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The station, which was inentionally damaged by the Cardassians before they left it behind, is being pieced together by newly-transferred Operations Chief O' Brien from the Enterprise. Sisko also meets Major Kira, his Bajoran first officer who doubts the ability of the provisional government of Bajor to avert a civil war and trusts the Federation even less; Odo, a mysterious shapeshifter in charge of station security; and Quark, the suspicious Ferengi kingpin who's eager to get out of town before the regulatory hand of the Federation clamps down on his shady "business" affairs. Sisko is summoned to the Enterprise for a briefing with Captain Picard, whom he still remembers as the man responsible for the death of thousands, including Sisko's wife, in the Borg invasion attempt. Picard gives Sisko the Federation's orders regarding management of Deep Space 9 - to do everything, short of violating the prime directive, to get the struggling Bajora back on their feet so they can join the Federation. Sisko, however, is considering resigning from Starfleet to raise his son in a better environment. Soon afterward, the Enterprise departs to undertake other duties as the station's new doctor, the brilliant but inexperienced Julian Bashir, and science officer Jadzia Dax arrive. Dax, a Trill who has lived in a number of bodies, is an old friend of Sisko's. Sisko, at the suggestion of Kira, travels to Bajor and visits Bajoran spiritual leader Kai Opaka, who tells Sisko that he is to be the emissary of the people to the temple of their gods. Opaka reveals an Orb, a mystic object of a type which has appeared throughout Bajoran history. The Orb envelops Sisko in a brief recollection of his first meeting with his wife, and then releases him. Opaka gives him the Orb, and the news that Sisko - whether he likes it or not, whether he even knows it or not - will find the temple. He returns to Deep Space 9 and hands the Orb over to Dax for further study. The Cardassians return, ostensibly to make use of the station's amenities. Dax discovers that reports of the Orbs' appearances correspond to a certain area of space near Bajor. She and Sisko set out in a Federation Runabout to investigate, and stumble across a wormhole that shoots them 70,000 light years across the galaxy. Trying to return to the station, their ship is halted. Dax is taken back to the station by an Orb, while Sisko is kept and studied by noncorporeal beings who built the wormhole. These beings have no conception of linear time, existing simultaneously in the past, present and future, and they ask Sisko questions about the ephemeral nature of humans, which they do not comprehend. Dax, back on Deep Space 9, fills the crew in on details of the wormhole. Major Kira orders O' Brien to shift the station's position so that it stands in front of the wormhole. A Cardassian ship, however, enters the wormhole, but is damaged by the wormhole life forms. When another Cardassian flotilla arrives and finds no sign of the missing ship, they threaten to open fire on Deep Space 9 unless Kira agrees to surrender the station. In the wormhole, the aliens' study of Sisko reaches an end when they discover the human drive for knowledge, and they are puzzled by Sisko's inability to live down the death of his wife. At the station, Kira's brinksmanship abilities and her feisty confrontations with the Cardassians result in a firefight, damaging the station heavily. The solution to the confrontation lies with Sisko, if he can overcome the wormhole beings' manifestations of his inner barriers and escape from the wormhole. Season 1 Regular Cast: Avery Brooks (Commander Benjamin Sisko), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Siddig El Fadil (Dr. Julian Bashir), Terry Farrell (Lt. Jadzia Dax), Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Armin Shimerman (Quark), Nana Visitor (Major Kira Nerys) Guest Cast: Patrick Stewart (Captain Picard/Locutus of Borg), Camille Saviola (Kai Opaka), Felecia M. Bell (Jennifer Sisko), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Joel Swetow (Gul Jasad), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Stephen Davies (Tactical Officer), Max Grodenchik (Ferengi Pit Boss), Steve Rankin (Cardassian Officer), Lily Mariye (Ops Officer), Cassandra Bryam (Conn Officer), John Noah Hertzler (Vulcan Captain), April Grace (Transporter Chief), Kevin McDermott (Alien Batter), Parker Whitman (Cardassian Officer), William Powell-Blair (Cardassian Officer), Frank Owen Smith (Curzon Dax), Lynnda Ferguson (Doran), Megan Butler (Lieutenant), Stephen Rowe (Chanting Monk), Thomas Hobson (young Jake), Donald Hotton (Monk #1), Gene Armor (Bajoran Bureaucrat), Diana Cignoni (Dabo Girl), Judi Durand (Computer Voice), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 02 PAST PROLOGUE written by Kathryn Powers directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Jay Chattaway Stardate not given: Shortly after Dr. Bashir excitedly reports to Sisko a meeting with a merchant who happens to be the only remaining Cardassian on the station, a Bajoran ship is detected with hostile Cardassians hot in pursuit. The single occupant of the damaged Bajoran vessel is beamed aboard and is discovered to be a member of a group of violent Bajoran extremists who have not yet ceased their terrorism against the Cardassians. Requesting asylum, all Tahna does is invite Sisko's suspicion. Sisko is further put in a tenuous situation when the Cardassian ship's commander demands that Tahna be turned over for his crimes against the Cardassians. Kira, herself a former member of Tahna's underground, tries to convince Tahna to give up his violent tactics, but he refuses, and it turns out that his visit to Deep Space 9 is all part of another of his inevitably bloody gambits for revenge. This time, however, Tahna plans action not only against the Cardassians, but the Federation as well - and he expects Kira to help him. Guest Cast: Jeffrey Nordling (Tahna), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Barbara March (Lursa), Gwynyth Walsh (B'etor), Vaughn Armstrong (Gul Dunar), Susan Bay (Admiral) 03 A MAN ALONE teleplay by Michael Piller story by Gerald Sanford and Michael Piller directed by Paul Lynch music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46421.5: During routine banter with Quark on the Promenade, Odo spots Ibundan, a Bajoran man he jailed months ago for murder, and the old enemies get into a fight almost immediately. Not long afterward, Ibundan is found dead in one of the Promenade's holosuites, and evidence has been carefully placed to lead a trail to Odo, a suspicion which spreads among the station's populace along with rumors of Odo being a Cardassian agent and a growing paranoia. Bashir and Dax begin putting together pieces of a puzzle which include DNA traces from Ibundan's ship, but in the meantime, the station's residents grow restless and demand that Odo be handed over to be punished for a crime they believe he committed. While Sisko and his crew are working full-time on finding the solution to the crime, the denizens of Deep Space 9 seem to have no intention of allowing Odo to survive long enough to stand trial. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Edward Laurence Albert (Zayra), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Peter Vogt (Bajoran Man #1), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Steven James Carver (Ibundan), Tom Klunis ("Old Man" Ibundan), Scott Trost (Bajoran Officer), Patrick Cupo (Bajoran Man), Kahtryn Graf (Bajoran Woman), Hana Hatae (Molly O' Brien), Diana Cignoni (Dabo Girl), Judi Durand (Computer Voice) 04 BABEL teleplay by Michael McGreevey and Naren Shankar story by Sally Caves and Ira Steven Behr directed by Paul Lynch music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46425.8: Business as usual is keeping O' Brien the busiest man on DS9, as systems continuously break down almost at random, mainly food replicators. In the course of his repairs, O' Brien accidentally activates a concealed Bajoran device designed to release an adaptive virus into the food generated by that replicator. He is immediately stricken with the disease, which scrambles his brain's ability to connect language, stimuli and responses. Quark, impatient to get service back on schedule at his bar, unwittingly spreads the virus to all of his patrons, and a stationwide epidemic ensues. Bashir, before falling victim to the virus himself, discovers that the plague was created by the Bajora in an attempt to prevent the construction of the station years ago, and it is eventually fatal. Most of the population is rendered useless, with a few exceptions, among them Odo, Major Kira and Quark. They must find an antidote to the virus and try to ensure the station's safety until a cure can be found. Guest Cast: Jack Kehler (Jaheel), Matthew Faison (Surmak Ren), Ann Gillespie (Nurse Jabara), Geraldine Farrell (Galis Blin), Bo Zenga (Asoth), Richard Ryder (Bajoran Deputy), Frank Novak (Businessman), Kathleen Wirt (Aphasia Victim), Lee Brooks (Aphasia Victim), Todd Feder (Federation Male) 05 CAPTIVE PURSUIT teleplay by Jill Sherman Donner and Michael Piller story by Jill Sherman Donner directed by Corey Allen music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: The first ship from the Gamma Quadrant emerges through the wormhole and arrives at DS9. Its single occupant is convinced to dock at the station to allow the crew to repair his battle-damaged vessel. O' Brien tries to get acquainted with the alien, who identifies itself only as Tosk. As soon as no one is watching, however, Tosk begins trying to determine how to fight and hide on the station. Odo discovers Tosk tampering with a security junction and Tosk winds up in the brig. A second ship arrives from the wormhole. Sisko gives the new visitors every chance to make friendly contact, but they instead disrupt the station's shields and beam into the Promenade without permission. Armed, they begin searching for Tosk and hold the crew at bay. It turns out that they are game hunters searching for Tosk, and advise the crew of DS9 to stay out of their way. O' Brien decides to take the rules of the hunt into his own hands to prevent Tosk from having to be bagged in captivity and disgrace. Guest Cast: Scott MacDonald (Tosk), Gerrit Graham (The Hunter), Kelly Curtis (Miss Sarda) 06 Q-LESS teleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe story by Hannah Louise Shearer directed by Paul Lynch music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46531.2: A Runabout barely returns from the Gamma Quadrant after experiencing a power loss on its way back to DS9. The crew must be rescued by Sisko, Kira and O' Brien on arrival, and they have brought a passenger back from the other side: Vash, Captain Picard's old flame from a vacation on Risa, last seen going off to explore the universe with Q. Vash has apparently been wandering through the Gamma Quadrant on her own for two years, and once she gets settled in on the station, begins making plans to sell several artifacts from the Gamma Quadrant. In the meantime, power failures begin occurring on DS9, coinciding with the arrival of Q, who is pestering Vash to continue her travels with him. Q also introduces himself to Sisko and the station crew and delights in irritating them as much as he has always enjoyed badgering the Enterprise crew. In the meantime, Vash meets Quark and they begin planning an auction of her Gamma Quadrant loot - off of which they both expect to make a fortune. Power failures and Q continue to plague the station, climaxing with a gravitational force sucking DS9 straight toward the wormhole. Sisko is unsure whether an unknown natural phenomenon is dragging the station to its doom, or if Q is simply playing another of his infamous pranks. Guest Cast: John de Lancie (Q), Jennifer Hetrick (Vash), Van Epperson (Bajoran Clerk), Tom McCleister (Kolos), Laura Cameron (Bajoran Woman) 07 DAX teleplay by D.C. Fontana and Peter Allan Fields story by Peter Allan Fields directed by David Carson music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46910.1: A small group of Klaestrons try to kidnap Lt. Dax from the station, but Sisko snags their ship in the station's tractor beam before they can escape with their hostage. The leader of the Klaestron party, Ilon Tandro, claims to be carrying out the extradition of Dax on charges of treason and the murder of Tandro's military father 30 years before, when Dax inhabited the host body Curzon. Sisko, not believing the charges and unable to comprehend Dax's silence regarding the situation, stalls the Klaestrons' plans by calling for an extradition hearing overseen by a Bajoran judge, and sends Odo to Klaestron 4 to find out as much as he can about Curzon Dax's activities 30 years ago. Meanwhile, time, and possibly the letter of the law, are against the case for Dax's freedom and survival. Guest Cast: Gregory Itzin (Ilon Tandro), Anne Haney (Arbiter Els Renora), Richard Lineback (Selin Peers), Fionnula Flanagan (Enina Tandro) 08 THE PASSENGER teleplay by Morgan Gendel, Robert Hewitt Wolfe and Michael Piller story by Morgan Gendel directed by Paul Lynch music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: As Odo and Starfleet newcomer Lt. Primmin irritate each other while trying to coordinate security for the transfer of a deuridium shipment due to arrive at DS9, a Runabout is sent to aid a crippled Kobliad prison ship, containing investigator Ty Kajada and two corpses, one of which was a notorious Kobliad criminal known as Rao Vantika, who, even after being pronounced dead by Bashir, is still considered a major threat by Kajada. Dax discovers, during post-mortem investigations, that Vantika was capable of transferring his consciousness into the mind of any other being without the recipient's consent or even their knowledge. The vital shipment may be lost to Vantika, whoever his evil ambitions inhabit now - and he has henchmen waiting to assist him on the station. Guest Cast: Caitlin Brown (Ty Kajada), James Lashly (Lt. Primmin), Christopher Collins (Durg), James Harper (Rao Vantika) 09 MOVE ALONG HOME teleplay by Frederick Rappaport, Lisa Rich and Jeanne Carrigan-Fauci story by Michael Piller directed by David Carson music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: A group of Gamma Quadrant aliens led by Falow makes first contact with the station, an event which Sisko intends to treat with the utmost seriousness and ceremony. Sisko is surprised, however, when Falow and his fellow travelers seem to be interested only in games. After Sisko leaves the proceedings out of boredom and mild disappointment, Quark cheats Falow in his casino, and Falow means to get even by introducing Quark to a game from the Gamma Quadrant. At the same time, Sisko, Dax, Major Kira and Dr. Bashir vanish from the station without a trace, finding themselves in a surreal maze occupied by images of Falow and others. As they try to work out the puzzle and help each other survive, Quark continues to play the game, only gradually becoming aware of who his pawns are. Guest Cast: Joel Brooks (Falow), James Lashly (Lt. Primmin), Clara Bryant (Chandra) 10 THE NAGUS teleplay by Ira Steven Behr story by David Livingston directed by David Livingston music by John Debney Stardate not given: Quark receives a surprise - and something of a dubious honor - when Grand Nagus Zek, a Ferengi business mogul, arrives at DS9. After some customary patronizing at Quark's, Zek insists on holding a conference of Ferengi profiteers there, while Quark fears that Zek plans on buying out his bar on the station. To everyone's surprise, especially Quark's, Zek announces his retirement and declares that Quark will succeed him to the coveted position of Grand Nagus. Many of the visiting Ferengi are jealous, as would be expected of them. But Quark discovers - after a close call - that someone among the Ferengi is jealous enough to try gaining the position of Nagus by killing him. Guest Cast: Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Tiny Ron (Maihar'du), Lee Arenberg (Gral), Lou Wagner (Krax), Barry Gordon (Nava), Wallace Shawn (Zek) 11 VORTEX written by Sam Rolfe directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Quark and Rom are involved in a shady deal with a pair of twin Miradorns when a recent visitor from the wormhole interrupts, kills one of the Miradorn brothers, and tries to steal a valuable item. Odo turns out to have been present all along and intervenes before the surviving Miradorn can exact vengeance, but Croden, the visitor from a distant planet Rakhar troubles Odo even more, for he may have a clue to the shapeshifter's origins in the Gamma Quadrant. Odo must decide whether or not to trust the criminal when Sisko orders him to transport Croden back through the wormhole to Rakhar - and the surviving Miradorn brother leaves DS9 to follow the Runabout carrying his brother's murderer. Guest Cast: Cliff DeYoung (Croden), Randy Oglesby (Ah-Kel), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Gordon Clapp (Hadran), Randy Oglesby (Ro-Kel), Kathleen Garrett (Vulcan Captain), Leslie Engelberg (Yareth) 12 BATTLE LINES teleplay by Richard Danus and Evan Carlos Somers story by Hilary J. Bader directed by Paul Lynch music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: On a routine day at the station, Kai Opaka, the Bajoran spiritual leader who helped lead Sisko to discover the wormhole when he first arrived at DS9, pays a surprise visit. Sisko, Kira and Bashir take Opaka on her first trip through the wormhole. Before they can return to the station, a signal is detected from a series of satellites orbiting a moon in the Gamma Quadrant. When Sisko's Runabout investigates, it is fired on by one of the satellites, forcing the ship to crash-land on the moon. Opaka dies on impact, but before Kira has long to grieve, warriors appear and take the crash survivors back to their camp. It is discovered that two groups of combatants have been stranded there for centuries, fighting a war in which no one ever dies - not even newcomers who find themselves in the line of fire. Guest Cast: Camille Saviola (Kai Opaka), Paul Collins (Zlangco), Jonathan Banks (Shel-la), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 13 THE STORYTELLER teleplay by Kurt Michael Bensmiller & Ira Steven Behr story by Kurt Michael Bensmiller directed by David Livingston music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46729.1: As the leaders of two Bajoran factions arrive on the station where Sisko hopes to diplomatically steer them away from solving their differences in combat, O' Brien and Dr. Bashir depart to Bajor in response to a distress call which vaguely stated that an entire community is jeopardized. Bashir is puzzled to find all of the villagers except one - the elderly Sirah - in perfect health, yet the locals still insist that they are in mortal danger. They discover, when the Sirah makes his appearance at a yearly festival (against Bashir's recommendation), that the threat comes from the legendary Dal'Rok, a mythical creature which descends upon the village for five nights of each year in an attempt to destroy it. But every year in the past several generations, the village Sirah told a Story, somehow halting the Dal'Rok's onslaught. This year, the Sirah will not complete his Story... Guest Cast: Lawrence Monoson (Hovath), Kay E. Kuter (The Sirah), Gina Philips (Varis), Jim Jansen (Faren), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Jordan Lund (Woban), Amy Benedict (Woman) 14 PROGRESS written by Peter Allan Fields directed by Les Landau music by John Debney Stardate 46844.3: With the aid of the station crew, the Bajoran provisional government prepares to convert a moon into part of a power system needed to help Bajor overcome the damage caused by decades of Cardassian rule. On a final inspection flyover of the moon, Kira and Dax detect humanoid life on the suface. Kira beams down and finds stubborn old Mullibok, who has been living on the moon almost since the Cardassians arrived to take over Bajor. Mullibok and his two neighbors rendered mute by Cardassian torture years ago refuse to leave the moon, even when Kira warns that the conversion of the moon into a power facility will kill all life there. But when Kira begins the first steps of the provisional government's orders to remove the settlers by force, she finds herself sympathetic with Mullibok's plight and joins in their fight to stay until the imminent end. Guest Cast: Brian Keith (Mullibok), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Nicholas Worth (Alien Captain), Michael Bofshever (Toran), Terrance Evans (Baltrim), Annie O' Donnell (Keena), Daniel Riordan (First Guard) 15 IF WISHES WERE HORSES teleplay by Neil McCue Crawford & William L. Crawford and Michael Piller story by Neil McCue Crawford & William L. Crawford directed by Robert Legato music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46853.2: The strange behavior of space near the wormhole and the sudden appearance in Chief O' Brien's quarters of a character from a bedtime story read to Molly signal the beginning of an alien study of the station's crew from the vantage point of manifestations of their imaginations, ranging from a favorite baseball player of Sisko's to a pair of ravishing beauties (appearing, naturally, on Quark's arms) to the girl of Bashir's dreams - Dax, but with a far different personality. At first the apparitions seem harmless, but it then seems that they are capable of posing danger to the crew. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Hana Hatae (Molly), Keone Young (Buck Bokai), Michael John Anderson (Rumpelstiltskin) 16 THE FORSAKEN teleplay by Don Carlso Dunaway and Michael Piller story by Jim Trombetta directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 46925.1: A handful of Federation ambassadors boards Deep Space 9 on a fact-finding mission - one which is failing to get off the ground since the delegates seem unable to cope with the fact that the station isn't exactly a proper Federation starbase. Among the delegates is Lwaxana Troi, who becomes enamoured of Odo after he retrieves a stolen item of hers from a thief at Quark's bar. As she begins scheming to snare the constable, a small probe emerges from the wormhole, and to O' Brien's surprise, the station computer actually works well enough for once to download information from the probe. The probe's effect on the station computer is inexplicable, including stranding Odo in a stuck turbolift with Lwaxana Troi... Guest Cast: Majel Barrett (Lwaxana Troi), Constance Towers (Ambassador Taxco), Michael Ensign (Ambassador Lojal), Jack Shearer (Ambassador Vadosia), Benita Andre (Anara) 17 DRAMATIS PERSONAE written by Joe Menosky directed by Cliff Bole music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 46922.3: A Klingon ship makes an unexpected return from a scientific mission in the Gamma Quadrant and self-destructs. A single member of the ship's crew beams himself into Ops, dying shortly after cryptically announcing "victory." As Dax and O' Brien start trying to piece together the mystery of the Klingon ship, divisions take place between members of DS9's crew. Kira, still unsatisfied after losing an argument with Sisko about security arrangements for a shipload of possible allies of the Cardassians, begins to plot against the commander, quietly gathering loyal followers among the crew and threatening those who don't sympathize with her cause. Sisko, in the meantime, goes into hiding supposedly for security reasons, as he and Chief O' Brien prepare for Kira's imminent mutiny. Odo remains the only officer who hasn't taken up arms with either side yet, since he has his own motive. Guest Cast: Tom Towles (Klingon), Stephen Parr (Valerian), Randy Pflug (Guard), Jeff Pruitt (Ensign) 18 DUET teleplay by Peter Allan Fields story by Lisa Rich & Jeanne Carrigan-Fauci directed by James L. Conway music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: A Federation freighter arrives and delivers a passenger who needs medical attention. At the mention of the passenger's disease, Kira realizes that whoever it is, they were at a forced labor camp operated on Bajor by the Cardassians which Kira helped to liberate years ago. But the patient turns out to be a Cardassian. Kira places him under arrest and, against Sisko's advice, interrogates him. Under questioning, the Cardassian suddenly proclaims himself to be Gul Darhe'el, who commanded the labor camps and authorized genocidal killings of Bajorans. Kira, along with the Bajoran provisional government, takes a more vested interest in proving him guilty of past atrocities...even if he isn't who he says he is. Guest Cast: Harris Yulin (Marritza), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Ted Sorel (Kaval), Tony Rizzoli (Kainon), Norman Large (Captain), Robin Christopher (Neela) 19 IN THE HANDS OF THE PROPHETS written by Robert Hewitt Wolfe directed by David Livingston music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Vedek Winn, a Bajoran spiritual leader who is a prime contender for the position of Kai, appears in Keiko's classroom and declares that Keiko's scientific teachings about the wormhole are in conflict with Bajoran beliefs. Winn's announcement divides the Federation officers and Bajorans on the station who follow Winn. Sisko attempts to enlist the aid of Vedek Bareil, the quiet leader in the race to become Kai, but initially meets with no cooperation. When terrorist acts begin, it becomes apparent that Bajoran political interests may also be deeply involved - and the Federation crew of Deep Space 9 may have outstayed their welcome. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Louise Fletcher (Winn), Philip Anglim (Vedek Bareil), Robin Christopher (Neela), Michael Eugene Fairman (Vendor) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Season Two: 1993-1994 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 20 THE HOMECOMING teleplay by Ira Steven Behr story by Jeri Taylor and Ira Steven Behr directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: A visitor to DS9 gives Quark the earring of a legendary Bajoran POW, and Quark hands it over to Kira. Kira recognizes it as the one belonging to Li Nalas, the greatest freedom fighter in Bajoran history and legend. Kira convinces Sisko to loan her a Runabout - and Chief O' Brien as pilot - to travel to Cardassia IV. Recovering Li Nalas and a handful of other Bajorans from a forced-labor camp, Kira and O' Brien rush back to DS9. Though the Bajoran provisional government officially condemns Kira's cabalier rescue operation, the Bajorans on the station and everywhere rejoice in Li's return. Sisko hopes Li can reunite the gradually dissolving Bajoran government, which is splitting into many factions, including the extremist reactionary Circle, isolationists who mean to evict all non-Bajorans from Bajor or DS9. The Circle is, in fact, beginning to make its presence known aboard the station, as is Li Nalas, when he winds up replacing Kira as the Bajoran liaison officer on DS9. Season 2 Regular Cast: Avery Brooks (Commander Benjamin Sisko), Rene Auberjonois (Odo), Siddig El Fadil (Dr. Julian Bashir), Terry Farrell (Lt. Jadzia Dax), Cirroc Lofton (Jake Sisko), Colm Meaney (Chief O' Brien), Armin Shimerman (Quark), Nana Visitor (Major Kira Nerys) Guest Cast: Richard Beymer (Li Nalas), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Michael Bell (Borum), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Frank Langella (Minister Jaro), Leslie Bevis (Freighter Captain), Paul Nakauchi (Tygarian Officer) 21 THE CIRCLE written by Peter Allan Fields directed by Corey Allen music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Kira has been recalled to Bajor, and accepts an invitation from Vedek Bareil to spend some time at his monastery. There, she encounters the Third Orb, which gives her a strange vision including Dax, Vedeks Winn and Bareil, Minister Jaro, and the Bajoran Chamber of Ministers. In the meantime, as Li Nalas tries to fit into his role as DS9's first officer, the crew stumbles across evidence that the Circle is not just an isolated faction, but is instead a well-organized and surprisingly well-armed movement which is waiting in the wings to overthrow the provisional government of Bajor by force. Unknown to the Circle's members, however, they are being provided weapons by the Cardassians, who anticipate correctly that Starfleet will order Sisko and all other Federation personnel to evacuate DS9 and leave Bajor to its own political machinations, wide open for a renewed Cardassian occupation. The Circle launches assault ships to take over the station, and many of the Starfleet occupants have no choice but to stay behind and fight for their survival. Guest Cast: Louise Fletcher (Vedek Winn), Richard Beymer (Li Nalas), Stephen Macht (Krim), Philip Anglim (Vedek Bareil), Frank Langella (Minister Jaro), Bruce Gray (Admiral Chekote), Mike Genovese (Zef'no), Eric Server (Peace Officer), Anthony Guidera (Cardassian) 22 THE SIEGE written by Michael Piller directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: DS9 is being abandoned, and everyone from the Starfleet contingent to civilians are evacuating to various places of safety. In the meantime, Sisko and some others decide to stay and fight it out with the Bajoran assault squadrons. Kira is determined to get proof of the Cardassians' interference in Bajoran affairs to the Chamber of Ministers, even if it means walking into the assembly and showing the evidence to them herself. Li tells her where to find hidden fighter craft left over from the Cardassian occupation, and with Dax's help, Kira sets out on her mission. Bajorans General Krim and Colonel Day, along with several shiploads of soldiers, take over the station, cautious because there is no resistance. Sisko, Li, Odo, and many other crew members begin to wage guerilla warfare upon DS9's new occupants. Kira and Dax, after a quick dogfight with Bajoran assault ships, crash-land on Bajor and are rescued by Vedek Bareil, who gets them into the Chamber of Ministers with the damning evidence intact. As the Circle's popularity dissolves before the eyes of its high-ranking supporters, the Bajoran troops on DS9 are ordered to stand down - but some of them insist on bearing a deadly hatred that will cost the Bajora one of their greatest legends. Guest Cast: Louise Fletcher (Vedek Winn), Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Steven Weber (Day), Richard Beymer (Li Nalas), Stephen Macht (Krim), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Philip Anglim (Vedek Bareil), Frank Langella (Minister Jaro), Katrina Carlson (Bajoran Officer), Hana Hatae (Molly) 23 INVASIVE PROCEDURES teleplay by John Whelpley and Robert Hewitt Wolfe story by John Whelpley directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 47182.1: DS9 is evacuated to avoid endangering any personnel due to the passage of a plasma storm. A handful of renegades infiltrates the nearly-abandoned station with the aid of Quark, who doesn't know what they're really after. The leader of the intruders is Verad, a candidate for Trill host who was rejected by the symbiosis evalutation board as unfit for the joining, and he intends to steal the symbiont Dax. As the crew is held hostage, Bashir is coerced into performing the operation to implant Dax into Verad. As Bashir struggles to keep Jadzia alive long enough to reunite her with Dax, Sisko tries to keep the newly integrated Verad Dax talking in hope of appealing to his mentor's better nature. Guest Cast: John Glover (Verad), Megan Gallagher (Mareel), Tim Russ (T'Kar), Steve Rankin (Yeto) 24 CARDASSIANS teleplay by James Crocker story by Gene Wolande and John Wright directed by Cliff Bole music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 47177.2: A Bajoran man arrives on DS9 with his adopted son, a young Cardassian who was abandoned when his people withdrew from Bajor. This draws the attention of the Cardassian government, particularly Gul Dukat, who claims he is eager to solve the dilemma of Cardassian war orphans left behind on Bajor. DS9's resident tailor, Garak, seems to find Dukat's sudden pledge to resolve the abandoned children's situation ironic, since the boy in question is really the son of one of the civilian assembly who voted to pull the Cardassian military out of Bajoran space - one of Dukat's political adversaries. Sisko and Dr. Bashir, aided and abetted by Garak's cryptic advice, must decide the fate of the Cardassian youth, possibly deciding the end result of an internal power struggle whose combatants couldn't care less about the boy's situation. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Robert Mandan (Kotan Pa'Dar), Terrance Evans (Proka), Dion Anderson (Zolan), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Sharon Conley (Jomat Luson), Karen Hensel (Deela), Jillian Ziesmer (Asha) 25 MELORA teleplay by Evan Carlos Somers and Steven Baum and Michael Piller & James Crocker story by Evan Carlos Somers directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 47229.1: The first Elaysian officer in Starfleet, Ensign Melora Pazlar, is assigned to DS9. Bashir and O'Brien have had to modify various passageways to permit Melora - whose low-gravity home world leaves her body reliant on a wheelchair in normal gravity - access to as much of the station as possible. In the meantime, Quark's former partner, who he once sold out to the Romulans in order to save his own skin, has finally been released by his captors and has come aboard the station to exact vengeance upon Quark. Bashir decides to make an effort to cut through Melora's oversensitivity and defensiveness in order to help her, and even discovers that there may be a way to reverse her handicap. Guest Cast: Daphne Ashbrook (Melora), Peter Crombie (Fallit Kot), Don Stark (Ashrock), Ron Taylor (Klingon Chef) 26 RULES OF ACQUISITION teleplay by Ira Steven Behr story by Hilary Bader directed by David Livingston music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Grand Nagus Zek once again plans to use DS9 as the launch pad of Ferengi business opportunities in the Gamma Quadrant, and again he sees Quark as a valuable agent in securing the financial future of the Ferengi Alliance - or a scapegoat should his efforts to make commercial inroads through the other side of the wormhole fail. A newcomer to Quark's is another Ferengi named Pel, who is especially savvy to Ferengi rules of commerce and materialism - but flies in the face of the rules of traditional Ferengi customs, since Pel is a female in disguise who, in Ferengi society, could be jailed for stepping out of her house with clothes on. Guest Cast: Helene Udy (Pel), Wallace Shawn (Zek), Tiny Ron (Maihar'du), Brian Thompson (Zyree), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Emilia Crow (Inglatu) 27 NECESSARY EVIL written by Peter Allan Fields directed by James L. Conway music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 47282.5: Quark is hired to retrieve a list of names hidden on DS9 by a Bajoran five years ago, but when he gets curious about the list's contents, a Bajoran man enters his bar and shoots him. As Quark fights for his life in the infirmary under guard, Odo realizes that this incident is somehow linked to the murder of a Bajoran five years ago, when Odo was assigned to investigate his first crime on DS9 by Gul Dukat. The Bajoran whose murder Odo never solved turns out to be the husband of the woman who paid Quark to get the list. Five years ago, she accused Kira of the crime, claiming that the then-resistance fighter was having an affair with the woman's husband. Though the woman is currently involved in some suspicious activities, she was correct in one of those assumptions. Guest Cast: Katherine Moffat (Pallra), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Robert Mackenzie (Trazko) 28 SECOND SIGHT teleplay by Mark Gehred O' Connell and Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe story by Mark Gehred O' Connell directed by Alexander Singer music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 47329.4: On the fourth anniversary of the Wolf 359 attack and the death of his wife, Commander Sisko tries to evade the painful reminder by walking around the station. On the Promenade, he meets a woman who identifies herself as Fenna, and though a spark of fascination ignites between them, she disappears without a trace moments later. The next day, despite Fenna's vanishing act, Sisko carries out his duties, including the preparation of the USS Prometheus to carry out a hazardous stellar ignition experiment under the auspices of Dr. Seyetik - whose wife, as it so happens, turns out to be Fenna...or a duplicate of her. En route to the potentially deadly site of a dead star via the Prometheus, Sisko struggles to decipher Fenna's secret. Guest Cast: Sally Elise Richardson (Fenna/Nidell), Richard Kiley (Seyetik), Mark Erickson (Piersall) 29 SANCTUARY teleplay by Frederick Rappaport story by Gabe Essoe and Kelley Miles directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 47391.2: A damaged ship emerges from the wormhole carrying four members of an unknown race from the Gamma Quadrant. The station's universal translator takes a good deal of time to decipher the aliens' language, but when it does decode their incomprehensible speech, they are able to tell Sisko and Kira that there are three million others on the other side of the wormhole, referrred to in their native Skrreean mythology as the eye of the universe, looking for Kentaana, their destiny according to legend. As it turns out, Kentaana is known in the Alpha Quadrant as Bajor, and the Skrreeans intend to emigrate there. Guest Cast: William Schallert (Varani), Andrew Koenig (Tumak), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Michael Durrell (General Hazar), Betty McGuire (Vayna), Robert Curtis-Brown (Vedek Sorad), Kitty Swink (Rozahn), Deborah May (Haneek), Leland Orser (Gai), Nicholas Shaffer (Cowl) 30 RIVALS teleplay by Michael Piller & Jim Trombetta story by Joe Menosky directed by David Livingston music by Jay Chattaway Stardate not given: A new face arrives on DS9's Promenade, an open face with an apparently big heart, enough to listen through any hard luck story and comfort the person telling it. Unknown to his increasingly large number of friends, however, Martus is simply gathering information and awaiting his opportunity. When he finds a way to open an entertainment center that steals Quark's clientele, Quark begins to suspect that his luck has run out. Little does he know... Guest Cast: Chris Sarandon (Martus), Lawrence Monoson (Hovath), Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Barbara Bosson (Roana), K. Callan (Alsia), Max Grodenchik (Rom), Albert Henderson (Cos) 31 THE ALTERNATE teleplay by Bill Dial story by Jim Trombetta and Bill Dial directed by David Carson music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Dr. Mora Pol, the Bajoran scientist who studied Odo and first discovered that Odo is a living creature, arrives on DS9 to enlist the shapeshifter's help in another research endeavor - this time a journey into the Gamma Quadrant to investigate a world that may once have harbored beings similar in nature to Odo. Finding only the ruins of some past civilization at first, the away team also find some local flora that appear to bear some resemblance to Odo. A geological upheaval on the planet sends the members of the away team scrambling for cover from suffocating natural gases. After returning to their runabout and going back to the station, most of them wind up recovering in the infirmary recovering from gas inhalation. Only Odo appears to be unaffected, which is fortunate since something the away team has brought back from the Gamma Quadrant would appear to be lose aboard DS9 - something with abilities remarkably similar to Odo's... Guest Cast: James Sloyan (Dr. Mora Pol), Matt MacKenzie (Dr. Weld Ram) 32 ARMAGEDDON GAME written by Morgan Gendel directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Jay Chattaway Stardate not given: Bashir and O' Brien are on attachment to a research vessel in the Gamma Quadrant, attempting to help the Kelleruns and T'lani destroy their bumper crop of biological weapons known as Harvesters. Shortly after finally discovering a means of rendering the Harvesters inert, the scientists on the alien ship are stormed by a squadron of armed troops. Only Bashir and O' Brien escape, beaming down to nearby T'lani III when they are unable to contact their Runabout. O' Brien has been infected by material from a Harvester and will die within days if he doesn't receive treatment that Bashir cannot provide without the station's medical facilities. In the meantime, Sisko and the crew have been informed that Bashir and O' Brien died in an accident aboard the research ship - but unknown to the crew, those who Bashir and O' Brien were helping in good faith are deliberately responsible for the attack. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Darleen Carr (E'tyshra), Peter White (Sharat), Larry Cedar (Nydrom), Bill Mondy (Jakin) 33 WHISPERS written by Paul Robert Coyle directed by Les Landau music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 47581.2: After returning from a briefing on security measures that will be needed aboard DS9 for a summit between leaders of warring factions of the Paradans, O' Brien feels that something strange is happening, though he can't quite place a finger on what it could be. Gradually, he discovers that everything he says and does is being double-checked by Sisko and the crew. His own wife and daughter don't seem comfortable around him, and even the most innocent questions he asks are evaded by everyone. As the time of the Paradan meeting draws near, O' Brien gets desperate for answers - but everyone else on the station seems intent on stopping him. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Todd Waring (DeCurtis), Susan Bay (Admiral), Philip LeStrange (Coutu), Hana Hatae (Molly), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 34 PARADISE teleplay by Jeff King and Richard Manning & Hans Beimler story by Jim Trombetta & James Crocker directed by Corey Allen music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate 47573.1: Surveying planets in the Gamma Quadrant for potential colonization by the Federation, Sisko and O' Brien discover a world which is already inhabited by humans - to be precise, survivors of a Starfleet shipwreck who have been living on the other side of the wormhole for over a decade. Led by the charismatic Alixus, the survivors have had to rely on basic skills to stay alive, since an energy field prevents any form of technology from functioning. Alixus presses Sisko and O' Brien to abandon any hope of rescue and stay with the colony, but when the two refuse to give up so easily, they discover that their hostess is not above relying on the darkest tactics to convince them... Guest Cast: Gail Strickland (Alixus), Julia Nickson (Cassandra), Steve Vinovich (Joseph), Michael Buchman Silver (Vinod), Erick Weiss (Stephan), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 35 SHADOWPLAY written by Robert Hewitt Wolfe directed by Robert Scheerer music by Jay Chattaway Stardate 47603.3: Detecting the emissions of a matter/antimatter reactor from an uncharted planet in the Gamma Quadrant, Dax and Odo beam down into a village whose simple inhabitants have been disappearing without a trace or any kind of explanation. At first the visitors from the Runabout are prime suspects, but once they prove that they have nothing to do with the series of disappearances, Dax and Odo are entrusted with the task of finding the guilty party. However, someone else in the village already knows the answer to the puzzle - the one person who is guaranteed not to vanish. Guest Cast: Philip Anglim (Vedek Bareil), Kenneth Mars (Colyus), Kenneth Tobey (Rurigan), Noley Thornton (Taya), Trula M. Marcus (Female Villager), Martin Cassidy (Male Villager) 36 PLAYING GOD Unavailable 37 PROFIT AND LOSS written by Flip Kobler & Cindy Marcus directed by Robert Weimer music by Jay Chattaway Stardate not given: A damaged Cardassian starship docks at DS9 and its pilot makes an urgent request for repairs so she and her passengers can continue on their way as soon as possible. She turns out to be Natima, a member of the Cardassian anti-military underground and an old lover of Quark's from seven years ago. Her ship has been damaged while trying to escape from the Cardassians with her precious cargo: followers of her pacifist movement. Quark is overjoyed to see Natima again, but her own enthusiasm about the reunion seems much more restrained. Garak, the station's only remaining resident Cardassian, is also happy to see Natima - but only in the same way that a hunter revels at the sight of prey... Guest Cast: Mary Crosby (Natima), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Michael Reilly Burke (Hogue), Heidi Swedberg (Rikelan), Edward Wiley (Gul Teran) 38 BLOOD OATH television story and teleplay by Peter Allan Fields based upon material by Andrea Moore Alton directed by Winrich Kolbe music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Three elderly Klingons whose days of glory passed into history and legend with the conclusion of Federation-Klingon hostilities have arrived at DS9 in search of their old friend Curzon Dax. Decades ago, after the three Klingons led a victorious assault on a ruthless enemy, their first sons were murdered in an act of revenge. The bereaved fathers made a pact, along with their mutual friend Dax, to avenge their sons' deaths. After years of searching, the murderer has been found - and they wonder if Jadzia Dax will still honor an oath of vengeance made by Curzon Dax. The principal Klingon guest stars each made their debut appearances in episodes of the original "Star Trek" - John Colicos' Kor appeared as the first Klingon in Trek history in 1967's "Errand of Mercy"; William Campbell stirred up "The Trouble With Tribbles" as Koloth later that same year, and Michael Ansara locked horns with Captain Kirk in 1968's "Day of the Dove." Guest Cast: John Colicos (Kor), William Campbell (Koloth), Michael Ansara (Kang), Bill Bolender (The Albino), Christopher Collins (Albino's Aide) 39 THE MAQUIS, PART I teleplay by James Crocker story by Rick Berman & Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor and James Crocker directed by David Livingston also see Next Generation #171 "Journey's End" music by Jay Chattaway Stardate not given: A Cardassian ship is destroyed moments after leaving dock at DS9, and evidence is discovered pointing to sabotage - committed not by Bajorans, but by someone in the Federation. Gul Dukat arrives on the station, telling Sisko that things are heating up along the recently realigned Cardassian/Federation border, along which a demilitarized zone has been erected. Also present on the station is the Federation attache' to the Federation colonies on the border, Commander Hudson, who also happens to be an old friend of Sisko. Dukat and Sisko travel to one of the border colonies, witnessing a furious battle between Federation and Cardassian colonists' vessels along the way. On arrival, they discover that the human responsible for the destruction of the Cardassian vessel has been captured on DS9, interrogated and then killed, enraging the human colonists. After returning to the station, Dukat is kidnapped and taken from the station. A message is received from a group who call themselves the Maquis, claiming responsibility for the abduction. Sisko, Kira and Bashir track down the ship that must have taken Dukat from the station, and Sisko discovers that Hudson, who has voiced sympathies for the displaced Federation colonists, is the leader of the colonists in their war against their Cardassian neighbors. Guest Cast: Bernie Casey (Commander Cal Hudson), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Tony Plana (Amaros), Bertila Damas (Sakonna), Richard Poe (Gul Evek), Michael A. Krawic (Samuels), Amanda Carlin (Kobb), Michael Rose (Niles), Steven John Evans (Guard) 40 THE MAQUIS, PART II teleplay by Ira Steven Behr story by Rick Berman & Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor and Ira Steven Behr directed by Corey Allen music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: The Cardassian Central Command is up in arms about the abduction of Gul Dukat, and Hudson has declared his intention to help the Maquis with all his resources. A visit from a high representative of Cardassia puzzles Sisko when he declares that Dukat is responsible for smuggling weapons into the demilitarized zone and, if returned to Cardassia, will be executed. Sisko goes after Dukat, rescuing him from the Maquis and sending a message to Hudson through renegade colonist Amaros. Dukat, as it happens, has been kept in the dark, and agrees to help Sisko prove the source of the Cardassian colonists' arms in exchange for Sisko's help in bringing Maquis violence to a halt. A captured Vulcan members of the Maquis reveals a plan to attack a hidden Cardassian weapons depot, and Sisko launches DS9's fleet of Runabouts to intercept the Maquis' two vessels. Sisko is pressured by Starfleet and Dukat to hunt Hudson down and stop him at any cost to prevent a full-scale war. Guest Cast: Bernie Casey (Commander Cal Hudson), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat), Tony Plana (Amaros), John Schuck (Legate Parn), Natalija Nogulich (Admiral Nechayev), Bertila Damas (Sakonna), Michael Bell (Xepolite), Amanda Carlin (Kobb), Michael Rose (Niles) 41 THE WIRE written by Robert Hewitt Wolfe directed by Kim Friedman music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: During a lunchtime disagreement with Bashir over the relative merits of Cardassian literature, Garak begins to loose his plain, simple demeanor and concerns Bashir immensely. Garak finally collapses, and Bashir discovers the source of the mysterious Cardassian's ailment - some kind of implant is connected to his brain. Quark, having been contacted by Garak to acquire something related to his problem, stumbles across the party responsible for the implant - Cardassia's Obsidian Order, a feared secret police organization which has been known to obtain information by means even darker than the Cardassian military's interrogators. Bashir risks delving into the mysteries of the Obsidian Order in a race against time to find a cure for Garak - and perhaps to learn some of his secrets. Guest Cast: Andrew Robinson (Garak), Jimmie F. Skaggs (Glinn Boheeka), Ann Gillespie (Nurse Jabara), Paul Dooley (Enabran Tain) 42 CROSSOVER teleplay by Peter Allan Fields and Michael Piller story by Peter Allan Fields directed by David Livingston also see Classic Trek #34 "Mirror, Mirror" music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: When a Runabout's warp field doesn't completely shut off as it enters the wormhole, Kira and Bashir are detoured into an alternate universe generated by the consequences of previous travelers' interference. The station, still operating under its Cardassian name Terok Nor, and Intendant Kira Nerys lords over the station and its inhabitants with the help of first officer Garak and her Klingon cronies. Bashir is immediately forced to labor in the ore processing facility, while Kira meets her tyrannical, avaricious counterpart. Sisko and O' Brien are also to be found in this universe, as downtrodden humans living lives of virtual slavery under Kira's whip. Treachery abounds aboard the station, and Kira and Bashir can only try to play all sides against each other in order to find a way back to their own universe. Guest Cast: Andrew Robinson (Garak), John Cothran Jr. (Telok), Stephen Gevedon (Klingon #1), Jack R. Orden (Human), Dennis Madalone (Marauder) 43 THE COLLABORATOR teleplay by Gary Holland and Ira Steven Behr & Robert Hewitt Wolfe story by Gary Holland directed by Cliff Bole music by Jay Chattaway Stardate not given: The choosing of Bajor's new Kai draws near, and some candidates are not above resorting to hardline tactics to discredit their rivals. When one of the top Bajoran traitors of the Cardassian occupation turns up on the station and is promptly pardoned by Vedek Winn, Kira's suspicions are aroused, as is her anger when Winn accuses Vedek Bareil, the leading candidate in the race and Kira's lover, of collaborating with the Cardassians. Kira makes every attempt to clear Bareil's name as the election looms, but only discovers more evidence pointing him out as a traitor to the Bajora. By the time Kira learns the truth about Bareil's involvement in a massacre that cost the lives of 43 Bajoran freedom fighters including the late Kai Opaka's son, Winn has become Bajor's new Kai. Guest Cast: Louise Fletcher (Vedek Winn), Philip Anglim (Vedek Bareil), Bert Remsen (Kubus), Camille Saviola (Kai Opaka), Charles Parks (Eblan), Tom Villard (Prylar Bek) 44 TRIBUNAL written by Bill Dial directed by Avery Brooks music by Jay Chattaway Stardate not given: O' Brien and Keiko depart in a runabout to enjoy some vacation time alone, but their plans are cut short when a Cardassian ship intercepts the runabout, sends a boarding party, and takes custody of O' Brien, sending Keiko back to the station. On Cardassia Prime, O' Brien is jailed and assigned a lawyer, even though he has already been charged, convicted and sentenced to execution. Cardassian law allows the spouse and counsel to attend the trial, and Odo, with his background in law enforcement under the Cardassian reign over Bajor, volunteers to be O' Brien's counsel. Both are frustrated when no one will clarify what crime O' Brien is being accused of, and the Cardassian system of justice promises a speedy trial.. Guest Cast: Rosalind Chao (Keiko), Caroline Lagerfelt (Mokbar), Fritz Weaver (Conservator Kovat), John Beck (Boone), Richard Poe (Gul Evek), Julian Christopher (Clerk), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) 45 THE JEM'HADAR written by Ira Steven Behr directed by Kim Friedman music by Dennis McCarthy Stardate not given: Sisko decides to take Jake and Nog to the Gamma Quadrant so they can survey an unexplored planet for a school science project, but is not so happy when Quark tags along to try to curry favor with the station commander. But even Quark becomes a minor inconvenience when a female of an unknown species stumbles across Sisko's camp while the boys are off collecting firewood. Alien warriors known as the Jem'Hadar appear out of nowhere using personal cloaking devices and take Sisko, Quark and the fugitive Eris prisoner. Eris reveals that the Jem'Hadar are the most feared and ruthless soldiers in the Dominion, a Gamma Quadrant government which has oft been spoken of by those from the other side of the wormhole, but has yet to make a personal appearance. One of the Jem'Hadar visits the station and delivers an ultimatum to Kira - the Dominion will no longer tolerate unwanted guests from the Alpha Quadrant in their territory. Starfleet sends the Galaxy class starship Odyssey to retrieve Sisko and the others, but even the tallest ship of the fleet cannot withstand the brute force of the Jem'Hadar. Guest Cast: Alan Oppenheimer (Captain Keogh), Aron Eisenberg (Nog), Cress Williams (Telon), Molly Hagan (Eris), Michael Jace (1st Officer), Sandra Grando (2nd Officer), Majel Barrett (Computer Voice) ================================================================================ revision: 2Z updated & compiled: 28 July 1994 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ All text in this file (c)1993, 1994 Earl Green - see the file READTHIS.TXT for acknowledgements and distribution site info. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ