(revision date May 04, 1994) I P G ~~~~~ THE INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMMERS GUILD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The International Programmers Guild represents programmers globally. Its purpose is to be a self governing body for all programmers. Just as other professions have their professional associations, programmers now are self regulated through the International Programmers Guild. The administrative centre is in Geneva, Switzerland, and is governed by a council of directors. The Canadian Chapter is an affiliate of the International Programmers Guild. The Programmers Guild promotes professionalism in programming and the acceptance of programming as a true profession. In keeping with being a professional organization, the Guild accepts only those applying programming as their career and students training to be programmers. An important part of the Guild services is the certification program, with formal certificates being awarded to those who qualify. A Guild member accepted as a Fellow or Master has been examined by Master programmers of the Guild to meet the Guild standard of programming. The Canadian chapter is much more than a local users group or an computer bulletin board service. It exists for all programmers. Numerous locations are being estabilished in major cities across Canada, with the Guild electronic communication nodes providing unified communications amongst programmers nationwide. A similar expansion is planned throughout the United States and other countries. MEMBERSHIP: BENEFITS AND ADVANTAGES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Programmers Guild provides numerous benefits to members including: PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION - Full acceptance as a Fellow of the Guild in good standing guarantees that a person has been pre-screened as having minimum standard of professional programming. Wide recognition as a professional is assisted both through Canadian and international registry and documents to verify ones proficiency. CERTIFICATION - After members have met mandatory minimal standards of the Guild as determined by our Master Programmers and agree with the Guild's Code of Ethics they are provided with a certificate that reflects their professional status. This is valuable in gaining professional recognition, jobs and contracts. JOBS AND CONTRACTS - Word of contracts and the need of programming services frequently reach the Guild. Notices to members are posted on the electronic Bulletin Board and at Guild meetings. The members themselves frequently need additional assistance on projects, such as when they have more work than they can handle alone. They also pass word of work that is not in the area of programming they work in. This benefits all independant programmers, software consultants and new programmers starting out. FELLOWSHIP AND NETWORKING - All members are provided open channels to keep in touch with each other. This happens through messaging on the BBS, biweekly meetings and other personal relationships that develop. Members trade technical information, solutions to problems, employment opportunities and generally enjoy the fellowship of people of like kind and interests. ACCESS TO THE ELECTRONIC BULLETIN BOARD - The BBS has been so successful in offering services that some programmers first judge the Guild as a Bulletin Board service for programmers rather than a governing body. The board indeed is a source of communication, software, and even enjoyment. There is: - Thousands of public domain, shareware and source code files. - Guildware. Software created by our members. We take special pride in announcng and promoting Guildware. - Guild exclusive language libraries. - Free referral service for job and contract listing and advertisements. - Electronic messaging amongst members. A must for keeping current in a fast paced profession. - World wide E-mail, categorized by topic. A member programmer has the whole of North America and beyond to place questions to or read what others are saying on numerous topics. GLOBAL RECOGNITION - All Canadian certified members are registered both in the Canadian and International Almanac. This provides a means of portability of one's career and programming status to other countries. LEVELS OF MEMBERSHIP IN THE GUILD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Programmers Guild membership is structured to reflect the professional abilities and responsibilites of members. APPRENTICE OF THE GUILD - This membership level allows future programmers in training to mingle with seasoned programmers who are successful in their individual practices and who can pass on knowledge and experience that cannot be found in textbooks or halls of learning. FELLOW OF THE GUILD - The full status of Fellow is granted only after the Guild Master and two Master programmers are convinced that the member meets minimal standards of proficiency and professional conduct. A person must actively be making their living in programming or have done so to qualify. MASTER PROGRAMMER OF THE GUILD - The status of Master Programmer is a prestigious title granted only after careful deliberation and nomination by the Guild Master then voted on by the Masters. He or she is called by the Guild to this position as recognition of their superior abilities in programming and contributions to the profession. They become ambassadors for the Guild and hold authority for entry of members to full Fellow status. Masters have the greater responsiblity (shared with the Guild Master) in preserving the high standards of the Guild. THE GUILD MASTER - is appointed by the Board of Directors directly from the international headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Guild Master must have superior programming and management skills and is responsible for the entire operation of a chapter of the International Programmers Guild. Both the Guild Master and the Master Programmers must be beyond moral reproach. WHO CAN JOIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~ To become a Professional Member: Since the Programmers Guild is a professional organization, it is not open to the general public. There are minimum requirements for membership: - Membership is granted only to individuals. Companies, corporations or associations cannot be direct members but may maintain business associations with the Guild. - A person must be at least 18 years of age. Rare exceptions can be made for exceptionally skilled individuals. - A person must either be a programming student, actively engaged as a programmer, or have prior programming experience. Programmers who are promoted into managerial positions are still accepted. - Typically, a systems analyst who knows how to program can be accepted as a member while one who does not know how to code cannot be a member. - A person must abide by the Programmers Guild Code of Ethics and be of good moral constitution and conduct, with solid professional integrity. He/she must not object to the requirements set for being a member. SPONSORSHIP OF CORPORATE PROGRAMMERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A programming staff with registered members of the Guild provides distinct advantages: - The standards of the Guild become reflected in any organization that employs Fellows or Masters of the Guild, assuring a high level of professional competence and integrity. - High standards help a firm in their image development and retention. - The presence of Guild members provides access to all the advantages members have including local and world wide communication with other programmers, consultants, and suppliers. - Local E-mail can be established both with Member programmers in the same firm or within a circle of firm. A North American network for programmers only is in the planning. - Thousands of shareware and source code files are available. As an employer, you can have reassurance that Guild members have already been prescreened and accepted to meet the Guild's professional standards. This can also translate in thousands of dollars of savings over what a private agency can charge for finding and prescreening candidates. The Programmers Guild offers access to a concentrated pool of qualified programmers, programmer analysts and consultants with very broad coverage of languages and abilities. We often post employment messages on behalf of employers and offer very reasonable rates to place ads on the Guild BBS. The Guild accepts and invites firms employing programmers to sponsor the annual cost of membership. It is an opportunity to offer it as an employment perk while encouraging the establishment of standards of programming within your organization. Those seeking membership must still meet our standards. HOW TO CONTACT US ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you wish to apply for membership or want to be in touch, we welcome your enquiry. For membership, you may fill out the Membership Application script on our BBS, phone, write, or meet us at our bi-weekly meetings. Employers and others can contact us by phone or mail. Our address and digital and voice lines are: ADDRESS: PHONE: ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ IPG (The Int'l Programmers Guild) BBS Toronto/Mississauga (905)824-4731 3016 Runcorn Row BBS Oakville/Burlinton. (416)825-9291 Mississauga, Ontario BBS Markham/Pickering . (416)693-7108 L5N 4S5 BBS Hayes 57,600bps . . (416)824-3035 Voice Office/Inquiries (905)824-7947 FAX . . . . . . . . . . (416)824-5139