United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child "...BECAUSE EVERY CHILD IS OUR CHILD." By Reverend Wayne C. Sedlak Position Paper Volume 5 FOREWARNING: The subject of this report, THE U.N. CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD (UNCRC), is the first report on an immediate threat that carries deadly potential for the life and sanctity of the historical family structure. As a function of the "child advocacy" or "children's liberation movement", its claims appear to be humanitarian on the surface in the correction of social ills. In reality, it is yet another classic case of the "cure" being worse than the disease itself. If the current educational and social reforms sweeping the nation can be likened to the "rising tide" accompanying an incoming storm, the U.N. CONVENTION is... the tidal wave! "THE TOTAL RESTRUCTURING OF SOCIETY" In the fall of 1989, the Governors Conference on Education was held in Wichita, Kansas. The title of the Conference was "Schools, Goals and the 1990's". It was at this conference that the current educational reform sweeping America first took shape. The expected result of this conference, announced by Dr. Shirley McCune, Senior Director of Mid-Continental Regional Educational Laboratory, was the total restructuring of this nation and its culture. The position is very well articulated in her November 2 speech: ...It seems to me that far too much of our efforts have been focused on the issue of 'let's find a short term fix and fix up the schools' and taking care of them rather than the issue of understanding that what we're into is a total restructuring of the society. What is happening in America today and what is happening in Kansas in the Great Plains is not simply a chance situation in the usual winds of change. What it amounts to is a total transformation of our society... It is the future that motivates us, it's not what we're doing now. It's the task that's before us. You cannot begin to think about restructuring of education without understanding that our total society is in a crisis of restructuring, and you can't get away from it. You can't go into rural areas. You can't go into churches. You can't go into government. You can't go into business and hide from that fact that what we are facing is a total restructuring of the society. (Emphasis is mine ...without having to restructure society.) It is fair to say that what she's "into" is the total restructuring of society. And there is no doubt that the restructuring is well under away. The federally mandated "goals" in the Federal reform program, "GOALS 2000", are being implemented now across the length and breadth of this country as a means of solving the problem of children "at risk". GOALS 2000 has been proposed as the answer to solving the problem of skills deficiencies in our children. It is the proposed solution for meeting the needs of children. It is the proposed solution for meeting the challenge of U.S. competition in world markets. It is the proposed solution to meeting the needs of labor. In a nutshell, it is "the proposed solution". GOALS 2000, of course, is the national educational reform movement which has established educational criteria for families and schools with its overwhelming emphasis upon each student's social, ethical, and emotional development. Cognitive (i.e., "three R"s") skills are subordinated areas of educational attention. Traditional skills are to be de-emphasized and attention is to be devoted to attitudes, self-esteem, and other affective ("affective": acting on the feelings or the emotions") learning behaviors. Thus, all children will be required to demonstrate correct attitudes to a wide variety of issues and "politically correct" positions involving environmentalism, global citizenship, collectivism and multi-culturalism, which are determined by the federal government through its Department of Education. This radical reform has swept the nation's schools. There can be no mistake about the fact that the object of such reforms is the radical restructuring our society. The first victim of this restructuring will be the American family! One example of the real intention of such goals should suffice. Federally mandated Goal #1 states: By the year 2000, all children in America will start school ready to learn. On the surface, this seems to have a laudable humanitarian objective. It would appear to have the child's best interest at heart in that it would provide each preschool child in America with a substantial head start so as to advance rapidly in today's society. But is that really the true objective? Samuel Butler's warning is, perhaps, appropriate at this point, "Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them." That is especially true in the world of politics...which is what we are really dealing with here. The real intention of this goal has little to do with the well-being of any individual child. Its objective has been spelled out by its framers, Every parent in America will be a child's first teacher and devote time each day to helping his or her preschool child learn; parents will have access to the training and support they need. Translation: "Parents as Teachers" (PAT) program. PAT assumes jurisdiction over children who fit their state's definition of "children at risk". State designated "parent educators" (not to be confused with parents), are given authority to monitor a home many times per year if the child is defined as "at risk". Bettina Dobbs, R.N., M.S., former consultant to the U.S. Department of Health and president of Guardians of Education for Maine described this program: It will result in state control of the children and reduce parents to the status of breeders and supervised custodians. A "parent-educator" bonds herself to a family through home visits or school visits. This is to help parents feel more comfortable about leaving their child(ren) at the center. Both parents and children are evaluated under the guise of educational screening. The child is given a personal computer code number by which he can be tracked the rest of his life. There are twelve computer code definitions that label the child "at risk." Since the expectation is that every child will be found "mentally ill", there is no code for normal. In Missouri, families are rated in the PAT program according to "at risk" descriptions listed in the "Revised Missouri Risk Factor Form", revised edition, copyright 1990, which includes the following: - premature babies, emergency delivery or birth trauma - a child's slow growth, poor appetite or frequent illness - inability of parent to cope with inappropriate child behavior, including spanking as exclusive form of discipline, and inconsistency - a parent who is ill, tired, depressed, handicapped, injured or appears to be of low level intelligence - undue spoiling on the part of the parent - stress on the family such as a parent that travels frequently, three children under the age of three, divorce, separation, prolonged illness, loss of job, low level of income, moving to a new home. Since many states are developing policies similar to that of Missouri, a few questions are in order. Just exactly what constitutes "stress on the family"? Do not many families exhibit some temporary "stress" from time to time? How will the school define unstable home environments and family trauma? Surely, families periodically face trauma due to prolonged illness of a member, death in the family, job loss, financial reversals, etc. This latter state "category" is particularly cruel, because the family may face trauma only then to face a government service worker who believes it to be in the best interest of the children now "at risk" to be removed ... OR, at the very least, for the family to be subject to constant scrutiny from that time forward. In other words, because of trauma, a family would now report to a government agent regularly just as criminals report to probation officers. So, in reality, the issue is the restructuring of the family unit by government authorities so that the family is subordinated BY LAW to the inspection and intrusion of "educrats", social workers, and health care providers working in tandem. Education expert Kathy Finnegan describes the restructuring implicit in this program in the following terms: The basic premise behind the PAT program is that parents are ill-prepared to rear children and thus need guidance and direction from the government... PAT programs benefit financially when as many children as possible are designated "at risk" and in need of the PAT services (the self-perpetuating government program). The categories for "at risk" have become so broad that virtually everyone who comes under their scrutiny qualifies. Of interest to Christian parents is the fact that spanking children is considered a form of child abuse and is, naturally, a qualifying category. Parents who disagree with having their children labeled "at risk" can be subject to charges of child abuse just for refusing to cooperate with PAT officials. (1) This is certainly a much clearer, though more discouraging look at the "inside" of America's much vaunted reform movement "on behalf of the children." Perhaps German autocrat Otto von Bismarck was right, "Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made." WHOSE CHILD? The U.S. Committee for UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) has been distributing a peculiar PSA (Public Service Announcement) to public service directors across the country since, at least, February 1994. This PSA is part of an "advocacy program" which is designed to raise awareness for "every child in our global community", according to Gwendolyn Calvert Baker, president of the Committee. The PSA television broadcast commentary runs as follows: To survive, to grow every child needs medicine, clean water, nutrition, education. UNICEF, the United Nations Children's Fund, because every child is our child." (Emphasis mine) Every child is...whose child? This final clause of the PSA is worrisome in light of the fact that the United Nations has had a long history of assuming to interpose on behalf of all children in our "global community." Even as far back as 1949, our United States State Department was concerned by UNESCO statements concerning guidance and control of the affections and loyalties of the children of the global community (and the U.S.) through education. In Dept. of State publication #841574, "UNESCO Leaders Speak", the conditioning of children's attitudes is clearly enunciated in a speech by UNESCO officer Luther Evans as he enthusiastically endorsed U.N. education policy objectives. UNESCO's is a radical program. The rewards may be visible ten years from now; again they may not be visible for a hundred years... They are instilled into the daily habits of mind of rising generations --perhaps not the first, not the second, but ultimately, it must be so ... To make the system of the UN and its specialized agencies work, we must sweep past traditional barriers in out thinking toward new frames of reference. (Emphasis mine.) Mr. Evans is not pulling any punches when he states categorically that the U.N. "must sweep past traditional barriers", including the family institution. This is certainly clarified by UNESCO publication Toward World Understanding. Here it was quite clear that the U.N. has a duty in interposing for children lest they be "poisoned" by family and country: For the moment, it is sufficient to note that it is most frequently in the family that children are infected with nationalism by hearing what is national extolled and what is foreign disparaged. As chauvinism...it must be regarded as the complete negation of world mindedness... As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world mindedness can produce only rather precarious results. As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism. Note the fact that the family is responsible for "poisoning" the minds of its children. This was a bold stroke even for that day. However, this was not to be the only area to concern U.N. authorities in its fight for "the children." FAMILY AS "ABUSE" After a decade of debate among children's rights advocates and world leaders, an agreement was reached which created a comprehensive charter advancing the agenda of the children's liberation movement. That charter is known as the UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD (UNCRC). For those not aware of the child advocacy or liberation movement, a brief summary as to its purpose and agenda is in order. (2) The children's rights movement began in the 1960's. Ronald and Beatrice Gross, two of the leading children's rights advocates, have stated that the movement was launched "to rectify the shameful conditions that lead to the damage and death of so many children." Young people, they said, are the most oppressed of all minorities. They are discriminated against on the basis of age in every area from movie admissions to sex. They are traditionally the subjects of ridicule, humiliation and mental torture in homes, schools, and other institutions. (3) It is clear from the literature of the children's liberation movement and leaders that the American family has abused its position as the provider of children's necessities. The language reminds one of all the "at risk" allegations the American public has become so accustomed to hearing. What was it that Bettina Dobbs said? There are twelve computer code definitions which label the child "at risk." Since the expectation is that every child will be found "mentally ill", there is no code for normal. It doesn't take too much reading between the lines to see that the family is again impugned as the fount which poisons the minds of its young ones. Family life is the cause of so much (assumed) mental illness in all of our children! All that love which parents thought they were pouring into their children is apparently quite misguided when it dares to restrain certain behavior or modify certain areas of conduct. In other words, parents are not to discipline bad behavior. However, it isn't certain actions which are of concern to child activists, it is the very existence of the family which is at issue. Our society is supposed to take comfort from the fact that there are some "enlightened" individuals who are diligently watching for the welfare of our children because parents have so obviously "blown it" with their children. A person can take only so much comforting! Douglas Phillips, nationally renowned expert on the Convention and an attorney for the National Center for Home Education, has issued this warning in his SPECIAL REPORT: THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD (You can order this outstanding REPORT from P.I.N. --address listed at the end of this article.): Advocates of this philosophy identify the traditional family as the single greatest threat to the welfare of the child. A basic presupposition for children's rights activists is that the child will not experience a truly healthy environment until he is unshackled from every conceivable restraint imposed by parents. Interestingly enough, at least one leader from the international community who has led the fight for the child advocacy movement has publicly stated the hope that the CONVENTION would "rid ...children of the pernicious influence of Christianity." The point of this movement is to provide an authority which could intervene on behalf of any child, allegedly defending him from some abuse, loss of rights, opportunity, or advantage to which he is entitled. Of course, the United Nations has volunteered for the job. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is the legal instrument designed to bring such authority to bear...on behalf of the children. After all, every child is their child. CONCLUSION: WHAT TO DO? 1) Write your Senators immediately and tell them to vote "no" to the U.N. CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD since it is still not the law of this country. The United States is one of the member nations of the U.N. which has not yet ratified this terrible treaty into law. It is the Senate alone which has power to ratify treaties constitutionally...and this is a treaty. 2) Write us as part of an ever expanding network of concerned parents: If you would like more information on dangerous educational reforms, please write to: Parent Information Network BOX 733 ELM GROVE, WI 53122 (1) Kathy Finnegan, "A Commentary on America 2000", Research Manual, ed. James R. Patrick, page 9 (2) Douglas Phillips, "Special Report: The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child", page 1 (3) ibid. , page 2