49 files found in Library "Math / Sci. / Eng."

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
APOLLO11.ZIP No 2781 07-10-94
Apollo 11 25th Anniversary Spcl Event Station
activity 07/20/94 (HAM).
CF427.ZIP Yes 123592 09-25-94
Curvefits v4.27 - Science/Engineering curve
fitting program. Performs 18 distinct curve
fits. Automatically selects best fits based
on correlation coefficient and standard
error. Menu Driven. Handles up to 250 data
points. Graph & Zoom capability. EGA CGA VGA.
CHM312.ZIP Yes 354835 07-19-94
For problem solving in Computational
Chemistry and other areas.
Activity coefficients, conductivity data,
flory-huggins formula, heat capacity, ideal
gas law, langmuir adsorption, mixture
composition, mole fractions, poisson
distribution, vapor pressure, weak acid
CMLINE10.ZIP Yes 3153 10-12-94
Heavly optimized line drawing algorithm, with
inner loop faster than Bresenham. By Celso
CMSTR201.ZIP Yes 652900 03-05-94 Conversion Master engineering calculator 2.01
ECMTH100.ZIP Yes 233164 09-17-94
EC-Math version 1; a utility for Arabesque
Software Inc's Ecco version 2 or later that
allows you to summarize (total, average,
minimum, maximum) detail item column values
(not just numeric values) to the parent item;
EVAL30.ZIP Yes 28550 07-02-94
Eval v3.0: DOS expression evaluator/command
line calculator; 07/02/94; Terry A. Reagan.
EZ555V20.ZIP Yes 101239 10-03-94
EZ555 v2.00 ASP (ESC) An easy to use design
program for the popular 555 timer. Educators
and engineers can use EZ555 to quickly
explore many designs in a short time.
FASTCAL_.ZIP Yes 74524 10-05-94
FastCalc - 6/1/94 - successor to CALCULAT
Easy to use calculator for simple addition,
subtraction, division and multiplication.
Contains basic calculator and %, decimal,
backspace, memory save/recall. Pops up w/LCD.
GEOCLK60.ZIP Yes 405512 08-09-94
GEOCLOCK 6.0 sunlight clock for EGA, VGA. And
SVGA. The current sun position is displayed,
and the parts of the earth in sunlight and
twilight are highlighted, with local
sunrise/set and times around the world.
GEOXTR60.ZIP Yes 193426 08-08-94
Extra files for GeoClock sunlight clock.
These files require GEOCLK60, and include
three additional maps, several utility
programs, and the data base for configuring
GeoClock by US zip code.
GLOSSRY.ZIP Yes 10838 07-02-94 Glossary of Fiber Related Terminology.
GRAMXPRT.ZIP Yes 115081 04-23-94
Grammar/Punctuation/Writing reference-
Online, hypertext reference book for English
grammar, punctuation, and effective writing.
Contains practical answers, guidelines, and
advice on 1000s of grammar-related points.
GRAPHIT6.ZIP Yes 87383 10-06-94
GRAPHIT! 6.0 Great graphing prog 7/1/94
Graphs trigonometric functions. Accepts input
for per, amp & shift. SW$15 Features mouse,
range, PI values & sound. FAST! FUN!
ISCHEM20.ZIP Yes 339873 08-15-94
The Integral Scientist v2.01 A data &
calculation utility for working chemists &
advanced students. Periodic table with 66+
properties per element. Calculators for
molecular weight, chemical solutions, redox,
dilutions, 15000+ unit conversions, solvents
database, scientific data viewer, context
sensitive hypertext help and documentation.
KSTAT338.ZIP Yes 680966 04-05-94
KWIKSTAT v3.38 - Allows you
perform statistical data analyses and
graph business & scientific data. 1992
SIA winner. Recognized as one of the
best data analysis packages. Dr.
Filefinder says "No program I've seen
beats KWIKSTAT." Created, maintained &
supported by professional statisticians.
LMAN601A.ZIP Yes 315194 08-09-94
LASR_MAN MicroMetric : Great for docs,
manuals, drafts, etc.- save up to 94% of
paper usage! Laser/ink jet printer utility
for ASCII text files - hunderds of styles
LMAN601B.ZIP Yes 44564 07-31-94
LASR_MAN MicroMetric : BASIC soft
fonts for the program LASR_MAN, to support
HP LaserJet + printers and compatibles.
LUNCEL15.ZIP Yes 63801 08-01-94
Lunareclipse 1.5 - Interactive lunare clipse
program. Fast animated graphics. Interactive
controlling of moon movement.
LUNECL16.ZIP Yes 218316 10-01-94
Lunareclipse v1.6 - INTERACTIVE program with
Fast animated Graphics.Shareware. Switzerland
MBOMPAT.ZIP Yes 4920 07-17-94 Pa-rathogenic organisms (ag biotech).
MRM1100.ZIP Yes 325492 09-01-94
MR. MACHINIST v1.10 - Math/Machining Program.
Easy-to-use menu driven math and engineering
program designed to solve geometry and
trigonometry problems that machinist and
industrial engineers encounter. Very fine.
MYSTAR20.ZIP Yes 196273 07-10-94
MyStars! Ver 2.0a Astronomy, planetarium for
Win 3.1. View the stars, planets, M objects
as seen from any place on earth any
date/time. Now with: Zoom In/Out, Object
tracking and Animation. Star & Constellation
Names, Alt/Azi, Rta/Dec, ELatLng lines.
StatusBar. Scientific, Educational. Min Reqd:
386, Windows 3.1, no coprocessor reqd. $12
NONLIN30.ZIP Yes 233960 02-01-94
NONLIN v3.0 - Nonlinear regression
statistics and curve fitting. Nonlin
determines the values of parameters for an
equation, whose form you specify using
ordinary algebraic notation, that cause the
equation to best fit a set of data values.
PBOMRCE.ZIP Yes 8977 07-17-94 Pa-rice (ag biotech).
PBOMWAL.ZIP Yes 6009 07-17-94 Pa-walnut (ag biotech).
PHY312.ZIP Yes 228157 07-17-94
For problem solving in Physics, Applied
Physics and Physical Chemistry. Techniques
are applicable to all math-based analyses.
PLANET60.ZIP Yes 252467 08-01-94
Planetarium 6.0 - Interactive astronomy
program. High accuracy, and fast VGA
animation. Jupiter moons in real time.
Mailed specially to Channel 1 by Swiss author
PLANET61.ZIP Yes 336975 10-01-94
Planetarium v6.1 - INTERACTIVE astronomy
program w/fast animated VGA graphics. HIGH
accuracy ephemerides of sun, moon, planets!
Jupiter moons in realtime !
PLRES101.ZIP Yes 25894 09-19-94
Parallel Resistance 1.01 Coding by David C.
Massey Released September 1994 Freeware FIND
standard 1% resistor value that, when placed
in parallel with a known resistor, will
produce a desired parallel.
RESNET33.ZIP Yes 63790 06-30-94
RESNET provides you with a simple way to
design common resistor networks like voltage
dividers and attenuators. With RESNET you
supply the desired results and the program
takes care of the analysis.
SAC.ZIP Yes 872737 06-20-94
The Foxpro SAC System is a set of programs de
the Saguaro Astronomy Club Database. This da
and double star objects.
SAT115.ZIP Yes 110470 06-06-94
SAT satellite delivery system update Sorts,
deletes dups, culls bags, does just about
anything you need done with sat feed data.
SATFIND2.ZIP Yes 31919 08-12-94
This is SATFIND version 2.0 A very simple
program to compute azimuth and and elevation
of geostationary North American television
SCI312.ZIP Yes 221133 07-19-94
Interactive Engineering Manual-
For Scientists and Engineers. Topics:
interpolation, integration, series, standard
deviation, least squares regression, optics,
lens, mirror, surveying, physics, chemistry,
electricity and financial topics.
SOL312.ZIP Yes 226087 07-19-94
Interactive simultaneous equation solver.
Solves linear and nonlinear simultaneous
equations. Format-free. Up to 30 unknowns.
Also a spreadsheet/calculator. Versatile,
powerful and very portable.
SOP9435A.ZIP Yes 265823 08-25-94
STSORBIT PLUS Version 9435A: Track and
display any satellite for which orbital data
is avail able. Used by NASA and the aerospace
industry as well as hams and "just plain
folks" around the world.
SPLOT104.ZIP Yes 1095155 07-26-94
Presentation quality PM XY scientific
plotting program (OS/2)
SYMBOL.ZIP Yes 131901 09-30-94
Mathomatic V5.3 is a powerful symbolic math
program that can automatically solve,
simplify, combine, and graph algebraic
equations, etc. Does calculus operations,
too. Mathomatic is an inexpensive
alternative to Mathematica.
UCALC24.ZIP Yes 87082 08-16-94 Ultra-Calc v2.4 super printing calculator
WASP12.ZIP Yes 130623 08-12-94
Water and Steam Properties v1.2
Physical properties of ice, water and steam
in many popular units. Data for 15 fixed and
17 variable properties from -100 to 800 deg C
and up to 1000 bar. Replaces printed Steam
Tables but covers many more properties and
eliminates the need to interpolate between
data points. Has context sensitive on-line
Help. Calculated data points match published
data very closely. Shareware reg $40.00.
WILALM.ZIP Yes 128792 04-22-94
Wilstar Almanac - provides a screen display
of the current date, time, calendar, moon
phase and other lunar information. Number of
days left in the year are also shown. A quote
from a database of more than 150 quotes is
displayed and updated hourly.
WLPLT251.ZIP Yes 287454 08-06-94
WL-Plot 2.51 - Mathematical Plotting Program.
Plots either Algebraic or RPN functions in
cartesian, parametric, polar modes.MUCH MORE!
XYSEE40A.ZIP Yes 172371 09-04-94
XYSee 4.0a Visual Win/DOS HS Math. -
Visual HS & College Alg., Geom., & Trig.
SAT, ACT, Math Placement. MORE! auto-installs
in WINDOWS & DOS. reqs VGA graphics $30 reg
_DEG2RAD.ZIP Yes 47802 09-01-94
DEGREE 2 RADIANS 4.0 9/94 - provides radian
measure of an angle as well as reference
angle. FAST! For mathematics. Member [ASAP]
_GRAPHIT.ZIP Yes 87729 09-01-94
GRAPHIT! Graphs trigonometric functions
Input for period, amplitude, & shift.
Features mouse, range, PI values & sound.
_MATHTOO.ZIP Yes 67615 09-01-94
MathTools 3.11 Extended Scientific Calculator
DOS successor to MathCad(TM) Everything! Opt.
Math Coprocessor. Slick Interface. Does Log,
Ln, Sin, Cos, Tan, Csc, Sec, Cot,Prime/Whole
Tests, Deg/Grad/Rad Conversions,Areas,
Volume, to name a few.� by TTW -=-=- [ASAP]