21 files found in Library "Network / LAN"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
APCIDOOM.ZIP No 246045 07-29-94 DOOM - APSI multi-client server. Extra!
CHAT10.ZIP Yes 125664 04-06-94 Netware: allows multiple users to chat
CS_V100.ZIP Yes 250162 09-15-94
The ComShare System v 1.00 Share modems
across any LAN for as little as $3 per modem
Works with either Novell or NetBIOS-based
networks, enabling the sharing of up to 99
ordinary modems on a single LAN.
EMAIL317.ZIP Yes 49444 07-20-94
Email v3.17: MS-Windows network e-mail pgm
that sends text messages, attaches files, pop
up notification (you can turn if off),
archive messages, creates distribution lists,
etc req VBRUN300.DLL
FPSFRP1F.ZIP Yes 34935 06-06-94
Freeware by Kevin Wilkinson, FPS Software
FPS-FRP is an excellent utility that can be
used by LAN Administrators, SysOps, home
users, or ANYBODY who would like to switch
pre-determined or random files by date.
LAIR312E.ZIP Yes 4725121 06-30-94
LAN Inventory Version 3.1.2 6/30/94 by McAfee
Associates, Inc. Asset and configuration
management EVAL. Version. Req: Win 3.1, NW3/4
Requires Windows 3.1 & NetWare 3.x or 4.x
LSCR301E.ZIP Yes 3233151 06-29-94
LAN Support Center Version 3.0.1 6/30/94 by
McAfee Associates, Inc. Help desk/trouble
ticket system EVAL. Version. Req: Win 3.1
MAILINFO.ZIP Yes 15355 09-02-94
MAILINFO v1.4 - Mail statistics for
MIDIMT20.ZIP Yes 5626 06-08-94
Graphic Monitor to control the activity of a
MIDI network.
MTINI122.ZIP Yes 30672 09-22-94
MAINTINI is a small DOS based prg. Which lets
you modify any kind of INI-Files from the DOS
commandline. Usefull for networks, just place
it in the login-script. ! New Version 1.22 !
NAS405SW.ZIP Yes 133208 07-13-94
Network version of our Appt. Scheduler-
NAS v4.05 is a NetBios network version of
our popular Appointment Scheduler programs.
Cut, Copy, Paste options, Today-At-A-Glance
feature and much more. Many new features
for ease of use and expanded functions.
NETCHESS.ZIP Yes 45959 06-28-94
NETCHESS.ZIP>Verson 1.1 Use NetChess to play
Chess across your network or across a phone
line. Windows Graphics, Timed Moves. Fully
Working, Netware compatible. Registered
Version $1995! Any Windows PC, Modem
NETPM105.ZIP Yes 260496 07-21-94
NetPM v1.05 is a LAN Server 3.0
Administrator's tool and performance monitor
NETWORD.ZIP Yes 72135 09-27-94
NetWord lets you create, use and cancel all
your network connections, right from within
Word for Windows 6.0; 09/27/94; Merlot Int'l.
PPLAN107.ZIP Yes 10375 10-02-94
PPoint - Professional Point MODULE
Optional LAN support module allows
mail transfers on local area networks.
SPRWHO.ZIP Yes 5659 04-15-94 Netware: SUPERWHO.EXE list supervisor equivs
SRVST211.ZIP Yes 35855 06-07-94
ServSet v2.11: program that sets the time on
a Novell server to that of the PC from which
it is invoked; works w/all versions of Novell
up to & including 4.01; has options to check
for backjumps and other options.
STRIP211.ZIP Yes 59891 05-26-94
STRIPIT 2.11 by Starship Trooper Network2
preprocessor to remove ANSI, tagline etc.,
from incoming net packets. Fast.
UUCOD314.ZIP Yes 175537 08-06-94
Uucode version 3.1.4 compuserve award-winning
uucode will allow a workgroups 3.1/3.11
equipped pc to send/recv. communication links
or network.