================================================================= =============== [ ON GENOME PRESS LETTERHEAD ] ================ ================================================================= Press Release: Tuesday, October 18, 1994 NEW THEORY REFUTES EVOLUTION A new scientific theory that explains the origin and diversity of life on Earth, and that contradicts the widely accepted fundamentals of Darwinian evolution, was announced today by the theory's author from his research facilities in Madison, Wis. The new theory, a culmination of 12 years of modern genome research and investigations in molecular genetics, asserts that the overwhelming majority of Earth's life forms originated independently in the proverbial primordial pond, and that the natural-selection mechanism described by evolution theory could have produced only minor variations among basically similar species. These conclusions dramatically refute all of the prevailing theories of species evolution, first articulated by Charles Darwin in 1859, which hold that all species have evolved from only one or a few primitive single-celled ancestors in the primordial pond, and that the rich variety of life forms on Earth is a product of natural selection, a mechanism often characterized by the phrase "survival of the fittest." Dr. Periannan Senapathy, a molecular biologist and genome researcher, announced the new theory in the form of a four-page synopsis released today, and noted that a book-length explanation of the theory, fully annotated with experimental data, computer- generated models and other evidence to support his conclusions, will be published next week by Genome Press, also in Madison. "Many of the premises that feed the theory have already been published, in separate pieces, for peer review in scientific journals," Senapathy said. "But the unified theory as a whole is entirely new, and more than a little radical, so naturally I'm eager to hear the feedback from my peers." The new theory, titled "Independent Birth of Organisms," rests primarily on two newly acquired insights, both of which contradict orthodox evolution theory. First, the new theory asserts that the genome, or "genetic program," for every distinct organism is by nature permanently closed to any evolutionary- scale changes. And second, the new theory contends and explains how the random assembly of primordial chemical components into genes and complete genomes was in fact statistically inevitable, rather than highly improbable as previously believed. All evolution theories rest on the assumption that only one or a few primitive organisms emerged from the random chemical reactions in the primordial pond. That critical assumption rests in turn on an assessment of the chances that any organism could have emerged from the primordial pond. Some researchers have claimed that, statistically, the random assembly of primordial components into even a single primitive genome would have been virtually impossible, and that the origin of the first organism therefore can be explained only by some fantastically improbable accident. But the new theory contradicts that assumption, on the basis of data obtained by the unprecedented application of sophisticated statistical-analysis methods and modern computer power to new insights into molecular genetics. "One dramatic finding of my research is that the primordial pond actually produced an abundant assortment of genes and fully formed genomes," Senapathy said. "The diverse assortment of chemical compounds in the primordial pond, combining and recombining under an extraordinary range of extreme conditions, and over geologic time, could have easily produced a full complement of gene segments." Moreover, according to the new theory, the abundance of genes in the primordial pond made the formation of multitudes of viable genomes statistically inevitable. "Those genomes that were meaningless perished instantly," explained Senapathy, "but the many organisms coded by viable genomes became the prototypes for all of the organisms that walk, swim, fly and flower over the Earth today." The new theory also deviates from accepted evolution theories in its claim that the genome of every distinct organism is forever closed to evolutionary-scale changes. "Independent Birth of Organisms" agrees that natural selection can produce minor variations of basically similar species, and notes that the dozens of species of snails, for example, may well have evolved by natural selection from a single snail ancestor. But the genetic mutation of one organism into an entriely new organism, even gradually over many generations, is virtually impossible, according to the new theory. "Recent advances in our understanding of genome mechanics, DNA sequences and genetic mutations tell us that the genome of any given organism is much more rigid than previously believed," Senapathy explained. "A few adaptive mutations are statistically plausible, but on an evolutionary scale genomes are essentially fixed and immutable." Since receiving his Ph.D. from the Indian Institute of Science in 1979, Dr. Senapathy has been engaged in molecular- level genome research, first at the National Institutes of Health (1980 87), and then at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1987 90), before launching his own genetics R&D firm in 1990. His work in molecular genetics and genome biology has included significant contributions to the Human Genome Project commissioned by the U.S. government, other advanced genome research, and numerous publications in prominent scientific journals. "The doctrine of evolution carries such an obvious intellectual and even aesthetic appeal, and has become so ingrained in our culture, that many people, scientists included, tend to forget that the theory was never proven," Senapathy noted. "Evolution theory has prevailed simply because no better theory has come along to challenge it, but science has amassed plenty of evidence that evolution theories can't explain." As examples, Senapathy cited the obvious gaps in the fossil record, the sudden appearance of multitudes of new organisms all at once in the fossil record--a phenomenon known as the "Cambrian explosion"--and the complexities of advanced organ systems that most scientists agree seem unlikely to have evolved by natural selection. "Darwin himself conceded several inexplicable problems with his own theory that remain unresolved to this day," Senapathy continued, "but virtually all of the contradictions that have dogged evolutionists since Darwin are easily resolved by this new explanation of the birth of organisms." # # #