TELECOM Digest Thu, 15 Sep 94 15:25:00 CDT Volume 14 : Issue 367 Inside This Issue: Editor: Patrick A. Townson First Northwest Internet Business Conference (Internet Group) New NACN Systems in NY With Voicemail; Some Bugs (Douglas Reuben) AT&T "You Will" Ads on Internet (Andrew B. Myers) NYNEX Makes You Dial '1' For Same Area-Code Calls (Sanjiv Narayan) Cellphones and Smoke Alarms (John R. Covert) Looking For DTMF to Ascii Encoding Schemes (Goh Tiong Hwee) Old Western Electric/Telephone Items for Sale (Russ Pate) TELECOM Digest is an electronic journal devoted mostly but not exclusively to telecommunications topics. It is circulated anywhere there is email, in addition to various telecom forums on a variety of public service systems and networks including Compuserve and America On Line. It is also gatewayed to Usenet where it appears as the moderated newsgroup 'comp.dcom.telecom'. Subscriptions are available at no charge to qualified organizations and individual readers. Write and tell us how you qualify: * * The Digest is edited, published and compilation-copyrighted by Patrick Townson of Skokie, Illinois USA. You can reach us by postal mail, fax or phone at: 9457-D Niles Center Road Skokie, IL USA 60076 Phone: 708-329-0571 Fax: 708-329-0572 ** Article submission address only: ** Our archives are located at and are available by using anonymous ftp. The archives can also be accessed using our email information service. For a copy of a helpful file explaining how to use the information service, just ask. ************************************************************************* * TELECOM Digest is partially funded by a grant from the * * International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva, Switzerland * * under the aegis of its Telecom Information Exchange Services (TIES) * * project. Views expressed herein should not be construed as represent-* * ing views of the ITU. * ************************************************************************* Additionally, the Digest is funded by gifts from generous readers such as yourself who provide funding in amounts deemed appropriate. Your help is important and appreciated. All opinions expressed herein are deemed to be those of the author. Any organizations listed are for identification purposes only and messages should not be considered any official expression by the organization. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Internet Group) Subject: First Northwest Internet Business Conference Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 02:58:49 -0800 Organization: Internet Group THE INTERNET WAY OF BUSINESS At last the business conference like no other ... learning to sell services and products via the global Internet. The Internet Way of Business will be an overview for entrepreneurs seeking a clear, forthright presentation on commercial use of the most powerful information and communications tool in the world -- the Internet. September 21, 1994 8:30 am to 3:30 pm Shoreline Community College Free parking 16101 Greenwood Avenue North Check-in : 7:45 Seattle, Washington 98133 USA Lunch 12:30 pm Sponsors: Internet Group, Inc. Microsoft Digital Equipment G.T.E. Corporate Computer,Inc Northwest Nexus NovX Systems Integration Ballard Computer KUOW 94.9 FM Puget Sound Business Journal Shoreline College Foundation Participants will join other professionals and executives to * grasp the Internet as a strategic business tool * witness local firms creating revenues on the Internet * reach beyond boundaries to a new customer base * observe Internet technology applied in daily commerce * conduct toll-free intercontinental business research * recognize Seattle as the port of Internet trade * clarify pending telecommunications legislative issues * win software, services, books, and other prizes * locate Internet training consultants and facilities * find ways to reduce their communications overhead * learn why their enterprises may be Internet ready Presented by Internet Group, Inc. POST: 93 Pike Street, Suite 308 Seattle, WA 98101 USA E-MAIL: GOPHER: TEL: 206.236.9559 or 206.780.2245 FAX: 206.842.6974 SEATTLE AREA LODGING Ramada Inn (North Seattle, off hwy.I-5) 2140 N. Northgate Way; Rates $86-99;Tel 1.800.228.2828 or 206.365.0700 Edgewater Inn (Seattle waterfront) Pier 67;Rates $145; Tel 1.206.728.7000; Mayflower Park (downtown Seattle) 4th & Olive Way;Rate $100-110; Tel 1.800.426.5100 Stouffer Madison (downtown Seattle) 515 Madison; Rates $119-164; Tel 1.800.468.3571 --------------COPY & E-MAIL REGISTRATION---------------- THE INTERNET WAY OF BUSINESS September 21, 1994 Seattle, Washington USA Name__________________________Title_______________Company___________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________ Nature of Business_________________________________________________________ Telephone_____________________________FAX___________________________________ E-Mail________________________________ Names of additional attendees: ________________________________________________ Size of company (Check one) : __1-10 __10-50 __50-100 __100-200 __ 200+ FOR RESERVATIONS: CALL: (206) 236-9559 or (206) 780-2245 FAX (206) 842-6974 MAIL : INTERNET GROUP,INC., 93 Pike St., Suite 308, Seattle, WA 98101 Fee: $125 per person (lunch included). After Sept. 14, fee $150. Payment for each attendee required with reservation. Total paid $_________ ____Check enclosed, payble to Internet Group, Inc. ____Charge to credit card Name on Card :_________________ Exp. date ______ ____MasterCard___VisaCard #__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Refunds are only applicable to cancellations received in writing by 9/14/94. THE INTERNET WAY OF BUSINESS: FEATURED SPEAKERS: Bret Arsenault Architecture Engineer, Microsoft Mr. Arsenault's extensive knowledge of multiple operating systems and networking technologies accounts for his strategic role in assisting Microsoft in their overall enterprise networking strategy. Bruce Chapman President, Discovery Institute Mr. Chapman's long career in public life has included service as director of the U.S. Census Bureau, Ambassador to the United Nations Organizations in Vienna, Austria, and head of the White House Office of Planning and Evaluation. Doug Dix Publisher, Communicating As a former Bell Labs communications expert, Mr. Dix's early Internet experience was with the original ARPANET. Communicating is published bi-monthly for the Puget Sound region. Herb Effron President, Seagopher Inc. After a military and defense career,Mr. Effron currently seeks to enable the Seattle public and commercial interests successful access to Internet communications. Rex B. Hughes VP Marketing, Corporate Computer Inc. Specializing in systems and market integration for premier northwest firms, Mr. Hughes has keen interest in showing US businesses how to re-define themselves for a worldwide Internet presence. Stan Kopec, Jr. Network Consultant, Network Integration Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC) With twelve years of LAN/WAN networking experience Mr. Kopec currently delivers presales consulting to Digital's clients. Jenni Livingston Product Manager Business Network Services, G.T.E. Ms. Livingston is responsible for strategy development and implementation of GTE's Internet programs. She was a featured speaker at Spring Internet World '94 and Interop '93. Ed Morin Founder & President, Northwest Nexus Mr. Morin directs the full service Internet connectivity of Northwest Nexus, a major regional Internet provider. He has administered network infrastructure for major corporations such as Motorola, McCaw, Tektronix, and University of Washington. Bob Rican G.T.E., Network Technologies Solutions Consultant An EE consultant currently assisting GTE sales force with planning long range technology solutions, Mr. Rican brings broad experience within the Northwest telecommunications industry. Martin Rood CEO, Rood Nissan Volvo Mr. Rood has established Dealernet on the Internet for automobile dealers to provide information about products and services to present and potential customers. Tom Rose Senior Applications Engineer, G.T.E. Northwest As an applications engineer Rose works in support of all GTE consultants. With 25 years experience, he develops vital technical solutions for major GTE projects. Walter Taucher President, Corporate Computer Inc. Mr. Taucher designed and implemented the largest Microsoft LAN Manager (district wide Internet) for Issaquah School District. His company built and managed the network infrastructure for the 1992 Goodwill Games, Seattle. Dr. John G. West, Jr. Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute Director of educational programs at Discovery Institute, Dr. West heads Discovery's program on religion, liberty, and civic life. Stuart White President, NovX Systems Integration Mr. White, former domestic account manager for Perot Systems, directs one of the first national integrator, NOVX, a subsidiary of Spry, Inc. ------------------------------ From: (Cid Technologies) Subject: New NACN Systems in NY With Voicemail; Some Bugs Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 03:02:37 PDT I just got finished in a recent TELECOM Digest submission noting how there were still problems with the NACN in terms of turning on and off Call Delivery via *350/*35 and how this would not be necessary if roaming calls bounced to voicemail, and the VERY next day I find two new systems on the NACN which seem to do this! I noticed that the Cellular One of Upstate NY (01513) and Cell One/Orange County, NY (00479, a Vanguard Cellular Property) are now on the NACN! Cell One/NY and other NACN customers can now get call delivery in these two areas automatically. These two systems mainly cover the Western side of the Hudson River from the CO/NY (00025) system to the hick Catskills (01515) system just below McCaw Cell One/Albany (00063) system. There is a good deal of spillover to the Eastern side of the Hudson, into the Cell One/Dutchess County system, particularly north of Poughkeepsie. The Cell One of Upstate NY (01513) system is located in Kingston, NY, about 25 miles north of Poughkeepsie and on the western side of the river. It's coverage extends pretty far west and covers the New York State Thruway (I-87) from south of where the Catskills system leaves off to where the Orange County system begins (I think Cell One/Dutches may bleed in a bit between the two). It also comes in on the east of the river immediately north of Poughkeepsie. This system has all the standard McCaw recordings with the standard male voice, and all switch codes begin with "KI", and in "KI-32", etc. (Is it a McCaw system, or a recently acquired one? I don't remember the same switch messages from a month or two ago ...) The Cell One/Orange County (00479) system as starts just north of where the CO/NY (00025) system leaves off, in a line running more or less along US-6, near Bear Mountain, all the way north until the Catskills (01515) system. (01515 is a little hick system which for the longest time didn't have Nationlink/Roam America, and basically sat on Thruway/US-9 corridor roamer traffic. CO/NY customers don't get Nationlink anyhow, but I would have used it with my other accounts until the equally lousy "B" side (Valley Cellular, 01516) got Follow-Me-Roaming, which they recently did, thankfully! But of course no connection with NYNEX's auto-call delivery network, God-forbid! ;) ). I didn't notice the McCaw switch recordings on the Orange County system, although they may also have them. All features work VERY nicely in both systems -- they are truly seamless, and you would be hard-pressed if you didn't know the SIDs to tell that you weren't in the NY/00025 system! (They don't seem to be Ericssons as far as I can tell, and no clicks, so not a Motorola EMX; maybe some Northern Telecoms?) Call-delivery is instant: once you register your calls come up to you immediately. Call-Waiting works very nicely, and there isn't that IS-41 RevA problem where if you get two calls within a minute or so the second one gets bounced right to voicemail (as happens with Philly which is connected via IS-41 RevA). The call-waiting tones are slightly different -- two short Motorola-like beeps, but much faster and more "clean" sounding. Call-Forwarding is also excellent, and response time, like the rest of the NACN is immediate. (Well, almost , see below...) BUT the best part -- which solves something I've been complaining about for a long time -- is that unanswered calls WILL go back to voicemail! This also includes unanswered Call-Waiting calls, which is something new to me. (In ComCast, the only other system(s) on the NACN which I know of that do this, the new EMX 7.2 software they have been trying out in conjunction with IS-41 RevA will NOT let a call-wait bounce back to voicemail, which can be annoying if you are on an important call and don't want to interrupt it to answer the call-waiting/second call.) I tired this extensively in both systems and it works VERY well. Thus, if you take your phone and roam on either system, it will function in EVERY WAY the same as it would in your home NACN market, which in my opinion is a very important and productive step forward! So finally Cell One/NY is catching up with NYNEX, which has had its (pathetically slow and awkward) version of call-delivery set up for a long time, especially to Orange County. It is now possible to drive up from Wilmington, DE to NYC and then up the Thruway all the way to Albany and get automatic call delivery and all your features AND unanswered calls bounce back to voicemail! (Well, some things like Call Waiting still don't work south on NYC, but as soon as ComCast puts in EMX generic 7.2 [when?] this should be fixed. In addition, unanswered calls while in Albany will NOT bounce back to voicemail, unless things have changed since last month.). There is of course that gap at the Catskills system where nothing will work, but other than that you are pretty much covered all the way! As to the bugs: 1. The Upstate 01513 system hasn't put in the correct confirmation codes: Each time you enter a feature-code (sorry for the EMX lingo :) ) like *71,*72,*350, etc, you get a "KI-32" error code, yet your home NACN switch will respond and obey whatever command you issued. IE, it just SEEMS like your command wasn't processed, when in fact it was. 2. The amount of ring time is a BIT too short. I don't mind it too much -- I usually answer on the first ring or so, but normally you get five carphone rings (what you in the car hear) before it bounces to voicemail. In the two systems here, there are usually only four. Not a big deal, it just may take getting used to. 3. The *350/*35 codes aren't EXACTLY immediate. I'm noticing a one-minute or so lag time between issuing the command and having call-delivery turned "on" or "off". This is NOT a big issue here since you don't really need to use the feature: As I noted above, calls DO bounce back to voicemail, so I doubt many people will use it. (As if many people use *350/*35 anyhow.. :( ) 4. The most notable "bug" seems to involve registration back in your home system. I tried this three times, ie, register in the Orange County/00479 system and then come back to the NY/00025 system and see if I get calls. Each time, I didn't, and calls were STILL being sent up to the Orange County system even though I was in the NY/00025 system. I even placed a call to 611 (Customer Service), and then called myself while on hold, and got Call-Waited just fine. However, any call placed to me when I was not actually on CO/NY's air STILL went up to Orange County. I tried *35, and all this did was force calls to voicemail and then after I turned delivery back on calls went right back to Orange County. I recall a similar problem with cross-Long Island Sound registrations between the NY and the Rhode Island (00119) system, and having a similar problem. For some reason, the Home Location Register (?) seems to lose track of you, and you stay registered in the last system you were roaming in even though you came back to NY and registered and even forced a registration by placing a call! This was also a frequent problem a few months ago if you were caught roaming in Philly or DE at the same time CO/NY was doing switch work back home. You'd get back to NY, but no matter what you could not get calls -- they would all go down to Philly and then bounce over to your voicemail (unless you were ON the phone in NY, in which case for the duration of the call you could get calls via Call-Waiting). An easy way to correct this is to turn your phone completely off for at least ten minutes, and then power back up again. You should then be correctly registered in the NY system and be able to receive calls normally. This is a bit awkward, however, and it would be nice if they could work on this so that the above procedure is not necessary in the future. (The CO/NY system was having trouble this weekend, so I may have been caught in Orange County during system work in NY, I dunno. This may no longer happen once the problems are cleared away in NY.) I assume roaming charges are standard NACN: no daily, 99 cents per minute at all times. However, it would be in CO/NY's interest to add the 00479 system to its "Extended Home Rate" area, as it already has done with the non-call delivery (yet..) US Cellular/Poughkeepsie (00503) market. NYNEX gives its customers a slight discount in their Orange County (00404) system. Anyhow, overall, a VERY impressive addition to the NACN. I'm glad to see that McCaw and I have similar interests in terms of total- seamlessness, especially when it comes to unanswered calls bouncing to voicemail. Now let's see if they can get their software upgraded so that they can do this on the NACN's Ericssons! :) (I've been told that the software for either the Ericsson or the SS7 links between them won't currently allow for this, yet Cantel does it within Canada and non-SS7 (?) linked Ericssons, such as NY<->Newton, NJ seem to do this just fine, so why can't whatever software be upgraded so all non-DOJ constrained NACN sites do this as well?) BTW, I think ALL of Vanguard is going on to the NACN. I was driving over the I-95 Havre deGrace bridge where you pick up the Harrisburg system for a second it IT responded to *350 with a confirmation tone! So many other systems (DE 00123, PA 00029 and DC/Baltimore 00013) mesh with each other there that it was hard to tell what was going on, though. I'll try out the Vanguard properties in northeastern PA (00103, the old "Vanguard/Cellular One Supersystem") and see if they are on the NACN as well. Maybe I'll stop at Havre deGrace on the way down to DC next time and see if Harrisburg is on the NACN if I can get a clear signal. Doug Reuben / CID Technologies / (203) 499 - 5221 ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 14 Sep 94 15:10:08 EDT From: (Andrew B Myers) Subject: AT&T "You Will" Ads on Internet AT&T YOU WILL ADS ON INTERNET; USERS CAN ENTER SWEEPSTAKES NEW YORK, Sept. 14, 1994 -- AT&T's YOU WILL(SM) ad campaign, which has captured the nation's attention in magazines, and on TV and radio for the past two years, has a new home in cyberspace. It's called "" The YOU WILL campaign, created by N W Ayer, New York, is now appearing on the Internet, where users not only can watch and listen to the award-winning ads on their computers, but also look at AT&T products, locate nearby AT&T Phone Centers and enter a sweepstakes to win a trip and prizes. Featuring the voice of actor Tom Selleck, the YOU WILL campaign takes a whimsical look into the near-future when information technologies now being developed at AT&T will soon enhance the way people work, live and play. For instance, have you ever renewed your drivers license at an ATM? Have you ever studied with a classmate thousands of miles away? Have you ever installed a phone on your wrist? "You will," say the ads, as they dramatize what technology can do for you. The various capabilities in the YOU WILL campaign are based on actual technologies under development by AT&T. The new AT&T Internet site was created by Adam Curry, formerly of MTV, now an independent producer and head of OnRamp, Inc., a New York-based agency. Internet "surfers" can access the site directly through the Internet's most user-friendly multimedia resource, the World Wide Web (, via the popular Metaverse site ( and through several well-known "What's New" lists, including: o Stanford University's Yahoo Net Lists: Commercial Contests ( o Commercial Services on the Net (http://tns- o Yellow Pages of Internet Commercial Sites ( o Global On-Line Directory ( bin/srch2html?type=Any&Field=Business&Location=Any) Sweepstakes winners will be selected in a random drawing from among all entrants received either via the Internet or by mail. A drawing will be held on Oct. 3 by MediaAmerica Promotions, Inc., an independent judging organization. The grand prize is a five-day, four-night trip for two to experience the Chameleon motion-based activity simulator in a U.S. location to be determined at a later date. The trip includes round-trip air transportation, ground transfers, first class hotel accommodations and local sightseeing, as well as the virtual reality ride (total value approximately $4,000). AT&T YOU WILL T-shirts will also be awarded in 31 daily sweepstakes drawings. Odds of winning will depend on the number of entrants. Since the site was set up Aug. 31 on the Internet, where news travels quickly, more than 30,000 Internet users have stopped by to check out Users looking for a nearby AT&T Phone Center supply their area code and are presented with a list of stores in their area. The site also provides descriptions and full color images of five popular AT&T consumer products, including a Speakerphone 870, a Digital Answering System Speakerphone 1545, a Mobile Cellular Telephone 3050, a Cordless Telephone 9100 and a Digital Cordless Telephone 9120. AT&T's corporate YOU WILL campaign broke last year and was extremely successful in showcasing the information superhighway and branding AT&T as a technologically innovative company. In addition to raising awareness for AT&T technologies, it was named one of the top 25 commercials of 1993 by consumers in a survey by Video Storyboard Testing, and so far has won two ADDYs, the first annual David Ogilvy Award for the most effective campaign supported by research, and the 1994 PCIA (Personal Communications Industry Award). # # # CONTACTS: Andrew Myers - AT&T, 908-221-2737 (office), 908-522-9485 (home) Kevin Tedesco - Ayer, 212-474-6003 (office), 908-654-7325 (home) ------------------------------ From: Sanjiv Narayan Subject: NYNEX Makes You Dial '1' For Same Area-Code Calls Date: 15 Sep 1994 12:27:37 -0700 Organization: UC Irvine Department of ICS I have noticed a strange thing here since I became a NYNEX customer in Marlboro, MA. They have a local calling area (approximatly five mile radius) within which I can place unlimited calls for a flat charge. However if I call a number outside my local calling area (but still ** within ** my 508 area-code), a recording asks you to redial with a '1' prefixed before the seven-digit number I am calling. Here's my question: If the NYNEX switching equipment is smart enough to figure out that I need to dial a '1', why does it not go ahead and complete the call anyway. I am willing to pay for the call regardless of whether I redial with a '1' prefix or they complete it for me, right !!? It becomes very cumbersome when you have to redial the number with the '1' prefixed. I never had a similar problem with Pacific Bell in So. California. The only time a '1' was required was when I dialed a number in another area code. If a number was outside your local calling area, Pacific Bell simply billed you for it. No redialing was ever required. The NYNEX customer service person I spoke to simply said that is the way things are set up. Anybody know why NYNEX will not complete a call outside my local calling area (but within the same area code), unless I dial a '1'. Sanjiv Narayan Viewlogic Systems Inc. Marlboro MA ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 15 Sep 94 17:41:56 EDT From: John R. Covert Subject: Cellphones and Smoke Alarms So here I am, sitting in a waiting room, and my pocket rings. So I answer the phone and step out into the hallway to talk to the caller. It's some idiot looking for Jim Covert and wondering if I know him. I don't. Fire alarm goes off and I head for the door. While I'm outside, various doctors come out to look and see if they can see smoke, and ask me if I've seen any. Not many people come out; apparently the building has a lot of trouble with false alarms. I take a look at the alarm annunciator, and it indicates the hallway I was in when the alarm went off. Hmmmmm. Concord firemen arrive, and I ask them, as they're getting out of the truck, if they have ever known a cellular phone to set off a smoke detector. They say, "No, but it's an interesting theory." We head for the hallway indicated by the annunciator, and note that the red LED is blinking on the smoke alarm right where I was standing. john ------------------------------ From: (Goh Tiong Hwee) Subject: Looking For DTMF to Ascii Encoding Schemes Date: 15 Sep 1994 08:35:09 GMT Organization: Institute Of Systems Science, National University Of Singapore. Hi, I am looking for pushbutton phone (DTMF) to alphanumeric conversion schemes used for say alhpanumeric pagers. For example to transmit "A" press "*2", "B" press "02" , "C" - "#2" and so on. My phone has the letters "ABC" above 2, "DEF" above 3 and so on. Dont know what happened to the "Z" though, can't find it anywhere. I need schemes for "A-Z", "0-9", end-of-line, space, backspace. What I am looking for are schemes already in use. Hence copies of actual manuals or instruction sheets or pages of phone books would be most helpful. As I need the info urgently, I am willing to pay a small amount for cost and trouble. Please email me directly. Thank you for your kind attention. TH Goh [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: Most voicemail systems use '1' for the letters Q and Z. PAT] ------------------------------ From: Date: Thu, 15 Sep 94 07:44:44 EDT From: (Russ Pate) Subject: Old Western Electric/Telephone Items for Sale Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 11:44:38 GMT Organization: Harris Semiconductor, Melbourne FL Old Western Electric/Telegraph Items for Sale Western Electric Tubes Rare 1918 WE 215A "Peanut Tubes" 1 New in original WE boxes, $25 each 1 used , good filament, $15 1 used, questionably good, $10 1 socket for above, $10 9 pin tubes - $1.25 each or offer 10 X 417A, 7 in original WE boxes 3 X 403A (6AK5) 1 X 420A Other Tubes 1 WE 323B in Original WE Box $5 Telephone Operator's Breastplate/Headset Old switchboard operator's breastplate/headset with neck straps, plugs and cloth covered cords, well marked as Western Electric and never used from the late 1930's I would expect. $30 each for a complete set. I also have two floor-type switchboards that these would go with. They are large and heavy and are $250 each, tough to ship. Telegraph Keys Several J-44 military keys: One Complete - $25 Several Complete except for grip knob, $20 each. About 10 missing the entire lever assembly, but otherwise complete, $10 each. Some of these military keys have a switch on them marked voice/code. All prices plus postage/shipping PS. I also collect/restore old telephones. I have a number of candlestick, cradle and wall phones available for sale. Send SASE for list/brochure on old telephones or email inquiries: Some examples of telephones currently for sale: 1924 Mongomery Ward oak wall phone, working with dial mounted inside - $285 1915 Kellogg all original, not modified to work, $300 1923 Black Automatic Electric dial Candlestick working, $300 1924 Western Electric 202 oval base desk cradlephone working $175 Please email or call collect with any old telephone items for sale (pre 1950). Russ Pate, WB4VVN 235 Sandpine Road Indialantic, FL 32903 (407) 777-1759 email - ------------------------------ End of TELECOM Digest V14 #367 ******************************