New in File Commander/2 v1.2 ---------------------------- New Features o FC/2 internal editor now uses PM clipboard for easy exchange of text between programs. o Reversal of sort order selectable from Left/Right menu. o Ctrl '-' changes to previously viewed directory. o Progress indicator on file copy and move o Editor now supports Ctrl-Del, Ctrl-Backspace for deleting words. o Simple auto-indent added to editor. o Calulation of a directory tree's disk usage. o User menu commands can be executed for each tagged file. o Local user menus Minor Enhancements o In Alt-F5 popup, pressing number key allows quick activation of a directory. o Many errors now have a 'Retry' option. o Page Up/Down in viewer move the view by one line less than the screen allowing easier continuation of reading. o Home, End, Page Up/Down operate on File Find results. o When fullscreen, FC/2 can now use any number of lines supported by your video card instead of the previous restriction of 25,28,43,50,60. o Numlock now works properly for windowed sessions. o Cut, paste and other functions now work with numeric keypad if Numlock is off. o "cd.." (no space in between) will now work on FC/2 command line. o Shift-F1 quick key to view the manual. o Most operations interuptable using ESC. Bug Fixes o In editor, when moving from the end of a long line to a shorter one, the whole current line could be off the left of the screen. o Ctrl-J died if directory was empty. o Fixed running without PM (would die in v1.11) o Pasting to a line >1024 chars would crash fc2. o Stored Path wasn't central in 132 column mode. o In viewer, when search finds text in a column > 80 it would not be correctly highlighted. o In editor, 'search again' (Shift-F7) wouldn't start from the correct column if the view was displaced horizontally. o Alt-224 wouldn't insert character 224.