CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMON SHEEP BREEDS AND OTHER ANIMAL FIBERS BREED OR WHERE FLEECE ANIMAL RAISED COLORS TEXTURE WEIGHT CHEVIOT England White-faced Very soft 5-7 lb Norway 2.25-3.18 kg Australia COLUMBIA U.S.A. White 11-13 lb 5-6.9 kg CORRIEDALE New Zealand White Fairly soft, 10-15 lb Australia Silky 4.5-6.8 kg U.S.A. COTSWOLD England White Luster, 9 lb U.S.A. Curly locks 4.17 kg DORSET HORN England Black-faced Crisp, springy, 5-9 lb Australia has kemp 2.2-4.17 kg EAST FRIESIAN Germany White-faced 9 lb (Westphalian 4.17 kg rattail) FINNISH Finland 5-7 lb LANDRACE U.S.A. 2.2-3.18 kg HAMPSHIRE England Black-faced Luster, 7-11 lb U.S.A. Coarse 3.18-6.9 kg HERDWICK England White, Black, Springy, 3-4 lb Norway Graded Harsh, has kemp 1.36-1.81 kg KARAKUL S. Africa Black, Gray Coarse, Wiry 8 lb U.S.A. 3.63 kg KIVIRCIK Turkey White-faced Fine LEICESTER U.S.A. White Luster, Fine, 7-11 lb England Silky 3.18-5 kg Australia BREED OR STAPLE NUMBER QUALITY SPECIAL ANIMAL LENGTH PER INCH COUNT QUALITIES CHEVIOT 2-6 in Easy to spin, 5-15.2 cm 8-9 50-56 Dyes easily, Dense COLUMBIA 3 1/2-5 in 56-60 Dyes easily 8.8-12.7 cm CORRIEDALE 4-6 in Small 14-16 56-60 Dyes readily 10-15 cm COTSWOLD 10-14 in Wide; Wool 44-46 Tends to mat 25-35.5 cm hangs in ringlets 14-18 DORSET HORN 3 1/2-5 1/2 in 50-56 Felts easily 8.8-13 cm EAST FRIESIAN 48-56 (Westphalian rattail) FINNISH 50-60 LANDRACE HAMPSHIRE 2 3/4 in Small, 50-58 7 cm Springy HERDWICK 6-8 in 28-40 15-20 cm KARAKUL 8-10 in 40-46 20-25 cm KIVIRCIK 44-56 LEICESTER 14 in Wide, 3-4 40-46 35.5 cm Mane & Tail REFERENCE: WEAVING A HANDBOOK OF THE FIBER ARTS, SHIRLEY E HELD, APPENDIX CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMON SHEEP BREEDS AND OTHER ANIMAL FIBERS BREED OR WHERE FLEECE ANIMAL RAISED COLORS TEXTURE WEIGHT LINCOLN U.S.A. Black-trimmed Coarse, 12-20 lb Canada Luster 5.44-9 kg England MERINO Spain White Fine, Soft, 7-10 lb Australia Silky 3.18-4.5 kg U.S.A. England MONTEDALE U.S.A. 8-20 lb 3.63-9 kg OXFORD DOWN England Black-faced, Coarse, 10-12 lb U.S.A Brown, Black Springy 4.5-5.44 kg RAMBOUILLET France White Fine 10-18 lb U.S.A. 4.5-8.17 kg ROMNEY England White Luster, 10-12 lb U.S.A. Semi-Coarse 4.5-5.44 kg Australia SCOTTISH England Black-trimmed Coarse 4-5 lb BLACKFACE 1.81-2.2 kg SHETLAND England White-faced Soft 3 1/2 lb 1.6 kg SHROPSHIRE U.S.A. Black-faced, Fine 8-10 lb White 3.6-4.5 kg SOUTH DOWN England White, Fine, Fairly 5-7 lb Black-faced uniform 2.2-3.18 kg SPAELSAU Norway SUFFOLK England Black-faced 6-7 lb 2.72-3.18 kg TARGHEE U.S.A 11-20 lb 6.9-9 kg CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMON SHEEP BREEDS AND OTHER ANIMAL FIBERS BRITISH FELTING CRIMP SPINNING AND OTHER BREED OR STAPLE NUMBER QUALITY SPECIAL ANIMAL LENGTH PER INCH COUNT QUALITIES LINCOLN 10-16 in Wide, 1-2 30-44 25-40.6 cm MERINO 1 1/2-3 in 26-28 56-80 3.7-7.6 cm MONTEDALE 3-6 in 56-58 7.6-15 cm OXFORD DOWN 3-6 in 46-50 Hard to dye an 7.6-15 cm even color RAMBOUILLET 2-3 in 62-70 Easy to spin 5-7.6 cm ROMNEY 7-8 in Wide 46-50 Easy to felt 17.7-20 cm SCOTTISH 8-15 in 28-40 BLACKFACE 20-38 cm SHETLAND 3 1/2 in 46-58 Easy to felt, 8.8 cm Tend to moult SHROPSHIRE 4 in Small, 50-58 10 cm Springy SOUTH DOWN 3 in Fine 14-18 56-60 Felts easily, 7.6 cm Hard to spin SPAELSAU SUFFOLK 2-5 in 56-58 Easy to spin g 5-12.7 cm TARGHEE 2 1/2-4 1/2 in 58-64 6.4-11.4 cm REFERENCE: WEAVING A HANDBOOK OF THE FIBER ARTS, SHIRLEY E HELD CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMON SHEEP BREEDS AND OTHER ANIMAL FIBERS BREED OR WHERE FLEECE ANIMAL RAISED COLORS TEXTURE WEIGHT TUNIS Tunisia Coarse, Silky VLACHIA Greece Brown, Black Fine, Hairy 2-5 lb .9-2.2 kg ANGORA RABBIT France White Silky, Soft, 7-14 oz CLIPPED OR England Springy, 225-390 g PLUCKED EVERY Netherlands Fluffy 3 MONTHS U.S.A. ANGORA GOAT Turkey White Fine, Soft, 3-6 lb 2 CLIPS A Texas Silky 1.36-2.72 kg YEAR S. Africa CAMELS HAIR Mongolia Tan, Fawn Fine, Springy 15 in China 38 cm N. Africa CASHMERE China Gray, Brown Down, Silky 8 oz GOAT Russia White Texture of 23 g Iran Kitten's Fur Afghanistan MOHAIR GOAT Turkey Hard, Stiff, 5-6 lb S. Africa High gloss 2.25-2.27 kg U.S.A. MUSK OX Alaska Gray Warm, Fine, 6 lb (QIVIUT) Greenland Silky, Light 2.72 kg weight ALPACA Peru Black, Gray, Fine, Coarse 4-7 lb VICUNA Bolivia Fawn, Brown hairs, Kemp 1.81-3.18 kg LLAMA Chile COW'S HAIR Canada Variety of Very coarse 1/2-2 lb Japan Browns, 23-90 g India Grays Iran S. America HORSEHAIR S. America White and Coarse Canada Other Colors BRITISH FELTING CRIMP SPINNING AND OTHER BREED OR STAPLE NUMBER QUALITY SPECIAL ANIMAL LENGTH PER INCH COUNT QUALITIES TUNIS 2-4 in Easy to spin 5-10 cm VLACHIA 7-10 in 28-40 Easy to spin 17-25 cm ANGORA RABBIT 3-8 in Slight Felts easily; CLIPPED OR 7.6-20 cm Dyes lighter PLUCKED EVERY than wool; 3 MONTHS Used with other fibers ANGORA GOAT 10 in Tight lock Does not felt 2 CLIPS A 25 cm YEAR CAMELS HAIR Poor felting; Hair is shed CASHMERE 13 1/2-3 1/2 in Uniform crimp 40-80 GOAT 3.7-8.8 cm All along fiber MOHAIR GOAT 8-12 in None 20-30.4 cm MUSK OX 2-5 in 20-40 Will not shrink (QIVIUT) 5-12.7 cm when boiled; Dyes easily ALPACA 8-12 in Llamas and 50-70 Felts easily VICUNA 20-30.4 cm Alpacas LLAMA COW'S HAIR HORSEHAIR 15-40 cm Longer from Mane & Tail REFERENCE: WEAVING A HANDBOOK OF THE FIBER ARTS, SHIRLEY E HELD, APPENDIX WOOL GRADES AND THE SHEEP THAT GROW THE WOOL Wool Grading Systems For thousands of years, wool has been spun into coarse of fine yarns-the wood fiber diameter determining whether it would be coarse or fine. However, more than the terms "coarse" or "fine" were needed to describe the difference between wool from the different breeds of sheep, or the wool from the different parts of the same fleece. So, over the years, three grading systems evolved to describe wool for manufacturing and sales. They are the Blood System, the Count System, and the Micron System. The Blood System is the oldest system, originating at the time of the early American colonies. It is based on the bloodline or breeding of the sheep, and is divided into six grades. The Merino or Rambouillet wool is called fine. A half-blood wool comes from sheep that are half Merino or Rambouillet and half another breed. Wool Types grown on sheep with fractional quantities of Merino or Rambouillet breeding are called 1/2 blood, 3/8's, 1/4, Low 1/4, and Common; and generally are coarser wool or wool with a larger fiber thickness. The blood system, however, cannot describe newer sheep breeds or differences in wool from the same animal. The Count System is a more extensive method. The term count refers to the number of "hanks" of yarn that can be spun from one pound of wool. A hank is 560 yards. The count system divides wool into 14 grades with the count range from 80's to 36's. Wool with the high counts are finer and can be spun into longer, finer yarn. For example, a wool grade of 64's would yield 35,840 yards (64 x 560) of yarn or 64 hanks from one pound of clean wool; and a wool grade of 44's would only yield 24,640 yards or 44 hanks per pound. The Micron System, the most technical and accurate system of grading, was largely developed at the Denver Wool Laboratory, USDA. The system separates wool into 16 grades according to the average fiber diameter as measured by a micrometer. Wool too variable to fit in the limits of a grade is placed down one grade. The difference in the average fiber diameter between the finest and coarsest of the 16 grades is extremely small, as a micron is only 1/25,400 of an inch (0.00004). For example, an 80's wool averages about 18 microns which is less than half a 36's wool that averages 39 microns. This system may eventually become the standard for describing wools in the United States. Other Breeds Cotswold Native to the Cotswold Hills of England, they were developed from Leicester, Hampshire and German Whitehead crosses. The Cotswold is large-sized with a white face and wool on the legs, and is noted for its tuft of wool on the forehead. They have good milking ability and maternal instincts. The breed yields a long, coarse fleece of natural wavy curls. Karakul The Karakul originated in southern Russia and other Asian countries, and is considered one of the world's oldest breeds. The breed is black, open-faced, has long pendulous ears, and is fat tailed. they are fairly prolific, hardy, easy lambers, have good maternal instincts, and an extended breeding season. They are the foundation for many U.S. flocks for production of long, colored wool for spinning. Navajo The Navajo was developed in the U.S. from the Spanish Churro sheep by the Navajo Indians in Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. Efforts are in progress to preserve this unique breed. They are hardy, surviving under extremely harsh desert conditions. The breed is normally white-faced with white wool, but may also include brown, reddish-brown, gray and black fleece colors. The original Navajo had a 4-6 inch coarse outer fleece coat and a finer 2-3 inch inner fleece coat, with the wool being used to weave the famous Navajo blankets. Panama The Panama breed originated in Muldoon, Idaho, in 1812 from Rambouillet ram X Lincoln ewe crosses, the opposite of the cross that produced the Columbia breed. The Panama resembles the Columbia, but is more intermediate in size. They are white-faced with wool on the legs and produce a medium wool. The breed is best suited to the U.S. western range where ample feed is available. Polypay The Polypay is a breed developed in the 1970's by the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station at Dubois, Idaho and Nicholas Farms at Sonoma, California from initial crosses of Targhee X Dorset and Rambouillet X Finnsheep breeds. The breed is medium-sized, white-faced and most appropriate for high potential feed producing areas. Body size, type, and fleece traits are variable because of the recent formation of this breed. Tunis The Tunis originated in North Africa and was imported into the U.S. in 1979. Purebred flocks were popular in the South until almost destroyed during the Civil War. They are medium-sized with a red or tan face and legs, pendulous ears, no horns, a medium fat tail, and no wool on the head and legs. The Tunis tend to breed out-of-season and produce a medium-wool fleece. Glossary Grade A numerical designation of wool fineness based on average fiber diameter and variation of fiber diameter. Fineness This term refers to fiber diameter. Fine Wool A wool fleece with an average fiber diameter of 17.70 (or under) to 22.04 microns. A micron is 1/25,400 (0.00004) inch. Medium Wool A wool fleece with an average fiber diameter of 22.05 to 30.99 microns. Coarse Wool A wool fleece with an average fiber diameter of 31.00 to 40.20 (and over) microns. Grease Fleece Weight Refers to the weight of the fleece as it comes from the sheep. Grease wool includes natural grease, yolk and suint plus acquired impurities like tags, sand, dirt, brands, or paints. Clean Wool Yield Clean wool is what remains after dirt and non-wool material (shrinkage) are removed. Expressed as a percentage, it is 100% less the Shrinkage = Yield. Staple Length Although not considered in officially determining wool grade, length is an important physical property of the wool fiber. Unstretched staple is representative of average fiber length in a fleece or top. Different fiber lengths are used in different fabrics and products, and processed on different types of machinery. THE SHEEP THAT GROW THE WOOL Fine-Wool Fleece Delaine-Merino Mature Body Weight Ram 175-225 lb. Ewe 125-160 lb. Growth Rate M-* Wool Type Fine Blood System Fine Spinning Count 64's-80's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 22-17 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 9-14 lb. Yield 40-50% Staple Length 2 1/2-4" The Delaine-Merino was developed from the Spanish Merino, having an unbroken line of breeding more than 1,200 years old. Modern Delaine-Merinos are relatively smooth-bodied, intermediate sized, white-faced with wool on the legs, hardy, long-lived, gregarious, and adapted to unassisted lambing. The breed has an extended breeding season, and produces a high-quality fine-wool fleece. Rambouillet Mature Body Weight Ram 200-300 lb. Ewe 135-180 lb. Growth Rate H- Wool Type Fine Blood System 1/2-Fine Spinning Count 60's-80's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 23-19 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 9-14 lb. Yield 45-55% Staple Length 2 1/2-4" Developed from the Spanish Merino in France and Germany, the Rambouillet is the foundation of most Western U.S. range flocks. white-faced with wool on the legs, the Rambouillet is large, rugged, medium to fast growth, long-lived, gregarious, and adaptable to a wide variety of arid range conditions. The breed has an extended breeding season, and produces a high-quality, fine-wool fleece. Debouillet Mature Body Weight Ram 175-200 lb. Ewe 125-160 lb. Growth Rate M- Wool Type Fine Blood System Fine Spinning Count 62's-80's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 23-18 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 9-14 lb. Yield 35-50% Staple Length 3-5" The Debouillet breed was developed in New Mexico in 1920 from Delaine-Merino and Rambouillet crosses. The Debouillet is well-adapted for southwest range sheep production, are medium-sized, and white-faced with wool on the legs. They are hardy, gregarious, and adaptable to unassisted pasture lambing. They produce a high quality fine-wool fleece. Medium-Wool Fleece Cheviot Mature Body Weight Ram 160-200 lb. Ewe 120-150 lb. Growth Rate L Wool Type Medium Blood System Low 1/4-1/2's Spinning Count 48's-58's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 33-27 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 5-8 lb. Yield 50-65% Staple Length 2 1/2-4" The Cheviot originated in the hill country of Scotland, and was imported into the U.S. in 1938. They are small-sized, white-faced with bare head and legs, and are best adapted to northern climates. The breed is moderately prolific, easy lambers, good milkers, and produce a desirable carcass at light weights. they produce a high yielding medium wool. Columbia Mature Body Weight Ram 250-350 lb. Ewe 150-225 lb. Growth Rate H Wool Type Medium Blood System 1/4-1/2 Spinning Count 50's-60's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 30-23 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 9-14 lb. Yield 45-55% Staple Length 3-5" Originating the U.S., the Columbia was developed in 1912 from Lincoln X Rambouillet crosses. Columbias are relatively hardy, gregarious and good mothers. They are large with white faces and wool on the legs, and are increasingly used to sire crossbred market lambs. They yield heavy, medium-wool fleeces with good staple length. Corriedale Mature Body Weight Ram 175-275 lb. Ewe 130-180 lb. Growth Rate M Wool Type Medium Blood System 1/4-1/2 Spinning Count 50's-60's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 31-24 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 9-14 lb. Yield 45-55% Staple Length 3 1/2-6" Corriedale sheep originated in New Zealand from Lincoln and Leicester X Merino crosses, and was imported into the U.S. in 1914. They are medium-sized, white- faced with wool on the legs, and generally located in the farm flock states. The Corriedale produce good market lambs, are moderately prolific, and yield heavy, medium-wool fleeces with good staple length. Dorset (Polled and Horned) Mature Body Weight Ram 200-250 lb. Ewe 140-180 lb. Growth Rate M Wool Type Medium Blood System Low 1/4-3/8's Spinning Count 46's-58's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 33-27 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 5-8 lb. Yield 50-65% Staple Length 2 1/2-4" Originated in Southern England, the Dorset (Horned) was imported into the U.S. in 1885. In 1948, a mutation occurred resulting in the Polled Dorsets, which are now a popular commercial breed in the farm flock states. They are also used as a cross with fine-wool ewes to produce crossbred females that tend to breed out of season. Dorsets are medium-sized, white-faced with wool on the legs, heavy milking, and yield medium-wool fleeces free of black fibers. Finnsheep Mature Body Weight Ram 150-200 lb. Ewe 110-150 lb. Growth Rate L Wool Type Medium to Long Blood System 1/4-1/2 Spinning Count 50's-60's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 31-24 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 4-8 lb. Yield 50-70% Staple Length 3-6" The Finnsheep originated in Finland, and was imported into Canada in 1966 and the U.S. in 1968. They are white-faced with bare head and legs, and primarily used in the U.S. to produce crossbred ewes. The breed is highly prolific, and noted for early puberty, easy lambing, good lamb vigor at birth, and excellent maternal instincts. they yield a medium wool with good staple length. Hampshire Mature Body Weight Ram 250-350 lb. Ewe 175-250 lb. Growth Rate H Wool Type Medium Blood System 1/4-3/8's Spinning Count 46's-58's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 33-25 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 5-8 lb. Yield 50-60% Staple Length 2-3 1/2" The Hampshire originated in England from Southdown X Wiltshire Horn and Berkshire Knot crosses, and was imported into the U.S. in the 1880's. They are widely used in the U.S. to crossbreed for market lamb production. Hampshires are large-sized with black faces and wool on the legs. The breed is prolific, has good milking ability, good growth and carcass cutability. They produce medium-wool fleeces. Montadale Mature Body Weight Ram 200-275 lb. Ewe 150-180 lb. Growth Rate M- Wool Type Medium Blood System 1/4-3/8's Spinning Count 56's-58's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 30-25 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 5-9 lb. Yield 45-60% Staple Length 3-4" The Montadale was developed in the U.S. from Cheviot X Columbia crosses, and is used primarily in the farm flock states. The breed is medium-sized with a white-face and bare head and legs. They are fairly prolific and are good milkers with good maternal instincts. Montadales produce desirable carcasses and a medium wool with good staple length. Oxford Mature Body Weight Ram 225-235 lb. Ewe 150-200 lb. Growth Rate M+ Wool Type Medium to Long Blood System Low 1/4-1/4 Spinning Count 46's-50's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 34-30 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 5-8 lb. Yield 50-60% Staple Length 3-6" The Oxford originated in England from Hampshire X Cotswold crosses, and was imported into the U.S. in 1846. The Oxford is primarily located in the farm flock states in the U.S. They are medium- to large-sized with a dark brown face and wool on the legs. The breed is fairly prolific, has good maternal instincts, and produces desirable carcasses. They produce a low, medium-grade wool. Shrophsire Mature Body Weight Ram 225-275 lb. Ewe 160-200 lb. Growth Rate M+ Wool Type Medium Blood System 1/4-3/8's Spinning Count 48's-60's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 33-25 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 5-8 lb. Yield 50-60% Staple Length 2-3 1/2" The Shrophsire originated in England from native stock and Southdown, Leicester and Cotswold crosses. The Shropshire was imported into the U.S. in 1855. They are located in farm flocks and are used in market lamb production. The breed is medium to large with a dark face and wool on the legs, prolific, good milkers, and produce good carcasses. They produce medium wool. Southdown Mature Body Weight Ram 180-230 lb. Ewe 120-180 lb. Growth Rate L Wool Type Medium Blood System 3/8's-1/2 Spinning Count 54's-60's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 29-24 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 5-8 lb. Yield 40-55% Staple Length 2-3" One of the oldest breeds of sheep, the Southdown originated in England. Imported into the U.S. in 1803, the Southdown is best suited to farm flock production of hot-house lambs or meaty carcasses at light weights. They are small-to medium-sized with a light brown face and wool on the legs. The Southdown is fairly prolific, with average milking ability and yields a medium- wool fleece. Suffolk Mature Body Weight Ram 275-400 lb. Ewe 200-300 lb. Growth Rate H+ Wool Type Medium Blood System 1/4-3/8's Spinning Count 48's-58's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 33-26 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 4-8 lb. Yield 50-60% Staple Length 2-3 1/2" The Suffolk originated In England from Southdown X Norfolk crosses and was imported into the U.S. in 1888. They are widely used in market lamb production, and in farm flock states are frequently crossbred with fine-wool ewes for this purpose. The Suffolk is the largest-sized breed in the U.S., has a bare head and black face and legs. They are prolific, good milkers, have excellent growth rate, and produce superior, high cutability carcasses. They yield a medium-wool fleece frequently contaminated with black fibers. Targhee Mature Body Weight Ram 200-300 lb. Ewe 140-200 lb. Growth Rate M+ Wool Type Medium Blood System 1/2 Spinning Count 58's-64's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 25-21 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 9-14 lb. Yield 45-55% Staple Length 3-4 1/2" Developed in 1926 by the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station, Dubois, Idaho, the Targhee has 3/4 fine-wool and 1/4 long-wool breeding from Rambouillet X Lincoln and Rambouillet X Corriedale crosses. They are predominantly located in the intermountain and northern states. The Targhee is relatively large-sized, white-faced with wool on the legs, and adaptable to varied climate and forage conditions. They herd well, produce good market lambs, and yield a heavy, medium-wool fleece with good staple length. Coarse-Wool Fleece Border Leicester Mature Body Weight Ram 225-300 lb. Ewe 150-225 lb. Growth Rate M+ Wool Type Long Blood System Common & braidlow 1/4 Spinning Count 36's-48's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 38-30 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 8-12 lb. Yield 60-70% Staple Length 5-10" The Border Leicester originated in England from Leicester X Cheviot crosses. found in the northern U.S. and Canada, it is particularly adapted to high rainfall and good pasture areas. this medium to large breed is white-faced with bare head and legs. They are moderately prolific, good milkers and mothers, and are useful in crossbred lamb production. They yield a long, coarse wool that spins well. Lincoln Mature Body Weight Ram 250-300 lb. Ewe 200-250 lb. Growth Rate M Wool Type Long Blood System Common & braid Spinning Count 36's-46's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 41-34 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 10-14 lb. Yield 55-70% Staple Length 8-15" Originating in England, the Lincoln was imported into the U.S. in 1825. The breed was developed from Leicester X Old Lincoln crosses and has made important contributions to the development of other breeds. The Lincoln is a large, hardy breed with a white face and wool on the legs. They produce a heavy fleece that is very long, coarse and ideal for spinning. Romney Mature Body Weight Ram 200-275 lb. Ewe 150-200 lb. Growth Rate M- Wool Type Long Blood System Braid-low 1/4 Spinning Count 40's-48's Average Fiber Diameter Micron 39-32 Grease Fleece Weight Ewe 8-12 lb. Yield 55-70% Staple Length 4-6" The Romney was developed in England's Romney Marsh region to withstand cold, wet conditions. They were imported into the U.S. in 1904, and are primarily located in the northwestern coastal areas. Romneys are medium-sized, white-faced with wool on the legs, and good mothers with average prolificacy and milking ability. They produce a coarse fleece with good staple length, well-suited for spinning. REFERENCE: American Wool Council