ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄ¿ ³ (r) Äij ³o ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SeekNet(tm) International ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÐÄÄ¿ ³ Association of The Seeker's Place BBS ³ ³ ³ÄÙ Shareware BBS - (610) 237-6628 ÀÄÄij o ³ Professionals Fido - 1:273/412 ÄÄÄÄÄij º ³ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ P.O. Box 691 ÀÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÙ ASP Approved BBS Darby, Pa. 19023 A T T E N T I O N ! ----------------- S H A R E W A R E A U T H O R S Are you a Shareware author looking for a high volume bulletin board that will distribute your programs for you nationwide? What better way to do that than to place your software on a BBS that caters to Sysops. We are SeekNet(tm) International Mail Net, and have over 200 sysops calling our system daily for mail. Most of them use our file areas extensively, free of charge. It doesn't take a mathematical genus to figure out the wide distribution that 200 sysops, downloading your programs and placing them on their systems for further distribution, will get you. That's on top of the 1000+ user databse our BBS has. The BBS has been one of the area's finest since 1990. many of the top Authors upload their software here directly. This system helps the shareware author and the BBS at the same time. We all benifit, and that includes the end user of your products. Your only cost is the price of a disk, or a modem call to the BBS. We have over 2 Gigs storage space and 137 distinct file areas, so your program will not get lost in the shuffle, and will always be listed in the New files search. Old versions are purged when new versions are uploaded by the authors. Your programs are kept Current. We do have some stipulations. The files must have a File_id.diz description or desc.sci in the archive, or be accompanied by a text description, not to exceed 71 characters per line, or 15 lines total. We are a Member of and take shareware seriously. If your archive has your -AV stamp of authenticity, it will be left intact and not reprocessed. If you are interested in our distribution method, then give us a call. You can upload your software to the BBS, along with a comment requesting Author access at, SeekNet(tm) International BBS (610) 237-6628 or you can mail them to us via disk at, SeekNet File Dist. P.O. Box 691 Darby, Pa. 19023 Corespondance, FIDO: 1:273/412 INTERNET: netadmin@seekers.com v1.10