PROGRAM: CCaMeter 1.0 - Central Coast Associates DESCRIPTION: OS/2 CPU Usage Display. WPS program. Displays amount of CPU being used on a SMALL Bar Graph located at bottom/left corner of DestTop screen. Amount of CPU capacity being used is red portion of bar. Amount of CPU capacity still available is green portion of bar. Uses small amount of memory and almost no CPU time. USAGE: 1 Indicates problem in a Program when Meter stays 80-100% Red due to program in a loop, a file read/write run away problem, program bug or possible system problem. 2 Indicates when CPU capacity is being exceeded due to number of CPU intensive programs running. 3 Indicates CPU usage during file up/down loads (modem). 4 Gives the user a general indication of his systems performance. 5 Indicates system still running when an application misbehaves. NEEDS: 1 OS/2 2.X or greater. INSTALLATION: Uses INSTALL.CMD 1 Will Create directory and copy files into it. Files: CCaMeter.exe README.TXT LICENSE.TXT REGISTER.TXT INSTALL.CMD 2 Will create program icon on DeskTop. Example: 1 Change to drive files are on. 2 CD to directory files are in. 3 Enter 'INSTALL' SETUP: CONFIG.SYS: None Required. REMARKS: Program Control dialog is activated by placing cursor(arrow) on Meter Bar and clicking mouse button 1. Help Option explains controls(2) used in dialog.