WPC 2 BVM ZPica 10cpit?xxx ix6X@U X@Commodore MPS 1250COMPS125.PRSx  @,!X@2/?3|x31-03-94 12:16a Mon. Stuff Text  XX    Entry Format: (from permonst.h) name, symbol (S_* defines), difficulty level, move rate, armor class, magic resistance, alignment, creation/geno flags (G_* defines), 6 * attack structs ( type , damage-type, # dice, # sides ), weight (WT_* defines), nutritional value, extension length, sounds made (MS_* defines), physical size (MZ_* defines), resistances, resistances conferred (both MR_* defines), 3 * flag bitmaps (M1_*, M2_*, and M3_* defines respectively) symbol color (C(x) macro) { "Wizard of Yendor", S_HUMAN, 30, 12, -8, 100, A_NONE, G_NOGEN, { { AT_CLAW, AD_SAMU, 2, 12 }, { AT_MAGC, AD_SPEL, 0, 0 }, NO_ATTK, NO_ATTK, NO_ATTK, NO_ATTK }, WT_HUMAN, 400, 0, MS_CUSS, MZ_HUMAN, MR_FIRE | MR_POISON, MR_FIRE | MR_POISON, M1_FLY | M1_BREATHLESS | M1_HUMANOID | M1_REGEN | M1_SEE_INVIS | M1_TPORT | M1_TPORT_CNTRL | M1_OMNIVORE, M2_NOPOLY | M2_HUMAN | M2_PNAME | M2_HOSTILE | M2_STRONG | 88 M2_NASTY | M2_PRINCE | M2_MALE | M2_MAGIC, M3_COVETOUS | M3_WAITFORU, C(HI_LORD) }, AT_NONE passive monster (ex. acid blob) AT_CLAW claw (punch, hit, etc.) AT_BITE bite AT_KICK kick AT_BUTT head butt (ex. a unicorn) AT_TUCH touches AT_STNG sting AT_HUGS crushing bearhug AT_SPIT spits substance - ranged AT_ENGL engulf (swallow or by a cloud) AT_BREA breath - ranged AT_EXPL explodes - proximity AT_GAZE gaze - ranged AT_TENT tentacles AT_WEAP uses weapon AT_MAGC uses magic spell(s) Add new damage types below. Note that 1-10 correspond to the types of attack used in buzz(). Please don't disturb the order unless you rewrite the buzz() code. AD_PHYS ordinary physical AD_MAGM magic missiles AD_FIRE fire damage AD_COLD frost damage AD_SLEE sleep ray AD_DISN disintegration (death ray) AD_ELEC shock damage AD_DRST drains str (poison) AD_ACID acid damage AD_SPC1 for extension of buzz() AD_SPC2 for extension of buzz() AD_BLND blinds (glowing eye) ....XXԌAD_STUN stuns AD_SLOW slows AD_PLYS paralyses AD_DRLI drains life levels (Vampire) AD_DREN drains magic energy AD_LEGS damages legs (xan) AD_STON petrifies (Medusa, Cockatrice) AD_STCK sticks to you (Mimic) AD_SGLD steals gold (Leppie) AD_SITM steals item (Nymphs) AD_SEDU seduces & steals multiple items AD_TLPT teleports you (Quantum Mech.) AD_RUST rusts armour (Rust Monster) AD_CONF confuses (Umber Hulk) AD_DGST digests opponent (trapper, etc.) AD_HEAL heals opponent's wounds (nurse) AD_WRAP special "stick" for eels AD_WERE confers lycanthropy AD_DRDX drains dexterity (Quasit) AD_DRCO drains constitution AD_DRIN drains intelligence (mind flayer) AD_DISE confers diseases AD_DCAY decays organics (Brown pudding) AD_SSEX Succubus seduction (extended) If no SEDUCE then same as AD_SEDU AD_DETH for Death only AD_PEST for Pestilence only AD_FAMN for Famine only AD_CLRC random clerical spell AD_SPEL random magic spell AD_RBRE random breath weapon AD_SAMU hits, may steal Amulet (Wizard) AD_CURS random curse (ex. gremlin) MS_SILENT makes no sound MS_BARK if full moon, may howl MS_MEW mews or hisses MS_ROAR roars MS_GROWL growls MS_SQEEK squeaks, as a rodent MS_SQAWK squawks, as a bird MS_HISS hisses MS_BUZZ buzzes (killer bee) MS_GRUNT grunts (or speaks own language) MS_NEIGH neighs, as an equine MS_WAIL wails, as a tortured soul MS_GURGLE gurgles, as liquid or through saliva MS_BURBLE burbles (jabberwock) MS_ANIMAL up to here are animal noises MS_SHRIEK wakes up others MS_BONES rattles bones (skeleton) MS_LAUGH grins, smiles, giggles, and laughs MS_MUMBLE says something or other MS_IMITATE imitates others (leocrotta) MS_ORC MS_GRUNT intelligent brutes  ?* MS_HUMANOID @ @  generic traveling companion  ?+ MS_ARREST @ @  "Stop in the name of the law!" (Kops) MS_SOLDIER army and watchmen expressions MS_GUARD "Please drop that gold and follow me."  ?. MS_DJINNI "Thank you for freeing me!" ....XXԌ ? MS_NURSE @ @  "Take off your shirt, please." MS_SEDUCE "Hello, sailor." (Nymphs) MS_VAMPIRE vampiric seduce, Vlad's exclamations MS_BRIBE asks for money, or berates you MS_CUSS berates (demons) or intimidates (Wiz) MS_RIDER astral level special monsters MS_LEADER your class leader MS_NEMESIS your nemesis MS_GUARDIAN your leader's guards MS_SELL demand payment, complain about shoplifters MS_ORACLE do a consultation MS_PRIEST ask for contribution; do cleansing MR_FIRE resists fire MR_COLD resists cold MR_SLEEP resists sleep MR_DISINT resists disintegration MR_ELEC resists electricity MR_POISON resists poison MR_ACID resists acid MR_STONE resists petrification others: magic, sickness, teleport, teleport control, telepathy M1_FLY can fly or float M1_SWIM can traverse water M1_AMORPHOUS can flow under doors M1_WALLWALK can phase thru rock M1_CLING can cling to ceiling M1_TUNNEL can tunnel thru rock M1_NEEDPICK needs pick to tunnel M1_CONCEAL hides under objects M1_HIDE mimics, blends in with ceiling M1_AMPHIBIOUS can survive underwater M1_BREATHLESS doesn't need to breathe M1_NOEYES no eyes to gaze into or blind M1_NOHANDS no hands to handle things M1_NOLIMBS no arms/legs to kick/wear on M1_NOHEAD no head to behead M1_MINDLESS has no mind--golem, zombie, mold M1_HUMANOID has humanoid head/arms/torso M1_ANIMAL has animal body M1_SLITHY has serpent body M1_UNSOLID has no solid or liquid body M1_THICK_HIDE has thick hide or scales M1_OVIPAROUS can lay eggs M1_REGEN regenerates hit points M1_SEE_INVIS can see invisible creatures M1_TPORT can teleport M1_TPORT_CNTRL controls where it teleports to M1_ACID acidic to eat M1_POIS poisonous to eat M1_CARNIVORE eats corpses M1_HERBIVORE eats fruits M1_OMNIVORE eats both M1_METALLIVORE eats metal M2_NOPOLY players mayn't poly into one M2_UNDEAD is walking dead M2_WERE is a lycanthrope ....XXԌM2_ELF is an elf M2_DWARF is a dwarf M2_GIANT is a giant M2_ORC is an orc M2_HUMAN is a human M2_DEMON is a demon M2_MERC is a guard or soldier M2_LORD is a lord to its kind M2_PRINCE is an overlord to its kind M2_MINION is a minion of a deity M2_MALE always male M2_FEMALE always female M2_NEUTER neither male nor female M2_PNAME monster name is a proper name M2_HOSTILE always starts hostile M2_PEACEFUL always starts peaceful M2_DOMESTIC can be tamed by feeding M2_WANDER wanders randomly M2_STALK follows you to other levels M2_NASTY extra-nasty monster (more xp) M2_STRONG strong (or big) monster M2_ROCKTHROW throws boulders M2_GREEDY likes gold M2_JEWELS likes gems M2_COLLECT picks up weapons and food M2_MAGIC picks up magic items M3_WANTSAMUL would like to steal the amulet M3_WANTSBELL wants the bell M3_WANTSBOOK wants the book M3_WANTSCAND wants the candelabrum M3_WANTSARTI wants the quest artifact M3_WANTSALL wants any major artifact M3_WAITFORU waits to see you or get attacked M3_CLOSE lets you close unless attacked M3_COVETOUS wants something M3_WAITMASK waiting... MZ_TINY < 2' MZ_SMALL 2-4' MZ_MEDIUM 4-7' MZ_HUMAN MZ_MEDIUM human-sized MZ_LARGE 7-12' MZ_HUGE 12-25' MZ_GIGANTIC off the scale G_UNIQ generated only once G_NOHELL not generated in "hell" G_HELL generated only in "hell" G_NOGEN generated only specially G_NOCORPSE no corpse left ever G_SGROUP appear in small groups normally G_LGROUP appear in large groups normally G_GENO can be genocided G_GENOD have been genocided G_EXTINCT have been removed as population control G_FREQ creation frequency mask