26 files found in Library "Menus and Shells"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
BOBCAT40.ZIP No 84938 09-16-94
Bobcat v4.0: file-directory/program manager
that is beautifully graphic & easily
customized w/online help at press of a key
CF536S.ZIP Yes 180016 08-15-94
CMFiler v5.36s -- Acclaimed by DOS 6
SECRETS author Bob Ainsbury and PC Mag's
Edward Mendelson. Split-screen file manager
with full suite of file and dir services,
including tree mode. Built-in file editor,
floppy formatter/copier/filler, file and text
finders, print spooler, notepad, app
launcher, more. Small and fast. No special
sys req'ments, supports 43/50-line EGA/VGA,
DOS 3 or later. $30 shareware from NoVaSoft.
CMENU500.ZIP Yes 624858 08-05-94
C-MENU/32 v5.00 A stunning easy to use
32-bit graphical (GUI) VGA only menuing
system, C-Menu/32 is the Advanced Menuing
System. Contains many powerful features.
Configure unlimited entries, folders, unique
Windows application launcher, context
sensitive help, attach icons to entries, a
novice user mode, security, address book,
beautiful 256 color screen savers, runs all
programs while freeing all memory.
CMFILE_S.ZIP Yes 177406 08-15-94
CMFiler File Manager v5.36s ASP - Highly
versatile disk and file manager with
sideby-side split screen format for display
of dir lists or disk tree structures. Easy
syntax, mouse and 43/50-line VGA support.
Great for laptops.
EM54.ZIP Yes 153598 07-19-94
EASY MENU 5.4 The easiest hard disk
Menu of all ! Up to 200 scrollable items!
EZMENU15.ZIP Yes 55728 09-06-94
EASYMENU v1.5 FAST and simple VGA menu
system. Compatible with any IBM PC 286 or
Better using an EGA/VGA monitor.
HACK105.ZIP Yes 64627 08-10-94
DISKHACK ver 1.05 new Irish product, a PCTOOL
/NORTON UTILITIES lookalike now with full
support for CD-ROM's and Network drives still
Hex,Dec,Oct Calculator, sings! Handy!
KWKMNU32.ZIP Yes 68226 02-18-94
Improved Version 3.2/A (now with colored
menus)of this simple but efficient batch file
menu maker.
MS_SH23B.ZIP Yes 826595 10-11-94 MS-DOS Shell v2.3. 1/2 unzip using -d option
MS_SH23S.ZIP Yes 509469 10-11-94 MS-DOS Shell v2.3. 2/2 unzip using -d option
PGPM20.ZIP Yes 46708 09-20-94
PGPMENU V2.0 Major Update. Freeware MENU
SYSTEM for using ALL functions of PGP
PGS099F.ZIP Yes 71350 10-03-94 A professional shell for PGP.
PTHORA20.ZIP Yes 676357 09-29-94
PLETHORA! v2.0 Complete GUI system software
DOS based - the ULTIMATE Menu!! Brandyware
PUT333.ZIP Yes 216010 09-09-94
PUT & GET 3.33 and INSTALL 3.33 from MicroFox
a command and/or menu driven compression and
archiving program. GET is the decompression
and unarchiving program that goes with it.
Author: Jim Hass {STAR} [ASAD] Member.
QMENU_42.ZIP Yes 88289 07-01-94
Quick Menu v4.2 - GUI menu for DOS w/mouse
SD_110.ZIP Yes 106423 09-24-94
SHUTDOWN v1.10 an excellent program designed
to be called from a menuing program, which
will give the user the option to go back to
the menu. Or shut the computer down.
SHEZ103A.ZIP Yes 283420 10-05-94
SHEZ v10.3A--Premier Compression Shell.
Added: Support for RAR compressor, MORE!
Robust, classic Shareware program
SHEZFIX.ZIP Yes 55292 10-05-94
SHEZ v10.3A--This is a patch to the
10.3 release of SHEZ. It corrects a problem
when attempting to view WIN type compressed
files. (SHEZ103A includes this fix)
SMALLMNU.ZIP Yes 8111 06-27-94
Small Menu v1.0 A small menu program that
only requires a text monitor.
STARMU60.ZIP Yes 451812 07-13-94
STAR MENU for DOS 6.0 - Latest Version! New
VERSION, improved graphics & screens,
seamless link to STAR MENU for Windows 1.0,
STLTH65.ZIP Yes 99839 10-09-94
STEALTH v6.5 Versatile Archive Converter.
Use your RAM disk for compression, Launch
files while converting, virus scan entire
subdirectories, tag files with internal file
manager, QWK packet compression, internal
UUENCODE/DECODE, all Internet archivers, MORE
UMENU101.ZIP Yes 219694 08-31-94
UltiMenu v1.01 DOS Menu System
Removes itself completely from system memory
for running programs; 18 Categories with 18
Programs per Category are supported; mouse
support; fully configurable; context sensitiv
on-line help; offers many built-in utilities
such as a File Handler, Screen Blanker,
Contact Manager and Label Manager.
VSM22.ZIP Yes 58786 08-21-94
VGA Startup Menu version 2.2 A great FREE
menu program for running your DOS programs.
Built-in VGA screen saver. Password protect
Shows Time & Date. Single key execution.
VTEC60AN.ZIP Yes 139015 03-02-94
Virus Terminus 6.0AN - Menu/Front End for
CLEAN option selection; Immunize, Detect, &
Recover against new/unknown virus infectors
menu support and options; virus fact sheets;
activity report log; create emerg. work
floppy + more;