To read FADE_IN: From DOS, at command line, type HR5 and press enter. From Windows, click to File - Run, type HR5 and press enter, or double click HR5; or for Word for Windows users, open document file, FADIALL1.DOC. From Macs, load FADIALL2.TXT and reprocess for Mac; or translate FADIALL1.DOC from Word for Windows to Word for Mac using appropriate filter. File list: FADIALL1.DOC The e-book FADE_IN in Word for Windows 6.0 document format. FADIALL2.TXT The e-book FADE_IN in plain ASCII text format; this file is required for the HR5 hypertext reader. FORMAT.ZIP A compressed file with sample formatting in W4W, WP51, and PCX formats. HR5.EXE David Leithauser's quick and easy hypertext reading program. FADIALL2.HRF The HyperRead control file the e-book FADE_IN. README.TXT Important information about both FADE_IN and FADEOUT; how to reach the author. ORDERFRM.TXT Order form for FADEOUT. More than twice the material found in FADE_IN. DESC.SDI Pattern file for BBS use. FILE_ID.DIZ Pattern file for BBS use. READ1ST.TXT You are reading it.