COMQUOTE.EXE v.1.0 COMQUOTE.EXE is a program that, upon execution, chooses a random quotation from various comic books stored in the program and prints it to the screen. This program adds a nice touch to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or in menu programs. This program is public domain and may be distributed at will. All I ask of you is that you distribute this file along with the executable. If you would like to see your favorite quote entered into COMQUOTE's memory, send E-mail to (Please put the word COMQUOTE in the Subject: line.) with the message, quoted like the following: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Even by MY standards, this was a scrap to remember." --Wolverine UNCANNY X-MEN #153 ------------------Or, for more than one speaker:---------------------- Peacemaker: "What does it matter which one dies first? They're both my enemy!" (Sfx) BUH-DOOOOM! Major Force: "Oof! What was in that last punch, baby?" Duchess: "That...wasn't me. This is!" (Sfx) KRAK! --Peacemaker, Major Force, & Duchess SUICIDE SQUAD #28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Or, if you wish to send suggestions by Snail Mail send them to: Craig Rettig 11553 County Road 24 Arlington, OH 45814 U.S.A. Of course, I reserve the right Not to include suggestions due to content matter or failure to correctly identify the source. If you get a corrupt program, or lose the file, send three dollars (in U.S. funds, possibly more for non-U.S. residents) in cash or a postal money order to the above address. Also include requested disk size (3.5" or 5.25"). As always, any monetary donations are welcome (I'm especially fond of cash and small press comics) to help continue the advancement of shareware. Send these to the above address also. Hope you enjoy this program. --Craig Rettig January, 1994.