DJSA's Spitfire Bulletin Board is one of the easiest Online Services you could ever use. When you log in you are given a choice of Monochrome, Ansi or Rip Graphics. If you like the keyboard, you can use it or if you prefer your mouse, then just point and click. We have hundreds of software programs for you to download. We do not charge for downloading. Unlike many Online Services, you can download all day long for no additional cost. You can also participate in our Net-Mail forums which are distributed nationally. You can communicate with people who are interested in a wide range of topics: Legal Discussions, Genealogy, For Sale, BBS Ads, Teen Chat, Arts & Crafts, Windows, Graphics, Financial Management, Cooking, Recipes, Computer Programming, Ham Radio, Gardening, Military, Photography, Music, Home Improvement, Senior Citizens, Star Trek, Sports, Women and Men Issues, Missing Children, Education, Teachers, Family Matters and much much more! Our File Areas consist of Games, Utilities, Word Processors, Business, Database, and Communication programs. All of our files are compressed using the ZIP format..... You can get the file for unzipping these programs on your first call, NUCALLER.EXE. The NUCALLER.EXE file also includes info on Global Access. Global Access is a National Online Service which allows you to call us from a local telephone number. Just UNZIP the file GLOBAL.ZIP which is included in the new caller package. Also included in NUCALLER.EXE is a complete listing of all files on our Spitfire BBS which are available for download. We have also included the latest version of the National BBS Directory. This list of BBS numbers contains over 2,000 BBS's from all over the USA. The list also includes 1-800 BBS numbers and Free-Nets so that you can access the Internet. The National BBS Directory is published by DJSA Bulletin Board and is distributed quarterly throughout the United States. We are a subscription bulletin board. We give you one free day of access online but after your free day, you must pay for access. We charge $12.50 per month with NO ADDITIONAL FEES. You can pay for your access in one of two ways.....COMPUPAY or TABS BILLING. COMPUPAY, is an automatic bank draft from your checking account. When you log in to the BBS you will be asked if you wish to pay using CompuPay. Answer YES, and you will then be asked to complete our online questionnaire about your checking account. TABS BILLING, is a charge which will be on your next telephone bill. You pay $25.00 for two months access to the BBS. You need an ACCESS CODE from our Telephone Computer. Before you call by modem, call by voice to 1-900-622-5225. A computer voice will ask you to enter our BBS number. Enter the following BBS number on your touch tone key pad, <749-6458>. The computer will then give you an access code. Write this code down and then call the BBS by modem. Go to the Main Menu and and then you will be prompted to enter your access code. TABS is a service of True Media, Inc. You must have parental permission if you are under 18 to call the TABS telephone number. When you call us by modem, please use the following settings on your communications software: * 1200, 2400, 9600 or 14400 baud * 8 Data Bits * 1 Stop Bit * No Parity * Local Echo (or Half Duplex) * Data Terminal Relay (DTR) set to ignore * Verbal/Terse Response set to Verbal/Verbose * Enable Result Codes * DCD (Carrier Detect)/DSR set to Force On * CTS (clear to send) set to On * Flow Control is set to Disabled * Error Checking is set to Disabled * Data Compression is set to Disabled * AT Commands is set to Enable And there you have it. You should be all set to give us a call. Thanks and see you online!