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Each modem was subjected to three tests: a synchronous bit error rate test (BERT), an asynchronous throughput test transferring the same file pattern over various network line environments and an asynchronous throughput test of five common file formats over a clear transmission line. Where applicable, testing was performed in duplex mode. To assure consistency across the testing procedures, the performance of the public network was simulated with specialized equipment from Telecom Analysis Systems Inc. (TAS) A pair of each modem was connected to a TAS Model 240 Voice band Subscriber loop emulator which implements test conditions for V.32, V.32bis and V.Fast modems as outlined by the Electronic Industries Association/Telecommunications Industry Association (EIA/TIA) TR30.2 Committee. ZyXEL Handles Most line Conditions: ZyXEL's U-1496Eplus passed a vast majority of the synchronous tests and proved it can handle most line conditions in the United States. Motorola Codex's 3261Fast with its V.Fast technologies glided flawlessly across all 59 lines without failing a test (but with V.Fast a better performance is assured) However, at 19.2 ZyXEL passed 54 lines of the 59 lines tested thus proving to be the best in 19.2 modem category. To asses bit error rates at the maximum line rates offered by each of the modems a BERT that sent 10,000 blocks, each 1Kbit in size over each of the 59 lines was used. The BERT's were designed to determine the ability of the modems to effectively convert the digital information at the modem/data terminal interface to analog information at the modem/telephone interface and vice versa. Each modem manufacturer claimed a particular maximum line rate possible with their modem and the line speed of each modem was not allowed to fall back from the maximum. The modem's terminal flow control was disabled and a 2047 file pattern was used for the transfer itself. "The ZyXEL Modem is Faster...Practically Across The Board" The asynchronous test across a wide variety of line conditions was the most important and practical test since it represents the reliability of a modem through severe line conditions. In other words it shows in reality what you could expect from a modem. Throughput of 10,000 blocks containing 100 characters each was tested. In order not to obscure the results in any way the data compression capabilities were turned off and the 2047 pattern was used again . The Terminal flow was set to Request to Send/Clear to Send(RTS/CTS). Averaging out as the best in the 19.2 category, ZyXEL's throughput averaged at 22.7K through all the lines with the lowest deviation between the best and the poorest, and 21.5K-23K on average of each type of lines. Test Result 3 shows that ZyXEL outperformed Codex's 3261 V.Fast modem in 4 line categories. "Motorola Codex's 3261Fast achieved the highest throughput for most lines, averaging around 26Kbit/sec." (Briere p.42) But the 3261 could not handle the conditions found in the Logical Loop 1. "Loop 1 is found in approximately 34% of the nation's Local Loops." Codex's 3261 averaged 16.4Kbit/sec in Loop 1 compared to ZyXEL's which performed better at 21.5K." Loop 6 also haunted some modems mostly due to the fact that it defines a condition that is equivalent to Loop 1 on half of the circuit."(Briere p.42) "ZyXEL Modem Did Perform As Advertised" In the third test because of clear (perfect) line all modems were configured to perform at their absolute optimal rate. The DTE rate was set to the maximum allowed with each modem. Data compression and error correction were turned on, while the line rate was set to auto and terminal flow control was RTS/CTS. Five asynchronous files were went over a clear line. Here, ZyXEL performed well at its 76.8K bit/ sec speed. "ZyXEL was a contender in nearly every throughput race, finishing second in four out of five test."......Front-panel displays were obviously critical in our tests, and there is a remarkably different look and feel to each one. The display on ZyXEL modem seemed the most user friendly." (Briere p.41) Source: Briere, Daniel,. "Test underscores differences in modem throughput. "NETWORK WORLD May 10,'93.