Virginia in July 1993 when he had to relieve himself. He stopped in Fort Marcy Park, walked into the woods and glanced down the berm of an old Civil War cannon emplacement. There he saw Foster lying flat of his back, palms open and facing upwards. And -- here was his first major revelation -- Foster's hand contained no gun, although park police found one later. CW stuck to his story during vigorous FBI interrogation but finally conceded he might -- and we emphasize might -- not have seen the pistol because of foliage. But he remained convinced that Foster's hand was empty. Now CW is mad at the way he was treated by independent counsel Robert Fiske, and he has given a rebuttal deposition to Indiana Congressman Dan Burton in which he gives startling new information on what he witnessed at the death scene. CW told the FBI that someone had trampled down the foliage on the slope below Foster's body. This evidence that others had been at the scene was not reported by Fiske. Nor did Fiske mention CW's insistence that a wine cooler bottle was near Foster's body. There is much more. When CW walked back to the parking lot, he glanced into a white Honda and saw a suit jacket folded on the passenger seat which matched the trousers on the corpse he had just seen. On the floor was a fourpack of wine coolers, two bottles of which were missing -- the same sort of coolers he had seen alongside the body. But the FBI agents who questioned CW told him that he must have been wrong -- that Foster was actually driving another Japanese make car, a brown one.CW is sticking to his story. CW's story is the closest thing yet to a "smoking gun" in the Foster case -- evidence that casts strong doubt on the suicide theory. So why haven't you read the story in your local paper or seen it on network TV? Congressman Dan Burton gave copies of CW's 49 page deposition to the reporters assigned to cover the Whitewater hearings, which touched on the Foster death. No reporters were willing to touch the story -- they prefer to become lock-step participants in what smacks more and more of a successful White House coverup of the Vincent Foster matter. Call your local editor or news director and demand that he or she not be a part of this censorship -- and that they report CW's evidence. [end]