28 files found in Library "Offline Mail"

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
1STSCRNS.ZIP No 7905 10-02-94
Screens for 1stReader Offline Mail Reader.�
Included in this archive are 6 pictures that
can be used as popup menu backgrounds
ADDNAME.ZIP Yes 17634 08-05-94
1ST READER UTILITY: This program will add
user names to your user name listings, you
can select TO/FROM and which file to append
the name to.
ALTCTRL3.ZIP Yes 23013 08-15-94
Creates the CONTROL.ALT file supported by
1stReader version 2.00. Allows conference
descriptions up to 80 characters long. V3.
APGP212.ZIP Yes 142422 07-25-94
OFFLINE AUTOPGP v2.12 - Offline e-mail
encryption with PGP. Supports QWK, SOUP,
ASCII, XBoard and Offliner. Encrypts,
decrypts and signs messages or part(s)
of a message; inserts/extracts public
keys and ascii armoured files + much
more! Requires PGP version 2.3a, 2.6,
2.6ui, 2.6n or 2.7. Shareware: $10.
ATAG102.ZIP Yes 25216 08-10-94
v1.02) Add a tagline. Add a tagline to your
GoldEd, TimEd or FrontDoor message.
BLUEQ153.ZIP Yes 46662 09-15-94
BlueQWK 1.53: BlueWave QWK converter. Gives
QWK mailreaders the ability to read and write
messages created by the BlueWave mail door.
DTHV350.ZIP Yes 110414 08-02-94
DTH - The Doctors Tagline Handler V3.50
Shareware version of a great tagline handler
by David Rawsthorne. Supports over 100
billion taglines, INS, DEL, Modifying, Moving
and Copying of taglines, and more! $25 reg
DVTAG101.ZIP Yes 10423 09-26-94
DvTAG v1.01 - DOS utility: Divide TAGfile at
specified line length (filter tags which are
too long for your reader). Freeware (c) 1994
[94/09/26] by DDA - Reign Ware. W/PAS source.
Formerly SLMT. Easier to use and more robust.
F2SPD100.ZIP Yes 14787 09-14-94
1st2SPD v1.00 - DOS Utility: Converts OLMR
folders from 1st to SPEED (v1.40) format.
Freeware (c) 1994 [94/09/14] by DDA - Reign
Ware. W/ Pascal source. Very slick and easy!
FIDOQ124.ZIP Yes 286265 10-04-94
FidoQWK 1.24: QWK Fido echomail converter
Echo messages between FidoNet and QWK-type
GETNAME.ZIP Yes 6913 08-01-94
GetName 1.00 for 1stReader. Gets the name of
the current message's author and save it to
the 1stReader address list. Donated into the
public domain by Sparky.
GNOME103.ZIP Yes 51677 08-18-94
GNOMES v1.03, DOS utility: random tagline
displayer. Freeware (c) 1994 [94/08/18] by
DDA - Reign Ware. Continuous or single mode.
W/.PAS source. Enhanced, w/2000 Trek gnomes.
O2SPD102.ZIP Yes 15889 09-14-94
OLX2SPD v1.02 - DOS Utility: Converts OLMR
folders from OLX to SPEED (v1.40) format.
Freeware (c) 1994 [94/09/14] by DDA - Reign
Ware. W/ Pascal source. Very slick and easy!
OMX100.ZIP Yes 285631 10-10-94
Offline Mail Executive v1.00 [DOS]. Allows
points and mail-only nodes to use a Blue Wave
compatible offline mail reader to read/write
messages. No more do you need both a point
package and an offline reader. FIDO.
PBLOS230.ZIP Yes 40684 09-11-94
PGPBLUE is an interface program, which
interfaces PGP with The Bluewave Offline Mail
Reader. Features En/Decrypting Posting/Adding
Public Keys. Automatic detection of Encrypted
messages and Public keys.
PPQWK120.ZIP Yes 101049 10-01-94
PPoint - Professional Point MODULE Optional
QWK support module allows QWK access using
PPoint's efficient message database system.
PXT_3_12.ZIP Yes 21278 07-13-94
PXT is a tagline program that will place
randomly selected taglines (from a list you
create) into your Echomail or Netmail.
Pgm can handle up to2.4 billion lines of text
QWKESPEC.ZIP Yes 5161 10-12-94
<<< Extended QWK (QWKE) Specifications >>>
Royalty-free!!! See how two simple files
can make "QWK" a format to last the times.
Fully backward compatible with _all_ "QWK"
mail doors/readers. Support for netmail,
file attaches, file requests, remote
maintenance, area information and more!!!
QWKTALK4.ZIP Yes 468041 09-16-94
Pegasus software's qwktalk 4.0. Worlds' only
talking e-mail reader!
SNAGTG31.ZIP Yes 27109 04-21-94
SnagTag Plus V3.10 - The premium tagline
snagger for the 1st Reader offline mail
TAG33000.ZIP Yes 614473 03-16-94 33,000 Taglines - no dupes!
TAGD086.ZIP Yes 67511 06-16-94
TagDUDE - V.086 - Awesome Tagline Manager!
Newest Version - 6/94.
TIMC_110.ZIP Yes 30688 03-16-94
TIMCOLOR v1.10. A tiny utility to create your
configuration for the message-reader timEd.
TTHIEF21.ZIP Yes 33197 08-22-94
1st Reader Utility: Tag Thief V2.01 Fixed
Mouse Bug. Steals Taglines in 1st,
UQWKSEL.ZIP Yes 13307 09-06-94
Internet- Uqwk Selector program. Read Extra.
"us", which is short for "uqwk selector"