272 files found in Library "Info / Text / FAQ"

Return to this Disc's Index
Name Extracted Size Date Description
093094H1.ZIP No 3078 10-09-94 Embarrassing secrets in Hillary's task force
1984.ZIP Yes 168027 04-04-94 Various ways US Gov attacks privacy: read!!!
1994CONG.ZIP Yes 10435 05-27-94
1994 Congressional names & DC office address
including political party affiliation, state,
and district represented.
2600.ZIP Yes 105486 10-16-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: hacking, courtesy of our friends
from 2600 magazine (shhh!)
94CFSCHT.ZIP Yes 6380 07-26-94
A text file of the 1994 NCAA College Football
Schedule for all Division 1-A teams. The
listing is by team, showing home & away games
94CFSCHW.ZIP Yes 4001 07-26-94
A text file of the 1994 NCAA College Football
Schedule for all Division 1-A teams. The
listing is by date, and by site.
AIDS0994.ZIP Yes 52902 09-11-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: AIDS
AIRTRAV8.ZIP Yes 80196 08-16-94 Internet FAQ re: air travel & bargains
ALT_HIST.ZIP Yes 9594 07-12-94
Frequently asked questions about "alternative
ANGST09.ZIP Yes 4724 10-16-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: existential angst (!)
APFAQ11.ZIP Yes 25621 09-27-94
This is the Apogee FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions) v1.1. Contains all kinds of useful
information about Apogee Software Games
APPLE1.ZIP Yes 5929 08-23-94
What did the Serpent give Eve in the Garden
of Eden. Find out what the apple is all
about. T
B5_0794.ZIP Yes 17655 07-25-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: TV show Babylon 5 (sci-fi)
B5_FAQ.ZIP Yes 20787 09-24-94
Latest info (as of Sept 15/94) FAQ file
(Frequently Asked Questions) about Babylon 5
TV series.
BAB5_FAQ.ZIP Yes 20891 09-26-94
Latest FAQ from the alt.tv.babylon-5
newsgroup, re: this sci-fi TV show
BABEL94A.ZIP Yes 33666 01-01-94 Glossary of computer terms, and acronyms.
BACKRUB8.ZIP Yes 10111 09-11-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: backrubs
BISMUTH.ZIP Yes 7758 08-30-94 Duck hunters act now! bismuth is better than
BUDGET95.ZIP Yes 249479 02-02-94
Budget of the United States Government,
Fiscal Year 1995 Contains the Budget Message
of the President and Presents the President's
Budget Proposals.
BUGGED2.ZIP Yes 7290 10-18-94 Text files on invasion of privacy
CAMP34.ZIP Yes 4001 07-26-94 Text file on PC Speech on US college campus'
CATI49.ZIP Yes 15832 07-10-94 Community Aids Treatment Information # 49
CA_INFO.ZIP Yes 10041 10-16-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: cancer
CDCGUIDE.ZIP Yes 22867 08-05-94
CDC HIV Counseling, Testing, & Referral Guide
CISINT.ZIP Yes 4206 09-24-94
Frequently asked questions about CompuServe's
Internet access.
CONSCRED.ZIP Yes 37950 06-22-94
Credit, Credit, Credit. Do You Know
Everything There Is To Know About Your Credit
Cards? Read This, Internet FAQ.
COVERUP2.ZIP Yes 2213 08-11-94
"..our newspapers and TV networks --
have now become active participants in
the coverup of one of the greater
political scandals of the 20th century.
...critical new evidence that makes a
shamble of the official finding that the
man's death was a suicide." T
CRIB_FAQ.ZIP Yes 5075 07-26-94
Woodworking: Crib Building Guidlines Internet
CRYPTO08.ZIP Yes 43445 08-16-94 Internet FAQ re: cryptography
CUD660.ZIP Yes 18187 07-05-94 Computer Underground Digest Vol 6 Issue 60.
CUD664.ZIP Yes 18135 07-17-94 Computer Underground Digest # 664
CUD665.ZIP Yes 14025 07-17-94 Computer Underground Digest # 665
CUD666.ZIP Yes 19222 07-23-94 Computer Underground Digest # 666
CUD667.ZIP Yes 18199 07-28-94 Computer Underground Digest # 667
CUD668.ZIP Yes 22600 07-28-94 Computer Underground Digest # 668
CUD669.ZIP Yes 13786 08-02-94 Computer Underground Digest #669
CUD670.ZIP Yes 18024 08-04-94 Computer Underground Digest #670
CUD671.ZIP Yes 16400 08-12-94 Computer Underground Digest #671
CUD672.ZIP Yes 17294 08-16-94 Computer Underground Digest #672
CUD673.ZIP Yes 15976 08-18-94 Computer Underground Digest #673
CUD674.ZIP Yes 11194 08-20-94 Computer Underground Digest # 674
CUD675.ZIP Yes 12948 08-22-94 Computer Underground Digest
CUD676.ZIP Yes 15995 08-25-94 Computer Underground Digest #676
CUD677.ZIP Yes 20234 08-30-94 Computer Underground Digest # 677
CUD678.ZIP Yes 15940 09-01-94 Computer Underground Digest # 678
CUD679.ZIP Yes 15201 09-12-94 Computer Underground Digest #679
CUD680.ZIP Yes 16845 09-13-94 Computer Underground Digest #680
CUD681.ZIP Yes 15553 09-24-94 Computer Underground Digest #681
CUD682.ZIP Yes 13008 09-24-94 Computer Underground Digest #682
CUD683.ZIP Yes 20550 09-23-94 Computer Underground Digest #683
CUD684.ZIP Yes 18687 10-11-94 Computer Underground Digest #6.84.
CUD685.ZIP Yes 20105 10-11-94 Computer Underground Digest #6.85.
CUD686.ZIP Yes 14698 10-11-94 Computer Underground Digest #6.86.
C_BABYIT.ZIP Yes 2029 08-16-94 Crochet: Baby Sweater and Cap Instructions.
C_WEARAF.ZIP Yes 2173 08-31-94 Crochet: Wearable Afghan Instructions
DEP07.ZIP Yes 34485 08-16-94 Internet FAQ re: depression
DEPBKS07.ZIP Yes 5141 07-25-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
fr: alt.support.dep re: books on depression
DODFAQ.ZIP Yes 18243 09-16-94 FAQ re: Denizens of Doom Motorcycle Club!
DO_IT01.ZIP Yes 7025 08-15-94
The DO-IT Guide to Disability Resources on
the Internet - 8/94.
DREAMS07.ZIP Yes 19309 07-25-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: dreams
DREAMS08.ZIP Yes 16310 09-11-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: dreams8-94 version
DUNEFAQ.ZIP Yes 7895 10-16-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: the film DUNE
DVFAQ20.ZIP Yes 30687 09-01-94 FAQ on QEMM and DV 9/94.
ECHOFAQ.ZIP Yes 78488 08-16-94 Echoes (Pink Floyd) FAQ.
ECON_FAQ.ZIP Yes 48903 08-23-94
Data and other information resources on the
Internet for Economists. More about sources
of economic data than you ever wanted to know
EDECLINE.ZIP Yes 12681 07-31-94
ENERGY.ZIP Yes 384302 01-21-94
Energy Cost - produces total or comparison
reports in cost kilowatt hours or demand
ENFAQ_A2.ZIP Yes 75192 06-21-94
FAQ on the Enfield Series of Rifles- By Ben
Sansing from Courts of Chaos BBS.
ENGLUSE9.ZIP Yes 49838 09-11-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: controversies about English usage
ETHERNET.ZIP Yes 43200 07-22-94 Ethernet HOWTO for Linux. ASCII format
FATIGE.ZIP Yes 4853 07-16-94 Fatigue Information File.
FERRET08.ZIP Yes 29603 08-16-94 Internet FAQ re: ferrets
FLWRESNC.ZIP Yes 8596 08-16-94
Homemade Toiletries: How To Make Flower
Essences (some Majikal references).
FOCUS024.ZIP Yes 22687 06-17-94 UMC HIV Ministry Focus Paper No. 24 (June 94)
FOSTER6.ZIP Yes 2194 08-10-94
Fiske report states no X-rays were taken
because the machine was "inoperable". Text T
FOUNDID.ZIP Yes 14012 07-31-94
AUTHOR: William Norman Grigg Text
FTP_LIST.ZIP Yes 172754 05-25-94 Internet FTP Sitelist File Date 5-25-94.
GBU103.ZIP Yes 41547 09-18-94
Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.03
Hardware that has been tested against
OS/2. Some works, some doesn't.
GBU104.ZIP Yes 41477 09-24-94
OS/2: Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.04
Hardware that has been tested against OS/2.
Some works, some doesn't.
GBU105.ZIP Yes 44790 10-02-94
Good, Bad, & Ugly hardware FAQ V1.05
Hardware that has been tested against
OS/2. Some works, some doesn't.
GOLFFAQ.ZIP Yes 13263 08-10-94 Internet's Frequently Asked Questions: Golf.
GOVINF.ZIP Yes 23120 02-28-94
Internet Source Guide of Government
InformAtion Compiled by Temple University.
HERB_BIB.ZIP Yes 8712 07-26-94 Comprehensive Bibiliography Of Herbs.
HOUSING.ZIP Yes 4382 08-10-94 Non-Traditional Housing FAQ List.
HR3355.ZIP Yes 364488 09-06-94 Crime bill
HR4300.ZIP Yes 14447 06-02-94 U.S. House bill to license/ban handguns
HR_3355A.ZIP Yes 300687 08-24-94 The final Crime Bill from August 10th 1994.
IDEFAQ00.ZIP Yes 11407 09-15-94
Historical and technical info about the ATA
IHIWAY.ZIP Yes 11807 09-06-94
Speedbumps and Roadkill on the Information
Superhighway. Text
ILUVNW.ZIP Yes 2874 08-02-94 I Love Needlework" Fair in Anaheim, CA, 1994.
IMALL08.ZIP Yes 22006 08-17-94 Internet FAQ re: shopping on the NET
INTNT470.ZIP Yes 9112 09-06-94 Series of messages on access to Internet T
INTRSRV8.ZIP Yes 23077 08-17-94
Internet FAQ re: Internet services (Yanoff)
8/94 version
INT_JOBS.ZIP Yes 10716 05-04-94
ISLAM07.ZIP Yes 12030 07-25-94 Internet FAQ re: ISLAM
JSMILL1.ZIP Yes 104860 09-10-94 John Stuart Mill ON LIBERTY 1909
KIDS0794.ZIP Yes 6594 07-25-94 July '94 FAQ : resources for raising kids
K_BOOTIE.ZIP Yes 2034 08-20-94 Knit: Traditional Baby Booties Directions.
LAN600.ZIP Yes 6000 03-21-94
Lantastic V6.00 From Artisoft is Now Being
Shipped. Many Enhancements Plus 15% Speedup!
LAW_NET.ZIP Yes 58965 10-04-94
Usenet LAW net-resources FAQ (contains 4 of 4
LEGEND09.ZIP Yes 114699 09-24-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: legends of the Net
LILOFAQ.ZIP Yes 4553 07-25-94
Linux - FAQ for LILO, the LInux LOader.
Allows you to boot DOS or OS/2 or Linux.
LINUXFA.ZIP Yes 28850 08-13-94
Frequentlu Asked Questions about Linux PC
compatible UNIX operating system
LOCKE2ND.ZIP Yes 110058 08-26-94
"Second Treatise of Government"
by John Locke. A public domain Etext
from Internet Wiretap
LXSERIAL.ZIP Yes 15215 07-27-94 SERIAL-HOWTO for Linux
MAGICFAQ.ZIP Yes 19619 05-31-94 Faq file about magic: the gathering.
MAKEGRP8.ZIP Yes 8606 08-17-94
Internet FAQ re: creating a newsgroup in the
.alt hierarchy.
MANIFSTO.ZIP Yes 26297 09-10-94
Karl Marx, edited by Friedrich Engels
1888 English edition
MCB_ERD.ZIP Yes 456139 07-25-94
An electronic resource directory developed at
the Massachusetts for the Blind. of use to
to folks without vision or interested in
resources for them. Very speech friendly prg.
MCB_ERD1.ZIP Yes 523290 07-27-94
An electronic resource directory developed at
the Massachusetts Commicssion for the Blind.
For folks without vision or others
interested in resources for them.
Very speech friendly program.
Version 1.0 with new features and
now and editor and text file generation!
MD4GUN.ZIP Yes 7225 08-16-94 The truth about guns in the U.S.
MEDIT07.ZIP Yes 6162 07-25-94 Internet FAQ about meditation
MJ0794.ZIP Yes 42163 07-25-94 July '94 Internet FAQ re: marijuana
MODGUN.ZIP Yes 5272 09-10-94 Disturbing text on Gun Control, READ THIS!
MSTON10.ZIP Yes 404491 08-31-94
"The Moonstone" by Wilkie Collins A Project
Gutenberg Public Domain Etext, August, 1994
NA89403.ZIP Yes 10612 08-15-94 US sheriffs against the Brady Bill. T
NEWAGE1.ZIP Yes 5973 09-11-94 New Age Authors on the Internet text
NEW_BIOL.ZIP Yes 13724 10-17-94
Text files: New scientific theory based on
modern genome research & molecular biology
refutes Evolution & provides alternative
explanation for origin/diversity of life on
Earth. Shows that genomes are fixed and
immutable, so different organisms must have
originated independently in the primordial
pond. "Independent Birth of Organisms."
NYPDBLUE.ZIP Yes 14887 07-03-94
Information about the TV show NYPD-Blue.
Includes episode guide, bio info and a
humorous Drinking game to play while youwatch
N_DAMUS.ZIP Yes 49042 10-16-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: the prophecies of Nostradamus
OJGRAND.ZIP Yes 155002 08-02-94 OJ Simpson Grand Jury full text
OPTICS8.ZIP Yes 19847 08-17-94 Internet FAQ re: optics for birders
OZNET.ZIP Yes 32908 03-20-94 Internet Scripts for use with OZCIS
P5_018.ZIP Yes 6700 08-07-94 Computer Privacy Digest # 018
P5_019.ZIP Yes 7915 08-08-94 Computer Privacy Digest #019
P5_021.ZIP Yes 7716 08-08-94 Computer Privacy Digest #021
P5_022.ZIP Yes 11274 08-14-94 Computer Privacy Digest #022
P5_023.ZIP Yes 11616 08-15-94 Computer Privacy Digest #023
P5_024.ZIP Yes 11133 08-22-94 Computer Privacy Digest #024
P5_025.ZIP Yes 10520 08-23-94 Computer Privacy Digest #025
PAGAN10.ZIP Yes 293 10-16-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: paganism and neo-witchery
PHENRY.ZIP Yes 1458 09-10-94
Patrick Henry's famous speech
"give me liberty or give me death"
POOL07.ZIP Yes 10938 07-25-94 July '94 Internet FAQ re: pool and billiards
POSPPNO5.ZIP Yes 7756 10-09-94
United Nations Convention on the Rights of
POSPPNO6.ZIP Yes 7821 10-09-94
U N Convention on the Rights of the Child....
POWMIAS.ZIP Yes 8048 05-27-94
PP940822.ZIP Yes 3833 08-26-94 Putting People First, August 94
PRIVTX.ZIP Yes 6260 07-09-94 Privacy and the information superhighway. T
PSYCHE07.ZIP Yes 6458 07-25-94
July '94 FAQ re: new Internet journal for
study of consciousness PSYCHE
Q_BABY.ZIP Yes 4525 08-16-94 Hints on Creating Baby Quilts (Internet FAQ).
Q_BOOKS.ZIP Yes 34023 08-16-94
Quilting Books Reviewed from A to Z (Internet
Q_BORDER.ZIP Yes 20059 08-13-94 Quilting-Borders FAQ (Internet).
Q_CHALNG.ZIP Yes 6631 08-16-94 QuiltNet Challenge Project Ideas FAQ
Q_DESIGN.ZIP Yes 5127 08-16-94
How To Design a Quilter's Flannel Design
Q_DYE.ZIP Yes 10147 08-31-94 Quilt Dyeing Techniques
Q_ERGO.ZIP Yes 6653 08-13-94 Quilting: Ergonomics Of.
Q_G_CHLG.ZIP Yes 4221 08-16-94
Quilt Guild Challenge Projects FAQ
Q_QNET.ZIP Yes 4305 08-16-94 What is QuiltNet? FAQ
Q_SASHIK.ZIP Yes 6774 08-16-94 Sashiko Quilting Techniques (Internet FAQ).
Q_STORES.ZIP Yes 11944 08-13-94 Quilting: Stores and Catalog Information.
Q_STRG.ZIP Yes 7838 08-16-94
Storage Ideas For Quilt Fabrics (Internet
ROMANCE7.ZIP Yes 52189 07-25-94 July '94 Internet FAQ re: romance
RUGHOOK.ZIP Yes 30963 08-06-94
Rug Hooking Internet FAQ (Frequently Asked
SECUR07.ZIP Yes 14596 08-17-94 Internet FAQ re: computer security
SELFIMP9.ZIP Yes 30001 09-24-94 Internet FAQ re: self-improvement
SHARDIST.ZIP Yes 1781 10-15-94
SHAREWARE AUTHORS! Now a method that is
Guaranteed to get your programs placed
on bulletin boards from coast to coast.
SIGCOM94.ZIP Yes 14889 07-25-94
Special issue of the Internet Telecom
Digest about the upcoming SigComm conference
SILK_MS.ZIP Yes 2306 08-06-94 Hints on Machine Sewing With Silk. Hmmm...
SPC0801.ZIP Yes 3141 08-02-94 Space News 08/01/94.
STONES08.ZIP Yes 61251 09-11-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: The Rolling Stones 8-94 version
STS_65PK.ZIP Yes 95215 06-21-94 NASA presskit for the 7-94 shuttle mission.
SUBURBAN.ZIP Yes 2799 10-16-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: alt.folklore.suburban (!)
S_WRPSKT.ZIP Yes 2793 07-02-94 Qwk n' Easy: Wrap Around Skirt Instructions.
TC14_314.ZIP Yes 12827 07-11-94 Telecom Digest #314
TC14_315.ZIP Yes 13059 07-11-94 Telecom Digest #315
TC14_316.ZIP Yes 13377 07-13-94 Telecom Digest #316
TC14_317.ZIP Yes 12971 07-13-94 Telecom Digest #317
TC14_318.ZIP Yes 11419 07-15-94 Telecom Digest #318
TC14_319.ZIP Yes 11593 07-15-94 Telecom Digest #319
TC14_320.ZIP Yes 12691 07-15-94 Telecom Digest #320
TC14_321.ZIP Yes 12139 07-15-94 Telecom Digest # 321
TC14_322.ZIP Yes 12189 07-17-94 Telecom Digest #322
TC14_323.ZIP Yes 13962 07-19-94 Telecom Digest #323
TC14_324.ZIP Yes 11577 07-19-94 Telecom Digest #324
TC14_325.ZIP Yes 11560 07-25-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 325
TC14_326.ZIP Yes 12121 07-25-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 326
TC14_327.ZIP Yes 11313 07-25-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 327
TC14_329.ZIP Yes 14111 07-25-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 329
TC14_330.ZIP Yes 13164 07-25-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 330
TC14_331.ZIP Yes 10758 07-25-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 331
TC14_332.ZIP Yes 11386 07-25-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 332
TC14_333.ZIP Yes 12374 08-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 333
TC14_334.ZIP Yes 14075 07-28-94 Telecom Digest #334
TC14_335.ZIP Yes 12223 07-28-94 Telecom Digest # 335
TC14_336.ZIP Yes 13278 07-28-94 Telecom Digest # 336
TC14_337.ZIP Yes 10765 08-02-94 Telecom Digest #337
TC14_338.ZIP Yes 13471 08-02-94 Telecom Digest #338
TC14_339.ZIP Yes 12025 08-02-94 Telecom Digest #339
TC14_340.ZIP Yes 11965 08-02-94 Telecom Digest #340
TC14_341.ZIP Yes 14892 08-02-94 Telecom Digest # 341
TC14_342.ZIP Yes 14419 08-02-94 Telecom Digest # 342
TC14_343.ZIP Yes 14307 08-02-94 Telecom Digest # 343
TC14_344.ZIP Yes 11915 08-06-94 Telecom Digest #344
TC14_345.ZIP Yes 14124 08-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 345
TC14_346.ZIP Yes 12268 08-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 346
TC14_347.ZIP Yes 13580 08-17-94 Telecom Digest #347
TC14_348.ZIP Yes 11560 08-17-94 Telecom Digest #348
TC14_349.ZIP Yes 11585 08-17-94 Telecom Digest #349
TC14_350.ZIP Yes 15885 08-23-94 Telecom Digest #350
TC14_351.ZIP Yes 12350 08-24-94 Telecom Digest #351
TC14_352.ZIP Yes 13043 08-25-94 Telecom Digest #352
TC14_353.ZIP Yes 11527 08-26-94 Telecom Digest #353
TC14_354.ZIP Yes 10449 08-27-94 Telecom Digest #354
TC14_355.ZIP Yes 12459 08-30-94 Telecom Digest #355
TC14_356.ZIP Yes 12566 08-31-94 Telecom Digest # 356
TC14_357.ZIP Yes 10847 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 357
TC14_358.ZIP Yes 10883 09-02-94 Telecom Digest # 358
TC14_359.ZIP Yes 11704 09-05-94 Telecom Digest #359
TC14_360.ZIP Yes 11921 09-02-94 Telecom Digest # 360
TC14_361.ZIP Yes 13244 09-11-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 361
TC14_362.ZIP Yes 12602 09-08-94 Telecom Digest # 362
TC14_363.ZIP Yes 11308 09-11-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 363
TC14_364.ZIP Yes 11742 09-24-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 364
TC14_365.ZIP Yes 15756 09-24-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 365
TC14_366.ZIP Yes 14625 09-24-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 366
TC14_367.ZIP Yes 13609 09-24-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 367
TC14_368.ZIP Yes 10652 09-24-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 368
TC14_369.ZIP Yes 392 09-24-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 369
TC14_372.ZIP Yes 9814 09-24-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 372
TC14_373.ZIP Yes 13370 09-24-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 373
TC14_375.ZIP Yes 11585 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 375
TC14_376.ZIP Yes 12354 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 376
TC14_377.ZIP Yes 10826 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 377
TC14_378.ZIP Yes 12293 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 378
TC14_379.ZIP Yes 10102 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 379
TC14_380.ZIP Yes 11012 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 380
TC14_381.ZIP Yes 12804 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v.14 no.381
TC14_382.ZIP Yes 13977 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 382
TC14_387.ZIP Yes 13558 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 387
TC14_388.ZIP Yes 13377 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 388
TC14_389.ZIP Yes 12078 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 389
TC14_390.ZIP Yes 12656 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 390
TC14_391.ZIP Yes 13143 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 391
TC14_392.ZIP Yes 10522 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 392
TC14_393.ZIP Yes 11232 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 393
TC14_394.ZIP Yes 13715 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 394
TC14_395.ZIP Yes 11395 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 395
TC14_396.ZIP Yes 11413 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 396
TC14_397.ZIP Yes 11567 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 397
TC14_398.ZIP Yes 13190 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 398
TC14_399.ZIP Yes 11778 10-16-94 Internet Telecom Digest v. 14 no. 399
TERMNFAQ.ZIP Yes 21997 10-16-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked
questions) re: Terminator films
TEXTFAQ.ZIP Yes 22909 07-11-94 Textile Frequently Asked Questions Internet.
TITLE11.ZIP Yes 12434 08-26-94
Title 11 of the Crime Bill dealing with
Assault Weapons.
TRNSPLNT.ZIP Yes 28872 08-17-94 Internet FAQ re: organ transplantation
TWHGUI85.ZIP Yes 388832 08-21-94
Trade Wars Helper w/GUI (8.5) is a terminal
program with an optional Graphical User
Interface used ONLINE with the BBS door
T_WEIGHT.ZIP Yes 6237 07-02-94
Textiles: Yarn Weights Explained by Country
of Origin, Needle Conversions Also.
UFOFAQ.ZIP Yes 14556 06-16-94
Frequently Asked Questions for the 1994
MicroProse game X-COM: UFO Defense 1 of 2
UFOFAQ2.ZIP Yes 11095 06-23-94
Frequently Asked Questions for the 1994
MicroProse game X-COM: UFO Defensse 2 of 2
UFORPT2.ZIP Yes 223772 07-02-94
UFO reports obtained by request from US govt
Freedom Of Information Act and FOIA info.
US2UK.ZIP Yes 39452 08-17-94 Internet FAQ re: moving from the US to the UK
VF_25.ZIP Yes 24087 10-05-94 Virtual Fighter FAQ v2.5.
WACO1.ZIP Yes 218413 02-18-94
Text on massacre of the Branch Davidians in
WHITEPAP.ZIP Yes 29680 09-18-94
White House white paper on Information
Highway & persons w/disabilities.
WINFLO94.ZIP Yes 8885 09-21-94 Updated QEMM Winflow tech file 9/94
WIT101.ZIP Yes 160204 09-28-94
How old was Paul Revere when he rode into
history? CHRONOS/WIT lets you sort and
selects individual people and events, or
groups and factions, to develop new insights
and trace patterns across different eras and
WOOD0894.ZIP Yes 32606 09-11-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: woodworking and woodworking tools
WOODWORK.ZIP Yes 24302 08-22-94 Woodworking FAQ text file
WSSPEC.ZIP Yes 75916 07-04-94 Winsock (Windows Sockets) FAQ and specs.
WTRFLTR.ZIP Yes 40939 07-04-94 Assorted Info Files on Water Filters.
WWW0894.ZIP Yes 21960 09-11-94
Internet FAQ (ans to freq asked questns)
re: the Worldwide Web
WWW_FAQ.ZIP Yes 23523 08-16-94
World Wide Web - Frequently Asked Questions
Contains both parts 1 and 2.
XSTITFAQ.ZIP Yes 53701 07-19-94
Cross Stitch Faq (Frequently Asked Questions)
July 17, 1994 Update.
ZAZENFAQ.ZIP Yes 3447 10-10-94
ZAZEN: Frequently Asked Questions: Based upon
Kyoto Soto Zen Center with modifications.
ZELDAFAQ.ZIP Yes 72985 08-20-94
Complete FAQ for "Zelda: A Link To The Past"
Contains everything you need to know to win
this complex adventure game.